InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blood ❯ Abyss ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Author's Notes:
Happy November. Now that my own personal version of hell has started, AKA school, I'm a little behind on finding time to work on updating. Between studying and going to work…man…neuroscience is hard…
But anyway, I did manage to find some time late at night to write. I should REALLY be sleeping. But I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
Also, another of my favorite numbers is coming! Wonder who'll grab fifteen.
WARNING: This story is very graphic. If you're too squeamish, don't read.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor do I take any credit for Romiko Takahashi's genius, but I thank her for making such enjoyable characters to write about.
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REVIEWERS: Once again I'd like to give a shout-out to you awesome people for your awesome feedback.
@ SPLENDID GODDESS: Damn it woman stop spoiling me! Also congrats on snagging tenth review! This chapter is dedicated to you! I just know that I'm going to be upset when you stop reviewing. But anyway, thanks SO much for your input on the new summary, I'm glad you liked it! As for Kagome being embarrassed in the last chapter, well she's not used to public shows of affection in the actual show, so there you go.
@ BABSIE_BR: And I need to slowly write about those three things so you can get your answers! You'll know eventually what and who and why, but you'll have to stick around to find out…thank you for the review though I loved the way you wrote it, it was so funny!
@ UNISTAR: Stick around and the answers will come slowly! Also, Lucy burning the bones…hmmm…maybe, I don't know, well actually I do, but telling you would ruin the fun! Also, glad you liked the Inu/Kag fluff. More to come, stick around and thanks for your input, I really appreciate it!
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Chapter Four: Abyss
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They flew up the stairs and into Kouga's room, throwing the door open to stare at the bed. With red, wide eyes, Kouga thrashed in his sheets, his claws ripping into the matress. The more he struggled, the more the sheets wrapped around him and he grew even more frantic as the fabric constricted around his legs and torso. Spots of red stained the cloth, and it didn't take long for the family to realize that he was reopening open his wounds.
It was Kouga's men who reached him first. They grabbed hold of his arms and legs, trying to get him to stop moving. “Kouga! It's us, what's wrong?”
But he wasn't listening. He eyes darted back and forth as though he were looking at something move across the ceiling. He kicked and punched, hitting several of his men away from him. Seeing that he wasn't about to stop struggling, Sesshoumaru raised his hand and suddenly Kouga went rigid. His arms and legs pinned to his sides, and, for moment, he seemed to be calm, but beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead, and the frenzied look in his eyes didn't disappear.
“Someone sedate him, now!” Sesshoumaru boomed. A moment later, a soft voice drifted into the room. The soothing melody of the song made Kouga's eyes drift closed and he finally seemed to be at peace. Sesshoumaru let his hand drop and took in a deep breath. “Thank you, Lilliana.” He huffed.
“What was that?” Said one of Kouga's men. The three demons looked at each other silently and then glanced back at Kouga.
“Toji, do you think he was re-experiencing the attack?” Said another of Kouga's men.
Toji shook his head. “How should I know?”
“Perhaps,” Rukiya interjected, “ he was experiencing post-traumatic stress.”
Toji looked alarmed. “Is he going to be like this forever?”
“I can't be sure. Perhaps he was still half dreaming, or re-experiencing the attack.”
“You're a psychic right? Can't you read his thoughts and check?”
Rukiya glanced at Kouga and then shook her head. “No, I don't sense any thoughts from him now; he's fully unconscious. And I didn't hear anything when he was awake either.”
Toji growled, brought up hands up to his head and grabbed fistfuls of his shaggy, black hair. “Then what are we supposed to do? Wait until he wakes up screaming again? We'll never get any answers like this and there could be more of those freaks running around outside! Our families could be in danger!”
“Silence.” Sesshoumaru said in warning.
“Don't tell me to be quiet while you just stand there doing no-”
Bill and Christiano grabbed hold of him and forced him to lie on the floor and though neither man had done anything to harm Toji, the gesture spoke volumes for how far he'd almost gone. “I believe the King told you to relax. We can't exactly think with you getting hysterical.”
As Toji begrudgingly came to a stand, Rukiya turned toward Sesshoumaru and said, “I really don't like waiting. The sooner we can get information from Kouga, the better.”
“What do you suggest?”
“If I can't get answers from his thoughts, maybe I can get answers from his memories.”
Suddenly everyone in the family looked at Kagome. She shook her head, knowing what they were going to ask of her. Kagome hesitated, looking down at her hands. She could touch Kouga and look into his memories, but what if what he saw wasn't helpful? She'd be breaking into his mind, violating his thoughts. “I'd rather not look into another person's mind without their permission.” She said.
“While you stand there having doubts, there are nightwalkers out there who are in danger. Now is not the time for petty self-righteous beliefs.” Rukiya replied in a sharp tone. Kagome looked at her in surprise only to see that Rukiya stared back with her arms crossed and her face grim. “Well?”
She swallowed. She hadn't used her power in ten years and she still got shivers from thinking about all the horrible memories she'd seen when she'd used her power to attack people in the war. Yet, try as she might, she couldn't argue with Rukiya's logic. Privacy or not, what she saw could help them prevent more attacks, even if she were to break into someone's most cherished retreat. She walked over to where Kouga was sleeping on the bed. Taking a breath, she placed her hands on his forehead and chest, waiting for his memories to flood her mind. Instantly, something came into head, but it wasn't a memory, it wasn't a vision, there was no sight, no sound, no…nothing, just the sudden feeling of unbearable fear and despair.
Kagome screamed. She stumbled backward, skittering away from the bed. She back hit the wall, and she could do nothing but breathe as she looked around the room, seeing nothing but darkness.
“Kagome?” She could hear his voice vaguely in the distance, but there was no way to see him in the blackness that surrounded her. She felt her knees buckle and then a sensation that was like falling and then…
Warmth. It was the only thing she felt other then blackness. Opening her eyes, Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha's worried face peering down at her. She blinked, trying to move her head but her mate placed a hand on her forehead. “Easy.” He said. “You blacked out.”
Kagome shook her head, trying to raise her hand, to tell him what she saw, but he placed a hand on her lips to shush her. “Later.” He said.
“No, Inuyasha, it was…” She moved her hands, trying to explain.
“It was what?” Came Sesshoumaru's voice. “What did you see?”
“Hey, maybe we should wait before-”
“Let her speak, Inuyasha.”
Kagome breathed in, trying to understand her surroundings, trying to make sense of the undulating shapes that were slowly coming into focus. “There was nothing.” She spoke automatically, as if to remind herself that she was able to, that there was someone there who could hear her. “No thought, no sound, nothing. It was like…being dead maybe. I was scared, like I'm being watched, like I could die at any time, like there's…”
“Like there's what?” Sesshoumaru pressed.
Kagome swallowed. Her throat felt tight, as though she were fighting back tears. And yet, her eyes had no water in them, her body had no warmth, and she felt nothing but terror. “It was like there was someone out there, watching me right now, with the power to end my life in a second, the power to make me suffer without mercy, like at any moment, I'd be gone.”
If the rest of the family were silent, Kagome didn't notice. She didn't hear or see, even though her eyes and ears were open. She was unaware that the family spoke amongst themselves for a while until they left the room one by one. All she focused on was clearing of head of the sudden emptiness that filled it. She held onto to something, someone, warm for a while. She felt movement but she didn't register it. She heard breathing but she didn't know if it was hers or someone else's. In that moment, she was sure; she could almost sense that she knew the answer, as though she knew what was coming and why nightwalkers were being attacked. It was a kind of confidence she couldn't describe; she knew everything that was going to happen even though she couldn't put it to words. And the moment she'd focus on it, the thoughts were gone, disappearing into the void in her head.
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When she opened her eyes, the first thing she felt was confusion, then hunger pain, and then annoyance. She glared at the ceiling until it finally dawned on her that she was in her room. Rolling over, Kagome saw Claire jump up from the chair she'd been sitting in. She ran over to Kagome and slowly waved her hand back and forth, as though trying to see if Kagome could follow her movements. Kagome narrowed her eyes at her. “What are you doing?”
Claire jumped as though Kagome's voice was a sound she'd never heard before. Then she took a deep breath and smiled. “Good, I was worried that you were going to go crazy again.”
Kagome sat up. She shook her head, trying to remember what had happened before she's fallen asleep, but all that was in her head was a blur. “What do you mean `go crazy?'” She said finally.
Claire folded her hands in front of her. “Well, when you touched Kouga, you suddenly went pale and started looking left and right like you were a rabbit being hunted. Then you tried to run out of the room but fainted.”
Kagome bit her lip. “Then what happened?”
“Inuyasha carried you here. You know, that was some freaky stuff you said.”
“What did I say?”
Claire blinked at Kagome and then sat down at the edge of her bed and tilted her head to the side. “You don't remember? All that stuff about being watched and the feeling that you could die?”
Kagome stared dumbfounded at Claire for a moment and then gasped as images flashed through her head. Then came the feeling of fear and Kagome wanted to shy away from it, to hide from the nameless, forceless terror that was invading her mind. Suddenly, something warm was on her hand, and Kagome whipped her head around, only to stare at Claire's worried face.
“Hey, don't freak out of me now.” Claire said.
Kagome squeezed Claire's fingers. She buried her face in her other hand, trying to make sense of her emotions. Whatever it was that Kouga had seen wasn't a memory. Perhaps he was remembering a moment where he felt completely powerless or a time when he almost died. Whatever it was, Kagome never wanted to experience it again.
And she wanted answers. What could cause such a horrible experience? While she had never experienced death, Kagome had seen lots of it. She'd killed nightwalkers and drones in the past; she'd seen the desperate look in their eyes before death finally stole them away. Was that what it felt like? But what she'd felt was indescribable: a whirlpool of loneliness and paranoia. Did the nightwalker attacks cause this? And if they did, how are physical attacks able to induce such a terrible void? Kagome felt terrified when she thought about the answer, but she knew that she had to find out the truth. Something was going to happen, something awful…and Lucy knew what it was.
“I'm okay Claire.” She held Claire's hand in both of hers and tried to smile. “Sorry to worry you.”
Claire punched Kagome lightly on the shoulder and then gave her what looked like a very unsure smile. “Don't sweat it. It must have been pretty bad huh?”
Kagome shuddered. “You don't know the half of it…uh…So what did the family do?”
“They talked about it for a while. Rukiya thinks that what you saw was a feeling and not a memory, or maybe something that Kouga had just remembered. Either way, I'd say that this is some weird shit yo.”
“I thought Bill didn't like it when you use foul language.”
Claire made a face and turned away from Kagome to look at the door. Inuyasha walked into the room carrying some a glass container with some lumpy, red, thing in it.
Claire crossed her arms. “I can curse if I fucking want to.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and smirked, an impish look of challenge on his face. “Now that's not very becoming of a lady Claire. I should wash your mouth with soap.” Claire's face went from pink to red and finally to a pasty blue color. “Why you…listen here you ba-”
“How are you feeling?” Inuyasha asked Kagome before Claire unleashed her verbal fury on him.
“I'm okay.” Kagome said, taking the container from Inuyasha. “What is this?”
“Lamb. Thought you'd bee hungry after sleeping for almost two nights.” He said as Kagome began to cut pieces off the meat and chew.
“Don't-” Claire began.
Kagome swallowed at stared at her mate with wide eyes. “I was out for two nights?”
“Hey, I was talk-”
“Yeah I was starting to worry.” Inuyasha, trying to keep his face even but his the corners of his lips curved a little upward.
“Damn it, dog-boy, stop ignoring me!” Claire yelled, hitting Inuyasha on the back of the head. Kagome almost chocked.
“You brat!” Inuyasha turned on her. “Can't you take a fucking joke?”
“Enough with this lady crap! I hear it from Bill, and now I hear it from you! I'm over sixty! I don't like being babied! Just because I LOOK fifteen doesn't mean I-”
“Fine, you're over sixty, don't you think you should be acting your age?”
“You're one to talk! You're WAY older then I am and you have the second biggest potty mouth in the whole family!”
Kagome wanted to shake her head and ask where this whole tirade came from, but instead, she couldn't help but ask, “Who's the first?” Inuyasha and Claire didn't hear her.
“Listen you brat-”
“What? You gonna spank me?”
“Not a bad idea.” Inuyasha lunged at her, grabbing her by the waist and then turning her around. Claire stepped on his foot, and then jammed her elbow into his stomach, making him stagger just enough for her to get free. Once she was out of his hold, she jumped backward, glaring at him. “Oh you asshole! You were going to do it weren't you?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “I would have if you would just hold…still!” He pounced at her again and she slipped out of his way by ducking down and tripping him with her leg.
Kagome sighed, watching them run around the room like a pair of six year olds. She had the sudden urge to put Inuyasha in a corner; it seemed befitting for his childishness. She ate her meal in silence, watching the show until Inuyasha had Claire pinned to the floor. He was holding her arms behind her back, twisting them.
“Owww! Leggo!” Claire whined, her voice muffled because her cheek was pressed against the floor.
“Try and hit me again and I swear I'm going to-”
“Uncle, uncle! You win! Let go god damn it!” Claire yelped, trying to pull her arms free.
“I'm waiting for an apology.” Inuyasha clicked his teeth.
“You know, Inuyasha, sometimes you can be really exhausting.” Kagome said.
“Tell me about it.” Claire huffed, still struggling to get free.
“Excuse me?” Inuyasha looked from Claire to Kagome.
“Do you always have to embarrass people that tease you?” Kagome said coolly, pushing the sheets away from her legs to stand.
“She smacked ME upside the head.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “And just who was teasing her first?” She said. “First you pounce on me for calling you clumsy and now this?” She walked up to them. “Let her go.”
“You? Clumsy?” Claire laughed. “What'd you do? Trip on flat ground…owww!”
Kagome smacked her mate on the cheek and then hooked her arms under his and pulled him off Claire. “Knock it off! What are you, ten?” She huffed.
Claire wasted no time in getting to her feet and glaring at Inuyasha. “You're can be real immature sometimes. You even pounce on Kagome when she's teasing you?”
Inuyasha looked over his shoulder to Kagome, smirking. Kagome gasped, “You're not going to-”
“That wasn't a pounce Claire, it was more like a-mph!”
“Shut up!”
Claire stared as Kagome tried to keep Inuyasha from talking by wrapping one arm across his waist and covering his mouth with her hand. Inuyasha struggled to get her to let go without digging his claws into her arms or flipping her over. Meanwhile, Kagome was gritting her teeth to keep him from escaping.
“What's going on?” Claire said, her mouth opening slightly, as she stared at them struggle awkwardly to restrain each other without the use of physical violence.
“N-nothing Claire. He's just being an idiot.” Kagome said quickly.
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, and he finally managed to jerk his face away from Kagome's hand. “Idiot? I wasn't the one was wasn't watching where she was going!”
“Shut up, I was deep in thought!” Kagome looked at him desperately.
Claire sighed. “Is this about you two making love in the hallway earlier.”
Inuyasha smirked and Kagome let him go so that she could cover her face. “Bingo.”
“Inuyasha stop! We weren't m-making anything Claire, I-”
“Whoa, you know what you guys do is your own business. I really think I should go, glad you're feeling better, Kagome.” Claire turned toward the door. When she was gone, Kagome tacked Inuyasha to the ground. Straddling his waist, she grabbed his collar and started shaking him.
“You moron! Why'd you do that?”
Inuyasha laughed. “I haven't seen your face get that red since…I can't remember when.”
“AHH! Do you HAVE to make fun of me like that! Thanks to you, now Claire thinks I'm some kind of exhibitionist or something!”
Inuyasha placed his hands on Kagome's wrists, pushing her hands away from his shirt collar. “Well, at least you don't look like a deer in the headlights anymore.”
“And another thing, why do you-” Kagome stopped. “Wait you were teasing me to make me feel better?”
Inuyasha smiled sheepishly. “Maybe, that and I like messing with you and Claire.”
Kagome's face lit up with a half annoyed, half embarrassed pout. “Couldn't you have done that when she wasn't here?” She signed, standing up.
“And ruin the fun? You're kidding.” Inuyasha patted his lower back as he came to a stand.
Kagome crossed her arms petulantly. “I see that you exchanged your guilt and kidnapping for some immaturity in the last ten years.”
He growled, pulling her close so that her breasts brushed against his chest. He'd moved so fast that Kagome couldn't help but let out a squeak when he grabbed her chin and made her look up at him. “Would you stop mentioning that?” He looked down at her seriously and Kagome hated herself for reminding him about the particulars of their past. “Sorry.” She looked away.
“I won't mention it anymore if you stop making me look like a sex-crazy maniac in front of Claire.” She smiled timidly, hoping to bring back some of the earlier cheer she'd seen on his face.
Inuyasha sighed, smiling slightly. “I'll stop teasing you in front of Claire.” Then the seriousness returned to his face as he looked toward the wall.
“What is it?” Kagome asked as she turned to toward the direction he was looking.
“Never mind. I was just thinking.” He let her go. “So do you feel better now?”
“Uh, yeah. You don't have to worry about that, I'm not mad at you for teasing me anymore.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “No, I mean about earlier, when you uh…”
“Oh,” Kagome rubbed her arms, trying not to look at his face, afraid that her nervousness would appear in her eyes. “I must have really freaked you guys out huh?”
Inuyasha looked as though he wanted to say something, he seemed to move forward toward her and raise his hand to reach for her for a moment but then he stepped backward again. “That stuff you said. If that's what Kouga feels…the fuck is going on? These attacks and now this?”
Kagome wondered what he wanted to try and do before he pulled back, and why he seemed so unhappy, but before she could even think about how to reply, a knock was heard on the door.
“What is it?”
“Inuyasha?” Came Lilliana's voice. Inuyasha went to open the door and Lilliana stepped inside.
“Oh good, you're awake.” Lilliana smiled when she saw Kagome. She went to her and placed her hands on Kagome's shoulders. “Scared me for a moment there.” Kagome patted Lilliana's hand, “Didn't mean to make you worry.”
Lilliana smiled reassuringly. “That must have been a really bad memory.”
“That reminds me.” Kagome began. “What happened to Kouga after I fainted?”
“Well, he hasn't gotten up since. His wounds are almost healed though. Sesshoumaru and Kagura decided that they'll send Kouga's men back to their family with Christiano and Bill. If Kouga doesn't wake up by tomorrow, he's going to stay here until we can figure out what's wrong with him.”
“There's no news about the attacks?” Kagome asked.
“Nothing new.” Lilliana said. “I hope we get to the bottom of this soon.” She sighed.
Kagome secretly agreed with her, but deep down, she knew that the only way was to get answers from Lucy. She just hoped that the next time she met with her, Lucy would be ready to tell her what she knew.
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When Kouga didn't wake up the next day, Bill and Christiano took Kouga's men back to their families. When they were gone, Sesshoumaru brought the family together for a meeting. Sitting in the lounge, Sesshoumaru looked upon all of them gravely. “We must get a handle on the situation and while I'm not very inclined to separate, we must get word to the other leader families about these attacks and the possible emotional trauma they may cause.”
“Who will you send?” Kagura asked.
“As much as I hate staying idle, it is in my best interest to stay where I am. If anything were to happen, it will be easier for nightwalkers to reach me if I am in one place. However, I will send Inuyasha to notify Kanna and her family. So far, we've only had small attacks in this area and a few in the east, near Kagome's old home. Nevertheless, the leader families should be wary.”
“Let me go with Inuyasha.” Rukiya said. “I've seen the extent of how these attacks affect the body.”
“Very well.” Sesshoumaru said. “As for the rest of you.” He looked over the family members one by one, “You are not to leave this house unless I allow you to.”
The family members nodded in understanding. “As for you, Kagome.” She jumped slightly when his eyes settled on her. “Although you have suffered and given us some insight on the effects of the attacks, I believe you are feeling better now?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then see to it that you help Natalia with guarding. If you are capable, you must carry your own weight.”
Then Sesshoumaru waved his hand, dismissing them. When he, Kagura, Inuyasha and Rukiya were alone, he faced his brother with an impatient expression.
“I will ask you to take extra care. I do not care for useless family members, and there is not much I can do with a corpse.”
“Gee, thanks, you're kingliness.” Inuyasha growled.
“That goes for you as well.” Sesshoumaru said to Rukiya.
“I promise to return.” Rukiya replied. “Shall we go, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha nodded and opened the door for Rukiya. As he turned toward the door, he saw Sesshoumaru pull Kagura to him and whisper, “This ordeal is really teetering on the edge of my patience.”
Inuyasha walked out, leaving them. When he exited the house, Kagome ran up behind him, panting. “You're leaving already?”
“Yeah, duty calls.”
Kagome shook her head. “Just promise to care of yourself and be safe.”
Inuyasha smirked. “This is me, remember? I'll be fine.”
Rukiya waved her arm from across the clearing. “Don't worry Kagome. I'll make sure his mouth doesn't get him in trouble.”
“You take care too.” Kagome added as Inuyasha and Rukiya disappeared into the mountains.
Once she couldn't get hold of their scent anymore, she continued her walk around the perimeter, thinking about the meeting. Sesshoumaru had mentioned that the attacks were localized in this area and, when Inuyasha had come to get her, he'd said that the attacks were moving east. Why did it seem like attacks were only happening here? Was it because these nightwalkers were in to terrorize only the king's family? Was that why some attackers were moving east, to where Kagome had been staying before? She hoped that the attacks weren't spreading, for Rukiya and Inuyasha's sake.
Kagome kicked at the dirt. Not knowing why this was happening, when or how to stop it was beginning to really irk her, especially since there were more and more questions then answers. If only there was a way she could leave the house without the family noticing. She was very tempted to find Lucy, but, at the same time, she didn't want to venture far from the family on her own. The attacks were very devastating; even though Kouga and his men had outnumbered their attackers, they had barely escaped with their lives. And Kagome wasn't in the mind to wander out on her own when the stakes were so high.
If you're in danger, you can reach me with your mind.”
Kagome moaned. “What's the use of hearing my thoughts when you don't answer!” She snapped. She had tried to call Lucy with her thoughts, but Lucy never responded and Kagome had felt as though she were being ignored. For once, she was beginning to understand why Inuyasha felt so frustrated ten years ago. Having all this nightwalker power and still being unable to do anything about the danger was indeed very irritating.
“How's everything on your end?” Came a call from the distance.
“Fine!” Kagome yelled back to Natalia. “I'm going to keep walking around.”
“Be careful!”
“You too!”
Kagome slapped her cheeks as she patrolled. “Snap out of it, you're on guard duty!” She said to herself. Keeping her senses clear, She walked around the mansion, trying to focus on any possible danger. But the more she tried to concentrate, the more the questions invaded her thoughts. Then suddenly, there was a rustle in the distance. Kagome turned her attention toward the noise. The woods made it hard to discern the scent, but she knew a nightwalker was close. Sound came from her left and Kagome brought up her fists. She was about to call Natalia to warn her when the nightwalker walked into the clearing.
“You're…Toji?” Kagome brought down her hands, blinking to make sure it really was Kouga's friend. “I thought Bill and Christiano took you back to your family?”
“I left.” Toji said. “Right after they brought us back, I snuck out.”
“Why are you here?” She asked as he walked toward her. “And why did you come alone, it's dangerous.”
Toji shook his head. “You don't understand. I can't just, stand around with my family while these attacks are happening.”
“But you can't just-”
“I came back,” Toji continued fervently, “because I decided I'm going to stay with Kouga until he wakes up. I have to hear what he has to say.”
Kagome smacked him. “Moron. You think Kouga would be happy if you got hurt coming here? What if you were attacked?”
Toji stared at her incredulously. “You bitch. What would you know, huh? You're just like the rest of them your highness: telling us to wait and stand around while you do nothing.”
Kagome felt the urge to hit him again but instead she took a deep breath. “Listen. I do know how you feel, trust me. I hate not being able to do anything, and I'm sorry I couldn't help you figure out what was wrong with your leader, but trust me when I say that the family will do whatever they can to make him better and that we are trying to get a grasp on the situation.”
“Well I wish you'd do it soon! People could be dying right now! What if Kouga never wakes up! What if he's insane forever? What then, huh? And you, you're telling me that he's suffering right now, all that `I could die at any moment' bullshit, and you think I can just stand around?” Toji reached to grab her shirt. “Tell me I'm wrong then.”
Kagome grit her teeth, trying her best to keep calm. “Wouldn't Kouga want you to be there to protect his family? Think about it. Kouga's already hurt and we don't know what will happen to him, but you're here, and you're complaining that we're not doing anything right, when you should be back with your family, protecting them from the danger like Kouga would want you to do.”
Toji let go of her shirt and stared at the ground. “I know, dammit. I know you're right, but…but Kouga…what will our family do without him?”
Kagome placed a hand on Toji's shoulder. “Listen, I can take you inside and ask for Sesshoumaru to let you stay, but it would be better, if, after you see Kouga again, that you went back to your family. They need you.”
Toji looked at her. “Will you, take care of him, if I leave?”
Kagome nodded. “Thanks. I'll go in and-”
The sound of footsteps and grunts was heard in the distance, followed by a soft cry for help.
It was Natalia's voice. Glancing quickly at Toji, Kagome raced to the other side of the house. Two nightwalkers were attacking Natalia. Moving haphazardly, they slashed at her with vehemence, and, while Natalia was effortlessly jumping and ducking out of their reach, she barely escaped. Her arms and legs were covered in scratches, and the quickly, unpredictable attacks left her with no opening to retaliate.
“Those things,” Toji growled, “they're like the bastards that attacked Kouga!”
Toji ran straight to the fight, knocking one of the nightwalkers away from Natalia. The other nightwalker hardly noticed the change; he kept hacking and slashing at Natalia. Kagome ran forward, slicing the nightwalker across the chest and tackling him down into the ground. Fire erupted on Kagome's legs, the nightwalker dug his claws into her thighs and torso, and she grited her teeth from the pain, clawing and punching the nightwalker, but he didn't seem to be affected by her attacks. Nor did he feel them, he kept slashing at her arms and legs and Kagome felt agony sizzle in her wounds as his claws ripped into her skin. Within seconds after attacking the nightwalker, Kagome was already covered in her own blood. Her wounds burned with unimaginable pain, as though they were spitting her body open from the inside. Screaming, Kagome desperately flashed her fists onto the nightwalkers face, her nails digging into his skin, into his eyes. The nightwalker screamed, recoiling backward from her, covering its eyes. Kagome stumbled backward, panting, looking desperately back and forth at the fight.
In seconds, Natalia had recovered and gone back to attack the nightwalker Kagome had been fighting. But Kagome could barely see the battle; her eyes were blurry, her body burning as though swords were being pushed in through her wounds. She swayed as her eyes readjusted, just in time to see Natala be slashed from her shoulder to between her breasts, down to her side. As Natalia fell against the floor, writhing, Toji, covered in the blood of the nightwalker that lay dead behind him, came up behind the other nightwalker and grabbed his neck. He tightened his fingers, and the nightwalker's eyes widened as his air supply drained, struggling to remove Toji's hands. Yet Toji, his eyes blazing, only dug his claws further into the nightwalker's neck, drawing blood. But then the nightwalker did something so horrible, Kagome screamed. It brought up its arms, stretched its claws, and dug them into Togi's wrists and then, sliced off his hands.
Toji cried out, his eyes on his broken wrists, he stumbled backward, shaking, his eyes wide. The nightwalker came at him, slashing at his chest.
Kill him, take out his heart.”
“No!” Kagome screamed, not understanding how, or why, she knew what was coming next. She ran toward the nightwalker, clawing at its legs, its back, any place, anything to wound it, slow it down, but the nightwalker hardly budged. It turned on her, grabbed her face, it's claws digging into her forehead and cheeks, and then slammed her head into the ground.
Head spinning, face burning, her body weak and sizzling from intense torture, Kagome slowly, weakly raised her head just in time to see the nightwalker plunge its hand into Toji's chest. The sound of cracking, of Toji's guttural cry, and then the nightwalker stood, carrying Toji's heart. Unable to move her arms or legs, her head was pounding so badly, her body aching and weak, Kagome saw the nightwalker lovingly lick the blood off the heart. It bit in, devouring it like a starving monster. Kagome felt her stomach churn; she needed to move, she needed to get to Natalia and call for help. In one minute, one nightwalker had been killed and two were wounded.
She pushed herself to her knees and began to crawl to Natalia. She tried screaming for help, but her throat was filled with her own blood. Then the nightwalker was on her. It flipped her over and Kagome felt it, the void, the instance fear, the blackness that came upon her like a fog. All she felt was desperation, panic, it was coming, and she couldn't stop it and then…
There was no sound. Kagome lay there, staring but not seeing. Something was moving above her, it pulled the nightwalker off her and, out of the corner of her eye, she saw blood spill. Kagome moved her head, she could see a body, the familiar body of a woman with golden hair, but she couldn't understand who that was.
Then she could hear again, sound returned, and Kagome heard something grunt. Slowly, she began to understand. That was Natalia on the floor, bleeding. She turned her head. Two pairs of legs stood over another dead body without a head. Kagome watched as the body suddenly melted, flesh smoking and melting off the bones. The legs turned and Kagome watched as they walked toward her.
Then two men looked down at her. She recognized them. The young man with black hair bent and picked her up, making her rest her head against his shoulder. “P-put m-me down.” She wheezed. “Natalia…”
The young man that was holding her cocked his head in his partner's direction. The older man walked over to Natalia and gently picked her up. “She'll live.” He then carried her toward the manor, and then left her on the ground in front of the porch. “I can hear movement inside, they're coming.” Then he quickly made his way back to the young man that was holding Kagome. “Let's go.”
“No!” Kagome struggled, but her body was too weak, too tired, in too much pain to attack. She could feel her strength receding, her eyes closing on their own. “Na…needs help. D-damn you…put…me down!” Kagome begged, blackness invading her thoughts, her eyes closing.
The last thing she heard before she fainted was the young man say, “Sorry, I'm under orders. Chase, let's go.”
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Author's notes
Before you ask, this story going to be more violent then the last one. I hope no one is offended but it's rated X for a reason. You've been warned.
Anyway, I'm hoping that you enjoyed this chapter, it was originally to be divided into two parts, but because it's been a while since I uploaded for this story, I decided to make it a little longer then usual. I gotta say, this chapter was HARD, mostly because, well, I'm not very good at fight scenes or violence. But I really hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Reviews? Please?
See you next time, Jian.
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