InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blood ❯ Realization ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Author’s Note:
Hello, all.  Late chapter is lateÉbut I hope you enjoy it anyway.  And so begins the terrible disease called Òwriter’s block.Ó  I had been struggling with this chapter, and a bit of my own worries.  Either way, it’s here!  And I hope you like it better then the last oneÉbecause it didn’t seem to be too popular.  Can’t win every battle I guess.  Again, if this uploads again in that horrible format, I’m sorry.  I’m hoping to find another way to upload it correctly.
Oh, by the way, I updated the last chapter with a few new things.  
DISCLAIMER: I don’t take credit for genius that is Inuyasha, the manga and anime, which is property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz media.
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RE VIEWERS: All I can say is thank you guys so much!  You’re reviews really saved me on that last one.  Words cannot describe how much I appreciate the time you give to give me feedback.
@KAGOME01234567890: Thanks so much! I love your reviewÉand I love my cliffhangers.  And I wonder which interesting twist you’re talking about? And about NarekÉwho says he isn’t doing what you think he’s doing?  (wink)
@SPLENDID GODDESS:  You granted one of my wishes and now I’m going to grant one of yours.  Thank you infinity!  Also, I get the feeling that even if Kagome did try to sneak away by using the bathroom, Narek would have done something equally evil to counteract her planÉlike insist on going in with her, or worse, drag her into the men’s bathroom.  He’s tricky like that.
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Part Ten: Realization
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As the woman’s eyes traveled from Inuyasha to Kagome, her lips curled into a nasty smile.  ÒWho are you?Ó  Inuyasha demanded, stepping in front of Kagome.  
She bowed.  ÒAh yes, how rude of me.  You may call me Tsubaki.Ó
Kagome’s glared at her, angry at the fact that her seemingly respectful gesture didn’t match the air of condescension that radiated of her.  Thoughts toward this new woman, however, were suddenly cut short when Inuyasha moved.  His back and shoulders shook, and nervous, jerky movements replaced his cautious stance.  He began to whip his head around, looking around frantically.  
ÒWhat’s wrong?Ó  
ÒIt’s here.  The danger, it’sÉafter me?Ó  
Kagome didn’t have time to be confused because as soon as Inuyasha had finished speaking, she saw them.  Several dozen slaves had appeared behind Tsubaki.   Dead children swayed back and forth like boats on the water.  Yet, there was something new about these slaves.  Horns poked out their skulls, but they weren’t symmetrical bullhorns like that of a devil.  The horns were crooked, zigzagging out of their foreheads, by their ears, and out of the tops of their heads. Their eyes were nothing but a soulless black; there were no whites or pupils left.
ÒYou’re the one creating slaves!Ó  Kagome stomped out from behind Inuyasha, pointing a finger at Tsubaki.  
ÒSlaves?Ó  She laughed.  ÒWhat a fitting name.  Yes, you could say I am the one giving those foolish humans a chance to be more useful then just being cattle to feed from.Ó
Kagome was speechless.  She looked at the victims behind Tsubaki, and felt the sudden need to retch.  Some of them were twitching, as though they were struggling to stand still, and Kagome knew that it was by their master’s command that they hadn’t attacked yet.  ÒHow could you do such things to children!Ó
ÒAll I did was offer them a little juice.  It isn’t my fault they came back for more once they discovered what powers they would gain from it.Ó
ÒYou sick bitch.Ó  Inuyasha growled.  
Tsubaki shifted her gaze to Inuyasha.  Her smile faded, and she regarded him with nothing but cold indifference.  ÒI’m here for the girl.  Please save me the trouble and refrain from any ridiculous heroics.  It would be much easier to have my slaves feed when you’re not struggling.Ó
ÒIf you think I’m just going to stand here and let you-Ó
Tsubaki snapped her fingers.  Instantly, the slaves were in front of Inuyasha.  They clawed, snapped, snarled, and circled around him, slashing at him from all angles.  He jumped upward, trying to escape the sudden barrage of the bloodthirsty beasts, but the slaves jumped up after him, tackling him back down.
In the seconds that it had taken for the slaves to trap him and begin savagely ripping into him, Kagome ran forward, trying to help, but Tsubaki appeared in front of her and hit her hard in the stomach.  She doubled over, coughing.  The scent of her own blood reached her nose as red spittle flew from her mouth.  Tsubaki grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head backward and then slamming a fist into Kagome’s chest.  Kagome felt her ribs vibrate with a searing heat.  She fell to her knees, pressing her hands to her chest more spots of red flew from her mouth.           
ÒNo w be a good girl and-Ó Tsubaki’s feet turned.  Kagome used every ounce of strength she had to lift her head just in time to see Inuyasha wobble forward toward Tsubaki.  His body was splattered with blood.  Whether it was his or the slaves he had just beheaded, it was impossible to tell.  His stepped slowly toward Tsubaki.  ÒYou’re not going to touch her.Ó  He drew his arm back to strike, but then fell forward, and soon he was lying face down in the grass.
ÒNo!Ó  Kagome cried.  She reached out, grabbed Tsubaki’s ankle, and squeezed, feeling the crush of bone, and hearing Tsubaki’s howl right after.  She stumbled toward Inuyasha, hooking her arms underneath his armpits and pulling him up.  ÒWhy you!Ó  Tsubaki screamed, jumping toward her.  
Kagome reacted without thinking.  She let go of Inuyasha just in time to kick Tsubaki in the chest.  The woman was thrown off balance for only a second.  She landed on her uninjured foot, looked up furiously at Kagome and then, to Kagome’s surprise and relief, she turned around.   
ÒCome out, whoever you are.  I can sense you hiding in the distance.Ó
Kagome used this chance to reach Inuyasha and pick him up.  Unfortunately, when she stood, she found herself in the middle of a circle of slaves.  Behind the circle stood Tsubaki, with her palm up as though she had just motioned for an army to stop.  ÒCome out now.  You don’t want to put this girl’s life in any more danger then she’s already in, do you?Ó
Someone began clapping and Kagome turned toward the sound, watching as Narek slowly came forward.  When he was within ten feet of them, Tsubaki closed her fist, and the slaves surrounding Kagome suddenly snapped at the air, as though ready to jump into action should such a command be given.  Narek stopped in his tracks.
ÒWho are you?Ó
Narek’s lips curled back, revealing a toothy grin.
His arm blurred, and several whooshes were heard before Kagome found herself staring at what were once bodies with heads attached to them.  Narek twirled a thick knife between his fingers, staring at Tsubaki with a bored expression.  ÒI could easily put the next one between your eyes.Ó  He said.  Tsubaki took a step back, eyeing the knife in Narek’s hand.  ÒYou seem to prefer to sick your slaves on your enemies rather then jump at them yourself.  Why is that?Ó  
Narek jumped forward, his arm reaching out toward Tsubaki’s face.  She ducked to avoid his hand, thrusting her claws toward his stomach only to be thwarted when Narek grabbed her arm.  Then, with his free hand, he plunged another knife into her belly.  Tsubaki screeched.  She slapped a hand against Narek’s chest, pushing his away and breaking her arm, as Narek hadn’t let go when she shoved him.  Then she ran.  ÒEnjoy your reprieve while it lasts!  You have no idea what’s in store!  The slaves are only the beginning!Ó
Narek didn’t chase her.
ÒI can’t stop the bleeding!Ó  Came Kagome’s voice.  She was sitting with Inuyasha’s head in her lap, trying to cover his chest with her jacket.  
Narek reached for Kagome’s arm.  
Kagome jumped up punched him hard in the jaw.  He regained his balance quickly, grabbed both Kagome’s wrists when she kept throwing punches at him, and then twisted around behind her when she tried to kick him.  Kagome yelped as he squeezed her wrists hard.  ÒYou bastard!  This is your damn fault!  What, were you just waiting around, watching me and using me as bait?  Huh?  You left the store because you knew she was close by!Ó  
Snap.  Kagome grunted as one of her wrists cracked.  Narek pushed her down onto the floor, pressing her face into the dirt.  Kagome struggled, lifting her head just enough to see something shine in front of her.  She reached out, pulled the knife from the ground, threw it over her head.  Narek grunted in surprise, stepping backward to avoid the knife.  As soon as the pressure from his foot was off her back, Kagome used her chance to jump up and run toward Inuyasha.  But when she neared him, Kagome barely saw him breathing. All she could see on his chest was red, blood mixing with the rags that were once his shirt and jacket.  Kagome fell to her knees, covering her mouth.  ÒNoÉÓ    
Kagome turned around, watching as Narek made his way toward her.  Instantly she was back on her feet, stepping between Narek and her mate.  ÒYou are NOT going to hurt him!Ó
ÒOh, I don’t have to.  Those slaves already did that for me.Ó
Kagome looked down and picked up another one of Narek’s knives, pointing it him.  ÒI’m not going back without him.Ó   
ÒYour mate’s fate is of no consequence to me.  As for youÉÓ
Narek suddenly moved, and Kagome reacted without thinking.  She turned the knife on herself, pressing it into her chest, wincing as the tip drew a little blood from between her breasts.  Narek stopped in his tracks.  ÒYou owe me.Ó  Kagome hissed. The mixture of pain and anger added nastiness to her words. ÒYou used me to see who was following us, and you wanted to know for sure if they were after me.  You put me in danger, despite the fact that Lucy told you not to.  If I get hurt, it will be your ass she fries, wouldn’t it?Ó
Narek smirked.  ÒI owe you nothing.  As for Lucy, I have no real interest in her orders or her anger.  I saw an open opportunity and I took advantage of it.Ó  Narek’s smile grew into a more devilish one as he continued.  ÒHowever, it never crossed my mind that such an occasion would have been given by your friend’s delicious display earlier.Ó  He licked his lips.   
ÒYou went along with Lilliana’s plan to get Lucy to throw us out here so you could use me as bait?  How dare you!Ó
He shrugged.  ÒI’ll admit it was a bit far-fetched to hope that Lucy would allow you out using such a plan, but it worked out in the end.  As I said, I saw a chance and I took advantage of it, like I will do now.Ó
ÒWhat the hell are you talking about?Ó
ÒWe both know you wouldn’t really put that knife in your heart, and you can’t escape me with that dead weight.Ó  He cocked his head in Inuyasha’s direction.
Ò‘Dead weight?’ You sick bastard!Ó  
ÒI’ll make you a deal.Ó  He walked around her.  ÒI’ll take you and your mate back with me and I’ll even heal him for you.Ó
ÒWhat’s the catch?Ó   Kagome’s eyes followed him as he paced slowly back and forth in front of her.
ÒLet’s just say that you will owe me a favor in the future.Ó
ÒAnd I’m supposed to just trust that you won’t ask me to do something horrible when the time comes?Ó
Narek gave Inuyasha a cold look.  He stopped pacing and he extended his hand toward her.  ÒIt’s your call.  Whether you agree of not, I will take you back.  So the question is, how important is your mate’s life to you?Ó  
His uncaring expression, combined with the coldness of his words, was enough to make Kagome step back and look down at Inuyasha.
ÒHe will be dead within twenty minutes.Ó  Kagome’s attention snapped back toward Narek.  His back was to her as he pulled his knives out from the smoking bodies on the floor.  ÒSo what will it be?Ó
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Kagome rushed up the stairs after Narek.  She burst into the room just as Narek put Inuyasha down on a naked mattress.  Without even bothering to close the door behind her, Kagome ran forward.  Shaking, she watched Narek pull off the ripped clothes from Inuyasha’s chest.  And when her mate’s chest was bare, it was all Kagome could do not to scream.  Instead, the tears that she had been fighting against finally fell.  
Inuyasha’s chest was nothing but muscle and bone from his neck to his upper abdomen.  Muscles, ripped and dark red from the bleeding, were tangled with sinew, and the white of his ribs were visible between tears in his flesh, which opened and closed with his weak breathing.  It was as though someone had dragged him against the floor, the friction sandpapering off his flesh until only muscle, blood and cartilage remained.  In the midst of it all was a small red lump that was beating very faintly.  
Kagome stumbled backward, breathing raggedly and hacking.  She bent forward, feeling her tears fall off her face as her body was racked with dry heaves.  Suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder, slamming her upright against the wall.  Kagome breathed in to hack again, but Narek covered her face with a bloody hand.  ÒDon’t. You. Dare. Vomit.Ó  He growled.  Then let her go, and she sank to the floor, whipping Inuyasha’s blood off her mouth and chin.  
ÒGet up.Ó  
Automatically, Kagome did as she was told.  She went back toward the bed, forcing her eyes open and blinking only when her vision became blurry again.  Narek ignored her as he worked.  With a scalpel, he carved out several black pebbles from Inuyasha’s chest, throwing them into a container and Kagome flinched every time she heard the ÒtingÓ from the stone hitting the metal.  He then grabbed a pair of tweezers.  
ÒHold him down.Ó He told Kagome.  Biting her lip, Kagome placed her hands on Inuyasha’s shoulders.  Narek put the tweezers between two of Inuyasha’s rips.  Slowly, he started pulling the object out.  Kagome heard Inuyasha groan.  Then he arched his back as Narek pulled more of the long, black needle out of his body.  Suddenly, Inuyasha began to trash, slamming his chest up and down.  Kagome looked back at him in time to see his eyes open.  ÒYou!  Aaaaagh!Ó   
Inuyasha thrashed so hard, that the needle slipped from the tweezers.  Narek huffed.  He looked at Inuyasha and glared hard into his eyes.  ÒBe quiet and sleep!Ó  He shouted and Inuyasha went still.  ÒUgh.Ó  Narek swayed, pressing a hand against his forehead.  He shook his head.  Then he aimed a horrible scowl at Kagome, making her cringe.  ÒYour mate has a lot of desperate strength.Ó  He went back to pulling the needle of out Inuyasha’s body, and Kagome gasped when the three-inch claw was finally out.   
When he was finished cleaning the wound, Narek reached for a surgical knife.  Kagome expected him to cut out more teeth and nails out of Inuyasha’s body.  She stepped back in surprised when Narek cut into his own arm, from his wrist to his inner elbow.  He pressed his other hand over the cut, covering his palm with his own blood.  Then he licked his injured arm, and Kagome watched as the wound closed itself.  He rubbed his hands together and then placed them on Inuyasha’s chest.  Breathing in and out, Narek dragged his bloody hands over her mate’s open wound.  Kagome stared at his hands.  Either it was his blood or perhaps her eyes were blurry from all her tears, but Kagome saw a red glow coming from Narek’s hands.  She watched as the skin around Inuyasha’s wounds suddenly, and slowly moved, sliding over his ripped flesh and knitting back together as Narek dragged his hands down Inuyasha’s chest.  
When Narek pulled his hands away, pink, fresh skin covered Inuyasha’s chest.  He breathed in and out slowly and evenly.  Narek stepped back and looked down at the black on his hands.  He then looked at Kagome coldly.  ÒDon’t forget.  You owe me a favor.Ó
Then he was gone.      
The first thing that Kagome did was reach out and gingerly touch Inuyasha’s chest.  His skin was warm and spongy.  She immediately pulled her hand back.  Biting her lip, Kagome leaned forward on the bed and pressed her forehead against the mattress.  She heard the door behind her squeak open, and she smelled the familiar scent, but she didn’t move.  Even when she felt Lilliana’s warm hand pressed upon her back, Kagome couldn’t stop crying.  
ÒThis is all my fault.Ó  She whispered before Lilliana could say anything.
ÒI’m so weak.  I couldn’t even move to help him.Ó
ÒWhat happened?Ó  Lilliana asked gently, cupping Kagome’s face in her hands.  Kagome sniffed.  ÒWe were ambushed.Ó   
Lilliana listened to Kagome’s story.  When Kagome told Lilliana about the deal she made with Narek, Lilliana’s shoulders twitched upward but she didn’t say anything.
ÒThis happened because of me.  They were after me!  Because he was protecting me, he got hurt!  I was so stupid.  I never should have left the mall.  I thought if I could get away from human eyes, I could handle myself; maybe get to the family house while Narek was gone.  I was so dumb!  I should have known that they would be able to catch me better if I were in the open.  They’re so much stronger then I thought.  One punch from that bitch and I couldn’t move.Ó
ÒStop that!  This isn’t your fault!  If Narek hadn’t left out of nowhere, this never would have-Ó
ÒIt doesn’t matter what he did or didn’t do!Ó
ÒYes it does!  He was the one that used you as bait.  And Inuyasha would have been out looking for you.  Protecting those he cares about is in his nature.  He would have taken that hit for your whether those things were after you or not, so it doesn’t matter if they were after you in the first place.Ó
ÒThat’s the problem Lilliana!  He never would have been in danger if it weren’t for my stupid mistake in the first place.Ó  Kagome sobbed.
Lilliana rolled her eyes.  ÒListen to me.  Those things being after you is beyond your control.  And Inuyasha would protect you even from a butterfly if he had to.  The important thing is that he’s okay.Ó
ÒAnd he got hurt in the first place because of me.  Don’t speak!Ó  Kagome whipped her eyes.  ÒI’ve been lying to him for ten years.  I met Lucy years agoÉÓ
Lilliana looked confused.  ÒYou met her ten years ago?Ó
ÒYes.  And she had been visiting me from time to time for the last ten years.Ó
ÒWhy didn’t you tell us?Ó
ÒI didn’t think it was important!  I didn’t want the family to protect me over nothing.  I knew that Lucy would not a danger to me because of Narek’s memories.  But I never thought she would kidnap me.  If I had told Inuyasha, I was afraid he wouldn’t let me be free and be with my human family.  But I should have told him the truth!  All of this is my fault: the family being in danger and Inuyasha getting hurt.  If I wasn’t so selfish, maybe the family would have been more informed so they could know where to go to for information, how to deal with this.  Maybe Inuyasha wouldn’t have been out looking for me and this wouldn’t have happened.Ó       
Lilliana pulled Kagome into a hug.  ÒHe would have been out looking for you either way.  When you disappeared, he was irritable and snuck out all the time to look for you during the daylight.Ó
Kagome wrapped her arms around Lilliana’s waist.  ÒHe did?Ó   
ÒDon’t you start saying this was all your fault again.  This was bound to happen sooner or later.  And being weak is not something to cry about.  If you’re weak, then get stronger.  Each time you break a bone, it grows back with sturdier then before.Ó
ÒI still lied.  I still kept secrets from the familyÉfrom Inuyasha.Ó
ÒSo?  You don’t think each of us doesn’t have a secret Kagome?  Ten years ago, I became weak and I asked Narek for help.  You knew about my secret and you kept it to yourself.Ó
Kagome leaned away from Lilliana and looked at Inuyasha on the bed.  Would he have been looking so desperately for her if she had told him about Lucy?  She didn’t have to think long to find her answer.  If she had told him, he still would have searched for her, even if he had a suspicion of where she could have been.  Narek’s sudden abandonment at the mall only made it easier for Kagome to run into both him and Tsubaki.  Yet Kagome still couldn’t shake away the feeling of guilt that seemed to make her eyes sting with tears.  Whether or not what happened to her mate was her fault, she had still liedÉand it would still hurt Inuyasha when he found out.  
Even though Kagome could agree with Lilliana that the attack wasn’t her fault, Kagome couldn’t help but feel that had she stopped and thought things through, instead of running out into the open, all this could have been avoiding.  She hated to think about what kind of ÒfavorÓ Narek would ask of her in the future.  She hated even more, the idea of how to explain herself when Inuyasha woke up.  What she hated most was not knowing why Tsubaki and her slaves were after her, and not having the power to protect herself or those she cared about from their assault.  
Kagome’s remorse turned into anger.  She wasn’t the only one that wasn’t being honest.  ÒIt was my fault Lilliana.  On some level it was.  I have to stop being stupid and stubborn and start thinking more clearly.  But I can’t take all the blame for this.Ó  She looked into Lilliana’s eyes.  ÒI think you had the right idea.Ó
Lilliana tilted her head.  ÒWhich was?Ó
ÒI’m going to work with her just so I can squeeze what she knows out of her.Ó
Lilliana smirked.  ÒI can help you with that.Ó  She helped Kagome stand.  ÒEspecially since we’re not going to be leaving here any time soon.Ó  
ÒSpeaking of staying here.  What happened to walking around naked?Ó  Kagome asked, pointing to the pink robe that Lilliana was wearing.  
Lilliana’s face took on a pinkish hue.  ÒWell, once you were out of the house, I didn’t have a reason to play the naked card any more.Ó  Lilliana’s swallowed, her face taking on an even deeper blush.  ÒBesides, the idea of him looking at me like that-oh, never mind.Ó
ÒRegarding your impromptu strip-tease in front of Narek, I think it would be a good idea if you were to try and avoid him as much as possible.Ó
ÒI second that notion.Ó  Said Lucy as she strode into the room, thrusting several shopping bags into Lilliana’s arms.  
ÒWhere did you get these?Ó  Lilliana pulled out one of the shirts that Kagome and Narek had shopped for earlier.
ÒI didn’t.  Narek brought them in a moment ago.Ó
Kagome huffed.  ÒSo where’s the bastard now?Ó
ÒThat ‘bastard’ left right after he dropped those off.  And it’s a good thing too, because if I got my hands on him, I’d pull out that other eye.Ó  Lucy said viciously.   
ÒHaving some trouble controlling your flunkies Lucy?  Not much fun is it when someone does something you didn’t want them to do.Ó  
Lucy grabbed Kagome’s shoulder, whirled her around and slammed her into a wall.  ÒJust what are you trying to say, Kagome?Ó  
Kagome yelped as Lucy twisted her wrist behind her back.  ÒEasy! Narek already cracked that wrist!  I’ll behave, I swear!Ó
Lucy let her go, but not before giving her wrist a warning squeeze.  ÒI find that very hard to believe.Ó
ÒWell, it’s not a lie.Ó  Kagome looked at Inuyasha and then back at Lucy.  ÒI get it.  I really do.  They want me.  And I don’t want to be a danger to my family any more.  I’ll work with you.Ó
Lucy arched a brow.  ÒOh? I can count on your cooperation?  You’ll abide by my rules?  No attempts to escape, no ridiculous questions?  You’ll follow my orders without resistance?Ó     
Lucy narrowed her eyes at Kagome’s instant agreement to her terms.
ÒNo really.  I’m willing to cooperate.  But I have conditions.Ó
ÒI want no harm to come to Lilliana and Inuyasha while they’re here.Ó
ÒDone.  Anything else?Ó
ÒI want to be informed about anything that directly concerns me or anyone I care about.Ó
ÒI can’t promise that.  However, if it needs to be brought to your attention, I will let you know what I know.  But that’s all I can offer.Ó
Kagome let out an annoyed breath, but then quickly shut her mouth.  ÒFine.Ó  She said.  Lucy nodded.  She walked past Kagome and looked down at Inuyasha.  Then she walked out of the room.             &nb sp;         
ÒNice acting.Ó  Lilliana dug through the shopping bags and began to change.    
ÒIt was partly true.Ó  Kagome said as she went toward the closet.  ÒI really don’t want to put anyone I care about in danger.Ó  She covered Inuyasha with blanket.
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Swimming in a sea of black agony, his only sources of light were the shattered memories that floated around him.  Recollections of what had happened to him in the past few hours flew above him.  But he wasn’t in his right mint to understand them.  All he knew was that he was in this deep abyss for which there was no escape.  Those memories were far too high for him to reach, and every time he tried to jump up to snatch one, the sea beneath him hit him with another wave, dragging him back down.  
Then finally, a moment came when one of the tiny lights from above came floating down, and he threw his hand out to catch it.  The memory that came to him was not a pleasant one.  Images of his mate being in danger, of him being unable to catch her, of him blacking out, and then his enemy appearing in his vision.  That horrible face, with that horrible scar did something to him.  It made him seethe with anger, which quickly overrode the helplessness he felt from that sea of black he was in.   
Suddenly he jerked awake, screaming.  A mixture of confusion, anger and pain crashed on him as he found himself in a dark room he didn’t recognize.  Then something came.  Warmth.  He looked down.  Two small hands against his chest pushed him down gently.  Surprised, he grabbed the wrists.
Gasping, he looked up.  Dark blue eyes locked with his, and slowly her face became discernable as his eyes finally adjusted to the dark.  ÒIt’s okay, Inuyasha, it’s me.  You don’t have to struggle anymore.Ó
ÒKagome.Ó  He gave her wrists a strong tug and she yelped a little when he pulled her down on top of him.  He grunted.  His chest felt stung when her cheek collided with it, but the feeling of her warm upper body on his relaxed him. ÒYou’re here.Ó  He puffed.
ÒYeah.Ó  She placed her hands on his shoulders.  ÒI’m not going anywhere this time.Ó  She didn’t struggle as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  ÒGood.Ó  He said, feeling a sense of grogginess overcome him, and, for once, content to succumb to it.  ÒFinally, I can sleep without worrying.Ó   
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter better then the last.  It was not easy to write.  Also, I have been hoping to get a beta reader to check for mistakes.  I do go back and try to find and fix all of the errors that I miss, but even I can’t catch things as well as someone else can.  If anyone is interested, please say so in the reviews, or send me an e-mail.  You’d get to read the chapters before anyone else, and give me some feedback on what you think of the chapter.  Thanks.  