InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blood ❯ Bridge ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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I hate Physics. I really hate it. But it’s not going to stop me from writing when I find the time. That being said, I’m really sorry this took so long. *Ducks for cover from tomatoes* But hey it’s here! And just in time for Valentine’s Day! I hope my hands and the writer’s block don’t stop me from writing again soon.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Inuyasha, nor do I take credit for Rumiko Takahashi’s genius. I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I take credit for Yoshihiro Togashi’s awesome characters.
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@REVIEWERGODDESS: Congrats on nabbing the 50th review! Thank you SO MUCH! You are so good at predicting some things. I’m kind of scared that there will be no surprises. So here’s my Valentines Day gift to you and all the other readers of this fic. To answer your question: since one year in Xenith is a day in the human world, I don’t think Sesshoumaru would have minded much that his father had been gone for a few months, seeing as about a hundred years in Zenith would translate to a hundred days in the human world. Also, what makes you so sure that Narek doesn’t want to hurt Lilliana? *shifty eyes* And what makes you so sure he’s watching in the shadows? As to why they are in Xenith, well maaaaaybe I’ll give you some more hints. But again, you’ll have to read to find out! Thanks again for the awesome review, and for sticking with me this long. I really hope you enjoy this chapter! I think it may be one of my funniest in a long time.
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Part Twenty-One: Bridge
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‘‘I think we should stop and rest here for a while.’’ Inuyasha said, walking deeper into the cave they had found in the mountainside.
‘‘Finally!’’ Shippo jumped down from Kagome’s shoulder. He walked around the two of them, throwing what looked like leaves on the floor. When Kagome asked him what he was doing, he simply said that he was making a barrier. ‘‘As long as you stay inside the circle of leaves, whatever that is outside can’t see, hear or smell you. It’s not as strong as the barriers that experienced nightwalkers can make, but it will help us keep out of the way of whatever could be crawling in these mountains.’’
Kagome hesitated to ask, but found her unasked question answered when Shippo looked up and took a sniff of the cave’s cold air. ‘‘I’ve passed through these mountains, but I haven’t really explored them. I don’t know what kind of animals live out here. I sure hope we’re going the right way.’’
‘‘You’ve never met the old man we’re looking for?’’ Kagome asked.
‘‘No, but I’ve heard of him. He used to make weapons, I think. Not a lot of demons go looking for weapons anymore.’’
Kagome resisted the urge to coo again. Whenever he could, Shippo would lecture. It was as though he were coming home from school and showing his mother just how smart he was by reciting everything he had learned that day. Kagome kept the comparison to herself, as she was sure that Shippo wouldn’t appreciate it. Despite the cuteness of it, Kagome found most of what he had to say interesting. Gathering information about the world they were in was paramount to surviving there. So as Shippo finished aligning his leaves in a circle, Kagome listened intently as he continued. ‘‘Not a lot of nightwalkers have weapons made by someone else. Most make their own, usually by using their own venom. Not Lord Yoko though, he manipulates his connection with plants into weapons. I heard his rose whip can slice though flesh and bone with one swing if he wanted it to.’’ Shippo’s eyes had a dreamy look as he said, ‘‘I hope I can be that powerful one day.’’
Inuyasha made a grunt that sounded suspiciously like a sarcastic laugh. Shippo glared at him. Kagome sat down, watching as the two of them began another argument, which promptly ended when Shippo jumped toward Inuyasha’s head. Unfortunately for him, Inuyasha had learned from his past experience. Before Shippo could reach him, he snatched the little boy in midair, holding him upside-down by his tail.
Kagome hoped that they would stop picking fights with each other soon, or else the trip to their next destination would be much longer. She hugged her knees to her chest, remembering how long it had felt when they left the Infinity Meadow to reach the mountains. Then again, it was hard to tell how much time had passed when the sun never rose or set. Myoga had suggested they visit his old friend and rest there for a while. Apparently the old man lived alone in the mountains. According to Shippo, the mountain range was the most deserted region in Zenith. There were no major towns or villages, mostly due to how inhospitable the area was. The mountains were full of narrow paths, harsh cliffs that stretched over low valleys, and deep caves. Besides the trees in the valleys below, there was no plant life. There were some mountains with snow at their tops, which, according to Shippo, was ice demon territory.
Ice demons. Kagome thought. There were so many different kinds of nightwalkers. From what she guessed, Shippo, Yoko, and it looked as though Inuyasha as well, were nightwalkers that were part of some animal class. Kagome had always known that nightwalkers were more animalistic, instinctual and sexual, demonic beings. She never imagined they were literally part animal in some cases. She wondered why she and Lilliana didn’t look different in that world. She wondered if Sesshoumaru would get animal like characteristics if he were there.
She called out to Shippo, and the little boy looked at her from his upside down position. He was frowning, though to Kagome it looked like he was smiling, which would have made her laugh if it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t want to annoy him any further then Inuyasha was already doing. ‘‘Put him down, Inuyasha. I have a question.’’
Inuyasha simply opened his fingers, and Shippo dropped from his hand, landing flat on his face. ‘‘Hey, you big jerk!’’
‘‘What’s you’re question Kagome?’’
‘‘You know, it wouldn’t kill you to be a little nicer to him. He is a kid after all, and you are an adult, aren’t you?’’
‘‘Keh!’’ Inuyasha petulantly put his chin into his palm and looked away. Shippo glared at him some more, but he must have realized that he wasn’t getting an apology. He turned to Kagome.
‘‘I’ve been wondering, are there different kinds of nightwalkers?’’
Shippo scoffed as though it was a dumb question. ‘‘Of course there are. Aren’t nightwalkers different in the human world? Not that I believe that really exists of course.’’
Kagome ignored Shippo’s obvious distain for the idea of another world. She found it odd that he didn’t find their lack of knowledge suspicious. He didn’t even accept Myoga’s explanation of Inuyasha origins, saying that the old flea was lying. Then again, it was asking a lot for someone to believe in something they used to think was impossible, she of all people should know that. ‘‘Nightwalkers in our world don’t have any tails, or ears, or anything like that. They all look, you know, normal. It wasn’t until we got here that Inuyasha had those ears.’’
‘‘Weird.’’ Shippo said. ‘‘Well, since you asked, there are four types of nightwalkers. There are the beast class, which are demons like me and Lord Yoko, and I guess this big dope too.’’ He pointed over his shoulder to Inuyasha and was rewarded with a scowl he couldn’t see. ‘‘I think they were called ‘yokai’ once. Beast class nightwalkers are the ones with the ears and tails, and sometimes horns. There are also nightwalkers that have similar, what’s that word, qualities, with insects, like the Spider King and his nightwalkers. Basically they have common traits with all kinds of animals. Beast class nightwalkers can manipulate plants, animals, illusions, and some can even change shape. Then there’s the Ice class. They’re basically like all other nightwalkers, except they can freeze things.’’
‘‘Are they cold blooded?’’ Inuyasha said.
‘‘Naw, they burn hotter then most other nightwalkers, that’s why they prefer cold weather. They can also steal anything cold like air, water, or temperature. Then there’s the blood class. They control other nightwalkers by manipulating their minds, bodies, or memories. Some can read minds. I’ve heard though, that members can even manipulate what you wouldn’t expect. There’s a rumor going around about a nightwalker that can control hair. Supposedly, this class can also heal, but I hear that healers are rare, and they can even have abilities that no one had ever heard of before.’’
‘‘This class sounds a lot like what most of the nightwalkers in the human world would be like.’’ Inuyasha leaned forward, poking Shippo on the top of his head. ‘‘What’s the last class?’’
Shippo rubbed the top of his head. ‘‘Revenant Class.’’
‘‘Like Sayo and Kikyo?’’ Kagome said.
‘‘Right. I heard, that revenants are extremely rare. The only known ones right now are Lady Kikyo and her daughter. They’re nightwalkers that manipulate, guide, and protect souls. I heard that revenants don’t even need to drink blood, as long as they have souls passing through them.’’
‘‘Well, little brat knows something after all.’’ Inuyasha commented. Shippo didn’t even go for his head this time. Instead he bit Inuyasha’s hand. Kagome buried her face in her hands as the two of them began fighting again. She crawled over to Inuyasha, and pulled Shippo off him, holding the thrashing boy close to her belly as she sat down. ‘‘Do I have to separate you two?’’ Kagome said, watching as Inuyasha blew on his injured hand. ‘‘Stop acting like a child.’’ He glared at her. ‘‘And Shippo, knock it off.’’
The boy stopped struggling in Kagome’s arms, and started whining instead. ‘‘He started it.’’
‘‘I don’t care who started it. No more fighting, I mean it.’’
‘‘What are you going to do? Tell my mommy?’’
Kagome pulled on his ear. It wasn’t rough enough to actually hurt the boy, but enough to catch his attention. ‘‘If you keep misbehaving, I might just stop protecting you from him. Then I’ll let him discipline you however he wants.’’
At this, Inuyasha smiled evilly at Shippo, cracking his knuckles. ‘‘Oh, just try it kid. I dare you to come at me again so she would just through with that threat.’’
Shippo crawled out of Kagome’s arms to hide behind her shoulder. ‘‘You wouldn’t really do that would you?’’ He said.
‘‘Only if you keep misbehaving.’’ Kagome replied sternly.
Shippo looked at Inuyasha, and saw him smirk as he slammed a fist into his palm. ‘‘Okay! I’ll be good! I promise! But he has to stop that.’’
‘‘Well, Inuyasha?’’
His smile faded. ‘‘Do whatever you want. Just keep the brat’s teeth away from me.’’
Inuyasha turned to that he lay on his side with his back facing them. Behind him, Shippo stuck out his tongue. Kagome suppressed the urge to sigh again. They were so similar, both beast class nightwalkers, and both very childish. If Inuyasha and Shippo were similar in their beastly characteristics, did that mean that Inuyasha had special powers like Yoko and Shippo did? Kagome looked at her hands. She also had powers that she wasn’t aware of, powers that she was afraid of tapping into, unwanted powers that her creator had given her.
There was a loud snore. Kagome looked down at her thigh to see that Shippo had fallen asleep on it. Smiling, she rearranged the boy so that he would be more comfortable. ‘‘And to think he was yelling a moment ago.’’ She said to herself.
‘‘You should get some rest too.’’ Inuyasha said. Kagome watched him stand, and asked if he were going to go to sleep as well. ‘‘Can’t. Someone has to keep watch. Besides, I don’t like the idea of sleeping in when the moon is still up.’’
Kagome was tempted to tell him that sleep would catch up with him eventually, but she found that she was tired to argue. Not wanting to waste the chance to rest with someone on watch for once, Kagome leaned against the cave wall and dozed. Hours, or seconds, later, Kagome jolted awake. The ground shook. Shippo rolled off her leg and banged his head against the ground. He hopped back up with his hands in on his head. ‘‘W-what’s going on?’’
Kagome didn’t have time to answer him as Inuyasha suddenly appeared in front of her. He grabbed her wrist, pulled her up, tucked Shippo under his arm and ran out of the cave, dragging her behind him. As soon as he was out onto the cliff side, he pulled her back against the wall as something big exploded out of the cave entrance. The blast shook the entire mountainside. Kagome clung to Inuyasha with one arm while using her free hand to hold onto the stone wall, watching as the dust from the cave opening cleared.
She saw the brown scales first, followed by a long, muscular body, and then, finally, giant, slimy, yellow fangs. ‘‘G-g-g-giant s-snake.’’ Shippo whimpered, and sucked in a deep breath to scream, but both Inuyasha and Kagome covered his mouth, as they looked wide-eyed at the creature and hoped it didn’t spot them. The snake closed its mouth and tasted the air with its forked tongue. It turned his thick neck, its slit eyes locking onto the three of them.
The mountainside vibrated intensely. Crackling sounds came first. Then, Kagome felt the entire wall behind her explode as the snake pulled the rest of its body out of the cave. Before she could stop it, she was hurled over the edge of the cliff. The sickening feeling of falling took all the air out of her lungs as she flipped in the air, hurdling backward toward the valley below. Above her, she saw Shippo tumbling in midair before he was suddenly obscured by a puff of pink smoke.
Kagome felt as though all her organs were being pushed upwards. She could barely scream, the whooshing sound in her ears blocking out all noise. Only the feeling of falling told her she was still alive. Then there was a thump so loud it broke through the whizzing of the air, as the snake reappeared through the mountainside with its mouth wide open. This time, Kagome did find enough air to scream. The snake’s teeth came within inches of her before its mouth snapped closed as something round and pink bounced on its head, knocking it away from her. Before Kagome could make sense of what it was that saved her from being viper food, she felt herself snapping in midair, like a rubber band that had just snapped back into shape after being taunt. Seconds later, she was hoisted up by her ankle onto a cliff, right into Inuyasha’s chest.
‘‘You okay?’’ He puffed.
Kagome grabbed hold of his upper arms to regain her balance. She took in a breath so big that her chest hurt. ‘‘Yeah, yeah, I’m ok!’’
Inuyasha let out a nervous laugh, and Kagome felt her head bounce as he did. ‘‘Man, our lives really have been quite the shitstorm for the last couple of months haven’t they?’’
Kagome giggled just as tensely, mostly in an attempt to breathe again. ‘‘You know Inuyasha, I know our relationship is on the rocks right now, but it’s still pretty cool knowing that you’ll always have my back when shit hits the fan.’’
He cleared his throat. ‘‘Yeah, well what did you expect. I’ll protect you, no matter how ape shit crazy you make me. It’s in my nature.’’
‘‘Thanks, Inuyasha.’’
The smile she received from him was so genuine, Kagome had to take a step forward to keep her balance or risk pushing him to the side of the cliff. She must have still been out of breath. Yes, that must have been it. ‘‘Ditto.’’ He said. Kagome would have continued smiling, had Inuyasha not suddenly looked so terrified. ‘‘Hey, where’s Shippo?’’
Kagome felt her cheeks drop instantly. ‘‘Oh no!’’
She managed to untangle herself from Inuyasha so that she was facing the valley below with her back to the mountainside. She saw the snake, or she assumed the large brown line in the trees below was the snake, but she didn’t spot Shippo anywhere. All she saw was that strange, pink ball that had appeared out of nowhere back when she was falling. Of all things to be rescued by, Kagome thought sourly, but pushed the thought out of her mind. Unfortunately for her, the pink ball kept rising and rising until it was right in front of them.
‘‘You guys are lucky!’’ The pink thing said, and it was at that moment that Kagome realized that it had big googly eyes and a triangle for a mouth.
‘‘Shippo? That’s you?’’ Inuyasha said.
Instantly there was a mini explosion, poof, and, seconds later, Shippo bounced out of the dust and onto the cliff next to them. ‘‘Man, I thought that snake almost had us! Good thing it was distracted by Kagome when I landed on it, or else I wouldn’t have knocked it down.’’
‘‘Oh yeah, thanks for that, Shippo. You really saved me there.’’
He puffed out his chin triumphantly and walked past Inuyasha and Kagome like a soldier leading his company. ‘‘Well, lets get going.’’
As soon as he was several feet away, Kagome poked Inuyasha in the ribs with her elbow. ‘‘Aww, you do care.’’
Inuyasha caught her elbow and moved her so that she was standing in between him and Shippo, but Kagome suspected it was so that she wouldn’t see the red color appearing in his cheeks. ‘‘I don’t care about the little brat! I only saved him because I knew you would be upset if I didn’t. I still don’t trust the little turd!’’
‘‘Suuuuuure, Inuyasha, keep saying that.’’ She poked him in his shoulder before turning to follow Shippo. Inuyasha muttered something about women and children behind her, but Kagome ignored him, focusing on Shippo’s fluffy tail as he led them through the pass.
As she walked forward, she didn’t hear footsteps behind her. Inuyasha wasn’t following her. She turned to look at him and found him staring down into the valley below. ‘‘What is it?’’
He jerked his head upward as though she had snuck up on him. Then he shook his head and said, ‘‘I just think it’s weird that’s all. Giant snakes and spiders, and all that. No wonder the nightwalkers here are stronger, having to fight off things like that.’’ He laughed, but the sound was empty of any kind of happiness. ‘‘Funny, I’m so used to being at the top of the food chain.’’
‘‘Remember that nightwalker we fought back in the human world, the one who made all those slaves attack us.’’ Kagome said.
Inuyasha turned to look at her, a murderous look on his face, his eyes red, his fangs poking out from between his lips. ‘‘You mean Tsubaki?’’ He said, his voice taking a guttural undertone. Then he closed his eyes, shook his head, and his face changed, his features taking on a neutral expression, but it didn’t stop Kagome from suddenly feeling unnerved. She’d never seen him look that cruel. It was almost, Kagome felt her chest clench at the thought, like the expression Narek wore before he gleefully tortured someone.
‘‘Yeah, I remember her. What about her?’’
Kagome rubbed her hands together, unsure if she wanted to keep talking about Tsubaki. ‘‘W-well I was thinking that she was so strong because of the harsh conditions here.’’
‘‘You think she’s from here?’’ Inuyasha said calmly.
‘‘It would explain a few things. No one in our world, except for Lucy, could explain what those slaves were. I bet nightwalkers here have knowledge of things that are so forbidden, Lucy would rather kill us then have us be here to learn them. It d-does make s-sense.’’
‘‘Kagome? Are you okay?’’
He tilted his head, and Kagome felt like a child being fawned over by a worried doctor. ‘‘I’m fine. Are you okay?’’
A corner of his upper lip curled upward. ‘‘Uh, I’m not the one who was hurled off the side of the cliff.’’ He walked toward her. ‘‘You look like you saw a ghost.’’
‘‘N-no, I’m fine really. I’m just putting the clues together.’’ She lied, taking a few steps back. ‘‘If Tsubaki and all those problems we’re having the human world really can be traced back to this place, then maybe we can stop it somehow. If we can find out why or what they’re after, we can warn Sesshoumaru and the others.’’
‘‘I can see why you’re worried. I wouldn’t want this world bleeding into ours.’’ He paused. ‘‘That still doesn’t explain exactly why Lucy imprisoned us. I wonder why she wants us dead. What doesn’t she want us to know from this world?’’
Before Kagome could come up with another conjecture, Shippo, who, by that time, had come running back to them wearing a very annoyed expression, thankfully, interrupted her. ‘‘What’s taking you two so long? Come on!’’
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at Shippo and begrudgingly followed him. Kagome waited until Inuyasha was several steps ahead over before she moved to follow.
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Ki kyou looked into the soul that hovered before her. It glowed and whispered, begging her to let it pass through, to find peace. Breathing in through her nose, Kikyo took the soul into her chest. It passed through her heart, sending images and memories into her mind. She raised her arm into the air and felt the soul float away from her fingertips and into the clouds.
‘‘I’ve noticed, Kurama, that there are more and more dead souls coming from the Spider King’s realm.’’
Yoko Kurama was sitting in his divan, stroking his tail. The roses and thorns that surrounded his seat moved, telling her that he was listening. Kikyo didn’t need to hear him speak to know what was in his thoughts.
‘‘The spies we have there haven’t seen any higher number of killings then usual.’’ She said.
‘‘It seems as though the Spider King has not in fact done any executions lately, so why would there be more souls drifting here from that region? It’s clear that the King hasn’t changed his tyrannical ways, else he wouldn’t have attacked us, but the sudden calm my spies have reported from his area worries me, especially since he doesn’t seem to worry that we will retaliate from his attack.’’
‘‘I would love nothing more then to end him just as we did with his master but a frontal assault is risky. He is too cunning for that.’’ Kikyo closed her eyes. ‘‘And the nightwalkers in the north? There haven’t been any souls from there in a while either. Something is happening.’’
Yoko ran the fur of his tail between his fingers. ‘‘We wait. First we need to get the damages to our lands fixed. Of course, there is also the other spy we have working with our ‘guests.’ I’m curious to the news he will bring.’’
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‘‘This is it.’’ Shippo said. ‘‘It has to be it. Isn’t it?’’
Inuyasha wrung his hands in front of his eyes. ‘‘Don’t ask me runt. You’re the one who is supposed to be guiding us remember.’’
‘‘Hey it was your flea-’’
‘‘He’s not my flea.’’
‘‘Whatever! It was your servant that told us to come here and this is the only place that looks like a home.’’
‘‘So go knock on the door.’’ Inuyasha barked.
Kagome tried not to sigh as she looked at the object of their argument. The wooden house was almost as barren as the stony mountainside it was built into. Its old walls looked so worn, Kagome thought that if she simply blew on it, the entire structure would collapse. There was a square opening coming out from the rock the little house was build into, which Kagome guessed was a chimney, though there was no smoke coming out of it. However, there was a steady layer of steam in the air that came from pools of water that were scattered around the flat rocky terrain near the building.
‘‘You knock on the door. You’re the adult.’’ Shippo’s whines returned just as quickly as Kagome’s headache. There was just no stopping them. No matter how many times she scolded the boy and threatened Inuyasha to control himself, the two of them wouldn’t stop arguing. And to think that Kagome had hoped that Inuyasha would finally show a little warmth to the boy after the concern he had shown earlier.
As though it weren’t enough that they were arguing with each other, Shippo then brought Kagome into their verbal battle, by turning to her and asking what on earth ever convinced her that Inuyasha would make a good mate, to which Kagome’s only answer was a very uncomfortable, ‘‘uhhh.’’
‘‘ ;Well, come on! What do you see in this guy?’’ Shippo pointed to Inuyasha, who raised an eyebrow at Kagome, daring her to answer.
Kagome looked up at the sky hopelessly, trying to think of the best way to humor Shippo without Inuyasha hearing and getting the wrong idea. She didn’t want to badmouth him. After all, she didn’t want to give Shippo more incentive to insult Inuyasha more then he was already doing. Yet, at the same time, she didn’t want to lie and make her feelings bigger then they were. It was one thing to be in a stalemate, where neither party wanted to address their feelings on the basis of maintaining a mutual truce. It was another thing to try and convey emotion to someone outside of the standstill. Shippo wasn’t a neutral party. Kagome knew he would lean to her side of the argument, and if she were to be honest with herself, she didn’t want Shippo butting into something that she and Inuyasha had to work through themselves.
‘‘Well, he’s reliable. If I’m ever in danger, I can count on him to have my back.’’
‘‘Okay, what else.’’
‘‘He’s loyal. He’s never cheated on me.’’ Kagome tried not to look at Inuyasha, but couldn’t help a glance. There was a curiosity etched in the wideness of his eyes. Feeling as though she were going to make some kind of life changing confession in front of a studio audience, Kagome wanted nothing more then for the world to split open and swallow her up before Shippo asked her something the knew she could never take back, or worse, before she said something that would ignite another gut wrenching argument between her and her mate.
Suddenly the door to the tiny house opened and out of it came what looked like a giant, metal cylinder. The flat, circular end slammed down hard against the ground. Had Inuyasha not reacted in the last second and jumped out of the way, he would have been nothing more then a pancake. He stared at the cracked stones as the heavy cylinder rose from the crater it had created.
‘‘You ruffians! Get out of my lair before I smash you with my hammer!’’
All Inuyasha could say was, ‘‘the fuck,’’ as the hammer that had almost made squashed him shrank. A skinny figure appeared in the doorway. It was an old, balding, man with big, bulging eyes, a pointy mustache and curly beard. As he emerged, he flipped the hammer’s long rod so that it rested against his shoulder, with the cylinder hanging behind his head.
‘‘The fuck is this?’’
The old man sniffed. ‘‘Ah.’’ He turned to squint at Inuyasha’s half furious, half confused face. ‘‘I recognize that scent. Inuyasha, is that you? I haven’t seen you since were smaller then my mallet, and gnawing on my firewood.’’
Shippo snickered, and before Inuyasha could turn around to punch him upside the head, the old man walked past the two of them, completely forgetting their presence as he stopped just a few steps in front of Kagome. He stared at her without blinking as though he had never seen a female before. ‘‘Hmm?’’
‘‘W-what? ’’
‘‘I don’t believe we’ve met. Good to meet you, young lady. My name is Totosai.’’
He held out his skeletal hand, and Kagome debated how rude it would be if she just side stepped him and hid behind Inuyasha’s back. The man looked at her as though she were something he could eat. As though reading her mind, Inuyasha stepped between the two of them, and Kagome suddenly felt like hugging him tightly for the save. ‘‘So you are the old man Myoga talked about.’’
‘‘I haven’t seen that flea in ages. Of course he would send you here. I should have known.’’ Totosai scratched his mustache. ‘‘Hmm, well if you’re here, I suppose you’d like to rest, it must have been quite the trek up these mountains.’’
He turned and began to walk back toward his little house. ‘‘Hey, old man, we aren’t finished talking!’’ Inuyasha growled as he ran after Totosai. As if the old man didn’t have a care in the world, he came out of the house and shoved Inuyasha with his mallet, which was now big again. Inuyasha fell backward into one of the pools of steaming water. He resurfaced a second later, sputtering. ‘‘What the fuck, old man!’’
‘‘Great, now that you’re in there, why don’t you take a bath? You smell filthy.’’
Shippo was on the floor, and rolling with laughter. ‘‘And you, boy!’’ Totosai pointed his mallet at Shippo and the boy flipped upright with his hands at his sides like a cadet. ‘‘Y-yes?’’
‘‘Don’t just stand there. Make yourself useful! Go get some firewood.’’
‘‘Right!’’ Shippo ran off so fast, Kagome could see dust forming behind him. She was about to chase him when the old man grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her into the house. Just as she was inside, she snatched her arm back and opened her mouth to give him an earful, but stopped when Totosai thrust a steaming cup under her nose.
‘‘Tea, my dear?’’
‘‘N-no thank you. What’s-’’
‘‘Hmm? What a pity. It’s been a while since I had good company.’’ Totosai sat down on a stool that looked so old, Kagome was amazed it could hold his weight. Everything about his place seemed so ancient. There were cobwebs coming down from the stone ceiling, old weapons thrown carelessly in a corner, and a fireplace that looked like it had not been lit in ages.
‘‘All right old man! You’re going to tell me what the hell you want with my mate before I gauge those big eyes out.’’ Inuyasha said as he stormed into the room, dripping water onto the stone floor. Despite the fury in Inuyasha’s face and voice, Kagome was surprised at the cool look on Totosai’s face. Did nothing face the old man?
‘‘I thought I told you to take a bath.’’ The old man said tiredly.
‘‘And I thought I told you to tell me what you want with Kagome!’’
The old man looked at the girl in question. ‘‘Oh? That’s your name. Pleased to meet you.’’
‘‘Hey!’’ Inuyasha barked. Totosai lifted his mallet again, and, this time, the hammer didn’t get bigger, it got longer and longer, till it hit Inuyasha square in the chest, pushing him out of the house and back into the bath Totosai had demanded he take.
‘‘You’re not getting in here until you get that filthy human scent off you! You’ve been the human world so long, it practically coats you!’’ Inuyasha came running back in one more time, only to be landed back into the pool again. Realizing he was getting nowhere, he growled and began removing his clothes and throwing them out of the pool.
‘‘All right.’’ Totosai appraised Kagome again.
She shifted uncomfortably. ‘‘Hi. Mr. Totosai.’’
‘‘Just Totosai is fine, dear. I’m sorry for separating you two, but I was right in guessing that your mate is not the patient kind. You seemed to have your head on your shoulders.’’
All Kagome could manage was an awkward, ‘‘thank you.’’
‘‘I’m surprised to see him here.’’ Totosai stood and walked toward the weapon dump in the corner of the small room. ‘‘Last I saw him, he had just learned to walk. His parents were desperate to escape this realm and take him with them. That was over three hundred thousand years ago.’’
Kagome found herself interested. She leaned forward, looking over Totosai’s shoulder as he went through his weapons, seemingly searching for something. ‘‘Three hundred thousand years? I know time moves differently between this world and the human one. Inuyasha says he was a child over seven hundred and fifty years ago. Can you tell me Grandpa, why did his parents leave here?’’
Totosai shrugged. ‘‘I don’t know all the details lady. At the time, Master Inu no Taisho and Lady Izayoi were looking for a portal, so they didn’t give me much information. All I remember was that their son was in danger here, more so then any other nightwalker they said.’’
‘‘That’s just like what Lucy said about me. So Inuyasha is the same?’’ Kagome said out loud.
‘‘Hmm? Lucy you say?’’
‘‘She’s a nightwalker in the human world.’’
‘‘I can understand why Inuyasha would be in danger, but why did she say you were in danger, child?’’
Kagome growled out of frustration, but managed to calm her temper enough so she could politely answer his question. ‘‘I don’t know. She never gives the details. All if know is that being fourth generation is some kind of problem and-’’
Kagome didn’t think it was possible, but the old man’s already huge eyes got even wider. ‘‘Fourth generation! That’s impossible! No nightwalker is precise enough to create-wait! If you really are what you say you are and Inuyasha’s here, then that means-’’
‘‘W-what? What does it mean?’’
‘‘Your friend Lucy is right. You are in danger.’’
‘‘Can you tell me why?’’ Kagome leaned forward, looking deep into the old man’s eyes. ‘‘Please! It’s killing me. I have to know. Everyone around me keeps me in the dark about it. It’s like I have an enemy I can’t see. I want to know what I’m up against! Why am I so special? Why is Inuyasha so special!’’
Totosai took a deep breath, scratching his bald scalp. ‘‘You two must leave as soon as possible.’’
He began digging through the weapon pile with quicker, more desperate movements, throwing weapons about the room. ‘‘Wait! Please, tell me!’’
Totosai was ignoring her. He brought out an old samurai sword. The scabbard and the handle of the sword looked just as old as everything else in the house. ‘‘There! Never thought I’d have use for this old thing again. I suppose it is a good thing I didn’t get rid of it after all these years. This will help you get back to the human world.’’
Kagome looked at the old weapon as she took it from Totosai. She lifted the sword out of its old scabbard. The blade was rusted through. Scoffing, she shielded the sword and was about to demand that Totosai answer her questions again, but he spoke before she could. ‘‘Your mate. Protect him with your life.’’
The dire warning his tone silenced all of Kagome’s thoughts. ‘‘W-what?’’
For the first time since she’d met him, the old man looked worried. ‘‘I swore to his parents that I would never speak of what I knew. I cannot tell you why he’s in danger. As for you-’’
Kagome held her breathe. ‘‘You must never tell anyone what you are, child. A fourth generation nightwalker is said to have blood so pure, that drinking it will give nightwalkers god-like powers.’’
‘‘What?’’ Kagome felt her chest deflate. It was like being promised a big reward for achieving something, bit never receiving it. ‘‘That can’t be it! Inuyasha has taken my blood before and after I became a nightwalker, and he’s nowhere near godly. That’s ridiculous!’’
‘‘ThereR 17;s more to it then blood, child. You’re just one component in the process. Now then,’’ he rose to walk past her and toward the door, ‘‘let’s get that fool out of his bath and send you two home.’’
Kagome followed Totosai out of the house just in time to see Inuyasha finish buttoning his shirt. He glowered at the old man; water was still dripping from his hair and clothes. ‘‘I heard.’’ He said. ‘‘So, you promised my old man you’d never speak? And what’s the thing that going to take us back to the human world?’’
‘‘Why the sword I fashioned for your father of course. Kagome, if you would be so kind.’’
Kagome unsheathed the sword in her hands before handing the blade and the scabbard to Inuyasha, who looked quizzically at her, the sword, and then to the old man. ‘‘How the hell is this rusted piece of junk going to take us home?’’
The old man’s beard and mustache bristled. ‘‘You insult me! That’s not just any sword, that’s one of the best weapons I’ve ever made: the Tessaiga. I made that for your father thousands of years ago, and only members of your family can wield it! You should be honored, you ungrateful whelp!’’ Totosai lifted his hammer.
‘‘All right, all right! Calm down old man!’’ Inuyasha put one hand up in surrender. ‘‘So how is this going to take us back to the human world?’’
‘‘Hmph! You have to will it to work. Appearances can be deceiving boy, that blade is connected with its wielder’s wishes, but it won’t just let you master if right away, you have to earn the sword’s respect.’’
Inuyasha slid the blade back into its sheathe with a snap. ‘‘And how am I supposed to do that?’’
‘‘Why not display some nobility for a change? Your father found the portal between this world and the human one out of his need to protect you. Do you not have similar traits?’’
‘‘You’re saying I’m not as noble as my fucking old man? Now you’re insulting ME!’’ He looked at Kagome. ‘‘We can’t leave without Lilliana.’’
‘‘Who?’̵ 7;
‘‘She’s Inuyasha’s blood-child.’’
The old man raised his hammer again. ‘‘What! You created a nightwalker!’’
Inuyasha threw the Tessaiga up over him seconds before the old man’s weapon came down toward his head. Totosai slammed his hammer down hard on the middle of the sword, making Inuyasha’s arms shake as they pushed upward on the sword to keep the hammer from crushing his skull. Surprisingly, the sword didn’t break under the giant hammer’s weight. ‘‘The fuck is wrong with you old man!’’
‘‘How many human-born nightwalkers have you created?’’ Totosai yelled.
‘ ;‘This girl, Lilliana, is the first?’’
‘‘Yes! What the fuck does that have to do with anything?’’
Totosai stopped attacking and stepped back to close his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. Inuyasha took that as a chance to punch him hard on the head. ‘‘I’m getting really tired of your shit old man.’’
Totosai staggered backward, rubbing the large, shiny bump that had quickly formed on his bald crown. ‘‘You fool! Did your father not tell you to never to create a human born nightwalker.’’
‘‘What’s the big deal? Sesshoumaru has a blood-child.’’
‘‘That doesn’t matter! You were never to have any blood-created children! Did your father never warn you of that? The first human you changed will have the same problem you do. You both are in danger now.’’
‘‘I couldn’t agree more, Master.’’
Inuyasha looked around, searching for the owner of that familiar voice. Luckily for him, and unfortunately for Kagome, he found the person he was looking for when Kagome smacked her own cheek. He moved toward her, looked down into her hand, and, sure enough, Myoga was there, swaying back and forth, still dizzy from being squashed. ‘‘You dumb flea! Who said you could suck my blood?’’ Kagome said.
The flea popped back into his natural form and spoke hastily. ‘‘I’ve been traveling for days to fulfill your request, and looked all over for you, and this is how you repay me?’’
Totosai snatched the flea out of Kagome’s hand and repositioned him on the tip of his hammer so that the flea could look directly into his eyes. ‘‘You fool! You did not tell them of the danger?’’ He spat at the bug.
Myoga petulantly crossed two of his four arms, turning away from Totosai. ‘‘No, I did not want to arouse feelings of worry. You, on the other hand have a very hard time keeping your mouth shut, my friend.’’
‘‘How could you not be worried? This is a disaster!’’
‘‘Enough!’’ Inuyasha snatched the flea back and held him between his thumb and forefinger. ‘‘What are you doing here Myoga?’’
‘‘Oh, right! I came back to tell you that I found the girl you were asking me to search for.’’
‘‘You found Lilliana? Are you sure?’’
‘‘Yes! I found a young girl with black hair and green eyes. Just as you said, I’m certain it’s her. Her blood even tasted like yours.’’
‘‘Then why didn’t you bring her back here? You moron!’’
‘‘That’s just the problem, my lord. I can’t bring her back because she’s been abducted.’’
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