InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Midnight Blues

"Hello?" Kagome's scratchy voice echoed around her appointment.

"Kagome, dear! Sango called me. Oh, honey, are you all right?"

"Momma!" Kagome's relieved and breathy voice replied. "I'm so glad you called!"

Kagome's mother's voice laughed softly in the phone all the way in Florida.

"I'm so glad you picked up, honey. You weren't answering Sango's calls and she was worried. I'm sorry I'm calling so late. But, when I heard from Sango just now, I just had to call to see how my baby is fairing..........(there was a pause).......You still haven't told me if you're okay, Kagome."

Kagome absently twireled the phone's cord around her fingers and leaned against the kitchen counter. "I'm okay, momma. Really. I'm fine," Kagome said even though she was staring at her red-nosed, puffy-eyed reflection in the mirror across the room. Of course she wasn't fine, but she couldn't let her mother know that. She'd be down here on plane in a second and she couldn't deal with that just now. Don't get her wrong, she loved her mother, but the ticket is just too much money for her mom. "Good ice cream and a movie solved everything."

There was silence on the other line for a long time and Kagome was afraid her mother was angry at her. But then Mrs. Higurashi's soft, concerned voice spoke through the speaker.

"Honey, we got through what Koga did to you, we can get through this. C'mon, baby, please tell me what happened. But, first, stop fiddling with the cord."

Kagome smiled softly and stopped playing with it. All these years and her mom could still always tell what her thoughts and actions were. Then, taking a deep breath, she slowly told her mom the painful events that had occurred. She left nothing out, going from start to finish. By the time she finished, though, the nerver-ending river of tears flooded down her face. Swiping them away, with her hand, she waited for her mom to reply.

"Oh, I see," was all her mom said. "I know you're hurt, dear but, listen, could have been a misunderstanding. should talk to him, honey. It couldn't hurt."

Kagome bit her lip and said softly, "I hope you're right, momma. Because I really thought this was the guy for me." Kagome sighs and gives in, "I'll give him a chance, but just ONE chance to explain himself.
Kagome's mom smiled into the phone 1500 miles away. "You're doing the right thing."

To be continued.............

A/N: Sice this chapter is so short so short, I don't really expect reviews, but it would be nice. *nudge, nudge*