InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
A/N: So sorry for not updating sooner! Major, major writers block. *smiles sheepishly* Um, if you haven't noticed, I recently changed the story's title. I got two yes's and one no for changing it. So, I went for it. Besides, I like this title better. Anyways, I'll stop rambling so you can read. Enjoy!
Previously: Sango's fake smile immediately vanished as her back turned to her friend and boyfriend. The smile was now replaced with a fierce glare of anger and hate. She began to growl slightly as she strode angrily over to the two twin pair of heads of white across the room. She clenched her hands into fists as she arrived to stand in front of the very person who broke her best friend's heart. You have some nerve coming here, Inuyasha.”
Midnight Blues: Chapter 11
Inuyasha winced, his ears going back into his silver hair. He turned his golden eyes up to the furious woman standing over him accusingly, looking severely guilty. He opened his mouth and before he could reply, Kagome's friend from the mall cut him off angrily.
“You really have some nerve! Why did you have to pick Kagome? Huh?! She's just an innocent girl and she didn't need the harsh reality you shoved into her life! She just got over someone, you bastard! I really despise assholes like you, you know that?! You get her hopes up and then you cheat on her like the player that you are! You're despicable!”
Inuyasha winced again at the accusations, his heart being jabbed painfully by her wrath, knowing what she said was wrong but not knowing how to explain the catastrophe that happened at the mall.
“And you're despicable for jumping to conclusions,” a calm, but cold voice interrupted.
Inuyasha turned his head toward Sesshomaru abruptly, his eyes widening in surprise from hearing his brother defend him. `Sesshomaru…?'
Inuyasha saw Sango's eyes widen slightly in surprise too, turning to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru looked coldly at Sango and replied, “You heard me, girl. How do you know exactly what happened? You don't. And you've got it all wrong. You should get your facts straight before accusing someone.”
Sango's eyes widened a little more before her mouth closed firmly, her eyes hardening.
“I didn't think I needed someone to explain to me what I saw. Inuyasha was kissing a woman in public that was not Kagome, the girl he claimed to have liked and asked out. Now, tell me. Was it just some misunderstanding and he wasn't kissing that woman, but we were just all imagining it? Or, better yet, his sister was just so happy to see him that she french kissed him?” Sango hissed out angrily.
Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise and slight disgust and he finally spoke up, his emotions fueling his actions.
“No, it's not like that! Please, I know how it looked. But you've got it all wrong.”
Inuyasha looked up at her pleadingly. “Please, hear me out.”
Sango was torn, looking from Inuyasha to the cold staring Sesshomaru. She gulped slightly and turned to Inuyasha, defiant but willing. “Fine, but it better be the truth.”
Inuyasha nodded gratefully, looking up in relief. “Please, sit,” he gestured to one of the empty seats at the table. Sango sat down warily and accused him with her eyes but stayed quiet.
Sesshomaru looked at them both silently and emotionlessly, but intent on hearing Inuyasha's full story as well.
Inuyasha took a deep breath and, starting from the very beginning, he began his story.
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“I wonder what's taking Sango so long….,” Kagome questioned out loud, looking a little worried and putting down her fork. “Maybe I should go check on her.”
Miroku shook his head and smiled reassuringly. “Don't worry, Kagome. I'm sure she's fine. She's probably taking longer than usual because it's just……..that time of the month.”
Kagome rolled her eyes while Miroku laughed, getting another slice of grilled chicken on his fork. “She'll be fine.”
Kagome looked apprehensive, but picked up her fork again and swirled another small mound of spaghetti around the utensil.
“I really hope you`re right.”
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Sango looked ashamed after hearing his story, knowing she jumped to conclusions.
“Inuyasha……I'm so sorry. That must have come as such a shock when you found Kikyo…l-like that.”
Inuyasha nodded, looking solemn. “Yeah, it did. It hurt, but I'm getting over it. I'm just glad that you understand that what you and Kagome saw at the mall was just a big misunderstanding. Now…the only problem is telling her and hoping that she'll believe me…or better yet, even listening to what I have to say. She's probably really angry with me.”
Sango shook her head and smiled a little. “No. Kagome's not like that. She's not angry, just a little heartbroken. She'll listen to what you have to say, I promise. But I…,” Sango stopped and looked away. Inuyasha looked at her questioningly and Sango sighed and continued. “Look, Inuyasha. Kagome just got over someone, too. Well, that's not entirely true. She's more like…still getting over him. And…I really don't want her to suffer anymore…please…if you're not serious about being with her….if this is just a fling…please, just leave her alone. She can't take that again.”
Inuyasha looked at Sango reassuringly and with understanding. “I know what you're trying to say. And I'm not looking for a fling. And even though I'm not sure what I want anymore, I really like Kagome. It might not be much, but I felt like we really connected that night we met. Look, I'm not the type of guy to go all mushy and crap like this, but I think if Kagome forgave me, we could really have something. Even if it's just…a close friendship.”
Sango smiled widely and Inuyasha blushed faintly, looking away grumpily at being caught his inner self. Sesshomaru smirked a little to himself and spoke up after a short silence.
“Wow, little brother. Such wise and…thoughtful words for someone so immature.”
Inuyasha scowled immediately and glared at his older brother, blush forgotten.
“Shut up! You`re such a smart ass, Sesshomaru.”
Sango giggled a little and shook her head. “Here.” She took a napkin from the table and wrote Kagome's address on it with her spare pen before handing it to Inuyasha. “Go see her. Don't worry, she'll hear you out.”
Inuyasha gulped a little but nodded, accepting it. “Thank you.”
“I bet Kagome and Miroku are wondering what's taking me so long. I better get back.” She flashed a smile at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru before getting up from the table. “Sorry about earlier.”
“It's okay,” Inuyasha replied and Sesshomaru nodded slightly in agreement.
Inuyasha smiled, but then suddenly frowned in confusion, realizing something. Just as Sango turned to leave, he called out to her.
“Hey, I don't even know you're name.”
Sango stopped and turned back around. “It's Sango.”
She smiled once more warmly and walked back to her table.
Inuyasha sighed and turned to the smug looking Sesshomaru, the “I told you so” look on his older brother's face. Inuyasha scowled slightly and ignored him, looking over at Kagome and Sango and the so called Miroku. His eyes softened a little as he focused on the now smiling Kagome, his heart skipping a beat.
`Thanks, Sango. I really owe you one.'
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Kagome looked up from her meal, seeing Sango, looking both relieved and worried.
“What took you so long, Sango?,” Miroku questioned before Kagome could ask.
Sango smiled in reassurance and sat down next to Miroku, who wrapped his spare arm around her.
“Oh, there was just a long line, nothing to worry about. And there was only one working sink. Better not go in there, Kagome.”
Kagome smiled and nodded. “Okay. Hopefully your food is still warm. I'm almost done with mine.”
Sango waved it off and unfolded her napkin, picking up her fork. “Oh, I'm sure it's fine. It looks delicious.”
Miroku smirked a little. “Yes, it was. I had some. Sorry, but it just looked too tempting.”
Sango rolled her eyes with Kagome, but smiled. “Right.”
They all started eating again between long, cheerful conversations, the atmosphere in the place now light, seeing that there was no tension in the air. The three friends talked throughout the evening and it was dark outside by the time they finally decided to head out. Sango glanced toward the table where Inuyasha and his brother were sitting previously, but found them to be gone. Sango sighed mentally in relief, knowing it would be much easier for Kagome not to see him until he came to her. So, the gang, full and satisfied, leaned back in their seats.
“Ahh, I'm stuffed! That was really good. It really took the tension out of me. It was just too long of a day today,” Kagome said, finishing up the last of her second glass of lemonade.
Sango nodded and replied, “I hear that. Those kids just really wear me out.”
Miroku sighed and shook his head. “I don't get it, you two. If teaching is that exhausting, why do you stay at it?”
Kagome and Sango both smiled and replied at the same time. “The kids.”
Miroku shook his head, but smiled. “Aw, come on. They're monsters.”
Kagome giggled. “Sometimes they are, but not all the time. And it's really rewarding when you know you`ve taught them all they need to know to move up.”
“Besides,” Sango joined in, smiling softly, “most of the time, the kids are great.”
Miroku smiled too and looked at both Sango and Kagome, his arm tightening affectionately around Sango's waist. “Well, I'm glad you enjoy what you do. I enjoy my job, too, even if it's not as rewarding as yours.”
Kagome smiled, but protested. “Aw, come on. What would the world do without mechanics?”
They all laughed and Miroku shrugged, smiling. “Learn to fix things themselves.”
Sango grimaced. “And get my hands all dirty with grease? I don't think so.”
Kagome giggled while Miroku turned to Sango, smirking. “I guess that's what you have me for, isn't it? But, then again, you do have to get your hands dirty every once in a while…”
Kagome laughed more at the sight at Sango blushing furiously.
“You're such a pervert, Miroku. I don't know why I put up with you,” Sango pouted.
Miroku chuckled and nuzzled her throat, making her blush more. “Because you love me.”
Sango stayed quiet but `hymphed'. Kagome just smiled weakly, her heart now tugging painfully at the little affectionate display.
Kagome covered it up by laughing. “I really wish I had a camera.”
Miroku smiled and shrugged. “What can you do?”
Sango `hymphed' again but smiled too.
“Well, I think it's time to go,” Kagome advised, signaling the waitress over.
The couple nodded and ten minutes later, the gang headed out to their cars.
Kagome unlocked her Volkswagen and Miroku unlocked his truck. Sango waved and had a secret, knowing smile. “Bye.”
Kagome smiled back, though a little weakly being that she was worn out, physically and emotionally. “See you on Monday.”
Miroku said his goodbyes to Kagome as well and they both drove off, Sango secretly smirking to herself. `Have fun.'
Miroku turned to her in the car, looking suspicious at her smirk.
“What is it, honey bun?”
Sango just smirked more and tried to look innocent, turning to Miroku.
“Oh, nothing. But Kagome is going to be just a little surprised when she gets home…”
Sango's eyed gleamed mischievously as she turned back to look out the windshield. `Yup, Kagome….you are in for the surprise…and romance of your life.'
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A/N: 0.0 Wow. That was much longer than I thought it would be. 6 pages. I think that might be the longest chapter. Oh, well. Hope you liked.
Reviews are welcome, but not required. But, that is the only reason I keep updating. Because of you wonderful reviewers. Thank you so much.
See ya in the next couple months. ^.^