InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Dance ❯ chp1:Cliche ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Midnight Dance

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha...and the dancing idea it belongs to Defafaeth Mechqua in Never say: It can't get any worse storyid=1526584 (fanfic)

Chapter one: Cliche

It was a peaceful, sunny day in the world of feudal Japan. The sun was shinning it's brightest, the sky was baby blue and the clouds were white as snow. Such a peaceful day, nothing could disturb the peace in this small quaint forest until...

"Sesshoumaru! What the hell are you doing here?" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Must you be so incompetent and dense? I am here, as usual, for the sword, dear little brother." Sesshoumaru said in his customary cold voice.

/Kagome's POV/

I don't know how long this has been going on, I lost count at about fifteen, but it is getting old, no one cares. It is the same thing over and over, Inuyasha ask the same stupid question every time and Sesshoumaru always answer with the same insult then say his infamous line.

"Die, Inuyasha."

That stupid line, it is so pointless. And it ends the same way too, Inuyasha, badly injured, does a random attack and hit Sesshoumaru then he leaves. It's like he is looking for something else. I'm not as dense as Inuyasha; I know Sesshoumaru has another reason for coming, but what?

This is getting boring. Time to bust out the music=D after all they finish in about one hour.

/Normal POV/

        Kagome rummage through her yellow bag and found her MD. She stood up and leaned against the tree that give her a little shade. She started to play the first song.

She put her hands on her earphones and rocked her head to the beat as she sang with her eyes closed.

        I'm feelin sexy

        I wanna hear you say my name boy

        If you can reach me

        You can feel my burning flame

        I'm feelin kind of n-a-s-t-y

        I might just take you home with me

Kagome stood straight into the sunlight and started to dance to the song. She seductively swayed her hips some side to side with her hands on her hip.

        Baby the minute i feel your energy

        Your vibe's just taken over me

        Start feelin so crazy babe

        I feel the funk coming over me

        I don't know what's gotten into me

        The rhythm's got me feelin so crazy babe

She added upper body movement. Her shoulders move back and pop back in place (like what Beyonce does in her video). Her hands tapped against her hips keeping the beat.

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        We're gonna turn this party out

        I know you want my body

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        I see you look me up and down

        And I came to party

        You're so sexy, tonight i am all yours boy

        The way your body moves across the floor

        You got me feelin n-a-s-t-y

        I might just take you home with me

        Baby the minute i feel your energy

        The vibe's just taken over me

        Start feelin so crazy babe

        I feel the funk coming over me

        I don't know what's gotten into me

        The rhythm's got me feelin so crazy babe

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        We're gonna turn this party out

        I know you want my body

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        I see you look me up and down

        And I came to party

        I love to love you baby

        I love to love you baby

        I love to love you baby

Her hands travel up her body to her midnight blue hair. Showing her creamy white skin of neck as she held up her hair, letting some strands of hair tumble back down framing her face(grammar?). Her elbows were held up; her head was slightly lean towards her left arm. She stops singing and bit her lip while she danced to the rest of the song.

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        We're gonna turn this party out

        I know you want my body

        Tonight I'll be your naughty girl

        I'm callin all my girls

        I see you look me up and down

        And I came to party

        Naughty Girl by Beyonce


The brothers stopped their fighting when the first words came to their demon ears. All of their senses, except their ears, were blocked out as they watched and listened to the mysterious figure in the shadow of the tree not knowing who it is.

Inuyasha's eyes were bulged out as he saw Kagome come out of the shadow of the trees. While Sesshoumaru was surprised, not showing it on his face, that Inuyasha's wrench was singing this seductive song, this spark curiosity he wanted to learn more about her.

They both watched Kagome sway her hips and occasionally gaze at her lips movement. They watched her hands travel up her delicious body reaching her beautiful silk hair. The brothers took in the features of her face and gape (Sesshoumaru mentally gaping) at her as she bit her bottom lip. They were almost sad to know that the song ended, actually they were sad=(.

Kagome place her hands back down at her side and slowly opened her eyes.

"Well, that wasted three of 60 minutes." She mumbled as she turned to see what stage were the brothers at in their fight.

She was shocked to see them staring at her as if she was a freak show. Then she started to crack up at the scene, Inuyasha, still wielding the sword high in the air, had his mouth slightly open while Sesshoumaru had his sword pointing at the ground with a calculated look.

Kagome got irritated after a couple of seconds; it was awkward to have two demons stare at you. Yah, she was embarrassed and was blushing, but STOP STARING.

"What haven't you seen a girl dance before?" Kagome yelled. "Baka." She mumbled while she walked away with her yellow bag, ready to go home.

To be continue...or not


Well, I wrote it again. I spent a long time on this so please review, I already have the second chapter half written, but don't expect it be up until I get that one review then I'll start finishing it. OK, for the pple want to know the diff b/e this story and Dance With Me is that this is less corny, little less OOC and better grammar (I hope) and spelling.


Preview Summary to Chapter 2:

Kagome saw something she didn't want to see and got angry. Sesshoumaru comes along and gives her a preposition. Will she take it?
