InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Escape ❯ The Escape ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Midnight Escape

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha or the cute little qoutes *sniff sniff* I'm not that creative...

WARNING: This will be a lemon one-shot between Inu Yasha and Kagome. If you're not 18 or older please leave... sorry but I have to say that.

Love is when you dont want to go to bed because reality is better than a dream

T he moon was out in Sengoku Jedai and the stars glittered like diamonds on the navy blanket of night. Miroku and Sango were fast asleep when the hanyou lept down from his post on the tree. Cute little doggy ears twitched to make sure Kagome and Shippou were still asleep as well. Thier slow, even breathing met his ears. 'Good, they're asleep.' Inuyasha thought as he headed for the surrounding trees. He didn't stop until he came upon a small hot spring. The bitch was in heat and her scent had kept him hard all night. He just had to get away before he lost himself to his little demon's desires.

Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you, I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars.

E ven though Inuyasha already knew he loved Kagome, he wasn't sure she loved him back. Sure, she'd said she wanted to be with him but she could've meant as friends. Or maybe she did want to be with him... His heart swelled with hope but he pushed the feeling away. 'Better not get your hopes up...' He thought to himself,'It'll just hurt more...' . He sighed and stripped off his clothes. Once he was completely naked (GIRLS! QUIT DROOLING lol), he waded into the warm water of the hot spring. Even though he wasn't cold or anything, goose bumps still slowly covered his flesh.

You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see, but you cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel.

I nuyasha floated on his back in the water, staring at the cresent moon. He felt weird tonight, like something was going to happen but he didn't know what it was. It was driving him insane. He stood up on the floor of the spring and began to scrub the dried blood and dirt off this skin. The water just barely covered the essentials, hugging his hips lovingly. He was about to start cleaning his hair when he heard a rustle in the bushes and a soft female curse. His golden eyes snapped to the direction of the sound, waiting for someone to emerge from the bushes.

To the world your just one person, but to one person you could mean the world.

Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.

K agome heard Inuyasha jump from his tree and dissappear into the bushes. 'Probably to see Kikyo...' She thought, sourly. She'd never let Inuyasha know how much she loved him because she knew she could never have him. So why bother tell him? She could feel tears of lonleyness and sadness sting her eyes but she fought them back. When she was sure he'd walked far enough away so that he wouldn't hear her moving around, she got up from her sleeping bag. The small fox demon she was sleeping with whinned at the loss of her body warmth and scent. She frowned and grabbed a shirt she'd worn that day and wrapped the small kitsune in it. He stopped and fell back asleep. Kagome smiled lovingly at her Shippou and placed a small peck on his forehead.

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.

K agome found her bag where she'd left it, leaning up against the tree Inuyasha was in, and hoisted the huge yellow pack over her shoulder, trying to hold back a groan from all the weight. She didn't even know why she carried so much crap with her, anyway. She rolled her eyes and shrugged the question off, having better things to think about. Important things. Like not getting caught trying to escape again. But no matter how hard she tried to keep her mind of the subject of her hanyou, her thoughts always strayed back to him. And Kikyo, as much as she hated it. Well, she didn't hate the dead miko but she was just jealous of her. Jealous because she owned Inu Yasha's heart and didn't seem to care. Kagome mentally kicked herself for being jealous of her. She hated herself for it.

When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you, when i first talked to you I was afraid to like you, when i first liked you i was afarid to love you, now that I love you I m afraid to lose you.

S ince the well wasn't too far away tonight, she kept only one strap on one shoulder so she could get it off easier and faster when she reached the well. 'Inuyasha's gonna be soo pissed when he finds out that I left.' Kagome thought, 'I dunno why! I'd think he'd be happy to get rid of me so he could have a night alone with Kikyo.' She kicked herself again for thinking of Kikyo again . Kagome was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the strap starting to slip from her shoulder until the yellow backpack fell completely off and onto the floor, crashing into a couple bushes as it fell.

Tears are words the heart can't say.

"D amn! Stupid gravity..."She yelled, forgetting to be quiet. She lifted the huge pack onto her one shoulder again, and kept moving. She finally came to a clearing with a hot spring. She glanced at Inuyasha in the water and kept walking. Until she realized who it was. Her head snapped back toward him so fast she almost got whip lash. Kagome's chocolate eyes trailed down his toned chest, to his ripped abs and futher down... Her eyes almost bugged out of her head and a bright red blush stained her cheeks. Inuyasha almost laughed at her experestion.

Today I love YOU more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.

"K agome?" He said, proud that he could keep his tone steedy. He could smell her arousl and it was harder to fight his hormones when she was standing right there looking at him that way. She eyes snapped back to his face when he said her name. Without a word, she dropped her backpack and lunged for the trees. Inuyasha cursed when he realized she was trying to leave him. 'Not tonight Kagome.' He thought while quickly throwing on his clothes. 'Fuck it! I'm making her mine tonight. Only mine.' He growled, liking the idea and anticipating the moment where she would beg for him. He smirked when he saw her figure just a few yards away. He'd catch her soon, then she'd be his.

Your hugs 'n' kisses are like the stars, you light up my life when things get dark.

K agome looked back when she heard movments behind her. Inuyasha was gaining on her,fast. The the weird thing was there was a different look in his eyes. It kind of looked predatory, like he was chasing his prey. Her eyes widened as he sped up. Kagome look back ahead and darted her her left, seeing a little glimps of the well. 'I'm so close!!' She thought. She was less than eight feet from the well but she could almost feel Inuyasha's breath on her neck. Finally, she reached the well and dived in, feeling the purple/pink light envelope her. She'd made it! But Inuyasha could still come through the well and get her, so once her feet touched the bottom of the well, she all but ran up the latter.

whenever i see you... my whole body goes weak.... everything but my heart...

S he was out of the well house and down the steps in a matter of seconds. But once she reached the steps of her porch she heard a frustrated growl from her favorite hanyou. Looking back at the well house, Kagome saw Inuyasha burst through the doors and bolted for her. She'd just barley made it inside and locked the door. Kagome leaned against the door, out of breath, while Inuyasha kept banging on it. Suddenly, he stopped. She furrowed her brows and looked out the peep hole. No one was there. Just then, a thought ran through her head. 'He's probably going to my window!' She thought, turning around and running into something hard and red. Already knowing who it was, she looked up into his golden eyes.

Anyone can catch your eyes, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.

T he sight of him made her heartbeat faster and her breath quicken. His eyes were dead serious and soooo damn sexy! She plastered a smile onto her face,"Hi, Inuyasha! What brings you... here...?" She asked, loosing the smile when he began to growl.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

"Y ou know damn well why I'm here, bitch! Why were you trying to escape again?!" He yelled, taking in a deep breath after. His nose immediatly became assulted by her scent and he unconsiously took a step closer to her.

If I could be an angel, I'd make your every wish come true, but I am only human, Just a girl who's loving you.

"I -I...uh I have another test tomorrow." She lied. But he didn't buy it.

Loving *YOU* is like breathing... how can i stop?

"B ullshit, Kagome! The real answer!" He took another step closer.

Why is it... That I must climb 100 mountains to get you... When all you have to do is smile...To get me?

S he put a hand on his chest, getting uncomfortable with his nearness and exspectially since he was as mad as hell. Kagome curled her hand into a fist, unknowingly taking his beads with her. This, he noticed but she didn't, trying to think of another lie. He jumped back, making her break the beads and free him. Kagome stared in shock at the lone bead she held in her hand. 'Great! Now I have no way to get away from him!' She thought, 'Unless I can make him trip or something...'

If you love someone that means you have a good heart. If someone loves you thats flattering.If you love someone and they love you back thats special!

K agome's eyes snapped back to her smirking dog demon. She turned and started to fidget with the door knob, trying to get it open and succeded in getting it open about half an inch before a clawed hand slammed it shut again. Kagome jumped and turned back to look into the eyes of the one she loved, her back pressed firmly against the door. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting out a ferral growl. Moving quickly, he pulled her to him and began to sniff her neck. Kagome froze in shock. 'What the hell?!' She thought getting goose bumps as she felt his hot breath brush the flesh of her neck. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she felt him lick and nibble her neck.

I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, then I wrote it in the sky but the wind blew it away,So I wrote it in my heart and that's where it will stay.

I nuyasha's hands snaked thier way around her waist. Licking her earlobe, he growled in her ear and picked her up bridal style. Kagome squeeked in surprise and her arms automaticlly looped around his neck. He smirked down at her, making her blush, and he began to walk out of the house before she could protest. He ran for the well house, eager to mark his mate. After what seemed like an eternity, they were on the other side of the well. Kagome slumped in him arms. She'd let him turn her brain into pudding so he could bring her back. The stupid.... mean.... sexy.... MEANIE!

When a gurl loves a guy...the sweetest thing in the to hear him admit that he treasures her...

K agome pouted cutley in Inuyasha's arms. He looked down at her and felt the smirk return to his lips. He was close to thier destination and he wasn't going to stop until they were there.

If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips

"I nuyasha?" He seemed to be looking at her weirdly. Inuyasha watched her lips move. 'Gods, I love her lips...' He thought, kicking his speed up a notch. She frowned when he looked back ahead, not bothering to answer. But he suddenly stopped and Kagome was placed onto her own two feet for a change. She looked up and noticed they were at the God tree, where they'd first met. Kagome 'eep'd' when she felt two strong arms slip around her waist and her feet leaving the ground. But Inuyasha landed on a trunk high above the ground. She looked at the ground and slowly, as if she was scared that if she moved the slightest inch, she'd fall off, she sat down. But Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her back up on her feet, she clung to his clothes and closed her eyes.

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while,So when you are lonely, remember it's true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you

"I nuyasha?" She asked, cracking open an eye and looking into his golden ones. ,"Why are we up here?"

is like quick sand- the deeper you fall in it the harder it is to get out

S till not answering her, he turned her so that she was squashed between his body and the tree. It was only then that she recognized something long and hard pressed up against her thigh. Kagome blushed, thinking of what it was and when she looked up at Inuyasha, her thoughts were confirmed when he smirked and ground thier hips together. He was awakening feelings she'd never experienced with someone else before. Bending his head down, he caught her lips in a dominating kiss. She didn't put up a fight though. 'Good bitch... my bitch...' Inuyasha thought as he slipped his tongue between her lips and into her mouth, tasting her.

Love is like missing someone when you're apart but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart

S till grinding with him, Kagome began to respond to his kiss, rolling her toung over his fangs. She shuddered and Inuyasha growled an approval, breaking the kiss to rip her shirt off. Kagome didn't seem to notice and whinned for his lips to return. He didn't do as she wished, though, and worked with her bra, finally getting frustrated with the material and ripped the pathetic piece of cloth off. Next he went to her skirt and found the zipper and accually slipped the skirt off without rippping it. Now she was left in her panties and very much aware of this fact.

When you love someone... what can you do... you cant controll your heart, it controlls you

K agome covered her chest up to his watchful gaze. Inuyasha pulled her hands back and lifted them up over her head. "No." he demanded and began to lick and tease her nipple with this mouth and tongue. Inuyasha reached for the hem of her panties and ripped them off, almost loosing control of his desires. But before he went on he had to ask her a question." Kagome, I love you. And I want you to be my mate, so will you?" He asked, still holding her hands up but not teasing her anymore. He was fighting hard not to push her up against the tree and pound into her. But he needed her approval. Her eyes became cloudy with tears. "Kagome don't cry, please. I hate to see you cry."

If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever... If you're asking if I'll Leave you, the answer is never...If you're asking what I value, the Answer is you...If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do.

"I love you too, Inuyasha, but what about Kikyo?" Kagome's bottom lip quivered at the mention of Inuyasha's first love.

I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you

"W hat about her? She's dead, you're alive. I used to love her but I love you now . I think about you all the time. In ways I never thought about Kikyo." He said, smirking as he ground his hips to hers again," So will you be my mate, Kagome?" She could barley manage a nod. Inuyasha, overjoyed with her answer and his desires, kissed her deeply. She groaned and his lips left hers to tease the skin between her lips and collar bone. He finally reached the nipple he'd been teasing before and resumed the slow torture. He ran a rough tongue over the nipple, satisfied when she let out a pleasured hiss. Switching nipples, he smirked when he felt her struggle with the hands holding her's down and she whimpered. Inuyasha growled sexily when she began to grind her hips with his again. Kagome's already aroused scent spiked as she got more and more aroused by the second. Inuyasha began to grind along with her, moving his hips in a circular motion, letting her feel him. The crotch of his pants were getting damp with the juices of Kagome's unprotected core. Not long after, she cried a broken verison of him name into his ear as her first orgasm of the night rushed almost violently through her body.

Roses are red violets are blue, sugar is sweet but nothing compared to you

I nuyasha smirked at her, making her blush. Still in a daze, Kagome didn't realize Inuyasha had let go of her hands and moved to remove his clothes until she felt his naked flesh pressed against her's. His body seemed to fit perfectly with her's, almost molding together. Feeling the same long and hard something (wink wink nudge nudge lol) poke at her enterance. Her eyes widened and sought out Inuyasha's for reassurance.

You can fall from the sky, You can fall from a tree, But the best way to fall, Is in love with me

H e couldn't resist the growl that vibrated out from deep within his throat. He let go of her wrists again and sat down on the tree trunk. Lifting an eyebrow, Kagome looked down at her would- be "mate" with curiosity as he made her spread her legs. She did as Inuyasha instructed and spread her legs for him. Only for him. Looking up at her, Inuyasha's tongue peeked out between him lips to lick her lips before spreading them and exploring her core. Kagome arched her back against the tree and groaned Inuyasha's name. Smirking, Inuyasha slid his togue along her inner lips before diving in for a deep taste, her taste increasing the hardness of his shaft. Kagome gave a frustrated groan as Inuyasha pulled his tongure out of her essence. She groaned louder, though not from frustration, when she felt Inuyasha hit her hot spot.

Don't promise me the moon or the stars, just promise me you'll stay under them with me

I nuyasha circled her clitoris with his tongue in a teasing pace. Kagome started to desperatley buck against his tongue, needing her release. Looking up at her face, he slowly inserted his longest finger, making sure he didn't hurt her with his claws. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes as the simple act sent millions of white hot shocks through her body. Smirking again, he added another, watching as she threw her head back against the tree in pleasure. Standing up so he could see her face, he added the third and watched as her throat worked when she swallowed, hard. He leaned down to lick and nibble at her pulse point. Kagome gasped at he pulled his fingers out and forcefully thrust them back into her body. She jerked everytime, grasping Inuyasha's broad shoulders as he pounded the digits into her. He lifted her left leg and wrapped it around his hip. His thumb found her pleasure nub and began stroking it furiously. The simple action roughly threw her off the cliff and into ecstasy.

I'm the sweetest thang that you'll ever know.... So baby never let me go

I nuyasha waited for her to open her eyes before he took his three fingers from her and licked off her juices. His golden eyes staring into hers with firey passion. A blush worked it's way across Kagome's sweaty face, but she didn't look away, not even when Inuyasha sent her another sexy grin.

Some may call it extasy, Some may call it destiny, Some may call it meant to be, But I Just call it *you* 'n' *me*

"P lease." She whispered.

Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.

"P lease what, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, his eyes and lips teasing her.

If my love for you took the form of water... I'd be drowning.

"P lease... Make love to me." She whispered, just for him.

If you live to be 100 ... I wanna live to be 100...Minus 1, So I won't have to live a day without you

H e raised an eyebrow at her before grinning and lifting both of her legs and wrapping them aroung his waist. The tip of his erection grazed her entrance, teasing it. She groaned the first half of his name before bucking her hips, taking the tip of him into her. Her desire for him becoming a painful ache. He smirked before moving to nibble at her ear, knowing she likes it. He licked the outside before whispering hotly and hustily into her ear," This will probably hurt, Kagome. I'm sorry."

Imagine Your Life Without Me. Miserable, Huh?

K agome could barely manage a nod before he thrust his hard length into her, claiming her virginity as his own and giving his to her after he whispered an 'I love you.' He whispered his love and apologies into her ears. Kagome'd screamed her pain into the heavens but Inuyasha kissed her to make her stop so no one would sneek up on them. But the pain soon left her, leaving ineffable pleasure. She moved her hips, taking her lover's length deeper into her and causing him to groan her name.

I don't wanna cry a tear for you, So forgive me if I do, I'd do anything, I'd give you my world, I'd wait forever to be your girl .

"K agome..."

They say kissing is the language of luv... Care to indulge in a lil convo?

I nuyasha kissed Kagome while slowly dragging his member out if his mate and driving it back into her, hard. She groaned into his inu ears, making him growl. He grasped her hips and pulled almost all the way out before pounding back in with inhuman speed. Kagome jerked, not fully recovered from her orgasm from before. Reaching up, Kagome grasped Inuyasha's ears and began to rub them sensually. He grunted his pleasure to her. He continued his motions, pulling her up his shaft and back down harder than before.

Theres a sparkle in your eye that only i see, and theres a place in your heart where only i wanna be

I nuyasha could feel the muscles flow around him as his mate met his thrusts, thrust after thrust. He looked into her eyes, sensing her near completion. But he was no where near. He smirked, realizing he'd give her a total of four orgasms tonight. He edited his movements and thrust into her deeper and then, once inside, moved to the side and pulled out of her, making the circular motion from before with her first orgasm.The muscles he was surrounded by began to form a ripple pattern around him. She groaned and whimpered with every thrust into her wet body.

Kiss me in the light... Love me in the dark...Hold me 'till the end... And I promise I wont break your heart.

K agome's eyes snapped open as she shrieked her love's name the second her orgams hit her. She felt Inuyasha's grin against her neck before he took himself out of her and turned her around. Confused, Kagome's browed nitted together until she felt his still hard erection press into her again. He still wasn't done?! Gods, he's going to kill her with all the pleasure he forced onto and into her. Kagome shuddered as the feelings stirred within her tired body again. But Inuyasha couldn't wait for her. He sank back into her, making love to her doggy- style. He groaned, her heat swallowing him to the hilt. Inuyasha picked up the same pace and thrust into her with the same inhuman speed. Growling, he gripped Kagome's hips tighter. Every little groan, whimper and moan went noticed by the Inu demon behind her. Every little pant and gasp echoed in his ears, driving him to the brink of insanity. His eyes bled red. He let go of her hips and placed his hands on either side of her face, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the change happening.

Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

K agome gasped as she noticed his claws growing. She tried to turn around but his thrusts were too powerful. She wouldn't make him stop if she could, anyway. Kagome let out a loud gasp as his thrust were frantic and faster than before. He was whimpering, they almost sounded painful. Inuyasha grasped her hips roughly, but still gently, not letting his claws cut her skin. Their orgasms were approaching fast. Inuyasha looked at his Kagome's back with red eyes, taking in the sight of his mate. His fangs were longer, his eyes were red and he had one purple stripe slashing across each cheek. Lifting his right hand and keeping the other wrapped around her left hip, he gently grazed his claws down her back. He smirked, one fang hanging over his lower lip, when she shuddered. The hand found it's way back to her hip, up her stomache and grazed the flesh around her nipple. Kagome moaned his name, male pride soaring through him at this point.

I see you next to never, how can we say forever... wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you, whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, i will be right here waiting for you...

T he hand traveled past her belly button and in between her spred legs. The demon stepped closer, never faulting in his thrusts. He held her, a possesive arm wrapped around her stomache. Inuyasha's right hand extended his pointer finger. The finger carefully caressed her clitoris, making her cry out. They were so close. Inuyasha gave one last had thrust into his mate's willing body before he exploded, squirting his seed into her and grinding his hips to hers as he ground out her name, almost as if it were painful. The second she felt the warmness shoot into her womb, Kagome threw her head back, letting it fall onto her mate's left shoulder, while screaming his name to the heavens. Inuyasha sat themselves down before they fell off the tree. He was still inside her, his orgasm just now finishing. Kagome laid slumped against Inuyasha's chest, sweating and panting.

A million words would not bring you back. I know, because I've tried. Niether would a million tears, I know because I've cried

I nuyasha smirked down at his lover, his mate. She smiled at him before mumbling an 'I love you.' And falling asleep. Inuyasha smiled lovingly at his sleeping Kagome.

If the only way to be with you is in my dreams, then i want to sleep forever

"I love you too, mate." He whispered, falling into a blissful sleep.

A/N: I know!! It's corney and cleche! OH WELL! lol I liked it... maybe cuz I'm a hopeless romantic * shrugs* who knows? Umm I spent a pretty long time on this... trying to get as many misspelled words correctly spelled. I would've had it spell checked but I'm too lazy... I just wanna post it right now lol.So I hope I didn't dissapoint you. :-D The 'poems' or quotes in the italics dont always go on with what's happening in the story. You'll know if they are lol ok? I DID NOT make them up, I picked them up from somewhere else. Different places on the net... Uhh Please review me, I'd really appreciate it. Umm no flames, please. Constructive critisism is welcomed. So R&R!!!! PLEASE lol

OH and this is another quote or poem thing I thought was ADORABLE but too long to put in the story:
A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, he said... no. She asked him if he would want to be with her forever... and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry? and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said... Your not pretty, your beautiful, i dont want to be with you forever, i NEED to be with you forever, and i wouldnt cry if you walked away...i'd die... SEE?! Isn't it cute?! I feel so warm and fluffy its almost sickening!! Ok well R&R pwease?