InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight In Midsummer ❯ Another Visitor ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ch. 2
Shinjiru walked back into camp with a scowl. The entire time she'd been with this group, she'd not once trained. The hanyou's slave-driver pace hadn't let her stop and train a little. She couldn't even meditate without him breathing down her neck. One more time and she was going to let him leave without her.
She sat down on a tree stump and started to meditate. A green glow surrounded her form and her entire body just went lax.
Kagome watched Shinjiru meditate with a smile. Things had been so much easier since she'd come. Life was a little more bearable and InuYasha...well...he didn't disappear as often. Whether it was fear of Shinjiru or fear of being found out she didn't know. But it was more entertaining.
"Oi, wench. We don't have time for meditation! Get your lazy ass up." InuYasha yelled to the meditating female on the tree stump.
Shinjiru opened one eye and peered at the hanyou before closing it and standing. "I'm going to train." She called behind her.
"Hey, we don't have time; we got jewel shards to find!" InuYasha stomped up to the calm female and glared for all he was worth, which wasn't much.
"Then go. Don't let me stop you." Shinjiru replied as she turned and walked away.
"Thank you! We can leave the bitch here. Let's go everyone." InuYasha said as he started to break camp, until he noticed that a certain raven-haired miko wasn't following. "Oi, Kagome! What are you doing? We gotta leave."
Kagome turned to face InuYasha and smiled. "Then go, I'm going to stay with Shinjiru."
InuYasha gaped at Kagome. She wasn't serious, was she? Seeing her walk away made him think she was.
"Are you kidding me?!" InuYasha bellowed. He made a move to Kagome to pick her up and physically carry her, but a familiar sword to his throat made him pause. He looked into iced green eyes and glared weakly.
"Kagome-Chan wishes to remain here. I suggest you let her do as she pleases." Shinjiru warned darkly before sliding the steel across his throat and resheathing it.
"InuYasha, do you not think it wise to let Kagome-sama rest for a while?" Miroku asked calmly. "With our new companion present, I do not think you will get very far in your conquests." Mirkou advised wisely, his hand creeping unnoticed to the backside of a certain taijiya. With an over-joyed rub, Mirkou smiled contentedly.
"HENTAI!!" Sango screamed before her Hiraikotsu came down on his skull. She huffed at his downed, twitching form before sitting against a tree across camp. With a happy mew, Kilala hopped onto Sango's lap and nuzzled in for a nap. Sango looked up at InuYasha. "InuYasha just let her rest for a few more days. We are all tired and a few days wouldn't hurt us."
InuYasha growled out a "fine" and hopped into a tree and scowled as his ears twitched with his thoughts. Mirkou lay forgotten, still twitching with his unconscious delusions.
Shinjiru swept her arm up, to block her invisible opponent, all the while keeping her senses trained on the young female a few yards away. With a satisfied smile, she sheathed her swords and sat beside Kagome. She was unusually silent.
"Kagome-chan." Shinjiru said softly. Kagome looked up at her and smiled.
"Oh, it's just this dream I've been having lately. Nothing big." Kagome waved it aside, but Shinjiru pressed on.
"It must be big for you to become so silent. Tell me."
Kagome looked out to the forest before sighing. "There's this guy..." She looked to Shinjiru for some expression, but she remained placid. "I keep seeing myself with him at sunset. Usually we just snuggle and talk, but never being able to see his face bothered me. Last night, he looked at me and I saw him. Golden eyes, silver hair, and white clothes."
"This sounds like the Sesshoumaru character you have spoken to me about. Do you believe it to be him?" Shinjiru asked.
"Yes, until I looked higher on his head. He has ears, not hanyou ears, but fox ears. And I felt a tail wind around me...just before" Kagome hid her face in her hands and waited for whatever reaction she would get.
"Sounds like you have very deep feelings for this kitsune. Any clue as to who he is?" Shinjiru asked, watching as Kagome removed her hands to look at her. Receiving a shake of her head, Shinjiru stood. "Perhaps we should find out."
"WHAT?!" Kagome shrieked. "Why would we want to find out?!"
"Why not? If this male bothers you enough to send you into silence, then you must find something desirable in him. At least subconsciously." Shinjiru added thoughtfully. She took one step forward and growled the tora in her warning her senses.
"Shin?" Kagome asked quietly. Shinjiru slowly backed up taking Kagome with her.
"When I tell you, run. Fetch the hanyou; he'd love a family reunion." Shinjiru whispered.
Kagome's eyes widened. "Sesshoumaru?" At Shinjiru's nod, she turned around, ready to run.
Sesshoumaru stepped regally from the tree line, his clothing rippling in the wind and his hair dancing. His bangs brushed the crescent on his forehead and his eyes glowed under the morning light. He unsheathed his sword and stood, waiting for an attack.
"Run." Kagome sprinted without thought toward the camp, leaving Shinjiru to keep the taiyoukai occupied.
Shinjiru turned her body to the side and slipped into her well-used defensive stance. She slowly reached up and unsheathed both swords, smiling at the sound of the steel brushing against the scabbard. Shinjiru twirled the swords before her and smirked widely.
"Halfling wench, where is my worthless hanyou brother?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly, eyeing the way her stance seemed so familiar.
"The half-breed is at his camp, the miko has been sent to fetch him." Shinjiru replied with just as much ice to her tone. She flexed her taloned fingers around the sword hilts and tensed.
"Good." Sesshoumaru smiled before charging for her. He swung at her torso, scowling when she blocked both attempts with her swords. He tried again for her legs, but ended up with the same result. He pushed against her well-guarded defense and almost smiled when she pushed back. "You are strong." Sesshoumaru commented surprisingly.
"No shit Sherlock." Shinjiru replied, using a phrase Kagome had said to the hanyou. His eyebrow rose and she smiled before kicking him in the stomach, sending him into the nearest tree. He rushed back out at her and slashed elegantly at her form.
Sesshoumaru spotted the smallest opening in her defense and struck. The blow did little but scratch, but he smirked at her shock none-the-less. He was unprepared however for her next action.
Shinjiru smiled as she wiped the blood away and charged him, taking the offensive. She slashed at him several times, her blows landing. He was unable to defend when he only had one sword against two. She slashed at him once more, turning with her momentum to kick him again in the chest. He slid back a couple yards, coming to a stop to glare at her.
"SESSHOUMARU!!" InuYasha bellowed as he rushed his brother. Shinjiru growled and intercepted him. She flung him away and glared. "What the fuck bitch?!" InuYasha shouted as the others ran into the clearing.
"This is my fight half-breed. You would do well not to interfere." Shinjiru turned back to the taiyoukai, surprised to see him sheath his sword.
"Now that you are here hanyou, I have a proposition." Sesshoumaru stated, coming to stand beside Shinjiru. He ignored her curious gaze, keeping his eyes on the dimwit hanyou.
"What kind of proposition?" InuYasha asked bringing his sword up before him.
"An alliance. The dirty half-breed has plagued this world for far too long. Since your group alone cannot seem to do the job single-handedly, I will accompany you. I will aide you in battles and in the final battle. After that I can promise nothing more of this peace between us." Sesshoumaru waited for the decision.
"Fuck no!" InuYasha yelled before any of the other members had a chance to speak. Kagome grabbed his arms and drug him back to where the others were waiting to discuss the issue. When Shinjiru didn't follow Kagome looked at her questioningly.
"It is not my place." Shinjiru replied before sheathing her words and waiting.
Sesshoumaru watched the exchange with interest. The wench and the female youkai had some kind of bond between them, but it seemed more on one side. He turned his eyes the youkai wench. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes closed. Her stance was still readied and her muscles tense. Her form was covered in a form-fitting black gi with her twin swords strapped to her back. Her stance, fighting technique, and sword style was exactly the same as his.
"It is rude to stare my Lord." Shinjiru commented without looking at him, but Sesshoumaru continued staring regardless of her words. "Have it your way."
Without further prompting, Shinjiru drew her word and brought it down on the Lord's head. The sound of steel meeting steel rang through the clearing, startling the group talking into looking toward the pair.
"Shin..." Kagome called stepping toward the fight. InuYasha pulled her back and shook his head.
"I think this is something that has to be settled before he joins our group." Mirkou advised, watching the two slash at each other. Sango nodded.
"If they don't get this out now, it could be a regular thing." Turning back to the fight the small group waited.
Shinjiru blocked the swing at her side and pushed against his sword. For being related to the hanyou, he sure had a tight defense. Every move was fluid and flowed into the next gracefully. His lightning speed was an even match for her and his strength paralleled hers. She swung at his left side, watching his sword come up to block the blow, using that as her distraction; she drew her second sword and went in for the kill. Both paused. Shinjiru's swords lay blocked at his left side and resting just against his neck. Sesshoumaru's sword was blocking hers and his left leg was up against her stomach.
Looking over the sword at his neck, Sesshoumaru smirked. "Very good. Few can match me in battle, be glad you are the only." Pulling away from her he sheathed his sword and stepped back a few paces. Watching her do the same, they both bowed to the other respectfully before turning from each other and walking to opposite ends of the clearing.
"Wait that's it?" InuYasha asked as he looked from one to the other incredulously. "No blood, no threats? Well this sucks."
"Why fight with me when he can fight with you half-breed? Afraid you might actually learn something?" Shinjiru said not looking at him, instead keeping her senses trained to the forest nearest to Kagome.
InuYasha growled and pulled out his sword. "Without Kagome to stand beside you, you're worthless to me." InuYasha charged forward blindly and swung at her sitting form. Still, without looking Shinjiru drew her sword from over her left shoulder and blocked the swing. She heard Kagome yell for him to stop and without much effort; she stood and pushed him onto his back. She drew her other sword and pressed it against his throat while the other held his sword hand down.
"Remember this half-breed, without Kagome here to stop me; you have no worth to me. So long as she wants me to, I will stand beside her." Shinjiru pulled away from him and reseated herself.

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