InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Machine 2 ❯ New Contracts ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Midnight Machine

Chapter 1

I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, and I do not own songs that other people have written, and therefore I shall not take credit and here by be accused of plagerism by the law...


Okay I totally redid this story, tho if you guys want I can continue the other one still, but anyways here goes...

Kagome, what's there to say... Teen Sensation, idol, Rocker... One of the few that were actually were Women. Today was going to be a long long day... Her manager was making her sign a new Contract with that creepo Kouga... shudder shudder... That guy couldn't take a hint if it streaked in front of him while he was at the Grocery Store. It was actually kinda sad. He had this complete obsession with Kagome that he could barely control.

He couldn't keep his hands off her and always call her "His Woman". HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! As if. Yes, and Pigs do Bring Money to little children for their teeth! I mean, come ON! Doesn't he have a life??????

But anyways, a cry was heard from the 1st level of her 5 story mansion...

"KAGOME!!!!!!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!!!!" A Woman's voice yelled from the bottom level.

And the girl named Kagome was rudely awakened from her slumber... And so a new Day began, oh goody. She got up with half lidded eyes and yawned. The next step was making it to the Bathroom without tripping over any of the clutter that covered the bottom of her room.

Once she had evaded most of the junk and came out of her room with only one to two, to maybe three, okay to four falls to show for it, she was met with her Manager's assistant... Miroku.

"Kagome, Kagome, Kagome," He shook his head with false dissapointment," Didn't you promise your Mother that you would clean your room?"

"Say what?" The girl named Kagome wearily asked.

Miroku stared at her for a moment before beggining to chuckle.

"Don't play game with me Miroku, it's too early in the morning..." She grumbled with yet another yawn.

"It's 2 o' clock in the afternoon."

Kagome's eyes shot open.

"Oh, crap." She said with fear. Beleive me, her Manager's really scary when she's mad... and she usually only get's really mad and really scray when Kagome is late, and if it's two o' clock she's really really late, and o....

"Relax Kago0me, it's 10:30, I was just yankin' your chain!"

Well, that earned a hard bump on the head from our Dear Friend Kagome.

"Well, I'm off to take a shower... Tell the Keade that I'll be down in a moment."

"Ya right." Miroku said, but he quickly shut his mouth when he saw the warning glare from Kagome.

"I mean, I'll tell her ALRIGHT!" He said the last part perticularly loud and enunciated trying to prove his point. AQnd with a last look from Kagome, he quickly ran downstairs to avoid Kagome's Early Morning's Wrath, capital W...

1 Hour and 30 Minutes Later...

"So what's for Breakfast?" A now energetic Kagome asked as she had finished her shower.

"Well, it WAS French toast and bacon." Her little brother Souta said, suddenly appearing at her side.

"WHAT! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!! MIROKU!!!!!!!" The girlo screamed.

"Once again, take it easy Kagome, we saved you a slice." Miroku said trying to calm her fury.

"A slice? Not slices?" She asked, for some reason it seemed like one measly peice of toast would not be able to feed the hunger that she was feeling right now...

"Hey, I wasn't the one who took an HOUR AND THIRTY minutes in the shower!" He shot back defensively.

"Ya, whatev... so can we at least stop by Starbucks before we go to the Studio today?"

"Sure, why not... Just please, please don't get the double Mocha..." He shuddered at the Memory...

A preteen Kagome walked into Starbucks, and after a quick evaluation of the Menu, she FINALLY (emphasize the word finally), she had gotten a double mocha. 5 minutes after she had chugged the drink she was running around the little cafe, mouncing off the walls and litterally jumping up and down in her seat all the way to Studio...

Ah yes, memories are pleasant...

"Fine, I'll get the Triple." Kagome said as she watched Miroku's face contort with horror.

"I'm just kidding Roku! And you say I'm not a morning person!"

"Ha, ha, and what's the other word I'm looking for... oh yeah... ha." He said imitating her.

"Well, we better get going if we wanna beat trafic eh?" Kagome asked as she stood up and went to go get her jacket.

"Yeah, yeah." Miroku replied while following her to the Limo that was parked at the Roundabout Driveway of her Muli-Million Dollar Home.


In the end, Kagome had decided on an Iced Mocha Latte... and Miroku? Hot chocolate.

When they arrived at the Studio they were met with a Young Woman who was vigorously tapping her foot on the Ground outside.

"Uh oh." Both Miroku and Kagome said at the same time.

"Hey, Sango..." Kagome said slowly as she climbed out of the Limo after she had pushed Miroku out fist.

"YOU GUYS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HER A HALF AN HOUR AGO!!!!!" Sango harshly whispered while walking over to them, a scowl on her face. Sango was a very pretty Woman, long dark brown hair that was almost always tied up in a high pony tail. She had a very pretty face, that had a hint of Magenta eyeshadow on. She had dark brown eyes, and she was wearing a Magenta Suit to match her Eyeshadow. She had a few silver bangles on her arms and a silver necklace around her neck with a heart locket in the center.

"Ya, I know.. I'm-" But Miroku was cut off.

"It was my fault Sango, I took a long time in the shower and then forced Miroku to get me a Starbucks.

Songo sighed and then put on a big smile, "Well, I guess we shouldn't keep the Hyenas waiting any longer. Come one follow me." She said as she instantly turned and headed into the building.

Miroku and Kagome just looked at eachother, trying to hold back a grin. They had avoided punishment!!!!! That was like a "that will never happen again" kinda deal. Kagome's Manager Sango, was always mad when they were late... Jeez, she must be in a really good mood... and it was probably because of a certain guy... whose name starts with M... has three sylobols... ends with U... if you guessed Miroku you were right and you just won a free pop up add!

Just Kiddin'.

As much as Sango and Miroku denied it, you could see the look in their eyes that they liked eachother, I mean, you'd have to be blind, or really really dumb not to see the Connection they shared, although it's always easier to see someone elses life and their attractions than actually taking a look at your own personal life.

So Kagome and Miroku quickly followed Sango into the building.

When they entered the room of the Contacters, Kagome's hand was immidiatly held by someone else's... Kouga's to be exact. Ah yes, Kouga, the young buisnessman, 21 to be exact, whose Daddy bought him this job, and allowed him to make and Sign Contracts with Stars.

"Oh Kagome, How I longed to see your face, and hold your hands... I just want you to know that I love you and al-" But he was rudely interrupted be an irrated Sango.

"I thought you said this was about a Contract, not a social affair." She said with venom. She and Miroku loathed Kouga, while Kagome just pretty much hated him.

"Yes, yes the Contract the Contract." He had a habit of repeating the things he says over and over again, like the song... Over and over again.. which is probably how that song came into being.

Kouga looked around, "Sit down, Sit down." Making him look like a buffooon. No offense to those who repeat themselves twice in a row, but you know, in Kouga's situation at least, WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!"

3 hours, 27 minutes, and 53 second later...

After countless arguments, endless namecalling, and revisions that continued to change, the Contract was finally ready...

All that was left was a signiture...

Kagome held the pen in her hand, and after a nervous glance and Sango who nodded her head in a gesture that meant continue, she bent over the paper...

She always hated signing Contracts, it made her feel like she was selling something that shouldn't be sold...


'Good, there's still time to go back...' Kagome's conscience fought with her as she was writing her name on the slip of paper...


'Crap, but there's still time!!!!!!'


'Stop Writing!!! Once you sign your last name it's done, over, Capeesh! No more Cheese!!!!!"




Kagome Higarashi

"Well, now that that's settled, I'll be taking that." Kouga's partner said while snatching the Contract up and putting it in his overally large breif case.

'Too late.'

Kagome, sighed as the three of them (Kagome, Sango, and Miroku) stood up, shaked hands and exited the building. And after a quick goodbye to Kouga, who blocked their path and wouldn't let them go until he had said his full blown "Farewell, until We ,Meet Again!" speech to Kagome, they were free! Free at last!

"So... do you guys wanna get some icecream? My treat." Miroku said, while attempting to put his arm around Sango's waist, but she brushed him off while blushing wildly.

"Sure." Kagome and Sango answered... and they were off!

_____________________________________________________________ ________

Wow! I actually made a long chapter!!!!

umm... just in case someone's confused on the ages here...

Kagome- 17 (In her Senoir year in High School)

Inuyasha-18 (just turned and is in his Senoir year in High School)

Sango- 23

Miroku- 22

Shessy- 24

Rin- 23

Kouga- 21 (just turned & he finished college early) cough *dad* cough

Kikyo- 17 (In her Senoir year in High School) *how she got that far is beyond me...* cough *dad* cough

but anyways, any other characters will later be addressed.

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