InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Ride ❯ Riding through the Woods ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

Ch.1 Riding through the Woods

Inuyasha yawned. "Want to do something?"

Sesshomaru looked up from his book. "I am doing something."

"Yeah but I have nothing to do, Want to fence?"

Sesshomaru sighed and turned a page. "That's all we ever do, I'm getting a little bored of it."

"What are you chicken?"

"Do I look like I'm scared of you?" He didn't look up from his book. "Go call your girl friend or something."

Inuyasha stood up and grabbed the phone from the table and dialed her number, it rang three times before she picked up.


"Why do you always wait for three rings before picking up the phone?"

"Inuyasha," she sounded a little disappointed. "I was just having lunch with my parents."

"Oh well… lunch is almost over, want to come over a little later?"

"No thanks, I have to go shopping with my mom."

"Oh… well then do you-"

"-Look Inuyasha I have to go, I'll call you later." She hung up.

"Doubt it." Inuyasha hung up and set the phone back on the table.

"No luck?" Sesshomaru turned a page.

"What do you think?" Inuyasha said sarcastically and sat down across from his brother holding his head in his hands. "Our relationship is falling apart, I don't know any way to fix it?"

Sesshomaru took the hint, gave a heavy sigh and set down his book. "You really must like her." Inuyasha glared at him. "Well maybe you need to spend less time with her."

Inuyasha sat back and folded his arms. "We couldn't spend anymore time apart, and I've been trying to spend more time with her but she's always busy."

"Maybe Kikyo found another guy?"

Inuyasha glared at him hard. "You know you're not very good at this."

Sesshomaru grabbed his book and began reading again. "I know." He looked up to see Inuyasha's sad face. "Why don't you go outside and get your mind off of her."

Inuyasha stood and went towards the door. "Where's dad?"

"I don't know, Probably out with some Bimbo"

"You wouldn't suppose he has any advice on women, would you?"

"I'm not so sure you should take his advice…"

"No…? I'm going to go get something to eat… Later."

- o -

"Welcome to my humble abode." Kagome closed the door after her friend.

Kagome's mom came down the steps and kissed her daughters forehead. "Hello." She said to Kagomes friend.

"You look dressed up, where ya going?"

"7 o-clock mass." She opened the door. "Remember to clean the stalls today."

"I know mom, that's why I brought Mia." Her mom walked out the door and closed it. "Lets get something to eat, you hungry?"

Her mother popped open the door. "Oh and if you ride, don't forget your helmet, and don't forget to feed the cat."

"OK… Bye." Kagome led Mia through the hallway to the kitchen. "So what do you want?"

"Have you ever wondered who lives in that big house next door?" Mia sat at the kitchen table.

"Yeah…" Kagome lent against the counter. "I've never seen them, there are allot of cars going in and out of that place but because of the plants you cant see whose in them." Kagome got some apples out of the fridge and gave one to Mia.

"Thanks… so you've never been there?"

"Nope, But from what I heard the rich and stuck up." Kagome took a bite from her apple. "So what time are you going home?"


"So we have two hours, better get moving." Kagome led her friend threw the back yard.

"So where exactly are the stables?"

Kagome pointed to a small building across her large backyard.

"Wow, how big is your yard?" They made there way across the field.

"The field is about five acres and my who yard is thirteen, the rest is woods."

Kagome unlocked the large doors to the stables and opened them all the way.

"So what are there names?"

"This one here" Kagome went over to the large black stallion. "Is Link." She grabbed a treat from a bag hanging on his door and fed it to him. "He's mine, and the other one." She pointed with her free hand to a brown mare across from Link. "Is Taki, She's my mom's."

Kagome went over to a large walk in closet; it was filled with medication, food and supplies. She got out two brushed and a hoof pick. She handed a brush to Mia. "Here Brush the horse while I clean the stall."

Kagome open Links door and walked him out. She hooked the lead ropes to the walls. She began cleaning the stall while Mia brushed the dirt off.

"You know, they say that a rather hot guy lives in that house."

Kagome sighed. "That would be a first, there aren't any hot guys around here for miles, they maybe rich, but not attractive at all."

"Well don't you think Kouga is cute?" Mia nudged Kagome with her elbow. "I heard a rumor that he likes you."

"Ok Ok," Kagome laughed. "There's one cute guy around here. But only one." Kagome finished the stall and helped brush off link.

"Are we going to clean Taki?"

Kagome took out the hoof pick and cleaned Links hoofs. "No she does that in the morning."

After she was done she went inside the closet and got out a saddle blanket and the saddle. She placed them on link. "Have you ridden before?" Kagome latched the saddle.

Mia stepped back to give Kagome room. "I've had a couple of lessons."

"Do you think you can handle it if I ride Link, and you ride Taki?" She went over to Taki's stall preparing to take her out.

"Yeah sure." Kagome took Taki out and hooked up her lead ropes a few feet behind link. "Are you trying to breed them?"

"Yeah." Kagome sighed as she got another saddle and blanket out and put them on Taki. "But, they don't exactly like each other."

Kagome tossed Mia a helmet and put one on herself. "We have a bout a half hour, so lets go."

Kagome and Mia unhooked there horses and jumped on. Kagome led Mia threw the field for about ten minuets. She didn't dare take her into the woods; Mia was having a little trouble controlling Taki.

They returned to the stables and put the horses away, and went back to the house so Mia could go home.

After she was gone Kagome hopped on the couch and turned on the T.V. It was a while before her mom came home, almost 11:30. Her mom went upstairs and changed before coming down and sitting next to Kagome.

"So how was Mass?"

"Long." She sat back.

"Hey, I was wondering, have you ever seen our neighbors?"


"Really? When?"

"Well… sometimes when I go to church I see one of the boys or there father."

"Hum… What do they look like?"

"Well… I haven't seen them enough to describe them. I'm going to bed." She got up and kissed Kagome good night. "Don't stay up to late."

"It's the weekend tomorrow, I don't have to hurry to bed. Good night."

Kagome flipped through a few channels before deciding there was nothing on and went to bed.


"Byou! Where are you?" Kagome searched under her bed for her cat. "Come on Byou! I have to go clean Link! Its almost night!"

Kagome went downstairs and looked under the living room table. "Oh! There you are." Kagome grabbed Byou, and dropped it outside. "Its outside time for you."

She ran threw the field to the stables. By the time she was done cleaning it was dark, but she really could care less, it was more fun riding in the night, especially in the woods. She never went fully through her woods, because her mom would always yell for her to come back. But her mom wasn't here so she could go where ever she wanted.

She grabbed her blanket and saddle and was about to leave, but she forgot her helmet at the house. She decided she didn't need it; after all, she hadn't fallen for years.

She trotted out of the stable in to the field. By the time she hit the woods she was in a full gallop. She didn't really have to pay much attention to where she was going except if there were low branches.

She loved riding threw the woods. The wind in her hair, even the feeling of riding, it always calmed her down.

She slowed into a fast trot. There was a small clearing just ahead. She could see her neighbor's house, completely dark like always. Not very much happened over there. Kagome suddenly focused on where she was going and ducked. Low branch.

She speed up going back into a gallop, her horse needed the exercise.


`Ring… Ring…' "Hello?"

"See I told you I'd call you back!"

"Hum…" Inuyasha sat on a kitchen stool. "What's up?"

"I don't have allot of time right now, but, I have to tell you something."

Inuyasha lent on the counter. "I'm listening…"

"Well… we need to take a break from this girlfriend boyfriend thing."

"You want to break up?" Inuyasha sounded devastated at this.

"Not forever… I just think it's unfair for you, how I'm always busy. We can get back together when I have more time."

"Will you ever have more time?"

"Yep, this is more for you than it is for me."

"Right well how bout-"

"-Sorry but I have to go, bye." She hung up.

"Right for you." He hung up. He'd always seem to say something to her after she hung up.

`Its not for me! Its all for her, its always going to be for her. But we still have a chance right? She said we'd get back together. Who said I wanted to get beck together!' his last line was angry. `But I do, I'd probably wait for her forever.' He needs to get some fresh air.


"What!" he called from the living room, a little annoyed.

"Want to walk the dogs?"

"Why do you want to walk the dogs?"

"I need some fresh air, and I really don't feel like going alone."

Sesshomaru came into the kitchen and saw Inuyasha's face. He looked depressed, REALLY depressed; he almost looked like he was going to cry. Sesshomaru gave a heavy sigh. "Sure." They walked outside and took the two dogs out of the kennel. "Your not turning into a girl are you." They started to walk. Inuyasha didn't say anything. "What's up?" This brotherly thing was new to him.

"We broke up." There was a long pause. Sesshomaru didn't know what to say.

They walked through the back yard. There weren't any trees back there. Their dad tried to make a mini golf coarse, but they never used it.

"Did she find another guy?" Inuyasha just stared at him for that comment. A swing and a miss for Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha tripped over a rock and fell on the ground. Sesshomaru broke out in laughter as he helped him up.

"That wasn't funny." Inuyasha brushed him self off.

"Yes it was!" Sesshomaru's laugh slowly halted.

"I guess it was!" Inuyasha laughed a little, but Sesshomaru stopped him.

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Inuyasha strained to hear it.
