InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Screams ❯ Midnight Screams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello peoples, I am a new writer here, so this is my first one-shot ever. I’ve been reading

fanfiction for over a year but this is my first shot at doing it. I did do an Inuyasha story

with me and my friends in it, they all said it was cool but as the author I chose to trash it

due to my fear of my parents. Oh well .. On with the story

Warning: this story contains rape, yaoi, oral, know, anal, and what ever else that I cannot come up with in my mind

one more thing: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA, I’m not even getting paid for this so don’t sue me


A certain hanyou was sitting near a pond, looking out into clearing as the sun sets. It was a

beautiful day, no demons, no rivals to bother with, and which was most interesting and very weird was that there was no Naraku or his minions. Inuyasha and the group have been fighting

them for the past two or three months and then it all of sudden it just stopped for the past five days. This bothered Inuyasha to no end, but nonetheless the hanyou took advantage of the small

vacation for he knew it wouldn’t last.

Kagome left the feudal era for more of her tests. Miroku, Songo, and the others went to Songo’s

village to gather the materials for songo’s weapon. So our favorite half-breed was left to fend

for himself.

“I know that Naraku is planning somethin’, he just up and stop fighting out of the blue.

He’s gotta have somethin’ up his sleeve, that sneaky bastard! Arrruuugggghhh, this

shit is making my head hurt, I’m going to sleep.” And Inuyasha left it at that.


“Curse that fucking hanyou! More of my plans have been foiled by him and those good for

nothing humans! says Naraku as he throws his teacup at a nearby wall. “Not even my own

minions have been able to slow him down!

“Master, perhaps I have a way to get him.”

“What is it Kanna ?”

“If you cannot break him in strength, then break him in spirit”

“Huuuummmm, interesting”

As Inuyasha sleeps, he begins to smell something unusual, like ....NARAKU!!! His eyes snap

open to find him, but all he sees is forest clearing. He got up to scan the place but all he saw was nothing.

“Naraku! show yourself you son-of-a-bitch, I know you’re out there!

“How observant Inuyasha, although that won’t save you. You see I have the miko here

with me.

“Liar! Kagome isn’t here, she’s in her own time!

“Really, then who is this? Naraku then pulled the girl from behind him. “INUYASHA, HELP!!”

“What the....when in hell did she come back, I thought she wouldn’t be back for a few more

days. Something’s not right here.

“That makes her a liar now doesn’t it ?”

“Shut up! I wouldn’t believe you for one second”

“Well then why don’t I prove to you that this is your precious woman” Naraku pulled the sacred

jewel from his kimono “here woman, purify this shard”

she touched the jewel and it turned from dark black to the brightest of pink in an instant

“Now do you believe me ?”

“I don’t understand, if she came back early, why didn’t I smell her?”

“Maybe I got to her before you, but lets get on with the bargain”

“What in hell are you talking about?”

“Simple, your life for her’s, unless you really want your lovely woman to die so quickly”

“Fuck you, I’ll kill you before that happens. At that moment Inuyasha unsheathed his sword and ran straight at him

“Tsk, tsk, Inuyasha I figured you had more compassion than that. Naraku was about slit Kagome’s throat when...

He skidded at stop and sighed “Alright, alright, you win, what do you want?”

“Very wise hanyou, all I need for you to do is come with me”

“You will let her go right?”

“You have my word” Naraku then snapped his fingers and a huge cloud of smoke came through

the forest.

“Miasma!? Screams Inuyasha

“Did you think I would let come with me awake?


“You haven’t seen the ‘bastard’ in me yet boy.” Inuyasha the fainted due to so much smoke in the air. He walked up towards his body and picked him up and put him over his shoulder. “You are going to wish you have never fucked with me. Hahahahahahaha

Inuyasha awakened to the smell of Naraku and miasma. He looked all over the room, it was neatly furnished with blood red paint on the walls with design carvings in them, black silk curtains, & a wooden floor with a hand-knit quilt on it . He then noticed he was bound to a huge bed with black and red silk sheets and pillows. He looked up to see his hands tied to the top of the bed. Not only that, he was completely naked! He tried to pull the ropes apart but he was too weak due to all that smoke.

“Well, well, you’ve awakened I see”

“What sick game is this!?”

“This is my sick game, you see, you and your humans have been nothing but a nuisance to me and my plans. I thought if I broke one of your friends it would just make you more angry in pursuing me. So then why don’t I break the leader instead of the comrades”

“What the fuck are you talking about ?!”

Naraku walks over to the bed, pounces on the hanyou and straddles him.

“ Let’s just say I am aiming for your spirit rather than your strength” as he licks his face

“What are you doing!? Get the hell off me you sick asshole!!!

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, lovely, but there is something that I can do”

“Like hell you ca... he was then cut off by getting a rough kiss from Naraku

“You taste delicious, I wonder if the rest of you taste just as good, maybe this tastes better” as he grabs Inu’s manhood. He flinched and held back a whimper.

“Let’s see shall we?” He begins to kiss his face, he slowly moves to his neck and continues downward. Inuyasha grabs hold of the bounds and shuts his eyes tightly.

Naraku reaches his manhood and begins to kiss along the tip and then he starts to suck torturously slow. Inuyasha begins to whimper a little, but then Naraku sucks harder and faster which made him whimper more. Naraku stopped when the boy’s manhood was fully erect dripping with pre-cum and his saliva.

“I was right, that did taste better than your lips” he said with a smirk

“I will kill you when I get out of here”

“Judging by your predicament I’d say your words are quite useless”

“Screw you!!”

“Oh, I’ll do that” he purred

Naraku removed his kimono robe, exposing his nudity and erection. Inuyasha’ s eyes widened at the sight. “I can’t believe this, he’s actually going rape me”

“This is your punishment for interfering with my plans” Naraku took his fingers and shoved them into the Inu’s mouth. “suck”, he commanded. Inuyasha retaliated by biting him and making him bleed. Naraku punched him in the face. “You good for nothing whore!! Suck , or I’ll give you real pain. Inuyasha then spat his blood in his face. “Fine then, you want pain I’ll give it to you”

He scratched deep gashes in the Inu’s chest. Inuyasha screamed at the sudden wound.

“Now, let’s try this again. Suck and if you bite me again, your ribs will be broken this time”

Inuyasha complied, he shakily opened his mouth and sucked on the tyrants fingers. Naraku removed his fingers and with the other hand grabbed the hanyou’s hair “Forever you are my enemy, but tonight you are my bitch” with that Naraku shoved the wet appendages inside the hanyou’ s small hole and Inuyasha screamed at the top of his lungs as his fingers continued to go deeper and make cuts along the walls, making him bleed on the bed. As Naraku went on with his fingers he once again forcefully kissed the Inu , cutting his lips with his fangs. He made small bruises and cuts along his neck and chest.

Inuyasha felt like he couldn’t breathe, he felt he was being torn to pieces. Naraku removed his fingers and said “ now, the fun part” No second later, he thrusted himself within the hanyou and once again the hanyou gave a high-pitched scream along with tears running down his face.

“Call” thrust, “my” thrust, “name” thrust

“N-n-no” Inuyasha cried, Naraku backhanded him “Do it !”

“Burn in hell”

“Fine with me” then he thrusted much more harder making the hanyou scream more.

I wish this could end , I wish the pain would stop” Somehow the sacred jewel in Naraku’s discarded robe heard the inu’s plea and granted his wish. Inuyasha no longer felt pain, he felt.....

pleasure. Those harsh thrusts inside him no longer tore him in half, the felt ....good....real good.

He then began to moan and mewl. Naraku began to hear all the moans coming from his victim.

“Well, what has changed your mind all of a sudden?”

“What does it matter to you”

“ You’ve gone from screaming to moaning”

“Make both our lives easier and fuck me “

“Even while your bleeding?”

“DO IT!”

“Humph, very well”

With that Naraku continued thusting “ugghhhh, harder, you idiotic bastard” the inu said. Naraku

did it a little harder. “C’mon!! You can do better than that !! That pushed him over the edge.

Naraku then pushed as hard as he could “ Oh Gods, that’s it, come on!!” the inu screamed

“Scream for me first” he commanded


“Do it bitch”




“Uuuggghhhh, curse you hanyou!!!”

Naraku spilled his seed inside the hanyou as inuyasha spilled his all over his and Naraku’s chest.

He fell on top of inuyasha spent and almost out of energy. With the last of it he grabbed the hanyou by th hair and dragged him outside into the forest and dropped him and threw clothes at him.

“This was a one night thing, after this I will not hesitate to kill you, but if you’re lucky

I just might screw you again”

Inuyasha looked at him with scared eyes, but after he left, the inu smirked

“Hummm, I look forward to it, Naraku, and I won’t be so submissive next time”

        &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;    End
  well that sucked....... Please review, I don’t mind commentary on the story just no flames. I don’t need people ranting on me that way, its dumb. But I don’t mind suggestions or a little criticism to help make this better and all my future stories (if I write any).