InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Stalker ❯ A Nightmare and Waterfight ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAMER: Do you think I could really own Inuyasha? (I wish I did!)

Midnight Stalker

Chapter 7

A Nightmare and water fight! :


"NOOOOOOO! Please don't! I'll do anything just don't hurt him please!" Kagome screamed/cried at Hojo who was holding a gun to Inuyasha's head.

Hojo got this evil grin oh his face and looked at Inuyasha.

"I love you Kagome." Inuyasha whispered

Hojo then pulled the trigger and a lifeless Inuyasha fell to the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kagome screamed as she shot up in bed knocking Inuyasha on to the floor.

Inuyasha got up and looked around the room to see what was happening when he spotted Kagome crying and ran to her. "Kagome it's ok your fine."

Kagome grabbed him and started to cry onto his bare chest "Inuyasha I thought you were dead. Hojo shot you and you fell to the floor and wouldn't move. I was so scared!"

"It's ok Kagome I'm fine and Hojo isn't hear and he is not going to get either of us so don't worry"

Inuyasha held Kagome until she stopped crying and fell asleep again then layed her back down on the bed and stayed there the whole night thinking many was to kill Hojo for what he did to Kagome.


The next morning Kagome woke up and looked at the alarm clock that read 7:39.

"SHIT!" Kagome yelled causing Inuyasha to once again to fall to the floor. (A/N: He does that a lot!)

"I'm going to be late for work!" Kagome ran around the room franticly trying to get ready while Inuyasha got back on the bed and tried to go back to sleep which didn't take to long until Kagome jumped on the bed and told him to get ready because he had to go to work also.

"Kagome let me sleep for five more minutes then I will get up ok." He mumbled turning over to get more comfy.

"No" was all she told him before she poured a bucket of ice-cold water on him.

"AHHHHHHHHH!! Dammit women can't you let a man rest once in a while" he screamed jumping 2 feet in the air

"Not when you were supposed to on your way to work 10 minutes ago!" she yelled back while putting on her shoes.

Inuyasha walked into the bathroom and grabbed a glass and filled it with cold water then walked back out with the glass hidden behind his back. Kagome saw him come out of the bathroom and knew something was wrong and tried to run out of the room but Inuyasha got to the door first and shut the door.

"Inuyasha let me go I have to go to work." All she got was an evil smile for a replied as she was backed into the wall. "Don't even think about Inuyasha or else…" "Or else what?" "I'll…I'll…"

Kagome didn't get to finish what she was trying to say because he poured the water on her head causing her eyeliner to smear down her face. Inuyasha had the biggest grin on his face.



Kagome chased Inuyasha around the apartment both throwing water at each other (where it came from…who knows :) ) making the whole place soaked! Inuyasha lunched at Kagome causing both of them to fall to the floor and then started to kiss each other which lead to other things that I'm not going to write but you can guess what happened.

End Of Chapter 7