InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Stalker ❯ Surpise Attack ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAMER: Do you think I could really own Inuyasha? (I wish I did!)

Midnight Stalker:

Chapter 9

Surprise Attack


Kagome put the phone down after talking to Keade about Shippo and turned to Inuyasha who was now watching the news about what the weather was going to be for the next 5 days.

"OK! Shippo is excited about being adopted by us and is making little plans with his stuffed animals about what "they" are going to do when "they" move in."

Inuyasha looked at Kagome like she was crazy for even saying something like that.

"What?" Kagome questioned

Inuyasha shook his head and turned back to the TV when suddenly a knock was heard at the door. Kagome a little startled at the sound. She shook her head and went to answer it when she heard a voice outside the door.

"HENTAI {slap} {bang} groan"

Kagome smiled and opened the door to a mad Sango and unconscious Miroku.

"HI! I got great news… Lets go to my room so we can talk!" Kagome pulled Sango through the door and across the apartment to her room.


"Hey Miroku will ya shut the door already!" Inuyasha yelled from the coach.

Miroku got up and walked to Inuyasha after shutting the door and sat down to watch TV. with him

After a couple minuets they heard Sango and Kagome shouting with joy in Kagome and Inuyasha's room

"What's that about Inuyasha?"

"Kagome and I are adopting Shippo"

"The little kid in my and Sango's building?"

"Yup that one"

"Oh… good for you."



(With kag and san)

Kagome pulled Sango through the door and shut it.

"Ok Kagome why are you so excited?"

"Well me and Inuyasha are going to be parents!!"


"YES I'M PREGN..... Wait no me and Inuyasha are adopting Shippo from your building."

"oh.. Well that's just as good!"

Kagome and Sango looked at each other for a minute then got smiles on their faces and screamed for joy.


Kagome heard the doorbell ring and went out to see who or what it was with Sango following.


(With Inuyasha and Miroku)


Inuyasha got off the couch and went to the door to see who it was and saw Kagome and Sango come out of the bedroom. Inuyasha opened the door and didn't see anyone there and when he was about to close the door he heard a voice and looked down.

"Uncle yasha!"

"Rin, What are you doing here?"

"She wanted to see her uncle and going to be aunt." came a smooth dark voice from down the hall. Inuyasha looked and saw his brother Sesshomaru walking towards them.

"Oh, well come in I guess."

Rin ran in and went strait for Kagome who was waiting with open arms.

"Hi Rin!"

"Hi Aunty Kagome I missed you!" Rin replied with a huge grin on her face and squeezed Kagome for all she was worth.

"I missed you to Rin.. Guess what?"

"What?" Rin looked at Kagome with big curious eyes and Kagome couldn't help but laugh at her cute face.

"You're going to have a cousin!"

Rin got really excited and started to jump around singing about all the things she plans on doing with her new cousin.

"Why Kagome I didn't know you were pregnant." Sesshomaru said looking at her.

"No I'm not pregnant, me and Inuyasha are adopting a little boy named Shippo who is about Rin's age."

Rin stop for a second to look at Kagome and then started to jump around again until she bumped into Miroku and she looked up. Rin blushed and looked away shyly and giggled.

Kagome looked at Rin and Miroku then looked to Sesshomaru who whispered to Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome "She has a little crush on Miroku."

"oh…… and your not worried?" Kagome asked with a smile on her face.

"No, but if he does anything wrong to her I will break his body to little bits and through him in the river."

Inuyasha cleared his throat.

"so what do you want Sess?"

"I wanted to give kagome her birthday present."

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything Sess."

Sesshomaru looked at Kagome and gave her a black box wrapped with a green bow that said happy birthday with all capitol letters on it. Kagome looked at it and started to open it. inside the box was a pair of keys. Kagome looked up at sesshomaru with a blank look and asked "Please tell me you didn't buy me a house because my family already got me one and………"

Sesshomaru put his hand up to stop her babbling. "No it is not a house……… It's a RX8 and if you don"


"Cherry red."

Kagome ran out the door and down the stairs until she came to the lobby and ran to the door and saw her care with another big green bow. Kagome slowly walked out the door very slowly almost like if she walked faster the car would go away. when everyone else got outside they saw Kagome rubbing her hands on the car and watched as she got inside and played with all the buttons.

"Wow bro you did pretty good with."

Inuyasha didn't get to finish because he did something he never should have done……… he put his hand on the car. Kagome snapped her head at Inuyasha and started to growl and Inuyasha whipped his hand off the car and backed way. Miroku started to laugh until he was hit on the head by an angry Inuyasha.

"I'm going for a drive."

Kagome put the key in the ignition and sped off.


Kagome got home around 11pm that night and went to check the messages just incase and saw that there was a new one and hit the play button.

"Hey hun its me I just wanted to let you know I went to show the house to Sesshomaru and Miroku and Sango came with. I'm thinking of pizza for dinner and will pick some up on the way home. love ya……… and sorry for touching your car. BYE"

Kagome laughed and started to turn around when to strong arms wrapped around her waist. Kagome smiled thinking it was Inuyasha when suddenly the phone rang and she picked it up since she was right there.

"Moshie moshie."

"Hey Kag just letting you know that Miroku invited me over for a drink and I should be home in a couple hours."

Kagome froze when she heard his voice and dropped the phone. She turned around and saw Hojo smiling a wicked grin at her.


Hojo hung up the phone before she could finish yelling out Inuyasha's name and started to walk up to her. Kagome was backing away and trembling when suddenly she hit the wall and Hojo got really close to her and put his hands on her upper arms to keep her from moving.


End of chapter 9