InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Stalker ❯ The End of it all ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAMER: Do you think I could really own Inuyasha? (I wish I did!)

Midnight Stalker

Chapter: 12

The End of it all


A man is standing outside on his back porch in a red sweater and blue jeans with a drink in his hand. He seems o be thinking about what happened two years ago when his best friend comes out to meet him.

"Inuyasha……… What are you dong out hear man?"

"Just thinking, Miroku."

"About Kagome."

"Yeah." Miroku smiles at his friend as he remembers the phone call he got that day two years ago.

~*~*~* FLASH BACK ~*~*~*

Ring Ring

"Miroku can you get that it might be the station." Sango asked while trying to fix the VCR So they could watch a movie

`Its funny when you think about it, I'm the man yet she fixes everything' Miroku chuckled as he went to the phone.

"Hello……… Inuyasha……… are you ok?"

Sango walks over hearing the name that was spoken.

"When……… yeah will be right over……… okay bye."

Miroku hung up the phone and looked at Sango.

"What happened is Kagome okay?"


Sango looked at him waiting for a response when suddenly a smile came his face.

"She's awake."

Sango burst into tears as she hugged her fiancé while he hugged her back.

"She woke up an hour ago and she is doing fine."

~*~*~* END OF FLASH BACK ~*~*~*

Sango was so happy to have her best friend back that she stayed and talked to her for hours at the hospital and even told her how they even postponed there wedding just so they could have her there.



"I don't think I ever thanked you for being there for me."

"No you didn't but I knew you would of done the same for me."

Inuyasha turned to Miroku and gave him a smile when suddenly he saw his son Shippo come outside.


Inuyasha picked him up when he got to him and hugged him.


"Mommy wants you inside."


They all walked in together and saw all the people standing around waiting for Kagome to walk out of there bedroom when he noticed Sango walking over to her husband and gave him a kiss. Sango looked good, even for a women pregnant with twins in her eighth month. Sango and Miroku got married two months after Kagome got out of the hospital, and became pregnant a year after.

Inuyasha turned his head to look at his son and niece playing together. He loved watching them play games. Inuyasha remembered when Kagome found out when Keade died, she took it very hard and wished she would have been there to help her throw her pain before she died. It took Kagome months for her to get over her death.

Kagome came walking down the hallway with a little bundle held up close to her chest, Inuyasha smiled because last year three months after they got married Kagome became pregnant. A few days ago she gave birth to a healthy baby girl that they named Sakura (cheery blossom). Shippo took to being a big brother very seriously and made sure to make Inuyasha baby proof the house very well. Inuyasha still laughed at the face Shippo made inspecting the job he did. Everything in his life was perfect and he wouldn't have it any other way.



Kagome smiled and handed him his new baby girl. He smiled and put his finger near her face and sighed when she grabbed his finger with her whole hand and squeezed. Kagome laughed and put her arms around his waist and leaned on him.

"Mommy." Kagome bent down and picked up Shippo so he could see his baby sister.

"Say cheese." Kagome's father had a camera and took a picture.

`Yup wouldn't change a thing.'

The End.