InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnights Call ❯ Moving Out ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnights Call
Moving Out

A figure laid sprawled out in the middle of the of the court yard of the shine. Long black hair strands reach out across the stone. Deep green eyes stared into the sky lost to the world around her. Her thoughts raced over everything that had happened.
`How curious these past two weeks had been. I mean... I must have some karma reversing me for what had been robbed from me three years ago... But that's the past and all I want is to look ahead to the future and not to my forgotten past. I found out that a home was left to me. I don't know who the person that felt it to me, but it's mine along with all their possessions. It had been a lot to take in and it was still hard to believe.'

Well it wasn't really a house. It was a castle to be honest. She had visited the estate a few days after she was told about it. It was only a day trip. The view alone had taken her breath away. It was set in the mountains a few miles away from the nearest town. There was a grounds keeper that had shown her around. He was a silly little man, but she did enjoy being around him. It had taken her a week to decide that she was going to move there.
She had started packing that was when her friends and family realized that she was serious about her decision. It wasn't that she didn't like them any more; it was that she's ready to move on with her life. She knew that she would miss everyone and she knew that she would miss the shrine. Leaving the shrine had been the hardest parts of her decision. It was the only home she had known. Still she had lost her memories in this place. The well house and the giant tree in the middle of the shrine; the one she lay under that this second, haunted her every waking moment. `Some things might be better left forgotten…' she figured.
Her friends have been coming over a lot lately and with their visits had come them telling her that they would miss her also that she couldn't leave. One of them had gone as far as to hand cuff her to her bedroom door. Only when Sota came by did he let her free; `well only after I had begged him.'
She could hear foot steps on the stairs that lead up to the shrine. `It wouldn't look good for them to see someone lying around at the shrine and if Grandpa finds out it'll be my hide.' Slowly she got up and dusted herself off and went back into the house. Only then did she take note that her stomach was growling.
“Grandpa we have visitors!” she called up the stairs then making her way to the kitchen.
She found her Mother in the kitchen cooking and it didn't seem to be the amount she normally cooked. There was more. She didn't think much of it, `May be Mama's going some where and making some extra food for the week.' Her mom noticing her in the room asked her to set the table and by that time the food was done. Then she was attacked. Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi all at once hugged her from behind and a loud scream followed their actions. She reset the table so there was a place for everyone.
When everyone had said their thanks it was an all out war. Mama's cooking was some of the best one could get and it was always a fight for food then her friends were over. She had a seeking suspicion her Grandfather had something to do with them appearing. So the war had to be his fault! Grandpa was the one out of the house hold that hadn't accepted her leaving.
She glared at him from across the table as he tried to look innocent. She knew better. He was bribing them to help him with HER dinner!
`Thank God I only had five more days to go or Grandpa might not be the happiest old man anymore...'

~*~ Earlier That Same Day ~*~

Mom and her had look through all the local papers and the phone books. They had no luck in finding anyone to help move her. They're all lazy; if you ask her. If you don't live in the same town or are moving to the next one over, they wouldn't do it. Some did move locally, but you had to be moving crossed the country just to get them. So they looked at the paper from the town, well it was actually a city, small but still a city, nearest to her new home. After looking all morning through the papers they had finally found one that looked like they might help! They had called them up and were overjoyed to hear that they finally had someone to move her. The company was Steel Claw Moving, interesting name she had thought at the time nonetheless she was glad that we had found any one...

~*~ The Day of Moving ~*~
The drive up to the estate had felt shorter than the last trip. She was anxious that her things would get there safely. The road up to the house was not the best. It was paved, but it was very curvy road going through the mountains. Stepping out of the car she was again stunk by the beauty of the view. The front had a loop around drive way that did connect to the back where she guessed a garage was. There was a Zen garden that in the front along with a beautiful koi pond. Beyond that it the lawn seemed to drop off and the mountains towered over everything. The mountains were touched by the passing clouds like pure white veils.
There were many things she had missed the first time she had been there the koi pond had been one of them. She walked over to the pond and looked inside.
`WOW!!! There's so many and they are all so big! They must have cost a fortune!... Well with this house everything seems to cost a fortune. Can I really live here by myself…'

"Excuse me Miss, but... mmm... Would you tell us where you want everything to go?" A deep sensual voice inquired.

"HOLY SHIT EATING FISH BATS FROM HELL!!! What's the big idea sneaking up on me like that?!” she screamed energetically. Her right hand held above her heart in a pitiful attempt to calm it. While trying to get a good look at whom this voice belonged to.
`But hay, ya never know it might just decide it's my time to go.. And bust out my chest. Oh god, I want to video tape that!!!!!'

"Miss, I didn't mean to scare you, sorry. Is something wrong?" He asked kindly.

Snapping out of her thoughts again, "YES!!! Don't sneak up on me! Don't do it again! I'd like to keep my heart from exploding from my chest! I want to save that for a while!"

While she was yelling this at him; she was also checking him out. His voice suited him. He was as sexy as he sounded! In a wife beater and some tore up old lose black jeans. One thing he had that really tickled her was the fact that he had long hair. It was up in a high ponytail and how she wanted to just unbind his hair then run her fingers through it. He also had a body to kill for. He was just.... Damn.... That's all that came to mind...

"Miss, I didn't sneak up on ya. I just walked up to ya to ask what ya want us to move and to where. "He said in quite a calm manner considering how she had just blow up on him...
She was feeling a little guilty now.
“By the way I'm Kouga,” he smiled at her.

"Sorry… Ahhhhhhh.. I'm Kagome. Everything in the room up stairs, the first door you see and Not the bathroom," she explained to him, "then we need to stop by my storage just outside of town."

He nodded his head and walked over to his small crew of men, there was about ten of them. `I wonder if they can get the job done. There's not too many if you ask me. But hell, it was all I was getting so I'm not about to complain.'

He started to walk away from her and she couldn't help but look. 'Damn! He has a nice ass!!!... What the hell am I thinking?!?!' she berated herself.

'You don't have a boyfriend. Hell you haven't had one in YEARS! So what does it matter if your staring hella hard at the hotties ass?' her subconscious argued.

'Well it doesn't, now does it... I'm so bad! He's got an interesting name too! Kouga.' She giggled to herself before following Kouga.

She was starting to pity them because they had been working all morning without pause. Unfortunately she knew they're pain. Going up and down all those steps was hard on people that didn't live at the shrine and that's like 1, 562 steps. Yes, she had counted! She have nothing better to do with her life, well if felt like it some days. Then off to the storage where there were four times as many items to collect.

While they were moving all her stuff not to mention the new furniture she had bought. Well the whole time she was just lying on the couch checking out Kouga while he worked. Watching as his muscles moved from under his skin as he lifted some thing large or heavy. She was drooling all over him the whole time!

Then he looked over toward the couch where she laid almost drowning in her own drool. `I can only imagine what a sight I was... rolls eyes... wait a minuet... Oh Shit! Now he knows I've been staring at him! Staring at him all DAY!!!! Shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT!!!!!' She started to panic and wipe her face then pretend to look else where.

"Like what you see?" He asked with a flirtatious, but cocky smile on.


"Cause if it would please my lady we could go out for a bite to eat. That is after I'm done with this job," he purred with a wink.

"Uhhhhh... That... that would please me... very much..." she replied with a shaky voice and a deep blush staining her cheeks.
`Damn blush! Go to hell! Damn you! Now He knows for sure that I've been staring at him all day! Damn you! And look! Look at that cocky ass smile!!! IT'S SOOOOOOOO SEXY AND SOOO KNOWING!!!'

"Good. We'll call it a date. I'll give you my number because I don't believe you have one as of yet or do you?"

"No, no. Don't have one yet...." she answered.
`Blushing all the way. Hahahaha!'

A/N: I want to thank Everyone that has felt me reviews. I'll start working on the next one tomorrow.