InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midori-NOW READABLE! ❯ kagura's jealousy ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Inu aint mine.Midori is. Use her and give me credit. There. I said

ÒHaa, what a nice day,ÓKagome streched, smiling, happy with everything
the world offered.
Inuyasha nodded, wishing to whatever gods were out there that they could be alone. He sighed. Sadly, they could not.
ÒIts never a nice day when weÕre searching for jewel shards,ÓShippou yahned, turning over in KagomeÕs protective arms.
ÒI actually like searching for jewel shards, thank you very much!Ó KagomeÕs grin broadened. ÒIt sure is better than school! And plus, I get to be with you guys!Ó
Inuyasha cursed himself for blushing and turned his head, finding the
bushes on the side of the road extremely interesting.
ÒReally, lady Kagome?Ó Miroku walked up next to her, a suspicious looking smile on his face.
ÒMiroku, IÕm sorry,ÓKagome patted his shoulder with an amused look on her face. ÒBut I donÕt feel that way towards you.Ó
She laughed, making Inuyasha wish they were alone even more.
Midori ran through the forest, now in fox form. That girl, she thought with fear. She has been following me for an hour at least! She was beginning to suspect that it wasnÕt a good thing.
ÒStupid wench!Ó She suddenly appeared in front of the fox, throwing her into a tree.
Midori instantly turned back into her humanoid form. (Hehe. Sorry bout
that. IÕm a major trekkie as well! ^.~)
ÒHeÕs mine, you halfbreed!Ó The woman came down on her again, chucking her at a boulder.
ÒGannnhhhhnnngg!ÓShe cried, hitting the rock. ÒWho the hell are you talking about?Ó
ÒDonÕt play dumb, you whore,Ó The woman came at her again, but midori
quickly jumped out of the way.
ÒWhat the-!ÓMidori didnÕt WANT to know what this girls grudge was against her. Gods, this had to be the worst day-well, now days- of her life.
Without speaking anymore, Midori turned back into a fox and took off as fast as she could, hoping to god that this psycho wouldnÕt follow.
ÒYecth!Ó Inuyasha stuck out his tongue in disgust.
ÒWhat?ÓKagome asked, biting into her ramen. ÒBad soup?Ó
Inuyasha shook his head.
ÒI just picked up the scent of blood and s-.Ó He suddenly turned red.
ÒAnd what?Ó Miroku looked up in alarm and sick interest, wondering if he had heard right.
Inuyasha shook his head, embarrassed to see Kagome staring at him as well.
Ònevermind, ok? Leave me alone!Ó Inuyasha grew very irritable.
Geese, he really didnÕt like what those smells did to him.
people? Wait, I smell two demons too! Their close, hurry! Just a little farther-!
A beautiful fox tore into the clearing, ramming into the group as she tried to stop.
ÒWhat in the seven hells?!ÓInuyasha stood, drawing Tetsusiga.
ÒNo, wait! DonÕt!Ó The fox cried.
ÒIt talks?Ó Sango stared at it.
ÒPlease, help me, I-!ÓShe looked back into the forest. ÒGnn, IÕm too
Kagura burst from the trees, murder in her eyes.
ÒGet back here you fucken bitch!Ó She cried, landing next to the fox and kicking her across the clearing. Then she looked to the group around her. ÒYou people? Coulda guessed she was one of you!Ó
She moved back to the fox, savagely throwing her into a tree.
Inuyasha ran at the crazed demon, but stopped as the fox transformed into a girl. She had orange hair, fox ears, a long orange tail, and fox looking feet. The human part of her would make any man twitch. Inuyasha shook off his sudden interest.
ÒA kitsune?Ó Kagome cried in disbelief.
ÒWell, a half one at least,Ó Shippou said, peeking from under KagomeÕs arms.
The girl rose to her feet, just to be smashed to the ground again by
ÒHelp, please,Ó The girl cried weakly.
Inuyasha blinked. Stop looking at her and help her! He ran at Kagura,
Tetsusiga in hand. Kagura turned on him just in time to watch her hand being sliced from the rest of her arm.
ÒGaghhn! Damn you!Ó She cried, retreating through the air. ÒYou can
protect her now, but she will die by my hands!Ó With that, she was gone.
ÒGods, are you alright?Ó Miroku asked, being the first to go to the
trembling girl.
ÒY-yes,Ó She whispered, allowing him to help her up. ÒThank you so much for, GAA!Ó
MirokuÕs hand had found its way past the KitsuneÕs tail. For that, he received a not so light blow to the head, sending him crashing to the ground.
ÒYou deserved that,Ó Inuyasha stepped over the monk and went to the girl.
ÒSo who are you, anyway?Ó
The girl looked up at him, her eyes glistening.
ÒMy name is Midori.Ó
ÒWhat?!Ó Sesshoumaru cried, about ready to murder his servant.
ÒS-sheÕs gone, m-mÕlord!Ó Jaken shook in fear at the look in his masterÕs eyes. ÒI tried to stop her, but you wouldnÕt believe how strong she is, sire!Ó
Sesshoumaru shook the last nights memories out of his head. Yeah, she was strong, but in a different sense.
ÒDamn, youÕre worthless!ÓHe swiped his claws at the small demon, ready to kill him with his poisoned claws.
ÒWAIT! What about Rin, mÕlord! I am her keeper! You canÕt-!Ó
Sesshoumaru stopped. That was true. The little girl couldnÕt come with him all the time, and he wouldnÕt trust anyone else to watch her.
ÒYes, you are,Ó SesshoumaruÕs stomach tightened as he again thought of the Kitsune. ÒI will kill you when I come back with Midori. She will take youÕre place.Ó
ÒM-m-m-mÕlord!Ó Jaken cried, but the demon was already gone.
ÒWhy was she after you, anyway?Ó Kagome sat next to the Kitsune, bandaging her wounds. ÒShe sure did want to kill you.Ó
Inuyasha sniffed the air. ÒBecause, Kagura likes Sesshoumaru.Ó
Midori looked over to him.
ÒAnd youÕve been with him, havenÕt you?Ó Inuyasha said knowingly.
Midori shot up, her face burning red.
ÒInuyasha!Ó Kagome glared at him. ÒGeese! We have to work on your people skills!Ó
ÒNo, heÕs right,Ó Midori hugged herself. ÒI am Lord SesshoumaruÕs slave. I did not want him to...touch me at all, but, I couldnÕt stop him from...Ó
ÒHey, itÕs ok,ÓKagome hugged the girl. ÒYou donÕt have to tell us.Ó
Inuyasha folded his arms.
ÒHow did you know it was Sesshoumaru-sama that I was with?Ó Midori
looked at Inuyasha with a pained expression.
ÒI could smell him,ÓInuyasha got caught in her gaze, and looked away.
ÒBut how did you know it was him?Ó
ÒSesshoumaru is InuyashaÕs brother.Ó Miroku gazed a little lower than
that of MidoriÕs head, recieving a slap from Sango.
Midori turned red.
ÒK, guys, enough about,ÓKagome tried to change the subject.
ÒSo, my ass hole brother raped you?ÓInuyasha looked at her with little
Midori blushed deep red, and wrapped her tail around herself.
ÒHai, but I guess that since I am his slave it would not be considered...rapeÓ
ÒOf course it is!ÓSango piped in. ÒYou did not give him consent, did you?Ó
Midori shook her head. These people. She hardly knew their names and
they were comforting her so. It didnÕt make sence!
ÒNo, but,Ó Midori hesitated, remembering the event painfully.
ÒI think weÕve interrogated her enough,Ó Miroku said calmly. ÒGive her
some room.Ó
Inuyasha looked at him, annoyed.
"It is MY brother we're talking about," he groweled. "I have the right to know, don't you think?"
"He's right,"Midori clutched her tail to her. "If you are truely Lord Sesshoumaru's brother, then technically, I'm your slave too."
Inuyasha blinked, thinking about it.
"Wow," he grinned at the kitsune, the same glint in his eyes as his brother had had when he had "Inspected" Midori in those first few moments.
She eeped, and threw herself to the ground in a deep bow.
"What the hell'r ya doin?"Inuyasha asked, a little more than taken back at Midori's actions.
"P-please, don't! I have done nothing to deserve such....." She mumbled franticly.
Inuyasha suddenly understood. Kagome however did not.
"What did he do? Inuyasha, What did you do?"
"Midori, I would never! Thats one thing Kagome will be for. Not you!" Inuyasha crawled to her.
She looked up.
"Do what?" Kagome asked suddennly suspicious.
"You wouldn't!" MIdori looked still pretty allarmed.
Inuyasha looked at Kagome, not wanting to explain further.
"I will explain later. Come on, stop bowing already! I aint a bloody God!"
"EXPLAIN WHAT?!" Kagome cried. "INUYASHA!!!"
"Nothing Kagome."
"ooooooo! TELL ME!"
"Wha-No! NOW!"
Inuyasha ignored her.
Sesshoumaru halted, and listened carefully. After a moment, he folded his arms and stood erect.
"Kagura?" He growled.
A figure walked out of the brush and the air was suddenly filled with the scent of blood.
"Sesshoumaru,"Kagura cried. "How could you?"
"How could I what?"
"Take that little wench. She's not even a full demon!"
Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed.
"What have you done to her?"
Kagura stopped.
"I swear, if you have hurt her, you will wish Naraku hadn't even been created."
Kagura looked smug.
"I already somewhat wish that."
The group moved north to the forest of Inuyasha. From there they could get to the village-and to Kiade.
"But, I told you, I'm fine!"Midori told the rest of them as she sat on Kirara's back.. "I don't need to see this...priestess."
"You may be fine, but you may not be...."Kagome stopped herself, hating the way she was wording it. "What i mean is, Sesshoumaru may have given you more than pain, Midori"
The kitsune cocked her head, not comprehending.
"what she means is that you may be pregnant with Sesshoumarus brat." Inuyasha said bluntly.
Midori whitened.
"W-what?" She almost fell off Kirara, but steadied herself. "But I can't, i mean, i only laid with him ONCE!"
"thats all it takes,"Miroku said.
"And you would know, how?" Sango shot him an evil glare.
Miroku shrugged.
"I pray that is how it works, otherwise i may never get an heir."
Midori gawked at him.
"You're a monk!"
Miroku smiled at her lecherously.
"He's the most perverted monk you'll meet, i can garuntee ya,"Kagome said, then laughed at Midori's expression. "Miroku, stop bothering her, she has already been through a lot, and i really doubt she'd bear you and heir, considering she might be carrying Sesshoumarus."
Midori sighed. Sesshoumaru's child. What would she do if she was carrying a demon inside her belly? It had only been almost two days since he had forced her to lay with him....could this priestess tell so early?
"Where is she?!"Sesshoumaru smashed Kagura's body into a tree, pinning her there by her arms.
Kagura looked at him, her hatred plain on her face.
"You mean you don't know?" She spat.
Sesshoumaru looked at her with his same blank expression, but his voice held a dangerous tone.
"You tell me now, or i will rip your head from your body."
Kagura shuddered.
"It seems, your brother would know more than me."
Sesshoumaru cocked his head to the side slightly.
"What of the runt?"
"Last i saw your whore, she was with that lot."
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. That bastard brother of his had taken what was HIS! If he had done anything to her-!
Sesshoumaru jumped into the treetops, leaving Kagura.
"Gods, i love him," Kagura slid down the tree.