InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko chara ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A new story yay=]
I don't own shugo chara or inuyasha thank you and review
It was the fianl attle the inu-tachi vs naraku and his gang.Sango was fighting Kagura and Kohaku.Miroku was fighting aKanna and a horde of scorpins demons.Kagome,Inuyasha,Sesshomaru,and Kouga were fight Naraku,kikyo,and Hakudoshi.Kohaku threw his scythe and Sango blocked it but the chain wrapped around her leg and pulled her off Kirara.She fell to the ground with a thud Kohaku walked over to her.She tried to get up but Kohaku took her sword stabbed it straight trough her arm she stuck.He raised his scythe above his head.He looked at her and brought his weapon down.It stopped a inch above her head.His eyes filled with tears andd threw his weapon to the side.He gently pulled the sword from her arm the got on his knee's and hugged her.Miroku saw him hug her but it didn't last long because a demon came and tore into his side.He fell on his side in pain.Kanna walked up to him and stared at him with her coal black eyes.”You are a weak pathetic nigen that I'm not going to waste my energy.”When Kanna turned around there was a look of longing in them.Longing and love hidden deep in them when she turned away from Miroku.Kagome was rapidly shooting arrows at kikyo.”Give up reincarnation you're just a copy of me a mirror image,but your nothing like me.”This seemed to piss Kagome off to no end.Kagome looked at kikyo with anger in her eyes.Kagome notched another arrow.She let it fly the arrow glowed a bright blue with a tail trailing after it.It missed by a little.kikyo looked at Kagome with a little fear in her eyes.Kagome saw this and smirked.kikyo glared at her.Kagome notched another arrow and let it fly it hit kikyo were her heart should be.kikyolet out a scream of pain before turning into dust.The rest of Kagome's soul turned to her.”It's been so long since I've felt this full.Naraku was seething with anger.He decided he wanted to get rid of the mutt before going after Kagome.Inuyasha turned to Kagome and smiled at her,but he didn't notice the tentelcal come at him.When he turned around it was to late it had pierced his chest.He died instancly.Tears came to her eyes.But she didn't let them fall she wiped them away.”Naraku its time for you to meet your end!”She notched a arrow and let it go.It was surronded in a bright pink light.It Naraku in the ches.He screamed.”You'll pay for this miko!”He shot a tentelcal at her it hit her in the chest.Kagura held her chest and felt a beat her heart was back.It didn't last long for Sango's sword hit her heart.”damn you slayer!”Miroku threw a sutra at Kanna it hit her in the chest and started to purifiy her.Tears came to her eyes”I'm sorry Miroku it hurts that you never loved me like you love that cursed woman.”Kanna looked at Sango her eyes full of jealousy and hate.”You'll always be the bane of my exsistance a thorn in my side I hate you.”Those words were only heard by Miroku.”I'm sorry Kanna but it had to be done.”Sango ran to Kagome's side.She hugged her body.”Remove yourself from her person so Ican bring her back to life.Before Sesshomaru brought her back to life she wishpered,”I wish to start over.”'If that is what you wish.”That's all she heard before she blacked out.
end of chapter review.