InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ miko' love ❯ miko's love ( One-Shot )

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''Inuyasha....i'm going back home for the night''Kagome said in a pleading tone.

''Keh...and whats your lame excuse for this one?''Inuyasha was annoyed by Kagome's suggestion.

''Uh...I have to go to school, I have a big test tomorrow and I have to study''Kagome sounded nervous for some reason, but Inuyasha decided to ignore it.



''Mama, i'm home''Kagome said as she walked in the house.

''Kagome, your back, where's inuyasha?'' souta said as he came in from the living room.

''Kagome welcome back sweetie whats your reason for coming back''Kagome's mom said.

'' I wanted to buy inuyasha something special and didin't want him to know so i told him that i had to go to school to take a test''Souta and Ms. higurashi looked at kagome with a confused look.

''Since when are you inuyasha's girlfriend?''Souta said.

''No!...i'm not his girlfriend,i just wanted to give him something since i appreciate him so much, i just wanted to thank him for all the good things he's done for me.Kagome said.

Ms. higurashi smiled and went back to the kitchen.kagome went up to her room and set her big backpack on her bed.she went to the bathroom and turned on the water to get ready to take a bath.

''Ah...finally i can relax in a hot, clean bath tub with shampoo''kagome said a she drifted off into wonderland.

kagome was getting ready to go to the mall when something caught her mind.
''oh kami im all excited about buying inuyasha a gift and i haven't even tought of what im gonna give him''kagome got her purse,and went to the bus station to get to the mall.


''inuyasha, where's kagome i haven't seen her since this morning?''an angry kitsune approched the hanyou.

''cool down fox boy, kagome went back to her time because she had to take a test so she left a day early to study''inuyasha said.''now leave me alone i have to think about some things''

''fine, but i wouldn't think so much your brain, or whats left of it, will explode''shippo was teasing inuyasha with a smirk on his face.

''don't mess with me skwirt''

''wahhhh, iw...wait till kagome gets back ,your gonna get it''shippo said as a bump grew on his head.

''you know,you don't have to be all grumpy when kagome isn't around''miroku said as he sat beside inuyasha.

''keh, i always act like this it's not only when kagome isn't around''

''are you feeling depressed or something?''


''you sound like it,is there a problem you have with kagome''

''no, but if i told you, you promise me you won't tell?''

''of course,you have my word''miroku had a smirk on his face.

''nevermind, you're such a lecherous monk,you'll end up telling half of the village''

''you love kagome don't you''

''yes,i do, i do love her, but i don't know if she loves me back,besides, i have my problem with sending kikyo to hell without her taking me with her''inuyasha hadn't realized what he just said to someone like miroku.

''oh, so i was right, you wanted to follow kagome to her time but haven't because you were waiting for the time to be alone that's why you told shippo to leave''miroku was getting ready to leave but inuyasha stopped him.

''please, you need to help me, i...i can't just go to kagome'e time like that she'll kill me''

''ok then, don't go and wait till she comes back''

'' yea i guess all i can do is wait''


''hmm...i wonder what i should give inuyasha.''kagome was looking around the mall to find the perfect present for inuyasha.she found a store that sold stuff from the feudal era.

''oh..he'd probably like something from this store.''she walked in and saw things like swords, demonic fans,bows and arrows ect.something caught kagome's eye.

''oh my kami this is beautiful, inuyasha will love it''it was a heart shaped locket with the japanese sign of love on the front.

''i'll put on a picture of me and him in it so he'll know how much he means to me and what ever happens he'll never forget me''Kagome went to the cashier to buy her present for inuyasha anf left home.

''i'm back''kagome said as she was walking up the stairs to her room.

''so... what did you buy for inuyasha''souta said as he saw kagome cutting a picture fo herself and inuyasha that she took long ago.

''i'm putting pictures of me and inuyasha in this locket i bought him so he can know how much i care for him''kagome said as she put the pictures in the locket.

''oh so when you gonna give it to him?''souta said.

''duh...when i go back, i just hope i do it at the right time''

''what do you mean?''souta had a confused look on his face.

''uh..nothing...i meant that i hope that when i go back he won't be mad at me''kagome said as she got finished and was cleaning up all the paper off her desk.

''ok then i'm gonna go and help grandpa clean the storage room''Souta said as he ran down the stairs.

''i;d better get my stuff ready or inuyasha's gonna have a fit when i get back''kagome tought as she starded packing up.

''kagome dear are you gonna stay for dinner, i made steak, i wanted you to stay to join us''ms. higurashi said as she came in kagome's room.

''sorry i can't, i really have to go back already or inuyasha's gonna kill me, but you can pack my food up in a lunchbox if you want.''

''sure i'll do that it'll be ready for you in the kitchen''ms.higurashi said as she walked down the stairs.

''thanks''kagome said as she finished packing all the inportant stuff in her backpack.


''damn whats taking kagome so long,she should be back by this time its already sundown''a grumpy hanyou said as he starded to the direction of the bone eaters well.

''he sure is anxious t see kagome ofter only one day,i wonder why''shippo said and miroku just smirked.

''damn it kagome whats taking you so long, i don't want to go and get her she'll and up getting mad at me and sitting me, and thats the last thing i want her to do now when i finally have enough guts to tell her that i love her''inuyasha tought as a blue light was showing from inside the well.

''inuyasha, are you up there?''inuyasha heard kagome's voice from inside the well and sighted.

''yea, hold on i'll help you get your bag up''inuyasha said as he jumped in the well.he got her out and set the bag on the floor.they sat down beside the well and kagome starded taking things out of her bag.

''my mom made steak today and she gave me some before i left, here i brought it for you since you love eating this, and i also brought you some more ramen and chips''kagome said.

''uh...thanks, you know, you don't have to buy me all these things, you're just wasting you money on me''inuyasha said.

''nonsence i love buying you all these things, its a sign of my appreciation for all the things you've done for me''kagome said.

''thanks, i would of got you something if i had the chance, but i have to tell you something really important to me''inuyasha said skooting closer to kagome.

''before you do, i wanted to give you something else i have''kagome said as she got a heart shaped box from one of the pockets in her bag.

''yea, what is it?''inuyasha said as he took the box off kagome's hands.

'' it's a sign of my love and care for you inuyasha,promise me you will never take it off adn what ever happens you will never forget about me''kagome said as her eyes starded to sparkle like dimonds as she looked into inuyasha's eyes.

''ka...kagome i don't know what to say, this si the most beautiful thing i've seen.''inuyasha's eyes starded to sperkle too.

''open it ''kagome said as inuyasha opened the locket.

''its a picture of you and me, kagome you got this for me...why?''

''because i....i wanted to show you how much i love you inuyasha,thats why, i've loved you ever since you starded to care for me, my love grew for you each day and i just couldnt' stand not telling you anymore.''kagome said as she leaned closer to inuyasha.

''ka...kagome i wanted to tell you that i love you too, i can't live without you,'re my love, the light inside my dark heart,you're my everything kagome, i wish that we can never be pulled apart, that when you die, i can follow you in death itself i wouldn't care whats left behind''inuyasha said and kagome's eyes widened.

''oh inuyasha i love you''kagome sadi as she pulled him in for a kiss. inuyasha;s eyes widened and he deepened the kiss.they had a deep passionet kiss.

''so, inuyasha took my advice and went on and told kagome how he felt''miroku said as he hid behind the bushes near the well.

''so you told inuyasha to tell kagome his true feelings toward kagome?''sango said as she came and kneeled on her knees next to miroku.

''yes, i did,well i didin't tell inuyasha exactly but i think he got my messege when we had our conversation''miroku smirked.

''im just glad they finally told each other their feelings, i thought this day would never arrive''sango smiled at miroku and miroku smiled back as they watched inuyasha and kagome share each others company.



''im so glad that we finally got toghether and you responded to my feelings''kagome was laying her head on inuyasha's lap as he sat leaning by the well.

''me too kagome, me too.''inuyasha said as he leaned his head over for a kiss.