InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Finding the Fallen ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed!: heavens lil cherry, 143kohaku, preciiouz angel, kyokatlover, lavie
Bettychan: Sorry about making Kagome a neko (my sis complained about it too) but its just something I've had bouncing around for at least a year. Seriously, this fic is about four or five mini-plots I've had in my head that I tossed in the blender to make one story. The neko bit is a one-time thing that I just need to get out of my system, and I know everyone is doing it, but please bear with me! You might be surprised. Or it might suck. We'll see.
Cactusflower: Neko because its just something new to play with.
Chapter 1 Finding the Fallen
Kikyou stood before her father's desk in the Lord's study. Both eyed the other suspiciously, with anger. Neither the ruling priest nor his daughter seemed very happy with the other.
Finally, as they were getting no where with giving one another the silent treatment, Lord Higurashi spoke up: “What you did to Kagome was completely out of line and you know that Kikyou.”
Kikyou refused to respond.
“Just because I am planning an attack on a house of bloody dog youkai does not give you the liberty to sell your sister off to a lot of slave traders.”
Still Kikyou had nothing to say in her own defense.
“Very well, you will return to your cell until you mother and I can find a proper punishment for you.”
Kikyou allowed herself to be led to the door, but paused before she left the room. “She is not my mother. My mother had more honor than to bed down with a youkai and produce dirty half-breed children. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for you.”
With her piece said, Kikyou flounced away from her father, leaving him feeling only more anger toward his eldest daughter.
Several months later…
Inuyasha tapped his claws on the tabletop. He didn't know why he kept coming to this hellhole, but he did. It was not as though there were that many places that would serve a hanyou however—even a hanyou of his standing.
Looking around him, Inuyasha cringed. Humans everywhere, and not even the nice kind of humans. These were reeking humans with unwashed bodies and equally filthy scruples. Even a few youkai speckled the tavern's patrons. Smoke filled the air, vomit and spilt liquor coated the floor. At least he blended in: his claws and fangs were not questioned, nor were the variety of hats he wore on his head. He was sure the tavern's other patrons had more to hide than he, so he was left to his own devices.
Here he was again, playing card with a lot of criminals and bandits. Hardly proper behavior for the son of the local youkai lord, but once again, he had few other establishments to choose from when he wanted a stiff drink or to gamble.
“It looks as if I'm running a little low on coin,” bellowed a youkai, looking bitterly at his cards. “If none of you gents have a problem with it, I would like to add my own prize to the table.”
All the humans, demons, and Inuyasha looked at him dubiously. A grizzled old man spoke what everyone else at their table was thinking: “Why don't you bring what you got out, and we'll judge if you can put it down.”
The prize was drug out—a thin woman. No, that was not true. She could not have been more than a girl. Inuyasha immediately sensed a distortion in her scent, but could not place the difference. She looked human enough, but there was something about her that smelled of youkai. Then again, there was nothing unusual about that, she was a human slave living amongst youkai; it only stood to reason their scents would have rubbed off on her.
She was clothed in a tattered and patched dress, the faded green material was far too big and short for her frame. Maybe once the garment at fit her, but she was so emaciated it no longer did. Long, dark locks were matted to her head and pulled back from her eyes by a band of green cloth that looked as though it had been torn from the hem of her skirt. Her head was tucked down, but Inuyasha could see her pale skin.
He could also smell her fear. As she was moved closer, Inuyasha knew the girl wasn't just terrified she was petrified. The man bringing her in was practically carrying her as her feet drug on the ground. Instinctively, he felt a pang of pity for her, but what could he do? A hanyou stealing a human woman in a tavern like this? That would go over well. Damn wench wasn't worth it.
“Ain't she a fine woman?” The youkai asked. His gaze traveled around the table, challenging any one of him to refute his words. “My son is smitten with the bitch, but she's a tad skinny for my tastes. If there be no objections, I place her one the table as my wager.”
No one spoke. All the men at the table were sizing up the young girl, most leering opening. A few whispered how they would like to win such a prize, and Inuyasha found himself shuddering as they spoke in hushed tones about their plans for her.
Inuyasha picked up the cards dealt him and forced himself not smile. The prize might not have been appealing, but Inuyasha liked winning for the sake of itself.
Looking up over the top of his cards, Inuyasha found the girl staring at him. Her big brown eyes pierced his soul and then he felt guilt for not wanting to help her. From across the haze of smoke, the girl seemed to be pleading with him.
Fine. I'll do my best to in this game. Its all I can do. If I win, I'll make sure she's taken care of.
Not really sure what he would do with her if he won the slave, Inuyasha shrugged. He would have to cross that bridge when it he came to it. His parents would not be thrilled if he bought home a stray.
The card game wore on for nearly another hour, testing Inuyasha's nerves. At first, he played carelessly: he did not have that much money invested in the game, nothing that could not be replaced. However, every single time the looked in the direction of the girl, he found her staring at him. His hands began to sweat. An ache grew from his finger tips, up his arms, and down into his belly. A few drops of perspiration dripped down onto his playing cards, and by the game's end it had become crucial to him that he win the wench.
Many of their table had been eliminated or simply given up. Several more had had disagreements and had taken them outside.
Now all who were left included Inuyasha, the youkai wagering the girl, and two drunk men who appeared too far-gone to know how good or bad their hands actually were.
The full demon seemed to be pretty confident in his hand—that or he was just playing risky. Inuyasha could not tell.
Another wager and one of the men had passed out cold while his friend had lost and was currently crying over the money he was forced to hand over.
Inuyasha's palms started to itch more, and he felt the tiniest trickle of sweat dripping down the side of his face. He made eye contact with the girl yet again only to find that her eyes still pleaded with him, begging him to save her. Or at least that's what he thought she was beseeching from him.
“It appears you and I are all that be left, hanyou,” the youkai pointed out with a sneer. “What do you wager?”
Inuyasha looked down at his cards. They were good, but not enough to be a sure thing. Peeking out over his lashes, he counted out the money on the table. The youkai had a tad less coin than he. He would have to bet all his winnings if he hoped to win the girl.
“I'll bet all I have.” Inuyasha spoke carefully. “If the wench is included in your wager.”
The full demon glared at him, but then a lecherous gleam dotted his eyes. “Oh, so you want little Aiko. Fine. If it takes her being in with my coin for you to make a demon's bet hanyou, then she is. Now show your cards.”
“Why don't we go at the same time. It is only you and I,” Inuyasha said as calmly as he could. For some reason, his heart had started beating wildly. He tried to write it off as the thrill of the game, but that wasn't it, not really.
He was afraid. He was afraid of losing the girl with her big brown eyes who looked at him with such hope and pain. He had to win.
“You afraid I'll cheat you,” the youkai demanded. “Fine. Have it your way. On three.”
The two counted together, and in unison laid their cards down on the table.
Inuyasha's breath hitched in his throat. For an instant he was certain the demon had beaten him—so great his doubt had been—but on a second glance, he saw that he had in fact won.
His victory was short lived for the next moment, the youkai was out of his chair, bearing down on the girl.
“You damned whore!” He spat. “Ye were using your damned magic, and you made me lose! What you think is going to happen to you? That another bloody hanyou will take better care of ye than I? Damn you wench!” His heavy clawed paw rose high in the air and instantly fell on the girl, crushing and cutting into her pale skin.
Inuyasha was on his feet, instinctually going after the much larger youkai in an effort to save the woman.
Their fight was quick. The youkai had been drinking for most of the night, and he was taken from surprise. Ripping into his back with his claws and subsequently bashing the demon in the skull, Inuyasha declared himself the winner. Snatching up his prizes, he practically flew out of the tavern before the demon's goons could come after him.
Inuyasha had to drag the girl out the door she was shaking so badly. Once he had them away from her master and the man's swinging fists, Inuyasha hauled his prize up into the dim light of the lanterns that hung from the roof of the tavern's porch.
“Let's get a look at you now,” he said. He knew his voice sounded gruff and harsh, but what did that matter? He thought, his worry for her forgotten for the moment in the glow of his small victory. Besides, the slave needed to learn to respect its new master from the beginning, otherwise his parents might not welcome her into their home. Still, his hands were gentle as he examined the girl's eye, quickly swelling and darkening into an ugly shade of purple. Carefully, as not frighten her anymore than necessary, Inuyasha felt to make sure no bones were broken, and was surprised to find none. The youkai had struck her hard.
He turned her head this way and that looking at her in the muted light. Someone was pushed out the tavern's door, and Inuyasha looked up quickly, fearing the belligerent demon might have regained consciousness, and would try to attack them again. He was relieved to see it was only a young man joking with his friends who stood by the door and pulled him back inside.
Focusing his attention back to girl in front of him, Inuyasha wondered at the way she kept her head down, eyes closed, reeking of fear. He chalked it up as the entire situation, and tried to be more careful as not to scare her further.
He glanced over her bruise again, but was shocked to see it was disappearing.
The only time he had seen injuries heal so quickly was with youkai, but the girl, in spite of the way she smelled of fear, had to be human.
As if she sensed his hesitation while he stared at her, she tried to jerk away from him even though his hands were still holding her head. Inuyasha's claws caught on the scarf that had been wrapped around her head to—he thought—hold her hair back. The dirty cloth tore free on his talons and fell to the ground as the girl struggled in violent jerks to get away.
Once the cloth was gone, Inuyasha had yet another surprise.
Perched, clear as day, on top of the girl's head was a pair of cat ears.
“A hanyou?” He practically spat. Having lived to see many things, Inuyasha had never seen another half demon before. Ever. Taking another stunned moment to look at her hands, he was further shocked to see she had cat claws. “A neko hanyou?”
His mind raced. Who is she? Where did she come from? Why is she here of all places?
The tavern's doors swung violently swung open again, and this time it was the youkai slave master who walked out instead of a drunken adolescent.
“You have my property, hanyou,” he growled, making a swipe at the cat hanyou. Inuyasha was faster and pulled her out the way, stashing her behind his back, protecting her.
“She's mine now, bastard,” Inuyasha returned the goad. Turning his head to the side, he whispered the hanyou, “Get on my back. We have to get out of here.”
He waited for her to latch on to him, all the while backing away from the angry youkai, but the girl did not. Turning quickly to look her in the eye, he found her staring at him, clearly fearing him. This did not sit well with him, but they did not have time to argue.
The now furious youkai was slashing his claws at him, forcing Inuyasha to move backward. It was only a matter of time before he tripped and he and the wench landed in a pile on the ground. Then it would only be a matter of time before he was dead and the neko hanyou was back in her master's claws.
The thought of this violent demon touching the half youkai for some reason did not sit well with Inuyasha. He refused to let her be taken from him.
Twirling out of one of the youkai's digs, Inuyasha plucked up the neko hanyou bridal style, and sprung into the air. Amid the curses and threats coming from their would-be youkai attacker who appeared too weak or to lack flying capabilities, the two hanyous escaped into the dark.
Kagome clung to her “rescuer”.
What have I gotten myself into?
The neko hanyou was having second doubts about the man—hanyou—who was currently whisking her away from her old master. Even if he could not tell that she was a half demon before he saw her ears, Kagome had known from the moment she set her eyes on him what he was. The white silver hair, bright golden eyes, and claws and fangs were a dead give away.
Knowing that he was a half demon like herself was what drew her to him. She could not really speak to the inu hanyou—even if the threat of a reprimand from her master had not been hanging over her head. But she could always plead with her eyes, and pray that the hanyou would understand her—thanks to her sister Kikyou. By the way her rescuer had delved into the card game, concentrating and refusing drinks, it appeared he had. When he demanded that she be part of the final wager, she knew he was trying to win her.
But now that he had pulled her away from that full youkai who had hurt her, she was still left with a feeling of foreboding. What if this new master was worse than the last? He might seem kinder, but then, they had had to flee the angry youkai that used to be her owner. What would he do to her when they were alone?
Tears welled up in her eyes, and Kagome awkwardly maneuvered her hand to brush them away. She had become accustomed to being used and abused by youkai and humans because of what she was—even in her own family and home, she was no stranger to mistreatment—but the threat of new tortures spiked her fear to tears.
Inuyasha had smelled the hanyou wench's tears for some time, but felt there was nothing he could do about it. She had been shaking since the moment he had pulled her into his arms—the girl was so afraid. Knowing very well that he lacked any finesse with words to women, Inuyasha decided that it would be for the best if he kept his mouth closed. More than likely, if he said anything it would only frighten her more.
They were nearing his tiny cottage, tucked deep in the forest that surrounded his family's home. At the moment, he was in the middle of performing a mandatory rite of passage for all the men of the Takahashi family: living alone until you were so fucking lonely you took a wife or a mate.
Only until he was mated to a demon or married to a human would he get to return to the luxurious home of his father. The Takahashi Manor was not the grandest in the area, but compared to the Cabin of Mates (as his current home was jokingly referred by those who had to suffer in its walls) it was a goddamned palace.
Evidently, all Takahashi men had been stubborn about wedding, so the Cabin had been built to ensure that they would marry and carry on the bloodline. Even as a lowly hanyou (and amidst the protests of his brother) Inuyasha had been forced to live in the Cabin. According to his father, he was coming close to staying the longest. Probably because I'm used to being alone he snorted.
Finally, the Cabin came into view through the trees. It was too late and they smelled too much like smoke, humans, and liquor for Inuyasha to take the neko to Takahashi Manor. As one of his father's heirs, he would have to hand over a percentage of his winnings—a rather large percentage. When he was desperate, Inuyasha might keep a few more coins that were his due, but there was no way he could hide an entire hanyou wench. He would have to turn her over to his father, and that was all there was to it.
Not that he wanted to keep the scrawny wench anyway.
Against his better judgment, Inuyasha stole peak at the thin neko in his arms: still silent, but looking around at everything but him. The black ears on the top of her head twirled in every direction, pulling in the sounds of the forest.
Slowing, Inuyasha skidded to a stop directly in front of the Cabin's door. Without hesitating, Inuyasha carried the girl inside, letting the mat covering the door close shut behind him.
The instant the mat fell into place, Inuyasha found himself in a quandary: what to do with the hanyou in his arms? He needed to light a candle to see what he was doing, but could he trust her not to run away? Did he sit her down? Or tie her up? He had never had a slave before, and the ones his father had were trained to do as they were told.
Taking one look at the fear-filled eyes of his so-called “prize” Inuyasha knew that girl was much more afraid of him hurting her. He didn't have to worry about her trying to escape.
Delicately, Inuyasha set the girl down and turned to find a candle. Quickly he had it and several others lit, and the room became visible. Taking in his familiar surroundings, Inuyasha was struck at how out of place the strange hanyou seemed standing in the middle of them. Her knees were bent lightly, as was her back, squishing her body down toward the floor like a compressed spring. Arms wrapped tightly around her chest and her head was bent to the floor, which only made her hair slip off her shoulders and curtain her face. She still trembled from time to time, and her tears had become more potent. His hanyou was so afraid it was almost painful for Inuyasha to watch.
Its not like I'm going to hurt her, he grumbled to himself before he realized something.
She doesn't realize that. After being the procession of that youkai there is no telling what she was expecting from me as her new master.
Inuyasha was at a loss for out to comfort her. Touching was out of the question and he had already ruled out talking to her—at least until she had stopped crying and shaking. Staring at her, taking in her thin form, it was clear to Inuyasha that she was starving. Kami knew when the last time she had had a descent meal had been.
Food! Inuyasha cursed his own stupidity. He could always feed her!
Dashing into the small pantry, Inuyasha found some dried meats and fruits. It was all he had before Sango his maid came in the morning to do her weekly cleaning and restock his supplies.
The girl was standing where he had left her when he returned, and Inuyasha was so proud of his food idea that he practically threw the meat and fruit at her. She was startled to find food being tossed at her, but caught the scraps anyway with her hanyou speed. Looking down at her hand holding the nourishment, Inuyasha could tell from her smell that she was both confused and terrified.
Now to try talking. “It's all I have, but there will be more to eat tomorrow. But tomorrow you'll be going to my father's house. You can go with Sango tomorrow—I think you'll like her,” he finished his rambling.
He waited for her to say something, but still she kept her head bowed, though she was sniffing the food in her paws.
“Did you hear me?” He asked, wondering if she were deaf. “You'll be moving to the Manor tomorrow—its better than this shack.” The girl only nodded, but said nothing.
“You got a name?” Again, the only response he received was a nod.
“Are you going to tell me what it is?” Inuyasha thought back to the card game and the girl's youkai master. He had called her Aiko. Inuyasha asked her if that was her name, but she violently shook her head “no”.
“I doubt I could guess it tonight, if you won't say,” Inuyasha conceded, feeling very weary from the night's events. “You can sleep in the servant's room,” he said directing her through his own bedroom to the cramped room where she would stay the night. At the sight of his futon she recoiled, but Inuyasha pressed on, giving her a candle so she could see the bedding in the servant's space.
“My name is Inuyasha—by the way,” pausing as if he wished to say more. “I'll see you in the morning,” he offered awkwardly before closing the door, leaving the neko to stand-alone in a room with both confusion and relief playing in her features.