InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Surprises All Around ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
Thanks to my reviewers!: michiko, kokoronagomu, kyokatlover, sprat111, ScottishChick, IyPuppi
Inuyasha'sChic: yeah, Kagome is going to be mute for most of this story. Kikyou's spell was basically she make Kagome eat the Silence Root then cast a spell to prolong its effects so she's mute until the spell is removed. I may write that in as a flashback or something to clarify.
Sessh_omaru: yeah, I hadn't thought of that before, but it is a little like the Little Mermaid. Lol.
Chapter 3 Surprises All Around
Inuyasha found himself more irritable than usual after Sango and the hanyou she had dubbed Miyuki had left him. Sango had said that the girl didn't speak, and that she had given her the name because of her silence. Even though Sango had promised him profusely to keep the wench out of harm's way, he still felt a great foreboding building up inside him with the neko's absence.
The half demon took his frustration out on the cups in the kitchen, the trees behind the cabin, even on some harmless woodland creatures (though a hanyou always needs to eat—in Inuyasha's defense). When his mother came for her weekly visit, he was peevish toward her and refused the cucumber pie she brought for him, choosing instead to murder more forest critters once he flung the pastry into a wall.
By the time Sango rolled up to the cabin the next week, Inuyasha thought he was going stir crazy.
If he would only admit it to himself his sudden bout of anxiety came from the absence of the neko hanyou Inuyasha might have felt better. The night she had spent sleeping one room over from him had been the best night of sleep he had had in some time. Her scent comforted as nothing else ever had with the possible exception of his mother when he was a pup. He felt relaxed and empowered—years of loneliness etched into his soul repaired and filled. Now that Miyuki was gone, Inuyasha had found himself wandering toward her futon, sniffing, trying to suck in all of her scent that he possibly could.
The half demon who had spent his entire life in a family of youkai wondered what it would be like to have the source of that comforting scent in his arms while he slept.
If he was really honest with himself, Inuyasha would have admitted he missed the neko.
But he had too much pride for that.
Maybe he had been in the cabin too long or who knew, but he wished the feeling of wanting to scratch himself raw from the inside out would just go away.
When Sango arrived bright and early, she was surprised to find Inuyasha trotting out of the cabin to meet her.
“Thank god you're here!” The inu hanyou called to her with a wave. He reached up and lifted her off the carriage's box as if she weighed nothing. Never before in all the years he had known Sango had he been so eager for her company. Desperately, Inuyasha needed word about Miyuki, yet he prayed Sango would volunteer the information. If he was to ask her outright, she might suspect something.
“You're happy to see me,” Sango laughed, dislodging herself from his grip and heading to the rear of the cart to unload her cleaning supplies. “I have a surprise for you,” she called over her shoulder as she let down the back gate.
Before Inuyasha had a chance to ask what Sango had brought him, his eyes fell on the small bundle perched uncomfortably on a sack of potatoes.
Miyuki stared back at him.
Kagome was unsure of what to do when Inuyasha's eyes fell on her.
At first, his face was unreadable, then he looked unquestionably angry.
After the week she had, Kagome didn't really believe she could take any more wrath from him. She had had enough anger from everyone she met in the Takahashi home. Everyone except Sango and Hide, she thought remembering Inuyasha's friend and the woman in charge of all the underlings in the manor. Sango had taken her under her wing and Hide had been kind to her.
But they had been the exceptions. Kagome's first job had been to keep the kitchen swept and clean. This was a task she found herself surprisingly adept at with her demon speed and agility. She could move around the other workers—the chiefs and servers—without getting in their way. The broom, however, became had been problematic because it gave the other servants a weapon to beat her with. Which is exactly what happened when Sango had her back turned.
It was not that the humans and lower level youkai who worked in the kitchen had the upper hand in strength on Kagome. It was that so many had ganged up on her. They had grabbed her from behind when she was sweeping out a corner, first one wrapping his arms around her waist while two others held her arms.
Of course she had struggled, kicking out with the claws on her feet. But her attackers had just laughed at her, mocking her.
At first Kagome had prayed her mother would find her. But the great youkai Midori was far away in the human lands; resigned to live there all her days with her human husband.
Then Kagome reached out for some one closer: she wished Inuyasha would save her.
Nevertheless, neither Inuyasha nor her mother came to protect her.
Hide and Sango had tried to find her a suitable place after they found “Miyuki,” as they called her, in a bleeding, beaten pulp on the kitchen floor. Scrubbing pots in the scullery, polishing the wood work in the library, even feeding chickens. All jobs ended the same: with Kagome in bandages.
Finally, they decided that there was only one place where a hanyou would be safe.
So Kagome found herself sitting on a bag of potatoes in a cart driven by Sango. She had been happy at the prospect of returning to Inuyasha, but now that he was glaring at her, she wasn't so sure. Her ears drooped sadly at the fact that Inuyasha was not as glad to see her as she was to be with him again. It was strange, but she still felt drawn to him because he was a hanyou like her. But it wasn't only the fact he was a half demon; he had been kind to her when he didn't have to be.
“What is she doing here?” Inuyasha asked in a tone that was painfully similar to Kikyou's when she did not want Kagome around. Kagome flinched.
Sango glared at her master. “Maybe you are such a slob that I need some extra help.”
“You never needed help before!”
“I didn't have the choice before. Now we have extra since you brought home Miyuki.” As she spoke, Sango reached up and helped Kagome down. The neko did not notice, but when Sango straightened up, she placed a hand on the small of back as though she were in pain.
Inuyasha said nothing, only growled. He did not like to be caught off guard, and seeing the little neko sitting in the back of Sango's cart had done just that. Inuyasha had felt a wave of longing for her, finally realizing himself just exactly why he had been so irritable for the past week. Glaring at her seemed the best course of action to cover his emotions and scent. Very mature.
He just had to get away from her, before she got a good whiff of his scent for her. What would she think of him then?
Sango was not phased by Inuyasha's snarls. “And Miyuki will stay here from now one to do touch ups” she commanded. “It will be much more efficient. Come on Miyuki,” she said as they began to head toward the cabin.
Frozen in place, Inuyasha was still processing what he had just been told. She'll be staying here? He gulped.
Jerking his body around, he jogged after the two women.
“She can't just stay here! I'm supposed to be finding a wife! And she's a neko!”
Sango snorted. “Because you've been so dedicated to that goal all along! Who care's what she is!”
“I need privacy!”
Sango stopped mid path, stepping between Kagome and Inuyasha. From the way she stood, her hands on her hips still clutching her supplies and feet spread wide, the hanyou knew he was in deep shit.
“Inuyasha,” Sango barked, “you may not have noticed it yet, but I'm going to have a baby,” her hand moved to pat her abdomen. “Not that I wanted to tell you this way, but you give me little choice with your whining. Soon, I won't be able to come here every week and clean this place from top to bottom for you. I've discussed this already with Hide who has spoken to your mother, and it is all in agreement that it would be better if you had a live-in-maid.” Turning to Miyuki, she ordered gently, “go start in on the bathhouse. I think you know where it is.”
The hanyou went off leaving them alone and Inuyasha confused. Sango had just told the girl that she was pregnant. Wow, Sango's pregnant. I wonder who the father is. He felt guilt that he hadn't been paying more attention to his friend. But still… Why was she sending Miyuki away now? Hadn't she already said the personal stuff Sango wouldn't want the other hanyou to hear?
“Inuyasha,” Sango began in a conspiratory hushed whisper, “if we keep Miyuki at the manor, I don't know how much longer she'll last….” Sango trailed off, hoping Inuyasha would fill in the blanks for himself. It was a little too painful to say. She had not been able to protect the girl as she said she would, but then she had not realized that the workers at the manor would have reacted so strongly to the girl hanyou.
“Feh, just because the wench can't keep up with her work does not mean I have to get stuck with her!” Obviously he had not caught her meaning.
“She's an excellent worker.”
“Then why is she here?”
“Because if she isn't protected she'll be dead.” Sango wearily sat on the opened gate of the cart, looking deflated. “In the past week, I've found her in a pool of her own blood at least three times. She has managed to heal herself after every attack and goes back to work, but I don't know how much more a body—even a hanyou body—can take. Please, she's a hanyou like you. Take care of her.”
“Take care of her? A week of ago you thought I shouldn't have helped her in the first place.” Inuyasha shot back.
Sango, unlike Inuyasha, was finished arguing. “Inuyasha, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. I'm knocked up, I'm tired, and I'm worried about Miyuki. She's staying here, deal with it.” Brushing her hands off on her apron as though she were cleaning her hands of him, she hopped off the cart and began trudging up to the house.
“Fine, I guess she's staying,” Inuyasha snarled at her back. “But I know what you're doing.”
Sango wavered on the path for a moment and finally turned to look at him. “And what is that?”
Inuyasha was struck by how tired she looked. She was still not showing, but now that he concentrated, he could pick up the faint change of her scent. But that would not distract him just yet. At the moment, he had a point to make: “You may be pregnant, and I may be a filthy pain, but that wench is a hanyou. You've—and possibly my mother—have sat down at your little matchmaking table and put two and two together. You're trying to push her off on me. I'll have a mate, she'll be safe. Tell me that has nothing to do with her living here?”
Sango looked down at the ground for a moment then back up at her master. “Honestly Inuyasha, that thought never crossed my mind. What have you been thinking about?”
She left the hanyou muttering to himself as Sango finally made her way into the cabin.
Glowering out the window, Kikyou was angry. Even though that bitch Midori was the one who was violent, she was still locked away. It was so unfair.
At least she still had her one and only trump card.
As long as her father planned to attack those dog demons, Kikyou did not have to worry for herself.
She kept the secret to herself, holding it as dearly as she did her life. Because really, it could very well save her life.
Her father would praise her when she told him of how she had saved his plans to wage war on the inu youkai of the Western Lands.
Sulking in a tree, Inuyasha cursed his own stupidity.
He had pissed off Sango who had somehow gotten herself knocked up and the maid might think he liked the neko. Not to mention, he had a feeling Miyuki was hurt by his words.
If the way her ears were still plastered to her head were any indication.
From his perch, Inuyasha had a good view of the bathhouse that Miyuki was still cleaning.
She looked cleaner now. More sterile like Sango. Her hair was bound up in a ponytail, her kimono was covered with a stiff apron. Though she was still healing from one of the beatings Sango had told him about, Inuyasha found her even more alluring than he had a week before. She worked tirelessly, rubbing her dirty paws over her forehead and smudging her pristine skin. This he found strangely appealing. From time to time, Miyuki would pause in what she was doing to stop and feel the cool breeze in the cutest way: her ears would twitch, her eyes would close, and her nose would twitch.
Slowly, as he watched her working around the cabin, Inuyasha was becoming very glad she would be staying.
Hanging clothes up on the line by the bathhouse, Kagome had become well aware of Inuyasha's presence. He was watching her.
At first, the knowledge that her every move was under constant surveillance was unnerving. She was conscious of her every move. She was afraid she would do something wrong and upset him.
What if he were to leap from the tree and scream at her?
She was pleased that Sango had cleaned her up so well before bringing her to the cabin; it had become important that she look nice for Inuyasha.
Midway through the morning, she became very aware in a shift in Inuyasha's scent. The bitterness, guilt, and anger that had composed his smell for most of the day had changed to that of soft bliss.
For the first time in a long time, Kagome felt herself relax.
When Inuyasha finally came down from his tree to go looking for Sango, he found her sitting on the cart, leaning back so her hands supported her weight.
“Knocked up?” He questioned her, plopping down next to her.
Sango nodded with a small smile.
“Whose the father?”
She shrugged, staring off into the forest. “Does it matter? I don't think he really wants anything to do with me.”
Thinking for a moment, Inuyasha said in all seriousness: “I could always get him back for you if he's strayed.” He flexed his claws for emphasis.
Sango in her turn laughed heartedly at the hanyou's offer. “Inuyasha, you're a good friend—probably one of my best and oldest—but its alright. It really doesn't mean anything unless he comes to me on his own.”
Not one to being laughed at, Inuyasha put his already weak manners aside. “Does he know?”
Sango shot him a glare, “Not that its any of your business, but no. I don't know how to tell him.” They sat in silence for some time before Sango spoke again, changing the subject to get herself out of the hot seat. “I meant what I said last time. It will be good for the both of you if you're around Miyuki.” She held up a hand when he began to argue. “You don't have to mate her Inuyasha, but you might learn something. Or you might teach Miyuki something.” Sango scrunched her bow, her concentration far away, and it was awhile before she spoke again: “I, I don't think she was always a slave. I looked at Miyuki's hands the other day,” Sango confessed. “She has done very little work in her life; she knows how to work, but she isn't used to it. She needs a friend as much if not more than you do.”
Inuyasha looked confused. “You can tell all that from her hands?”
“Of course—they aren't scared or rough like mine,” she held her fingers to her face. “She also doesn't know how to take care of herself, to defend herself, and the fact that she's working as a slave puts her very out of her element. Not to mention she's lost her voice because I'm also fairly sure she hasn't been mute all her life. Those things tell me she needs a friend.”
“If you say so,” Inuyasha muttered.
“I'll I'm asking is that you don't shut Miyuki out, Inuyasha.” Sango hopped off the cart. “And don't make too much of a mess for her. I still have to come here once a week while I can, and the bigger this baby gets, the grumpier I'll get.”
“Yes ma'am,” Inuyasha smirked.
“I need to get back to the manor. Tell Miyuki my good byes and that I'll see her in a week.”
Inuyasha said that he would, then lifted her up onto the cart's box.
Once she was down the trail, she called over her shoulder, “Have fun with your neko!”
In the midst of her giggles, Inuyasha called out, “Yeah right! I'm an inu!”
When Sango was out of sight, Inuyasha felt he had suddenly been dropt in an extremely awkward situation.