InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Demon Dinner Party: Part 1 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers and readers.
So the Kikyou bashing has already begun. Ok, its been going for a while, but it is really starting to pick up speed. I know I usually try to paint her as a victim of circumstance or as not so bad, but I have to admit that she is quite the bitch in this one. I want to make her a little more human in this chapter, but considering what is coming up, I can't say it will be for long.
Please stick with me with me. There is still a ways to go, but I hope its worth reading.
Chapter 10 Demon Dinner Party: Part 1
Sitting at a long table in the Takahashi Manor's kitchen, Kagome peeled potato after potato. Sango was sitting across the board from her, doing quite well keeping up her one-sided conversation.
The kitchen was buzzing, the large room filled with people cutting, cooking, baking for the family. Servers in their finery came in and out taking fresh courses while everyone else fell over themselves to put the plates together.
Since she really did not have to say anything, and the pile of spuds between them blocked Sango's view of Kagome, the neko was essentially left to her own thoughts amongst the chaos.
Thoughts that centered on a particular hanyou.
What happened today between Inuyasha and me? He almost kissed me. I almost kissed him!
But he stopped you.
At least he didn't shove me away. He seemed concerned—not disgusted with me. Kagome tried to argue with herself. Inuyasha likes me doesn't he?
Yes, every son of every rich land owner/demon lord loves marrying themselves off to lowly hanyou whores. Wait—you aren't even a whore. You wish you had that kind of autonomy. You're a slave—one men go to when they can't find a whore. Inuyasha was probably just coming to the conclusion he should put you to good use.
He's not like that! She snarled at herself, mentally stamping her foot. Inuyasha can't be like the others. If he was, I would be strapped to his bed. Maybe today…maybe today was just—
Kagome's concentration was broken when a cleaver was “dropped” on the table next to her arm. Looking up with a start she found a rather fat, particularly unattractive woman with her fair share of facial warts glaring down at her before her focus moved to Sango. Kagome could have sworn she had seen her before, but considering she had been beaten into a black out the last time she worked in the kitchens, it was hard to say.
“Taijiya!” The woman spat at Sango.
Sango, who had been talking to herself (though thinking she was speaking to Kagome), jerked and looked up at the woman glowering down at her.
“There is someone here to see you. “ She sucked air quickly up her nose before spewing out a slimy green substance from her mouth. “Make it quick. You've been too sick lately and I'm tired of taking up your slack.” The woman's grimy black eyes slipped back over to Kagome. “And I surely don't like the company you keep.”
She looked as though she wanted to say more, but Sango had already stood. “I promise I won't take long. Who would want to see me anyway?”
Sango had already disappeared in the fray before the woman could answer her. Glaring at the hanyou for good measure, she turned—wobbly—on her heals and marched over to the other side of the room.
Kagome could not help but notice how she continued to sneer over her shoulder at her from time to time. The neko could feel the woman's eyes on her.
When the woman leaned over and whispered to an equally ugly man standing near her, noticeably waving her cleaver in Kagome's direction, the hanyou felt a chill run down her spine.
What is taking Sango so long?
Turning her back to them, Kagome tried to concentrate on the work at hand to keep her mind from the unsettling feeling churning her stomach.
Kikyou bowed her way out of the veil that had been draped over her head so she could walk through the house with the most possible modesty. Now that she was in the home of her future husband—and a demon household at that—the utmost care had to be take to keep her secluded from men. Kikyou didn't mind. She did not want those damned dirty demons looking at her anyway. Already she missed her home where the only youkai she had to watch out for was Midori. And Kagome, not that she had been there for some time.
The first thing Kikyou noticed when the cloth was pulled away from her eyes was the youkai standing directly in front of her.
He must be my groom to be. No other male would be allowed such close proximity, even in the company of the lord of the manor.
The second thing that caught her eye was the dog ears perched on the top of the “demon's” head.
They look like Kagome's, her mind processed slowly. That means…
Kikyou wanted to die. Deshi had to have known when he agreed to this match. He knew he was marrying me to a hanyou! Rage flooded into her being and Kikyou's hand unconsciously moved to the jade pendant hanging from her neck. She did not want to think of what would be done to her if the demons around her were able to smell the emotions she was currently experiencing.
Regardless of her desire for self preservation, Kikyou only just stopped herself from having an all-out fit as she looked on her betrothed's occasionally twitching ears. In fact, if Lady Inuyasha hadn't been watching her under what anyone else would have considered a chilly gaze, the young miko might have been done just that—consequences be damned.
She heard a shuffling of feet next to her and Kikyou turned her attention back to the man she was roped into marrying.
Honestly, Kikyou hadn't gotten a good look at the boy before, she had been so focused on his ears. Now that she saw him—really gave him the once over—Kikyou felt one thought coursing through her brain with a jolt. No. Not just her brain, her entire body.
He's gorgeous.
Kikyou couldn't stop the blush forming on her face if she wanted to. And Kikyou Higurashi the miko never blushed: embarrassment and lust had been crushed out of at the beginning of her training as a priestess.
But kami-sama! He's beautiful.
Kikyou had to admit as a shrine maiden she did not get out much, rarely did she ever meet much less see a men. But this kind of attractiveness had to be rare. The white locks and golden eyes called to Kikyou—they wrapped his being in an ethereal glow. She could tell his muscles were toned, skin tanned ever-so-slightly by the sun. Even his height was striking: he was not tall like his father who towered by next to him, but instead he appeared complimentary to her own stature.
Otherworldly. The only world for him.
And he's mine. Kikyou felt her blush deepen.
It was as though she had been betrothed to…to a god, one she could worship for the rest of her days.
Then his ears flicked and Kikyou came crashing back to earth.
He's a hanyou, not a kami.
“Have a seat, my dear,” Lord Takahashi smiled at Kikyou. “You too, Inuyasha,” he commanded his son who was still blubbering over something. “Glad to see the two of you have taking a liking to one another.” Taro commented as he took his seat at the head of the table, taking in the pair's blushes as he went.
Inuyasha scowled at his father as he sunk into his chair next to his fiancée.
This was all rather a lot for him to take in at once.
On the way to the manor, he had thought he was about gain permission to make Kagome his mate. Now, here he was sitting next to a woman who his father approved of and who looked very much like Kagome.
Only it wasn't Kagome.
Perhaps he just wanted Kikyou so much to be the little neko, he was imagining things.
Carefully, out of the corner of his eye, Inuyasha took in the pale girl sitting next to him. Her scent was serene, her features schooled. There was just something about the area around her eyes—a tenseness—that spoke of anything but a peaceful being.
But she was not Kagome.
Inuyasha thought of Kagome. He thought of the way her eyes were so expressive that she almost didn't need to speak, though he longed to hear her voice. The shy little smiles she flashed him from time to time. That she needed him to protect her, but that he was certain she was stronger than her fear allowed her be. Her comforting scent that drove away all else.
No—he dared another glance at his betrothed only to find her attempting to do the same—she was definitely not Kagome.
Looking over at his father, Inuyasha was now even less sure he liked the situation he currently found himself in.
When he turned to see the other side of the table, Inuyasha caught a brief moment of peace between his brother and Kagura: the youkai turned his wife's hand up to kiss her palm, smirking at her as she smiled back.
What has dad gotten me into? Inuyasha's ears turned down even as he tried to pretend to enjoy the meal.
While the rest of his family was oblivious to Inuyasha's melancholy, Izayoi couldn't help but notice her son's change in mood.
“Hello?” Sango called into the night once she was outside the kitchen. At first there was no answer, then she heard a shuffling of cloth and a figure appeared out of the shadows.
Sango cautiously took a step back toward the door, toward the safety of the kitchen when she recognized the robes of the man before her.
“Oh.” She snorted. “What are you doing here?”
Miroku stepped into the light of one of the kitchen windows where Sango could see him better. “I, um, wanted to see you,” the priest mumbled.
“What? No female patients for Kaede today? Or was there just none that caught your eye? So you came to me because you know I'm easy—”
“Sango! I just wanted to talk to you,” Miroku finally interjected. “You've been avoiding me—”
Sango shot him a glare. “I can't imagine why!”
“Well I can't! Usually I'm the one who slinks off in the night and avoids the party, so I'm not used to being…left.”
“Doesn't feel good does it? Did I steal your thunder by being the one to leave?”
“Yes—no—I wasn't going to leave you!?”
Sango raised an eyebrow. “How can you be so sure?”
Miroku groaned and shoved his fingers through his black hair. Stalking over a lopsided bench beside the kitchen door, he plopped down, desperately wanting to get his thoughts in order so he didn't say the wrong thing.
Finally he was able to answer Sango. “Yes. I am sure. You weren't just someone I was trying to sleep with—you'd be really surprised as to how many woman that actually is. “
“So confident?” Sango snorted, stomping over so she could look down into his eyes. “I don't see how bragging about—” It was Sango's turn to be interrupted.
“No, thank you, it is actually less than you might expect; than I might have lead you to believe.” He shook his head, “But that's not the point,” Miroku sucked in a breath. “I don't like not being around you anymore. I miss you.” He reached for her hand. At first Sango tried to pull away, but the monk was faster and held tight. “Please Sango…unless, unless you don't want me…”
Sango felt her chest swelling. Was this really happening? Or had he heard about the baby and was doing the honorable thing? Thinking, she sunk down next to him on the bench.
Sango was rather fond of honor, but the idea of someone like Miroku—who had none—binding himself to her because of some obligation he felt bound by did not sit well with the young maid. Miroku might have the warm fuzzies about her now because she was carrying his child, but what about in the years to come?
Yet…how could he have found out? Kaede won't have told him and few others knew. It was too soon for her to be showing.
“Sango?” Miroku asked, trying to get her attention as she was staring out into space.
“Why now?”
“W-what?” He was suddenly extremely confused as Sango had taken her hand back, stood up and was staring down at him with imploring eyes.
“Why are you here now? Why not a week ago—or a month ago?”
“I don't understand. I've told you I missed you. Isn't that enough?” Miroku looked up at her, being the picture of ignorance. What does she want me to say?
Sango breathed a sigh of relief. “You're sure there is no other reason?” She just had to make sure without spelling her concerns out completely. If he wasn't here because of the baby, then maybe she could work with him.
Is it so wrong I want him to be here for me and just for me?
Miroku could only shake his head in response. He was sharp enough to see she was hinting about something specific, but for the life of him he couldn't say. Really, he was just glad Sango had seemed to relax. For a while her face had held nothing but nervous tension, but now she looked calm—bordering on happy.
Sango looked down at Miroku and for a moment she wanted to jump into his arms. Surely if he was going to say he wanted her for the baby, he would have done so by now.
Maybe he's being sincere. He didn't even try this hard the last time to get your attention.
Suddenly, a loud crash rang through the night, ruining the remains of their conversation.
“Shit!” Sango hissed, turning in the direction of the commotion. “Kagome!” She had completely forgotten the little neko she had left alone, peeling potatoes.
He was less hungry than he thought he would be.
Inuyasha had been sure that when he got back to the manor, he would gorge himself on anything and everything he could lay his hands on. He deserved it after all those months of living on his own cooking and Kagome's attempts at putting together meals. She might have been good at concocting potions and the like for healing, but her cooking left something to be desired.
Still, even though he was surrounded by mountainous platters of his favorite dishes, Inuyasha could only push food around on his plate.
Something had turned in his stomach, and he was pretty certain it had something to do with the conversation he had had earlier with his father and the pale girl perched on the chair next to him.
The hanyou was coming to the realization that he had been in shock for at least the past half hour. Now that he was coming to his senses, he did not like what he found.
In the space of an hour is father had: 1) Crushed his hopes of being with Kagome; 2) Told him he was betrothed to a human of all thing;. 3) Introduced said human and Inuyasha found her a creepy, pale version of Kagome. He didn't like the look in her eyes: it lied, compared to what her scent told him.
What the hell is going on?
The detail that really had him worried was what was going to become of Kagome. If it wasn't so damned important, Inuyasha would have pushed it to the back of his mind. What had he told his father? They could send her to Kaede? While he was sure the wise woman would welcome the hanyou with opened arms, Inuyasha couldn't stand the idea. It would only make them both targets. Kaede lived in little more than a hut, and huts were easily burned, broken into.
The thought of Kagome being attacked in the night as she slept in her bed made his eyes flash red for an instant. Clutching the tablecloth with his claws, Inuyasha drug himself back to the present at the sound of a gasp.
Looking over at his betrothed, he saw the girl staring at him in horror. Yet a blush still flushed her face, making her look even more odd.
She's not exactly like Kagome, he mused. Her eyes aren't as wide, as expressive.
Kagome. I wonder what she's doing now. I bet they have her peeling potatoes or something stupid like that. I—
There was the sound of a door slamming, only for it to be reopened ere a loud crash of metal something clattered all over the ground and feet pounded into the floor.
“Shit!” Inuyasha growled, jumping from his chair as if he had been burned, muttering “Kagome” under his breath as he ran toward the door.
No one at the table moved. Taro chewed his food as though it were a cud, Sesshomaru and Kagura continued to alternate flirting and bantering as if nothing had happened. Only Izayoi and Kikyou appeared to have heard what Inuyasha had said.
Kagome? Both women wondered if they had heard right.
If the cleaver had not missed her head, Kagome was fairly certain she would be lying in a pool of her own blood at the moment instead of running for her life. She had known they were whispering about her, but she had tried to tune it out.
How stupid can you be? They almost killed you the last time you were here. Why, oh why, weren't you paying attention!? Were you trying to get us killed?!
I was thinking….
About what? How much you'd like to be sushi?
I was thinking about Inuyasha.
Leaping skillfully over a table, Kagome managed to get to a door seconds before the rest of the mob trailing her did. She could smell fresh air and was trying to reach the outside where she could escape into the night. Gripping the door, she managed to slam it shut, just in the face of her closest attacker. She slipped on the stone floor, but regained her balance quickly and went scampering toward the front door. Kagome heard the door being thrown opened behind her.
They're getting closer!
A frying pan flew over her head, grazing her head. Thinking fast, Kagome grabbed a hold of a suit of youkai armor standing proudly in the hall. She threw it down onto the ground and continued on her way, praying it would buy her the time she needed.
Where's Inuyasha now?
Around another corner and finally she was at the front door. The guard standing by the entrance was so startled by her sudden appearance that he leaped out of her way and Kagome flung the door open running out into the night.
She had only gotten down the front steps and onto the flag stones of the court yard when Kagome realized that she wasn't alone. It wasn't just like servants following her; there were others outside, waiting for her.
Shit! The neko cursed in her head.
Between the people coming at her from the front and those still trailing her from the rear, Kagome only had the option of going to a side. Blindly, she swerved to the left and prayed she would be able to escape.
It only took Kagome a few steps to realize she was standing in water.
And being sprayed with water. Stopping to look around, Kagome found herself in a pond, with a fountain.
Why a fucking fountain? Why? Kagome hissed at the water, having little else better to do.
She couldn't turn back and the way forward—even if it hadn't been blocked by deep water—was already ringed with youkai holding various kitchen wares masquerading as weapons. They were all closing in on her, pushing her back into the depths.
How deep was the water? It's a fountain. How deep could it be? Kagome had never learned to swim and just the feeling of the liquid closing around her calves made her heart beat rapidly, her arms starting to tremble and the motion carried right down to her legs.
Step by step she was going farther into the water. The neko was coming quickly to the realization that there was a slant to the ground she was standing on, taking her deeper and deeper into the pool of the fountain. When the water was rippling over her hips, Kagome sensed that soon it would be over her head.
And still the angry mob of youkai was closing in on her from all sides. She whirled around, trying not to keep her back to any one point for too long, as well as praying for an out. There was none. It appeared every demon servant in the Takahashi household was out in the front yard, all thirsting for her hanyou blood.
It was when the water had come up to cover her abdomen that the first knife was thrown. There wasn't much might behind it, and the aim was sloppy, but the blade managed to slice into Kagome's upper arm. She snarled in the direction the attack had come and clamped her hand over the wound.
Kagome's movements had slowed now, and when her back was facing one area too long, a sauce pan came flying out to hit her on the back of her head. She stumble forward by the force, but managed to keep herself from slipping completely under the surface of the water.
After the sauce pan, her attackers moved into range and were chucking metal objects at her right and left. With every blow landed, Kagome sunk closer and closer to the water's surface. The fear of the water and the mob was tightening around her by the second and the smell of her own blood played predominately in her nostrils.
But, despite her current cowardice, something was boiling in the neko.
She was getting very, very angry. All the times before—the first time she worked in the kitchens, with the youkai masters who took her and used her like their personal play things, Kagome had never thought to fight back. She had been unsure of herself, afraid, and thought that if she lashed out at any attacker, the consequences would be worse than what would happen to her as a result.
But now, she didn't want what was happening to her. She didn't want Inuyasha to see her weak and bloody and look at her with pity. He had shown her she could be safe and protected and Kagome wanted to show him she could be just as strong as he.
Wasn't part of being a mate taking care of each other? He couldn't carry both their weight.
She might have been damaged in other ways, but not anymore by weakness.
When a cork screw clipped her ear, Kagome had had enough. Or rather her demon had had enough.
Before she could stop her inner youkai from coming out, Kagome felt its power surge up just before she blacked out.
A/N: EEEKKKK! I hate to leave it as another cliffy, but I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I have a short attention span when it comes to what I write, and 10 page installments are about my limit. I am also really get tired writing action sequences, and from what I can see, that's what makes up most of the rest of the chapter. So, I'm posting this, and I'll try to get the rest out as quickly as possible. There are some important things coming up, and I really want to write them with a fresh mind; I need to get what I've already written off my chest, and the only way to do that is to post it.
Also, there are a lot of things going on in this fic, so if you notice that I'm leaving something out that you think I should be addressing, please let me know.