InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Crushed ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
A/N: As always, thanks to everyone who reviewed. I heart you guys!
Oniguts: That would be pretty funny if Midori went on a slug fest. Har, Kikyou a mouse—lol!
sprat111: Good interesting or bad interesting?
AnimeObsessionFantasy: All in good time, but you are asking some of the right questions.
QueenJitFace: I don't want to give anything away, lol, read the chapter!
Mraestalyn: Yeah I really like Izayoi in this too—I can't say that when I've seen her in other fics she's been my favorite character, not that she shows up too often. I've always speculated that Miroku probably never got anyone pregnant, so it would be a shock to him to find out he's a father, lol.
Alliecoolgirl: I would say Kagome is like 18 or 19—Kikyou was about 5 when she was born. I think Kikyou deserves more than just a carriage, lol. Don't worry, she'll get hers.
Kokoronagomu: You're on the right track, but I'm not going to say anything else—don't want to give too much away.
Hellena8989: Normally I don't mind Kikyou; I think she's used as the bad guy too much. But for this story I needed someone awful, and her character just got molded into that. Oh well, lol. Yeah, that would be Midori. I guess no one's figured out that Kagome and Kikyou are sisters yet is because no one really thinks about a hanyou slave and human lord's daughter being related. Don't worry, time will tell.
Ok, for most of you, this chapter isn't going to be what you expected; you're jumping the gun by a bit. Suffice it to say, the shit is about to hit the fan. Big time. You have been warned. Personally, I really don't like that chapter, and for once its not because its boring or lame, but more on that later.
Chapter 14
The next day bloomed warm with a breeze of its very own.
Kagome pulled Inuyasha outdoors shortly after they finished their breakfast and the two went for a walk through the forest that surrounded the Cabin of Mates. Inuyasha was surprised to find himself feeling the tiniest bit sad that he would have to vacate the residence soon. Once his wedding was over, he would be allotted his own, new apartments in the Manor. The rooms that had been his when he was a child would be prepared for the next generation of Takahashi children. Probably Sesshomaru and Kagura's pups; Inuyasha didn't see Kikyou wanting to share his bed any time soon.
Yes, he would miss the Cabin, for what it was worth. It had been witness to some of his loneliness moments, but the Cabin had been the first roof he had lived under with Kagome. The way things were going, it would be the last.
Inuyasha shyly took Kagome's hand, making sure they were close as they could be and still walk. If she wasn't going to be his mate, then he could enjoy what little of Kagome's company he could get.
And somehow he had to find a way to tell her about his betrothed.
He just didn't want to ruin the day. Or the next.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha started slowly, feeling the need to say something—even if it wasn't what he needed to tell her. “I want to say something.”
They stopped in the path where they walked and looked at one another.
“I want you to know that whatever happens, I will take care of you.” He found the words hard to say, and that once they were out of his mouth that they were enough; he wanted to tell her more. But how to phrase it?
Gapping up at Inuyasha, Kagome wished she could have her own words to say to him. I want to tell him I'll be there for him too. That we don't have to be alone anymore—we'll have each other. If he would have me.
She didn't question his motive for the sudden declaration, however, she did wonder other things. Despite his words, Kagome was still unsure of exactly what he was saying. Did he love her? Or did he want her like all the other men and he was just a little slow on the uptake?
In the end, all Kagome could do was nod and smile at him. Then cautiously, she wrapped her arms around him, pressing the side of her face flush to his chest. Inuyasha hesitated for a moment before he put his arms around her, burying his face in her soft hair.
“Please, don't ever leave me,” Inuyasha rasped out, shocking himself. Pulling back, Kagome met his somewhat frightened gaze and shook her head. She brought her hands up to his face, placing her palms on either side. Like him, she hesitated for a moment before she brought his mouth down to hers, kissing him chastely. She smiled when she felt one of his hands move up so he could stroke her ear. Purring she deepened their kiss.
He isn't using me; he doesn't have the guile or motivation to trick me. I'm his equal; we need each other.
Drawing back, Kagome looked at Inuyasha again. I promise not to leave you as long as you promise to always be mine. Softly, she stroked his temples with her fingertips, wishing she could say the words floating in her head. Kagome gave Inuyasha a small half smile, disappointed that she couldn't make the words come out.
I hope he understands.
Kagome bestowed Inuyasha one last peck of a kiss and then turned back to their walk.
I'm hardly afraid of him anymore; I'm really starting to trust him.
Walking side by side with Kagome, Inuyasha couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit guilty. Kagome hardly smelled of fear, and that made him wish he wasn't so afraid to tell her about Kikyou. If she knew there was no way they could be together, would she still want him?
Once more, Inuyasha pushed back the negative thoughts and went back to enjoying the day.
“You, maid!”
Sango turned toward the sound of the voice, an eyebrow raised. She might have been a human in a demon household, but she wasn't used to being addressed so rudely.
There stood Kikyou. One hand on her hip, a dainty shoe tapping on the ground. Again, Sango was struck by how much the woman before her looked like Kagome. They could be sisters.
“Yes mum? How can I help you?”
“Do you know where my betrothed is?” Kikyou sapped.
“You mean Inuyasha?”
“Who else, idiot?”
Why you little…I'm going to kill her, if Izayoi doesn't do it first, Sango thought, but brushed off the insult. “I believe he is still at the Cabin of Mates. He will—”
“Cabin of Mates?” The miko spat in disgust. “Such a savage name. You were saying?”
“He will stay there until he is married.”
“Oh. Well what if I need to see him. Now?”
Sango considered Kikyou. Why does she want to see Inuyasha? I didn't think she liked him. I suppose there is no harm. “If you wish mum, I can take you. I have a cart, and I needed to make the trip to the Cabin to gather the wash and drop off some food.”
Kikyou's brow wrinkled. This may be your last chance before the wedding. Its only a couple of days away and there is no sign of father! “Very well, that is acceptable. When do you depart?”
“If you'll come with me, I can take you now.”
Kikyou nodded and followed after Sango.
She could smell Kagome. The scent was faint, but hundreds of times stronger than it had been anywhere else she had been. Kagome was here and she, Midori, was going to find her. Three of the demon lord's guards were restraining her, but struggling hard, she managed to wiggle free.
“What is the meaning of this?” Taro demanded, stepping out of his study to take in the ongoing fight between his servants and the wild cat demon.
“Where is she?” Midori demanded. It was clear to all who watched her that she was dangerous, but no one knew who the full neko youkai was speaking of. “Where is she? I know she's here and she better be unharmed.”
Again, all in the room gave one another quizzical looks. What is she talking about? Who does she want to find? It was very rare for a neko demon to come into inu territory, and usually it was because they were lost or there was a war. This woman had clearly come on her own, alone, and with a purpose.
Taro could see the neko looked fit to kill, and he didn't want to take any chances. Nodding discreetly to one of the guards, he gave a silent signal. While it was rare for other youkai to threaten the manor, it had happened before, and they were prepared for such an event.
In a flash, the guard whipped out one of the sealing scrolls made by Kaede, lightly holding it in his hand with its special glove to protect his body. He moved to Midori who was, for the moment, looking away from him and slapped the seal over her forehead, covering the sunburst that blossomed there.
Midori was not immediately overtaken by the spell—or at least she refused to go down without a fight. Swiping her claws over the face of the demon that had placed the seal on her skin, she had the satisfaction of seeing blood flood up from the wound and drizzle down his face.
Within the next instant, the voices and shouts became muffled and the room blurred. Midori, proud neko youkai that she was, swooned onto the marble floor of Takahashi manor.
Taro let out a breath didn't realize he had been holding. Never before had his home been invaded like this—an enemy who got through all his defenses to the very heart of the manor.
“Take her to the dungeon and let her cool down. When she's sensible, we'll talk,” he commanded.
Cats, cats, everywhere. What's a dog to do?
Sango pulled the cart up to the Cabin of Mates with a sigh. Kikyou had perched primly on the box the entire way, refusing to speak to her.
I must not be good enough for her to converse with.
Kikyou waited while Sango climbed down, stumbling a bit now that she was starting to show her pregnancy, and come around to offer her hands to help the miko down from the box.
Stiffly, Kikyou took Sango's hand and carefully stepped down, not meeting the maid's eyes.
Just then, there was the sound of a voice trailing through the forest and both women turned in its direction. Soon after Inuyasha and Kagome appeared through the trees, walking side by side, hand in hand.
Sango couldn't help but note how happy they looked together; like they belonged together. A small smile graced her lips, even though she couldn't tap down on an equally tiny flare of jealousy.
Then Kikyou moved. Purposefully, the miko began heading up the path toward Inuyasha before Sango had a chance to stop her, or even think to do so.
It wasn't until Kagome suddenly scented the air, looked pale and stopped dead in her tracks that Sango thought anything was amiss. Kagome stared at Kikyou who continued moving un-phased.
“Inuyasha!” The miko chirped, ignoring the neko completely. “I haven't seen you for days, and this maid told me you were here.” Her smile was wide as she walked up to her fiancé. Without hesitation, Kikyou took his hands in hers, not seeming to notice she had to jerk one of his paws out of Kagome's grip. “Did you miss me as well?”
Inuyasha heard her, but he didn't know what to say. He stared at Kagome, her brown eyes painfully wide, hurt clearly written on face. But really, more than anything, she looked shocked, shaken to her very core.
What is she thinking? Inuyasha wished he could know. “Kagome?” The hanyou asked, temporarily ignoring Kikyou even though she hand his hands trapped in her own.
“No, I'm Kikyou,” the miko cut in, “Inuyasha,” she pulled in closer to her so that he was forced to look down at her face. “Don't you remember?”
“I—me—” Inuyasha stopped his stutters to regain himself. “No, this is Kagome,” Inuyasha attempted to clarify. It really didn't matter, but at that moment, he would have said anything to take away from the gigantic pink elephant in the room.
“Hello Kagome,” Kikyou practically squealed. “Why what darling ears you have!” Her smile held something that Inuyasha did not like, but couldn't place, and her scent was telling nothing—no emotion whatsoever besides peace of spirit. Suddenly, the miko was turning back to him.
“I needed to talk to you about the wedding,” Kikyou said, smiling at him broadly.
“W-wedding?” Croaked Inuyasha. Stupid, stupid! You just basically initiated a courtship with Kagome, `I'll protect you' and all and now Kikyou is going to spill the bloody beans before you got a chance. What will Kagome think?
Inuyasha forced himself to look at Kagome. She was standing there, pale, her chin raised in defiance of this Kikyou; he knew she could tell the other woman was her competition.
Does she really think Kikyou is a threat? Does that mean Kagome wants me? Really? Inuyasha, being a hanyou, was still adjusting to the idea that someone actually wanted to be with him.
“Our wedding, silly! It's the day after tomorrow!” Kikyou laughed as if it were the funniest thing she had ever said. “Your mother told me I could have any flowers on the grounds, and I hoped you would help me choose the best ones.”
Kagome stood where she was. Was this really happening or was it a cruel nightmare?
She was standing there, next to Inuyasha who had promised he would take care of her only moments before. Now he was talking to Kikyou—though awkwardly—as if he knew her.
Did he know her?
Kikyou was talking about a wedding. Was Kikyou going to marry Inuyasha?
Every bruise, every scar Kagome had received while she had been in captivity pulsed, ached. The bright outdoor light dimmed for Kagome, she could only guess that it was youkai wanting to surface. Forcefully, she pushed it back down. Not now…
Does Inuyasha love her? Then what has he been doing with me? Kagome felt tears well up in her eyes. They were angry tears, furious and sad, the pain cutting deep into her core.
He's mine! Her demon was screaming. I won't let that she-devil wench take him!
Again, Kagome pushed her rage and demon half down and tried to focus on not murdering both of them. She couldn't do it.
She couldn't take in the pain and hurt and anger she felt and hide it from the two people who stood next to her. Kagome turned around and ran back into the forest.
Inuyasha whipped about to see Kagome's retreating back. Momentarily he forgot Kikyou and had every intention of tracking down the neko and explaining the whole mess he was in and beg her forgiveness. Why didn't tell her before?
Could her current reaction when she put two and two together be any indication? You didn't want her to leave. However, honesty would have been the best policy.
Inuyasha growled to himself and had one foot poised to chase after Kagome when he felt a hand on his sleeve.
“Is she upset, Inuyasha?” It was Kikyou. She didn't even give him a chance to answer, “Let me go after her. Perhaps she just needs someone to talk to her girl to girl. You stay right here—I'll take care of it.”
And with that, Kikyou was walking in the direction Kagome had run.
But—but, Inuyasha's mind stuttered, you don't even know why she was upset.
Lucky for Kikyou, unluckily for Kagome, the hanyou had not gone far enough and her sister quickly found her.
“There's my baby sister,” Kikyou cooed when she spotted Kagome. The hanyou leaned against a tree, the claws of one paw digging into the bark and she growled at Kikyou's voice, but did not turn around.
“What cat got your tongue? Of course it does,” laughing Kikyou walked up to her. Placing her hand on Kagome's shoulder, she spun the younger woman around to face her.
Deep in her heart, Kikyou felt the tiniest crack from the pain and distrust scribbled on Kagome's face. We are sisters, aren't we? I'm the one to make her feel these things for me.
Still, she is an abomination, and I can't marry Inuyasha.
With each day that dawned with no sign of Deshi, Kikyou became more and more desperate. Her plan had to work, or she might just have to marry Inuyasha. What if Deshi had abandoned her? Did Kagome mean so much to him that he was so angry? Was he willing to give up the window Kikyou's wedding would offer to destroy this family of evil dog demons just to punish her?
Shaking her head, Kikyou forced herself to concentrate on the matter at hand. “Do you miss home Kagome?”
A look of shock passed over Kagome's face for an instant and then she glared at Kikyou, her eyes becoming slits.
“You do know that our father is very unlikely to take you back. Hanyou mikos are rare enough, but you aren't even an innocent anymore. What would he do with you?”
Kagome felt fairly certain she could kill her sister right then and there, and she wouldn't feel the smallest regrets. Without warning, she lashed out at Kikyou, but missed and her sister grabbed her wrist, squeezing it.
“That isn't very nice Kagome. Remember, if anything happens to me, not only will you have no way of getting home, but you will never speak or use your miko powers again. How would you like that, Kagome?”
Kagome jerked her arm back from Kikyou and spat at her sister's feet.
“I'm just saying I know that if you want to go home, I can help you out. Here, I need to hear you speak.” Waving her hand over Kagome throat and murmuring the incantation, Kikyou took the spell off Kagome, at least for the moment.
Kagome felt her vocal chords expand, flexing as her miko aura healed itself. She gasped for air and practically chocked: she wanted to scream just test her voice out so long being silent. She wanted to put Kikyou in her place and more than anything else, Kagome wanted to run back to Inuyasha and tell him she loved him and—
“Don't get used to it,” Kikyou hissed. “I made you this way and I can put the curse back on you.”
“Why?” Kagome's voice was hoarse and breathy from all the months of non-use. “Why did you do this to me? We're sisters! Do you have any idea what happened to me? What I went through?” Kagome felt tears burning her eyes. She had always believed when she got her voice back she would be happy and have only pleasant things to say. But now she was speaking to Kikyou. Kagome hadn't realized how angry and hurt she was until she opened her mouth and the words began spilling out like bad blood.
Kikyou appeared to be nonplussed. “I suppose I can imagine. At least you're set up nicely now though. A hanyou's whore? I can't say I agree with your taste, but could you really have done better?” Kagome felt the urge to scream: Kikyou was so calm, bored almost.
“I'm not sleeping with Inuyasha, he hasn't wanted me that way.”
“Well perhaps the boy has better preferences than I gave him credit for. Though the living situation you have now won't last long. I'm marrying him the day after tomorrow, and I'll see to it that you aren't around.”
“He didn't tell me anything about that. I didn't even know you were here.” Kagome's voice became small as she spoke. There was a very good possibility Inuyasha felt nothing for her. Why would he when he could marry Kikyou? Had he been trying to tell her more that morning that she just didn't hear?
“Now I wonder why that is,” Kikyou said, mocking. “Though we did just meet a night or two ago. But you can blame the match on our dear father.” She finished with a grimace. “Anyway I'm sure he doesn't love you, Kagome. If you aren't his mattress now, you will be. Someone has to protect you from yourself Kagome.”
Kagome spat, “I hardly think you would be the one to do so. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you.”
“And if you don't do what I want now, you'll stay here, but without Inuyasha.”
“You can't do anything to me that haven't already been done!” Kagome pushed the sleeves of her kimono up, showing the deep scar from the attack a few nights ago as well as multiple thin lines of scarring that could have been caused from claw marks or fangs. “Do you see these? Do you have any idea how much it hurt being beaten? Men beating me and forcing themselves on me? I hate you Kikyou! I'm not helping you do anything!”
Kikyou was silent for a moment. “Very well,” she said quietly. “Fine, then I'll see to it you go back there—back to being the whore you deserve to be. And Inuyasha will die at my hand.”
Kikyou had hardly finished the words before Kagome moving toward her growling fiercely. The neko got one good blow on her sister, knocking Kikyou to the ground, but the miko was just a quick, just as trained. They both knew each other's weakness, and more so than usual Kikyou had the spiritual power upper hand over Kagome.
The two met and somehow Kikyou got her hands around Kagome's next, squeezing hard and using her powers to lift the hanyou over her head. Pushing out her aura, she concentrated hard on purifying and listened with giddy glee when Kagome cried out in pain. Kikyou felt powerful.
“Is this what you want? To suffer? I can arrange that. I'll take your voice and your powers away and throw you to the wolves again. And then I'll get Inuyasha!”
“No!” Kagome screamed, finally managing to free herself using little more than her claws and strength of will. She slouched on the ground, panting. Her neck was burned from where Kikyou had touched her, in some places severely. “God Kikyou why can't you just leave me be!”
Couching down, Kikyou was at Kagome's eye level. “I wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of you. As punishment for sending you way—to the Demon Lands where you belong—I have to marry Inuyasha, or at least be bait for father's plans. I don't want to have to do that. Our father is supposed to be here, but he isn't, and if he doesn't show up, I will be bound to that hanyou, and you know I can't do that. However, if you help me, we both can return home.”
Kagome felt a little confused, “Why don't you start at the beginning, Kikyou.”
“Fine,” Kikyou snapped. She told Kagome about when Lady and Lord Higurashi found Kagome had been missing, then how Midori left. Deshi had been furious and sent Kikyou away—it wasn't supposed to be permanent, only to give him an opportunity to attack the Takahashi home on her wedding day. “He said he wouldn't let me come home unless I found you, and while I don't know why he would lie about needing the wedding, but now that I have you, I can go home—even if he's abandoned me. Of course I'm sure he didn't count on men having touched you, but if you do as I ask, I'll see to it he takes you back.”
Kagome reached up and scratched an ear, thinking. Her eyes were trained on the ground: “What exactly do I have to do to for you to `allow' me to come home?” She was becoming frightened, feeling certain that even though it was Kikyou saying these things, there was a good possibility she was right. Her miko powers were still there—she could feel them—but they were weaker. What would her father do when he found out? Would she be punished? And what if Midori had left them for good?
She needed Kikyou's help. Kagome knew it was foolish to trust her half sister, but her options were few and far between. She waited for Kikyou's command.
“Kill Inuyasha.” Kikyou said it as if it meant nothing, without thought or feeling.
“Excuse me?” Kagome felt as though she was going to be sick.
“If you don't to it, I will. If you don't get rid of him, I'll have to marry him. You know I'd rather be dead than married to a hanyou, and if you don't get rid of him before we're married, Inuyasha won't make it past the wedding night. You can guess what will happen to you when he's gone.”
“I don't care what happens to me,” Kagome declared. “I won't help you do that.” She was shocked at her sister's words. How can she even ask that of me? Is she mad?
Come to think of it, there was a tightness around Kikyou's eyes and mouth that gave her an unstable glint.
Kikyou regarded her for a moment, her head tilted to the side. “You think you love him, don't you? I assume that means you're certain he returns your feelings—if either of you actually can love.”
“I'm not going to debate this with you again. Either kill Inuyasha and come home with me or I will kill him, flee alone, and you can see how long you last. Wouldn't you like to be home where you'll be protected? I'll see to it that you are, and I'm sure once our father takes you back, he'll protect you from even me.”
Kagome's ears drooped and she bowed her head. “I won't do this.” She felt sick. A tiny part of her considered the idea. What would it take to kill a hanyou? Claws across the throat should to it, and if not that then one could always go for the heart. Immediately, Kagome felt nauseous with herself for even thinking such thoughts. “I can't kill Inuyasha.”
Kikyou only laughed. “You devotion to your lover is really precious little sister,” she covered her mouth as she giggled into her fingers. “Has he ever told you he loves you? Wait, don't answer. Even if he has, I'm sure he's lying. He's like every other man, only he's luring you in so you won't be able to pull yourself away. Let me show you.” Not waiting for Kagome's consent, Kikyou reached out and rubbed the pad of her thumb in an arch over the neko hanyou's brow.
For an instant, Kagome's mind went completely blank, and then, in the next instant she was plunged in to the hell of all her memories. Every beating, every rape, every hurt—all of it came back to her with unbearable vengeance and clarity. Gasping for breath, Kagome arched off the ground, keening with the imaginary pain. Every inch of her was on fire, but somehow air had become so scarce she might have had her head held under water.
“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” Kagome howled, shaking and twisting her body violently in an attempt to fight of the attackers of memory who suddenly had their hold on her. It was a greater, deeper hurt than anything she had felt before: worse than the thought of loosing Inuyasha, more cutting than being forced from her home. I can't go through this again. I won't make it. I'm weak.
Somewhere in all her pain Kagome felt the cold pressure of Kikyou's thumb moving over the skin of her forehead again and as quickly as the memories had appeared they were suddenly hidden away. Kagome's soul felt the relief of their absence and she collapsed on the ground.
Somewhere, Kikyou's voice floated into her ears. “Is he really worth all that? A hanyou you can't even say for sure loves you or not. A hanyou who hides the truth from you?” Something was pressed into her hand and Kagome realized that it was the handle of a dagger. “Do what you like with that, but I've blessed it so is more than capable to kill a hanyou. You'll be doing Inuyasha a service, I'm sure he'll suffer far less at your hand than at mine. But,” and here, Kagome could hear the smile in Kikyou's voice, “if you chicken out, you can always use the knife on yourself. I'll leave the decision up to you. You have until tomorrow night.”
Kagome felt fingers touching her throat, and heard whispered words and she knew Kikyou had reactivated her spell.
With that, Kikyou was gone.
Kagome managed to roll onto her stomach and push herself up before she threw up.
This cannot be happening! Backing away from the vomit Kagome curled herself tightly in to a ball. Her mind was fuzzy, but she remembered the anguish.
Can I go back to that? Is Inuyasha worth that? Is there any way to escape?
Even if she could somehow tell someone, what good would it do? It would be her word against Kikyou's. No one would could help would believer her. She was just a hanyou slave. Inuyasha probably would even believe her. No one would believe them to be sisters, no matter what their physical appearance. And Kikyou was sporting one of their father's charms that covered one's scent—making them appear trust worthy and wholesome.
Somewhere in the distant, Inuyasha was calling for her. Kagome jumped to her feet. For a moment she debated what to do with the dagger and out of desperation of her indecision, she tucked it into the tie of her obi and fled deeper into the woods.
She needed time to think.
A/N: Please stick with it, it will get better soon! I adhere to the principle that if something can go awry, it will. More fun, right? Probably not. This chapter was incredibly difficult for me to write, and now even I kind of hate Kikyou. Lol. She's just brutal! I feel so sorry for Kagome. As a warning, the next chapter isn't exactly cheerful, but after that, we're almost out of the woods. Intense! I'll try to get the next update out as soon as possible, but I want to make sure I don't rush things.
I don't think I need to say this because you guys are great, but please no flames. This is my hobby, I do it for fun. I don't think its fun getting bitched at because someone doesn't like my story. As always, if you don't like, don't read.