InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ On the Edge ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
A/N: Thanks to my reviewers. Didn't I say if I had more reviews I'd write faster? This chapter officially has had the most reviews of any other that I've posted in any of my stories. Yay. So here is a super fast update for you all.
Youkaineko: *bangs head against wall while pulling out hair* I know usually make little fuck ups here and there in every chapter, but you're right, I really screwed the pouch on this on, lol. Where was my head? I'll have to fix it, but thanks for pointing them out. Considering that this chapter got proof read more than others, its really sad I made that many mistakes. I do have to say it wouldn't have been a complete shock (as it would have been elsewhere) for Kikyou to see Inuyasha as a human because she probably knew about Kagome's human night. That being said, I should have at least mentioned it. *bangs head again*
Iugome: Wow, you have a lot of wrath, lol. I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen to Kikyou, and it will basically put her in her own private hell. I am considering some expansions, but yeah, she's got it coming.
CatLover260: Lol, I'm glad someone noticed the hair thing. I don't know why I keep going back to that…
LiHudson: Yeah, my attention span/muse is pretty fickle. I do plan on finishing all my stories…as long as I have the time. I was really afraid that if I went back to another story it would break my concentration on this one. Ug.
Nymoue: I know! It keeps going! I think I'm about to wrap it up and then there are all these loose ends I keep finding. Its winding down though, I'm pretty sure.
Ygfi: If they're stupid enough to jump just because someone said they should, maybe it was best they jumped. Then they were helped!
Kokoronagomu: Don't worry, it will all work itself out…hopefully. Don't want to give anything away.
sprat111: Ok, breathe, it will get oxygen to your head to help your headache. But Kikyou took the spell off: 1) She's crazy and therefore prone to unpredictable behavior 2) She didn't think there it would matter—Kagome's in the dungeon as a prisoner, so its not really like anyone will listen to her 3) I'm really sick and tired of Kagome not being able to talk, its hard to write, and this was just a convenient time for me to fit it in. Sesshomaru just happened to be brushing his hair by the window when he noticed Deshi going out to the stables. He was curious as to what Deshi was doing outside that late at night. Miroku freaked out when he found out he was going to be a dad, so he went up to the mountains to think about it and decide what he was going to do: stay with Sango or basically be a deadbeat dad. Did I get everything?
Hellana8989: Yeah while it usually is red or black for rage, the cat's battle color has been green in this universe. I guess that's confusing because green usually means envy. Oh well.
Scottish Chick: I'm glad someone noticed about his nose. I thought it was pretty funny too, lol. Sango could so take Miroku in hand to hand combat!
Chapter 17 On the Edge
“M-Miroku?” Sango choked out, surprised to have found so unexpectedly the very man she had been looking for in the first place. “What are you doing here?”
Miroku was still holding his nose in obvious pain, a small trickle of blood slithering down to his mouth. “I was coming to find you,” he answered, his voice comically nasal from the grip the monk had over his nostrils.
“Here, let me look at it,” Sango offered. She brushed his hands away from his face and forcefully grabbed his chin to tilt his head upward.
“Gentle! You already broke my nose,” Miroku whined. “Shouldn't I be the one asking you what you are doing here?”
In the bright star light, Sango used her fingers to feel out Miroku's injury. “I came to find you,” she said simply, to distract him. In the next instant, she cracked the monk's broken nose back into place.
“Fuck Sango!” He howled as he whipped his face out of her reach. “You could have warned me.”
“Stop being such a baby. Its fixed. I walked all this way to talk to you and my feet are aching!” Turning away from him, she went back to her seat on the rocks.
Miroku was silent for a moment then came over to kneel at her feet. “Why are you here?”
Swallowing hard Sango tried to keep her composure: her hormones had taken this to be the perfect opportunity to flare up, making her weepy. “I went to see you at Kaede's and she said you had left into the mountains. For reflection,” she clarified with a sniffle.
Miroku nodded carefully. “So you decided the middle of the night was the best time to come and see me. How did you even know which way to go? I didn't tell Kaede—”
“—that you would be at the shrine,” she growled. “I guessed,” she punctuated with a sad smile.
Their eyes met, and they did not look away.
“Alright,” Miroku wished Sango would she would just answer the question. “Why are you here?”
Sango blinked. “I thought you came up here because of what Inuyasha had said—about the baby being yours…and,” not thinking she laid a hand over her lower abdomen. “I wasn't going to let you make any decisions about it without first hearing me out.”
Miroku's eyebrow quirked, “Because up to now you've been so opened and talkative with me.” His tone bordered on bitterness.
“I know, I know, I should have told you.” Sango shook her head. She wiped the tiny tearlets form the corners of her eyes, refusing to cry. “But I didn't, and then you were actually paying attention to me, and I was afraid someone had already told you. I didn't want you to want to be with me only because of the baby and the baby only.”
Miroku eyes flashed with glinting anger: “Would that have been so bad?”
“Yes it would have!” She threw her arms up in the air. “I don't want a husband who sees me only as a burden—I need someone who actually wants me to be with him.” Pausing, Sango thought before she continued. Miroku waited for her to finish: “Though considering how you reacted when Inuyasha did tell you, it could have been worse. Its one thing for me to think you might care for the baby enough to tolerate a wife you don't want and its another matter entirely for you to run away like a frighten child when you realize you're going to be a father. I didn't want you to leave because of this,” she finished quietly, rubbing her barely-swollen abdomen.
Miroku reflected for a moment, “To my credit, Inuyasha carried me away—I didn't run,” he tried to lighten the tension between them.
“But you never came back to see me, and instead went off to the shrine. What was I supposed to think?”
“Well what do you want me to say, Sango?” Miroku snapped, losing some of his patience. He was tired, but he didn't want to scare her away again, not when it was clear she finally wasn't shunning his company.
“I wanted to know what you're planning to do. About me, about the baby. Isn't that clear?”
“Well, I want to us to raise it together—if that's alright, but I have to admit I'm I am afraid. Terrified really, and if I'm not always completely beaming about it you're just going to have to accept it. I mean you sleep with me and then you run off and when you finally speak to me again the next thing I know is that I'm about to be a father. Wouldn't that send you running for a little time of self-reflection at least?”
Sango nodded, understanding. His rant made her feel just a little bit better. “How do you think I felt when I found out I was pregnant? I was alone, I didn't know if Lady Izayoi would let me stay, and for all I knew our time together didn't mean anything to you—or at least it was as special for me as it had been for me.”
“How could you think that?” Miroku asked, clearly hurt.
Sango had to hold back the grin his words and their sad tone triggered. He really does care. Instead, she offered him a small, half smile of apology. “I suppose I wasn't thinking. Not really.”
Relaxing a little Miroku agreed with her. “So what are we going to do now?”
Sango slid off her rock to lean against him. “What did your reflection tell you?” She put her head on his shoulder.
Miroku placed his head on top of hers: “That I need to get it together for the three of us and that you had to have had your reasons. I just needed to be there with you to find them out.”
Sango smiled, “I'm glad. I would have told you eventually.”
Miroku sighed in relief and put his arm around Sango's back to pull her closer. “Rest a while. I'll keep watch.”
Nodding tiredly, the late hour finally caught up with Sango and she dosed lightly, relief aiding her journey to dreamland.
Inuyasha tossed in his fitful sleep. His black hair was tangled all around him, dampened by the sweat pooling off his skin.
Nightmares of every torture possible being applied to his little neko while he was forced to watch; he was restrained and could not get to her.
With a start, the inu hanyou woke, sitting up quickly. Looking around him at his familiar bedroom, he felt the wave of relief one experiences on waking and realizing the demons of one's sleep are not real.
But they could be real. If you let Kagome go. His mind chided him.
He never should have told his father he would think about it; there was nothing to think about.
Kagome is mine.
True to his word, Inuyasha appeared at the Takahashi manor and went directly to find his father as soon as he had turned back into his hanyou form. However, when the servant brought him to the demon lord, Taro was with another man—one who had more than his fair share of resemblance to Kikyou.
That must be her father. The half demon mentally gulped, but steeled himself all the same.
Inuyasha opened him mouth, prepared to tell both of the lords where they could go if they expected him to marry Kikyou.
Taro easily read his son's intentions, and jerked the boy to stand at his side. “Ah Lord Higurashi, this is my son, Inuyasha. Your Kikyou's betrothed.” Inuyasha could hear the faint growl his father was giving him. It spoke to his dominance as pack leader.
“Inuyasha,” Deshi gave a tight smile. He bowed to his future son-in-law, but Inuyasha caught the man staring at his ears all the same. Returning the bow, Inuyasha looked back at his father.
Again, before he could speak, the old demon cut him off.
“A bridal breakfast has been prepared,” Taro said, using his arms to direct both men toward a small dining hall; the great hall was still being prepared for the ceremony. “Let us not keep everyone else waiting.”
Inuyasha went along with his father, but the moment Deshi stepped into the hall, he grabbed the older youkai's arm and pulled him aside. “I've made up my mind. I don't want to marry the miko. I want—”
Taro stopped him with a snarl. “I don't remember giving a choice. I said you had to find a way to convince me why I should abandon my treaty, call off your wedding, and insult the guests I have staying under my roof. Do you have anything new to say?”
Inuyasha opened his mouth, but Taro didn't let him speak.
Besides the fact you love this neko and that you need to protect her. Surely that is influence of your mother.” Taro rolled his eyes.
“Sesshomaru got to marry who he wanted,” Inuyasha clutched at the first straw he could think of. Doesn't he know I'm no good with words? Couldn't we just spar this out?
It appeared not. Lord Takahashi's eyes blazed at the mention of his older son's mating, “And you know how I feel about that! Look Inuyasha, Lord Higurashi is here, the treaty is signed, and you have said nothing to me that constitutes a reason for why I should let you out of this. Its too late, Inuyasha.” Taro paused, weighing his next words. He didn't want to say them, but would Inuyasha otherwise do as he demanded? “If you don't now marry Lord Higurashi's daughter, you will no longer be under my protection. I doubt two hanyous could survive on their own.”
Inuyasha sputtered. His father had just forced him in his face one of his deepest fears. Taro was right, it would be extremely unlikely for him to last long outside his father's home. If nothing else it would be painfully solitary. But throwing Kagome into the mix too? He wouldn't be able to protect her; he wasn't strong enough. Maybe if he had been on his own since puppyhood he would be ready to take care of a mate, but he had been raised in the comfort of his father's home.
“You're right,” he finally conceded. Ears and head bowed. Inuyasha had never felt so defeated.
“Come on son,” Taro said gravely, putting his arm around his son's back. “We'll do something for her, I'll see to that she's taken care of.”
Inuyasha nodded, but Taro noticed that his shoulders had slumped.
What am I doing?
After the bridal breakfast, everyone gathered in the great hall for the wedding ceremony. A priest blessed the guests and the two lords pledged their allegiance under the treaty they had formed.
Izayoi sniffled from time to time to time, but mostly she watched Lord Higurashi who was looking more and more nervous with each moment that passed. Even when Inuyasha and Kikyou knelt on the wedding cushions, he was looking over his shoulder.
When it got time for the bride and groom to exchange gifts of clothing, Lady Takahashi could see Deshi clearly tapping his foot.
Why so nervous?
Taro might have had his attention focused on the ceremony, but Sesshomaru (who was near the back watching from a relative distance with Kagura) was also noticing the human lord's anxiety.
When his sensitive ears picked up on a commotion out in the court yard, he quietly excused himself and slipped outside.
“They're all up in the great hall,” the servant called as he ran down the hall toward the others gathered around one cell in the dungeon.
“Good. The mutt's wedding should give us plenty of time.” One of the larger demons spoke up, acting as their leader. “Open the door.”
There was a jangling of keys and once the correct one was found, the cell down was swung open.
“Bring her out!”
Little did the small mob of Takahashi Manor servants know, but only a few cell doors down from where they stood, a neko youkai was having a battle with a small scrap of paper.
Not for the first time, Midori cursed the ofuda attached to the dead center of her forehead. Since waking earlier—several hours earlier—she had only managed to inch her hand half the distance to her head. The sacred scroll was still very much out of her reach, but it was a tribute to her strength she had manage this far. A lesser demon would have been completely paralyzed.
Midori had heard the other demons whispering around her. She knew enough to make her worried and angry: they did not put two and two together that Kagome was the one she had come to find. Strange that they didn't connect two nekos so deep in the demon lands.
Perhaps they aren't all that bright.
But what really had her attention—and what was really motivating her to the goal of ripping off the fucking ofuda on her forehead—was that they were talking about harming Kagome.
Evidently her kit had attacked another servant, and while Midori was sure her daughter wouldn't do such a thing unprovoked, that did not take away from what their plans were for enacting their revenge.
“Get her out of there!” A bellowing voice commanded from down the hall.
Midori's claws flexed and a muffled howl grew deep in her throat. I won't let them hurt her! She managed to gain a few more inches, digging her talons into the dirt of the floor to ensure they kept their purchase. Her breathing increased with her efforts, but it was difficult to draw in much air: the scroll kept her lungs from expanding more than what was required for routine respiration.
“Wh—what are you doing!” A tiny, cracking voice rang out, echoing fear off the walls of the Takahashi dungeon. Midori was so startled that she almost lost her grip on the floor.
It was Kagome's voice—but Kagome was supposed to be mute! The Silence Root, Kikyou had said she had used the charm on her sister. Why would she lie about something like that?
Unless…It was too much of a coincidence, wasn't it? Sucking in as deep a breath as she could, Midori realized under all the other scents of demons there was faint traces of her step daughter. She had been concentrating so hard on her kit that she hadn't even noticed it.
Kikyou is here.
How or why didn't matter: what was important was getting to Kagome who was currently pleading.
Gathering her strength again, Midori lunged her clawed hand forward. She was still too far away to rip off the ofuda.
“Please—no, no!”
The walls rung with the reverberations of a slap. “You'll get yours you little whore! Inuyasha isn't here to save you know.” There was another dull sound, this one resembling a punch.
Midori's growl of effort now became audible, but no one seemed to hear.
“You just can't go around taking demon's arms off you know? Now you'll pay.”
The sound of rustling clothes and the scent of the men who must have been holding Kagome sent Midori into a rage. She sucked in another deep breath, concentrating all of her energy on the claws digging into the earth.
Not much farther now…
“Please—please don't do this.” She could hear Kagome struggling widely.
“Not so tough now, little whore. That's right, beg like the slut you are.”
Roaring, Midori forced her hand up, closed her fingers around the paper, and ripped it off of her skin. It burned and she could smell her flesh faintly singeing, but she was free.
After that, she made quick work of the bars of her cell. They had some spells on them as well that might have held a lower level demon at bay, but with all of her wrath the metal didn't stand a chance.
Eyes green with rage, a natural wind in her hair, Midori stepped out of the cell into the freedom of the hall.
None of the demon servants attacking her daughter seemed to notice her presence. Not wasting any time, Midori whooshed past them, snatching Kagome up as she went so that the youkai suddenly found themselves only looking at and holding air.
“Where'd she go?”
“Did you feel that wind?”
Looking around in confusion, they did not spot the neko youkai hiding in the shadows.
With a flash of her claws through the air, none of them stood. All lay on the dungeon's floor slashed to ribbons.
Her work done, Midori turned to her daughter who was staring at her mother in disbelief.
“M-mother?” Her eyes had grown quite wide, Kagome's nose was working over time, and her ears stood at attention on her head. The next instant she threw herself into her Midori's arms. They were not often affectionate—Midori was somewhat cold by nature—but this situation more than called for the embrace.
Kagome, somewhat shorter than her mother, nuzzled into the other woman's shoulder while Midori wrapped her arms around her child and held her tightly. It had been too long.
Breathing in her scent, Midori could smell all of her pain, all the abuses, the injuries healed and the ones that might take a lifetime to mend. Her kit had been through so much and it made the proud youkai want to rip into something.
But there was something else…
Again Midori checked Kagome's scent, which was not becoming heavy with her daughter's tears, and now she clearly detected traces of a man mixed in with everything else. One that was more dominant that all the others.
Its almost as though he were trying to scent mark her…however clumsily.
Pulling away, the youkai looked at the sopping face of her daughter, and gave the girl a rare smile. “I've missed you so much.” Midori paused to kiss Kagome's forehead. “I was so afraid I would never see you again.”
Kagome nodded, still not completely sure of her voice now that she had it back. Midori held her face in her hand, brushing her tears away.
“How did you find me?” Kagome wiped her nose on the back of her hand. She didn't really care about appearances at the moment.
“I came looking for you, of course,” Midori tucked some of Kagome's hair behind her ear. “You have no idea how afraid I was when you disappeared. I even went to see your grandfather.”
Kagome gave her mother a knowing smile: neither of them were very fond of the neko lord—or the letters he periodically sent, telling his daughter and granddaughter that they were not welcomed in his home. Even though they were very aware of that fact.
“And since he was no help,” Kagome's mother continued, “I kept tracking your scent until…” She didn't finish, not sure if she wanted Kagome to know just yet that her father had forgotten about her, choosing instead to start a small war with a bunch of dog demons. “Until I found this place. Then they captured me, and threw me down here.” At her daughter's questioning look, she added, “With a sacred scroll on my forehead,” motioning to the previously covered sunburst.
“They captured you?” Kagome asked, the words, suddenly sinking in. “So how are we getting out?” Then like a jolt, it struck her. “What about Inuyasha?”
“Inuyasha?” Midori asked, though in her mind she was slowly putting the pieces together.
Kagome bowed her head, remembering with some shame everything that had happened. He defended me from his father even after what…I did. Or tried to do.
It doesn't matter, he's marrying Kikyou now anyway. Wait, Kikyou!
“Inuyasha is a friend—he's a hanyou here, and he's one of the few people to show me kindness, but he's in danger.” Kagome began to walk past her mother, taking up the older neko's hand as she went. “I don't know if you could tell or not but Kikyou is here.”
“And so is your father.” Midori added, “I don't know he is aware of your presence.” She didn't mention the fact he was planning on attacking the manor.
“Father is here?” Kagome was startled. “Does he know you're here?” She asked when she fully grasped her mother's words.
“I don't believe so. In fact I know he's—”
They were interrupted by a soft sound of banging coming from the floor above them. Only the noise wasn't coming from any one direction: no, it sounded like a rain of rocks was falling on the marble floors of the Takahashi manor.
“What is that?” Kagome cried, continuing to walk down the hall.
“I believe that would be your father's army.”
Kagome gasped and took off at a run, not asking any more questions. I have to get to Inuyasha.
The priest was blessing them…again.
Inuyasha's ears swiveled around. We've really only gone through the preliminary part of the ceremony so far; nothing binding. I could still run. Inuyasha thought with a self-loathing smirk. His head was bowed toward the cushion, so it wasn't as though anyone could see him.
He was still seething over his father's words, We'll do something for her. He didn't want to do something for Kagome. He wanted to be with her.
But kicked out of your family, what good would you be to Kagome then? None; you wouldn't even be able to `do something for her'. You sure as hell wouldn't be able to have pups together.
“Now we will begin with—” The priest started to proclaim, but was interrupted when Sesshomaru suddenly burst into the great hall, looking furious.
“We're under attack by an army of humans.”
All eyes turned toward Deshi Higurashi who suddenly wasn't sure his plan had been as well plotted as he would have liked.
A/N: Ok, the wedding scene? I Wikipedia-ed “Japanese weddings” and other such searches, but the closest thing I got was “Korean Weddings”. So I blended that with Myouga's wedding from the flea episode and a description of a Chinese wedding I once heard, and that's what we have. I didn't want it to be a Western style ceremony, but sorry, I also didn't feel like doing a lot of research. I thought you guys would rather have an update more than all the details being perfect.
Hopefully I'll be able to get the next chapter up by Friday. I still have a few things to work out, but it should be good. Or at least I hope so…