InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
A/N: This is it, the epilogue! I'm a little sad its over, but I am glad to have actually finished a story.
Thank you to everyone who reviewed, read, favorite, etc. Its nice to know I'm not writing out into space! If I didn't get to you or didn't answer something to your liking, its mainly because I just wanted to get this posted. Thanks to all and please check out my other stories (they're all lonely and jealous!) and vote for the one you like the best!
Jewelbrat2: I've actually had a few ideas for that one recently (like a few days ago, lol). I'm glad someone's still interested. If you have any ideas about it, feel free to send them my way. I hate leaving anything unfinished so I'm going to try to get it done!
REVOLUTION 25: Lol, a Marine popping up in an Inuyasha story…I think the first fan fic I every wrote (its no longer on-line, but I've toyed with the idea of re-posting it) could have had something like that happen. Like I had a character from another anime just jump out of Kikyou. Anyway, I do like the idea of one over Kagome's old masters coming back—I'd thought of doing something like that earlier, and I think it would be interesting. When I can pull the brain chemicals together, I'll work on it! As far as Naraku, I had thought of using him too, but when you bring in him, I almost always pull in the Shikon no Tama, and I've already got enough stories along those lines. Thanks for the suggestions though. Romance? Lol, yeah, I'm not really a chick-flick girl, but a little romance never hurt anyone. Happy you liked it!
GrNDaySk8rchic96: Sorry about Izayoi and Taro, but I'm one of those people who can't stomach those fics where everyone is happy and together—its just not realistic, and honestly, I think Izayoi is much happier on her own. Glad you like the rest of the story though.
chronos-girl: Yeah, I like Midori too, she's pretty cool. I'm glad she turned out ok; I really couldn't use Mama Higurashi for this story. Thanks for reading.
Anime girl01: I hope you didn't cry! But I guess that means I didn't do too terrible of a job, lol.
Inufan478: Ok, Kikyou isn't dead, but you'll have to read to find out more, lol.
Strawberry-Ringo: I'll see what I can do with your suggestion. It sounds cute. Yeah, I'm sad this story is over, but I think I'm ready to move onto something different, even if its looking at this fic from another angle.
The Name Is Dahlia Reed: Thanks for the votes. I'm not sure which one I'll tackle first, but I want to get all my fics done—just no promises as to when, lol. If you have any suggestions or hopes for what you want to see, I'll gladly take them.
LiHudson: Yeah, I may just pick a story and start revising it, lol. Neko Kagome getting pregnant? I think I can work something out with that. I feel like I foreshadowed for it here and there in this story, so that would be a good one for a one-shot.
Beautifulyreal: I'm not going to post any citrus on because as someone who was once a minor with the internet, I think its too tempting to ignore the mature rating and read things one shouldn't. That being said, if you check out this chapter on media miner, you might find something to your liking.
WARNING! This is not the exact version as I posted on and There is a lemon, though its practically a baby lemon. It could almost be a lime, but since mediaminer already has me on their black list, I've up the rating so my account doesn't get shut down. Its not very long, feel free to skip it.
Especially for a day in the rainy season it was surprisingly sunny and warm. The slightest of breezes tugged on clothes and hair, and beckoned all out of doors—at least for the afternoon.
The small family of Higurashi-Takahashi hanyous took advantage of the uncharacteristic weather that had coincided with Grandmother Takahashi's visit to the human lands. Kagome packed a picnic lunch which she carried along with a blanket, leaving her mate free to bring along the baby, Mieko, a small burbling bundle just now three months old.
Though still a new born, their child had grown a full head of hair. Thick and black locks had sprouted out quickly, and now the end tips were turning snowy white to match her ears. Mieko's eyes at birth had been a luminous green, but as time had gone by gold specks began to appear, and now they were a solid golden-green.
Kagome watched her baby in her mate's arms as she chatted with her mother-in-law. The neko had come to love Izayoi as a second mom. Midori with her strength and sternness had been loveable in her own way, but Izayoi was more like a mother from a story: loving and kind, doting. Both women had been instrumental during her pregnancy, birth, and the following months of dealing with a new infant. Inuyasha had also proved himself to be an extremely devoted father. On more than one occasion he snatched responsibilities from Kagome she thought she would have to shoulder all on her own.
Such as carrying the baby. Everywhere, everyday.
Having been raised in a household where—despite Midori's best efforts—Kagome had had it engrained in her mind that her children would be solely her responsibility, it was a pleasant surprise to find Inuyasha such a hands-on father.
Sometimes I think he would breast feed Mieko if it were possible. The neko hanyou thought with a smirk.
“… I just wish Inuyasha's father would visit,” Izayoi was saying, her eyes traveling to the ground. Kagome shifted the picnic basket so she could touch the human woman's arm in a comforting gesture. “If for nothing else because it would mean much to Inuyasha.”
Kagome nodded, “I agree, but I doubt Lord Takahashi would want to risk life and limb to come to a place he believes to be hostile. My father did try to kill him.”
Izayoi leered in a way telling of where her son got his smile: “I sometimes forget. But Lord Higurashi is rarely here, not to mention I know—and Taro knows—your mother would keep him in line if he tried anything. Perhaps he just doesn't like cats.”
Kagome's grin matched her mother-in-law's. “That might have something to do with it,” she paused to look at Inuyasha walking ahead of them, “though Inuyasha seems to fit in here fairly well.”
Izayoi was silent for a moment. “He does, but I think that has to do with you more than anything else. Though I have found the people in the surrounding area to be extremely friendly—and welcoming.”
“They have, thanks to my mother. After my father lost their trust, Midori regained it by proving that Higurashis are good for more than killing the army—that reminds me,” Kagome grew a bit solemn, “did Sesshomaru like the thank-you gift? It was very kind of him to bring all our men back to life.”
“More like he didn't want the smell of rotting flesh clouding the air,” Izayoi scoffed about her step son, “But I believe he appreciated your present.”
“Either way, we are grateful,” Kagome gave a short bow.
“Oi, how about here?” Inuyasha interrupted their conversation with his question, stopping in the shade of the Goshinboku. Kagome nodded in agreement and set about unpacking with Izayoi's help.
Inuyasha tried to keep Mieko entertained, but his mind was still on the conversation his mother and Kagome had been having. He still shuddered at the letters he had received from his father, though they had made him extremely grateful he had not returned home.
He might never have made it back to Kagome if he had.
Taro Takashi was never one to take lightly, and the things he said in his correspondence to Inuyasha spoke of the demon's anger and disappointment at what he called Inuyasha's “treason” against his family.
The last letter had been sent when Mieko was born, hand delivered by his mother. Lord Takashi made it clear that it would be the last.
But Inuyasha had his doubts. If his father was so hell bent on cutting off ties with him, then why did he allow Izayoi to visit? Unless of course maybe he really did believe that his wife was only going to stay with her family as she said, or the youkai simply did not care at all. Lady Takahashi had spent the better part of the last two and half years in the human lands.
The demon lands might have once been his home, and Inuyasha often sorely missed his father, but he could not always be within the confines of his father's shadow. The inu hanyou felt his luck at being able to find a place that held both Kagome and that embraced him as he was as much as she did. The people of the Higurashi lands took to their hanyous, loving them for their strength and speed. Granted, Inuyasha and Kagome had found themselves on more than one occasion lending their superhuman strength to working in the fields and fending off an attacking demon—not to mention Kagome had become the resident miko, taking on all the responsibilities that involved, after her father's return—but as they were repaid with peace and respect it all seemed worth it.
If only I had known about Kagome's mother and this place before. To think, I almost married Kikyou to save myself, though I thought if I had dad's protection, I would have been able to take care of Kagome.
Inuyasha sat down on the spread out blanket only to have the baby he had been holding yanked out of his arms by his waiting mother.
“She may be your daughter, but you still have to share, Inuyasha,” Izayoi reprimanded and she smiled down at her granddaughter.
Having his burden removed, Inuyasha took up helping Kagome set out the food she had stored in the bulky basket.
Both hanyous had reached in to pull out a food container, when their hands brushed the other's. Kagome smiled prettily at Inuyasha who couldn't help but smirk back at his neko mate. Leaning over the basket he gave her a quick kiss. When he pulled back, he could hear her purring with content. She reached up and tweaked an ear, a glint of mischievousness appearing in her eyes as one of her feline fangs poked out of the side of her mouth. Inuyasha couldn't help but kiss her again.
Izayoi smiled as she pretended not to see this display of affection, instead focusing in on Mieko.
Midori Higurashi sat at her desk in her study.
Really it was Lord Higurashi's desk in the lord's study, but since she had sent her husband on a pilgrimage—for both his sake and the peace of their land—she thought she might as well claim it as her own.
Out the window she watched as her daughter spread out a blanket on the ground. Inuyasha was off to the side spinning in circles to amuse his child.
The older human woman knelt to unpack the basket of food, and Midori felt the draw to go out and join her family increase. She just needed to think a little while longer. Something Izayoi had mentioned was troubling her.
“On my way here, I didn't want to worry you so I didn't tell you at the time, but I saw something.” Midori shook her head to get the other woman's words from her head. She didn't want them to be true.
“I may not be a demon or a miko, but it felt like something was following me. Call it a hunch or paranoia, but I felt some creature's eyes on me as I travelled. I'm worried. What if—”
Midori did not even want to consider the woman's theories.
“What if it was Kikyou?”
The picnic finished, Izayoi offered to take Mieko back inside so Inuyasha and Kagome could have some time for themselves. The grandmother left the picnic basket behind to be carried back by her son.
Hardly waiting until the human woman and their baby were out of sight, Inuyasha and Kagome sprinted off into the forest that surrounded the Higurashi Stronghold. Once they were far enough away to assure they were alone, the neko pounced on her mate, pressing him up against a nearby tree.
The neko smirked up at her mate lecherously. In the next instant, she had his shirt off and falling to the ground.
“I've missed you,” Kagome teased, hurriedly fumbling with the ties to his pants. She was moving so quickly, Inuyasha hardly had a chance to begin pulling the knot out of her obi. They hadn't had any time to themselves—much less the opportunity to think about sex—since the baby had been born. “Kami Inuyasha, I hardly tied the damn thing!” Kagome hissed and reached back to quickly undo the knot. The band of material dropped to her feet and Inuyasha wasted no time in parting the sides of her kimono.
His claws skimmed over her pale skin, inducing shivers to ripple over Kagome's flesh. When he got to her hips, the inu hanyou began moving his kisses away from her mouth, down the white column of her neck to collarbone. He hunched a little to get better access to her breasts, being extremely careful not to lick too hard. He didn't want a mouthful of breast milk.
Kagome leaned back against the rough back of the tree, breathing in the fresh air happily as Inuyasha nipped his way lower and lower. Her fingers worked into his hair, brushing over his ears, and she smiled as he growled and bite her tummy a little harder than the other nibbles.
The neko soon grew tired of her mate's one sided action. Fisting her fingers in his hair, she pulled him back up to her eye level, “Hey, I'm up here.”
“That you are,” Inuyasha grinned. He had forgotten Kagome's need to have nearly constant eye contact when they were intimate. It reassured her, and he was more than happy to oblige. Leaning into her, pushing her smooth form against the tree, he moved his hands to cover her back so as not to mar her skin. Inuyasha kissed her firmly as she positioned her leg on his hip.
“Now,” the neko whispered playfully and Inuyasha was more than willing to grant her demands.
Kagome grunted, not completely prepared to be as tender as she was, but she encouraged Inuyasha on, biting down on her lower lip to stifle a moan from a particularly good thrust.
Inuyasha was trying to be gentle—they hadn't done this in quite some time, to the point of him feeling out of practice—but it was just so hard. His mate felt so good he found himself going a little faster with each motion, yet he tried to read Kagome's scent and sound as he went so he could stop at any sign of her discomfort.
Before either of them was ready, it was over.
Panting and pressing against one another as they writhed, Kagome found herself suddenly pushed over the edge and cried out Inuyasha's name. At the feel of her tightening around him, Inuyasha answered her call, giving one last deep thrust into her heat.
Kagome once again gripped the back of Inuyasha's head and jerked him into a kiss, smiling against his hot lips.
Inuyasha had just moved to kiss Kagome under her earlobe when they heard a faint rustling not far in the underbrush behind them.
Both hanyous froze where they were and carefully turned to see what was interrupting their rare alone time. Fearing they might have been caught, they quickly straightened and replaced their clothes.
Just as both were dressed, there was another movement of the brier and in the next instant, Inuyasha and Kagome found themselves looking at…well, they weren't exactly sure what it was they were seeing. The only thing that seemed clear about it was that it reeked of rotting flesh.
Before they could decipher the walking riddle before them, the form flashed in a blur of black and green. Kagome just had time to register that something was charging her before the neko instinctually leapt into the air.
And mercifully over her attacker that had managed to push Inuyasha out of the way in its haste to get to Kagome.
Landing back on her feet, Kagome twisted quickly to get a look at whatever it was that had come after her. She stumbled a bit at the quick action—pregnancy had done nothing for her balance and agility—but Inuyasha was there to steady her. Their eyes met over Kagome's shoulder and for a moment, the two exchanged a brief smile.
Only to be interrupted by the someone—something—clearing her throat. Turning to the forefront, Inuyasha and Kagome where both taken aback by what they were looking at.
It gave off a demonic aura, but one that was lacking in clarity. The aura wasn't complete, but not in the way a hanyou's aura presented itself. The human component (if that's what it was) appeared to be fighting with the creature's own demon half. If its spirit wasn't disturbing enough, there was also its physical appearance to consider.
The body hunched in a gruesome hook of an arch: two feet were planted firmly on the ground, but its fore arms—or were they shriveled legs?—dangled uselessly from shoulders that lurched out of the back. Fingers and hands were mashed together in a mass that was half feline paw, but with elements that were painfully human: parts of the hands were covered in skin, but with patches of fur poking through. The creature's face was equally repellant. Whatever the thing before them was looked as though it had the head of a cat popping though a human mask it had worn to cover its fur: a diagonal demarcation slashed from temple to chin divided flesh and pelt, human and demon. A brown human eye matched harshly against a green feline orb, both of which stared out at them blankly.
“What is it?” Kagome gulped.
“I was hoping you would know—it looks like a neko.” Inuyasha whispered back, neither of them taking into account that the creature could hear their words.
“Just because it's a cat doesn't mean—”
The critter cleared its throat to get the arguing couple's attention. On pivoting necks, they turned to look at it.
At first it tried to speak, but the action came off more of hacking up a fur ball than anything else. After several moments of guttural gurgling and coughing, the creature righted itself and gave Kagome and Inuyasha what could only be described as a glare.
Though wrath was hard to read in those cute, cuddly cat eyes.
Or eye. The human one looked pretty damned pissed off.
Slouching, it gathered its strength and slowly (and painfully for the two hanyou onlookers) with creaking, snapping bones, the thing brought the palms of its hands together before its chest in a macabre prayer pose. The aura, that had been crackling all the while, pulsed and smoothed, only to pulsed and smoothed again. The process was repeated over and over, and slowly drew out a face more than recognizable.
“K—Kikyou?” Kagome chocked out, her eyes growing into perfect, wide circles as they discerned the sister she thought was long gone.
“You remember little sister?” Kikyou cooed. She almost looked beautiful. She was a little older, her baby fat smoothed away. Her hair was longer, if a bit unclean. Even though she was mostly human, somehow, there was something powerfully youkai about the former miko.
Again, she would have been beautiful, especially if there had not been the bits of feline fur that violently thrust through from under her human skin.
“I was afraid you would have forgotten what you did to me!” As the woman spoke, her voice dipped into malice and her human lips pulled back to reveal rows of neko fangs.
Her lack of self control show in her skin starting to melt so it showed more fur, but Kikyou quickly regained herself control. Her face came back, but distorted, like it was about to spill of onto the ground.
Kagome leaned back into Inuyasha, drawing strength from his silent form. The mates could tell the other was tense, unsure of how to react to the being standing before them.
“I'm sorry, sister,” Kikyou spat, but this time maintained her control. “It takes a lot of energy to keep myself looking normal.” She paused to flick her hair over her shoulder. “I suppose you know why I'm here.”
Kagome could only give a blank look and a shrug.
“I've come to kill you.” Kikyou looked more than a little pleased with herself. The former miko was downright chipper. Crazy eye glint and all. “Don't you think you deserve to suffer after turning me into this? Half human, half hanyou. I've used all my miko powers to try to turn back and all its done is made me a house cat in a human suit.” Her voice was unusually calm as she spoke, but her eyes became darker and darker until they were black.
Kagome flicked her gaze over her shoulder and met Inuyasha's gaze. He looked concerned, worried for her, but he also appeared to be just as confused as she.
Where had Kikyou been all this time?
Why was she here now?
What the fuck was the matter with her? Besides the obvious.
Not waiting for the hanyous to come up with answers to any of their questions, Kikyou charged the pair again. This time, Kagome was ready for her and she easily landed a punch on her sister's face. She reeled from the blow, but launched herself into a counterattack by kicking Kagome's feet out from under her. Kikyou was so fast Inuyasha only had time to catch Kagome before she hit the ground.
The neko hanyou pushed herself out of her mate's arms with a growl. This is bull shit! No longer meek towards a sibling who Kagome had come to remember with dread, she threw herself at Kikyou as the other woman stood over her. They went down with a thud and from the cloud of dust rising around them, Inuyasha could clearly hear the sounds of hissing and keening and the two nekos fought it out.
They broke apart after and moment, both sisters panting. Kikyou looked worse for wear, but that might have been because part of her face was slipping off.
“I see living with another filthy hanyou has improved your skills, sister,” Kikyou hissed, using the heel of her palm to push her skin back into place. As best she could.
“Kikyou, why are you here?” Kagome growled. “Why can't you just leave us alone?” Tears were forming in the corners of the neko's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Just seeing her sister here after so long brought the past into painful relief, as if it had only all happened days ago instead of years.
Kikyou snorted. “Look at me! I'm more of an abomination that you are! And this is all your doing!” She punctuated her words with a leap at Kagome, but Inuyasha stepped in the way, blocking her attack. He received a raking of claws over his back, but ignored the pain to make sure Kikyou could not make another swipe at his mate.
The cat demon/demented priestess had slightly better reflexes than he and managed to wiggle her way behind Inuyasha's back to make another pass at Kagome. Kagome, however had had time to recover and was waiting for her sister. With only a moment's grappling, she caught Kikyou around the throat, crushing the breath out of the older girl.
“You've done enough to me!” Kagome hissed slowly, anger filling her voice. “Leave us be!” With only last squeeze to Kikyou's windpipe, Kagome hurled her to the ground.
Kikyou staggered carefully to her feet, wiping blood from the back of bleeding lip. “I can see when I'm beat, and I'm no match for the two of you.” A smirk hitched the edges of her mouth, “But perhaps that beautiful baby of yours might not be quite such a match.” With that, Kikyou threw something to the ground, causing a massive cloud of putrid green smoke billow out to allow her escape.
By the time Inuyasha and Kagome regained their senses a moment later, the former priestess was gone.
Looking at one another at the same time, they both came to the simultaneous conclusion as to where the crazed former miko had gone: “Mieko!”
Not waiting another moment, they took off sprinting at top hanyou-speed for the castle. The forest and grounds of the Higurashi estate flew past them as they hurried after their child; with each step and heart beat both hanyou prayed that they would not be too late.
Never before had the path seemed to long and drawn out, but they had to get there in time.
Midori cooed over the crib, gently using her claws to tickle her granddaughter. The baby giggled and twisted under the soft touch, giving a gummy smirk somewhat reminiscent to her father's. Slipping her hands under Mieko's arms to pick her up before moving the baby hanyou to better support her swiveling head.
Izayoi had gone to write letters to her husband and father, so Midori had a short time alone with her granddaughter. Lady Takahashi had arranged a much longer stay with Lady Higurashi than either of the men in her life were aware of. She had to tell the of the terrible wash out of the road leading out away from the Higurashi stronghold; it simply wasn't safe to travel.
The peace of the office was interrupted by the sound of claws clattering over the marble tiles out on the hall and a moment later a figure stood in the door frame. Eyebrow in arch, Midori looked at what was disturbing her time with Mieko and chuckled at the sight of her step daughter.
“Kikyou, what a pleasant surprised,” the neko youkai hissed, her lips pulled back in an unhappy snarl, regardless of her words. Setting the infant hanyou down so her hands would be free, Midori regarded Kikyou carefully, sizing up the girl. So Izayoi was right. She did she Kikyou…or at least whatever it is she has become. She was just as disturbed by Kikyou's appearance as Kagome and Inuyasha had been. The smell the girl was giving off wasn't one to win anyone over either.
“I have come to kill that mongrel there,” Kikyou said dramatically, motioning to the bassinet where Mieko kicked, her eyes bright with worry. Perhaps she could pick on that retched scent her aunt was giving off. Is Kikyou's flesh rotting? Midori couldn't be sure, but at the very least her step daughter hadn't bathed in a spell. “After what your daughter did to me, I would say its only my right.”
Kikyou began to prowl, panting in an feline manner, her mouth open a bit so her tongue tickled her lower lip. She stalked closer to the crib, coming more and more near with every step though her path was meandering and painstakingly slow. Midori would have preferred a head on charge to this drawn out hunt.
Again, the sound of running feet was heard out in the corridor and Kagome and Inuyasha appeared just behind Kikyou. Both parents looked frightened, but on seeing Midori a visible wave of relief doused their faces.
“You two again,” Kikyou hissed. She was becoming more and more cat like as time went on. Her ears were getting larger, taking up more space on her head, more fur was appear, not to mention Kikyou was beginning to show a disturbing amount of fang. Holding her hands—or maybe they were paws—down at her sides, she cracked her knuckles so they popped and flexed her growing claws. “I'll take care of you after I get rid of Midori and your kit.”
Here, Kikyou paused to throw her head back and cackle.
Kagome sent Inuyasha a worried look. If they were going to act, they were going to have to do it soon.
But before either could even move, Kikyou had taken off at a dead sprint, running right for the crib.
Kagome's heart stopped in her chest, but she and Inuyasha still attempted to make a dash after the once-miko.
This isn't going to end well, Kagome screamed in her mind. She had visions of her baby being slashed to ribbons, its little life over before it had even begun. How could we have been so careless—letting Kikyou get the better of us? Mieko.
Inuyasha was experiencing much the same internal anger as his mate. Kikyou? What is she doing here now? What if…what if I never get to hold Mieko again? It will be all my fault.
Still running, the air was sucked out of the hanyou's lungs as Kikyou reached the crib and raised her razor sharp claws.
Only for her to be not only knocked back but severed in twine by the blade of Midori's sword as the blade swept at her from over the crib.
Kikyou's leg twitch and lay still and her eyes blinked in shock as she lay in two pieces on the floor of Midori's office. She tried to draw in a breath, but her lungs were failing, suffocating her as her blood—not a rich red color, but more like black sludge—crawled out of Kikyou's body and into the carpet, cutting out a path as it went.
Midori looked over at her daughter and son-in-law, rolling her eyes at them. “As if I'd let any harm come to my little Mieko,” the neko youkai purred as she reached into the crib and pulled out her granddaughter. Leaping over the spreading goo, Midori lead the hanyou out of her office and away from the corpse that had formally been Kikyou.
Sitting in the warm glow of the fire, Inuyasha cradled his daughter. Kagome sat next to him, leaning against his arm and dangling a finger in Mieko's line of sight. Occasionally, the baby hanyou would catch her mother's digit and momentarily gnaw on it.
Midori stood on the opposite side of the fireplace, watching the flames intently, but looking from time to time at the small family relaxing on the floor after their scare earlier in the day.
Izayoi was a little farther back in the room, resting in a rocking chair which she pitched backward from time to time.
The night was cold, but quiet and a peace had fallen over the house.
Kagome snuggled closer to Inuyasha, sighing contentedly. She had always wondered what had become of Kikyou, and now her sister was gone. The neko couldn't help but feel a little sad at Kikyou's death, but she shuttered to think what would have happened if Midori had not stopped her.
Inuyasha shifted Mieko so he could give Kagome a one armed hug.
The would always be dangers, but at least they had a family and each other to see the bad times through.
The End
(For reals this time!)
A/N: Yeah, that ending was sickeningly sappy and supper mellow, but I wanted to end on a nice note, this fic has been such downer! I hope everyone enjoyed. I'm just thrilled to have finished something, lol. Heart you guys.