InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Memories ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Following Kagome
Disclaimer: I dream that I own InuYasha… needless to say I'm very disappointed when I wake up.
Kagome stepped outside of Kaede's small hut and stretched. She grinned up at the blue sky. It had been nearly a week since the forest youkai had attacked and Kagome had soon grown disastrously bored cooped up inside. This had not been good for the hanyou who had more than his fair share of `sits' from the irritable miko. Then, yesterday, she had been allowed out only to be called back minutes later when it had started to rain. This put Kagome in an utterly fowl mood, that is until she and Sango had teamed up to play a prank on everyone's favorite perverted monk.
Kagome giggled softly, remembering the look on Miroku's face.
“Yes,” she thought. “That one's definitely a keeper. Have to try it on InuYasha sometime when he's least expecting it.”
Kagome's grin grew. She started off, away from the village. Not too close, but not far enough that she couldn't easily call for help if the need should arise.
Kagome was content. It wasn't everyday she got to admire the beauty of the Feudal Era. InuYasha was usually “dragging their sorry asses” around to look for jewel shards. Though of late, InuYasha had been extremely careful around her. She supposed it was a combination of her injuries from the forest youkai and the fact that she clearly had some sort of hold over Sesshomaru.
It could also be because the night she had been attacked by the forest youkai he had been a bit more argumentative than usual and they had fought heatedly before she left for home. Being the grudge-holding hanyou that he was, and she being the slightly irrational miko that she was they had `agreed' that neither needed the other's help. Which proved to be all too wrong moments later when the youkai had attacked. Kagome suspected that InuYasha felt a tad bit guilty for not accompanying her to the Bone Eater's Well that night, as was, usually, his custom.
Kagome sat down on the bank of a stream and leaned back, tilting her face towards the bright sun.
“Oh, so relaxing,” she thought smiling.
“You can come out now Sesshomaru.” Kagome called without opening her eyes. “I've known you were following me for quite some time.”
Sesshomaru in all his glory materialized in front of Kagome. His face was set and calm. His eyes, however, held a spark of anticipation.
Kagome cracked an eyelid and looked up at the stoic taiyoukai before her. “Does he really think I'll tell him today?” she thought, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily upward in a half smile. “If he does he's got another thing coming.”
“I was beginning to wonder when you would acknowledge my presence.” Sesshomaru said.
Kagome pretended to pout.
“Oh, poor Sesshomaru. Couldn't get the human miko's attention, how sad.”
Sesshomaru's eyes flashed, but not with anger. Sesshomaru was amused.
The human wench was becoming more intriguing by the minute. That she could provoke amusement in him had startled Sesshomaru. And that any human could capture his attention for such a long amount of time without losing their life also intrigued Sesshomaru though he, of course, had not shown it.
Kagome stood up and stretched.
“Well, Sesshomaru. It was nice to see ya, but I gotta go now. InuYasha will probably be storming over here if I don't go back now. Ya know, sick person `privileges.'” Kagome rolled her eyes at the last part.
The momentarily self-righteous miko slowly dusted herself off. Then she turned back towards the cozy village.
In the blink of an eye Sesshomaru stood in her path.
“Did you really think you would get away so easily, miko? Considering what you know.” Sesshomaru asked.
Kagome sighed, her hands planted firmly on her hips.
“No,” she replied. “But I was hoping that you might be generous this time for an insignificant, injured, human miko.”
“You, miko, are many things, but insignificant is not one of them. You hold the location of my future mate. If she is human or even hanyou she is my match and she shall not escape.”
“Yes, you've said that before.” Kagome commented dryly.
She started to maneuver around him but he stopped her.
“Tell me, one thing, one thing of her. What is her name?” Sesshomaru asked.
The answer flew out of Kagome's mouth before she could think.
“Ai, it means `love' in, Greek, I believe.” Kagome said. She winced.
“Ai is her name?” Sesshomaru murmured. He tested it out.
“Ai, love.” He thought “love and killing perfection. Ai” the miko interrupted his thoughts. (a/n: for people who don't know the killing perfection reference I've heard from several people that Sesshomaru translates from Japanese to English as killing perfection.)
“One of them.” She said.
“She has more than one name?” Sesshomaru was confused by this girl. She told him the name of his match, only to later tell him that it was merely one of his match's names.
“I shall have to be content for now.” He thought.
Sesshomaru watched the miko walk away. He noted with detachment that she still limped a little from the forest youkai's attack.
Thinking back to that time, Sesshomaru remembered distinctly the amount of damage done to the forest youkai. Its corpse had been burnt beyond recognition. Even it's sent had been altered nearly beyond distinction. However, Sesshomaru, being of the dog youkai variety, had a superior nose and had been able to identify the youkai as of a centipede type. With this knowledge Sesshomaru had hunted down the centipede's nest and killed it's mate and offspring. It would not do to have the miko die because of a revenge seeking centipede youkai clan.
The miko had long since faded from Sesshomaru's line of vision. Yet still he stood where the miko had left him. He was lost in his thoughts.
Ai, he must learn more about her.
“Surly the miko will not protest to answering my questions about her. She is, after all, my future mate.” Sesshomaru thought practically.
The miko's sent was fading and this left Sesshomaru feeling slightly disappointed and quite startle by feeling disappointed. Sesshomaru sifted though his conscience, trying to find a reason why he might find disappointed at the miko's fading sent.
“Well, her sent isn't quite like most humans.” He pondered; he took a delicate whiff with his sensitive nose, “smells like vanilla, and oranges and… sunshine?” how she ever managed that Sesshomaru would never know. “The little wench is quite surprising.”
With a sudden awareness Sesshomaru noted that it was quickly becoming dark. The taiyoukai slowly but surely made his way back to the camp where Rin and Jaken were waiting.
The sun set slowly behind him. The red, pink, and orange colors mixing together to form a magnificent twilight. These colors shone all around the youkai lord of the West, creating an altogether impressive, if not intimidating scene. The taiyoukai's face, however, showed no emotion suggesting that he had noticed the darkening sky's beauty. Only when Rin came bounding over to him in pure joy over his return did his face soften the least bit to show how much he truly cared for his bright and bubbly ward. His reaction, decidedly quite like that of a father.
a/n: hey, hope you like this new chapter! REVIEW DANM IT!! Thanx!!