InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ Unexpected Delays ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Omachidoosama, minna-san.. watashi ga warui

Arigato gozaimasu, Kino Reikoushi and Miyumi

~~~ Unexpected Delays ~~~

Tiny paws pranced unheeded into the cave where Kirara knew her mistress to be. As expected, she found Miroku curled around Sango. Purring softly, she joined the humans in their nest of blankets. The extra warmth of the monk's was an added bonus. One that she decided she liked, and hoped stayed.

Eventually, the sun found the right angle to catch both humans across the eyes, pulling them from their dreams. Sango was surprised to find Kirara snuggled against her, and scanned the cave for their three companions. She found no evidence that miko, hanyou, or kitsune had returned.

Behind her Miroku stirred. A faint blush surfaced along with memories of why he was sharing the blanket. Her hand traveled down to rest on her abdomen, the movement waking the neko youkai. She watched Kirara's petite form stretch and yawn. It made her want to stretch, too. So, she did. What did it matter if she woke the monk?

Just before she felt the hand, she remembered that the monk was a hentai. She had the slight advantage of knowing it was coming, so instead of turning and smacking him a slow smile spread across her face. Meeting Kirara's gaze in warning that she was going to do something, Sango jumped to her feet. The neko youkai had gracefully leapt out of the way when she pulled the blanket with her. This left Miroku exposed to the cool cave air. Her smile nearly split into a grin as she watched his eyes grow wide staring up at her.

Gathering up the blanket, she turned and gracefully collected her clothing. Maybe Kagome and Inuyasha had decided to camp outside the cave. She ignored Miroku's sounds of complaint as she dressed in her youkai slaying outfit. In truth, she was not sure if he was upset about being exposed to the cold, or because she was covering her body. Knowing the lecherous male, it was the second. Well, he could complain after the ceremony Kagome would perform as soon as Sango could find her.

Hiraikotsu comfortingly settled on her back again, Sango stepped out of the cave to search for her missing companions. From the lack of their presence, they were to remain missing. Her gaze traveled over the area, but the mated pair and kitsune kit were not in sight. Frowning, she turned to go back in the cave. A soft mew drew her attention downward where Kirara was rubbing against her leg. The neko youkai was insistently tugging her away from the entrance. Curious, the taijiya let her faithful neko lead her where she willed. When they stopped, it was on the edge of the clearing around the cave, and in the direction of Kaede's village. Understanding the message made Sango sigh. She would have to travel back to the well without the miko's company. It also meant putting her other plans on hold.

As she turned to collect the few supplies left in the cave, she found Miroku standing halfway between herself and the entrance, Kagome's pack securely over his shoulders. He had finished breaking camp while she was learning where their companions had disappeared to. Giving her a lop sided grin, he closed the distance between them and gave her a quick hug.

"It will be fine, koibito. Let us get started, ne?"

She smiled and nodded. He was right, and she had no need to worry. Lecherous as the monk was, she could trust him to keep his word. Belatedly, she realized that the rings on his staff never made a sound as he approached her. When he stepped away from her and started toward the village, they were softly clinking. It just proved that when he wanted, he could be stealthy. Her gaze rested on his back and she found herself disappointed that his robes were not made to show off the wonderful body hidden underneath them. A blush flamed across her cheeks. Traveling with Kagome and her short not-really-a-kimono was influencing her thoughts in indecent ways.

Sango was so wrapped up in her thoughts she jumped when the monk's voice traveled back to her, "If you wish, Sango, we could ask Kirara-chan to carry us."

"Kirara," she blinked. "Oh! Kirara, would you mind?"

Rubbing against her leg, the neko youkai mewled and looked up at her mistress. Sango only need ask, she was willing to take them to the village. They would all be hungry before too long, why not let her cover a larger distance before they had to stop? Because he would be tucked close behind her. She wasn't sure if she could handle it, really. If she was honest with herself she would admit this would really be no different from any time before. After Kagome made them a socially accepted couple their flights on Kirara would be different, but this one was just like all those before it. Of course, that would not actually be being honest with herself. How could this flight be like the others after what they had done? Yet, she had nothing to fear, did she? Much more thinking and her head would start to hurt. It only happened when she was thinking about him.

Kirara made the decision easier for her mistress by transforming with a soft growl. She nudged her head between Sango's legs and lifted, helping the taijiya slide back to her shoulders. Miroku laughed and stepped up, placing his hands on either of the girl's hips after shifting Hiraikotsu out of the way. Before she could smack him and shout he had Sango slid over Kirara's shoulders and leapt on behind her.

Once in the air, she snapped out of her daze and glared at the back of the neko youkai's head. She had not expected her to do that, though she was grateful. They would reach the village much faster, and she could wait there for Kagome. All would be well, right? The little moths beating at the walls of her stomach were nothing to be concerned about. If only something would come along and distract her.

Movement to her right caught her attention. It could have just been a tree branch with darker leaves throwing off her perception; they were flying after all. She caught another glimpse of it and was instantly thankful Kirara was flying low. With a yell, she jumped off the neko youkai and swung her bone boomerang around. Hiraikotsu spun through the air, cutting off small branches from trees before returning to the taijiya. She caught it, balancing perfectly as the force knocked her back. Her eyes scanned the foliage for any sign of what she had seen. The birds and insects were silent, leaving the sound of her rushing blood too loud in her ears. She had wanted a distraction, but she wanted one she could see and fight.

There! A ray of sunlight glinted off what she assumed to be an eye.


The bone boomerang was airborne and ripping through the trees again. This time an enraged yell answered her battle cry. Out of the shadows slithered a youkai too big to have been hiding in them. Six legs and four arms framed its serpentine body. Acid dripped from the tip of its forked tongue and acid teeth, sending a chill up Sango's spine. Its head tilted at an odd angle, revealing three crimson eyes that contrasted the deep indigo and cobalt of everything else on it. The eyes appeared to focus on her and a stronger chill ran up from her heels to her neck as the youkai hissed, raising spikes that ran the length of its body. She lifted her mask over her nose and mouth, readying herself for a decent fight.

She could see her trusty Hiraikotsu laying just the other side of the youkai. The weapon had left an open gash on the indigo back that was now seeping blood of some equally dark color. Her hand was on the hilt of her sword, freeing it from its sheath when the large youkai made the first move. Kirara was there, Miroku still on her back, and growling at the youkai as she body slammed it. The thing hissed back, its spines raising again, but it had been thrown off course and Sango now had her sword out. She ran under the youkai's belly, slicing cleanly through a leg that happened to get in her way.

As howls of pain and rage echoed above her, the taijiya thrust her sword up and forward. At the edge of her vision she caught waving arms, as though her opponent was unable to reach her. Well, that was the downfall of its body design. She finished the swing of her sword and prepared to take off another leg. Her mistake was coming too far forward, and she only realized it when one of the clawed hands grabbed her thigh.

Sango did not cry out in pain, nor did she shriek in surprise. Her mind was battle hazed, and her only thought was to remove the offending appendage. Soon only three indigo arms flailed at her, the forth still holding onto her as she fell with a soft thud to the ground. Rolling to her feet, she removed the claws from her leg and dodged the dripping acid. Another hiss sounded above her and she looked up in time to see the cobalt fangs aimed her way. She couldn't ask for a better position.

Her eyes narrowed and she dropped into a better stance. Her mind silently calculated the distance and her arms obeyed its command. The youkai's forked tongue tickled her cheek just as she separated its head from the rest of its body. She nimbly jumped out of its path and scanned the area for any other threats. A familiar cry sounded above her, followed by the howl of wind rushing into a vacuum. The taijiya spun around in time to see the last of the youkai vanish into Miroku's void. It's jaw was still snapping open and shut, like the separation of it from its body was only a minor inconvenience.

When the rosary beads were firmly wrapped around his hand again, the monk steered Kirara to Sango with a nudge of his knee. He had a hunch she had been so ready to fight because of his actions. Now he was concerned about her leg. The neko youkai returned to her smaller form and bounded over to her mistress before he was aware they had even touched down. Sango had sunk to the ground and Kirara was licking the small wounds on her thigh. They did not seem too bad.


"Hai, Houshi-sama?"

She was definitely upset at him again. He frowned, "May I tend your wounds?"

"They are small. I'm fine."

"You should clean them. An infection would not be good."

A glare as dark as the pool of blood left by the youkai was sent his way. Miroku shivered at its cold intensity. What had happened to the insecure female he had comforted the night before? If he had not been so focused on making sure Sango was okay, he would have wanted to meditate on the question of how fast women could shift emotions.

"I am fine, Miroku," her cool voice hissed.

Despite the tone, he relaxed. At least she was using his name. "Sango," he softly pleaded. "Let me help? At least wash them."

"Kirara is doing that. I will bathe when we reach the hot spring by the village." She left no room for and argument.

Miroku sighed and nodded. Her mind was set, he would only make things worse trying to persuade her to change it. His stomach protested its emptiness and the thought of food came to mind. Perhaps she would not let him care for her wounds, but after exerting so much energy in a fight, the breakfastless morning must have made her hungry, too.

"Would you like to eat something?"

She brushed prettily when her stomach made a loud enough statement that denying her hunger was futile. "Hai," she sighed softly.

"Good," the monk grunted before shrugging off Kagome's pack. There wasn't really time to hunt anything, and he hoped there was still noodles left. As he searched for food, Sango started the fire and concentrated on not thinking about a certain monk minus his robes. Did Kagome have to deal with similar thoughts about Inuyasha? Her cheeks flamed when another unbidden image formed in her mind. She swatted it away. How could something like that have come from wondering about Kagome and Inuyasha? It was totally unrelated! Best not to ask.

The fire was heating water by the time the monk found the noodles. "How do girls find anything in such bags?"

There was no reply, though Sango did pull the cups from his hands. She added the water and they sat in silence while they waited. Miroku kept shifting his position. When Sango handed him his cup of ramen, ready to eat, he almost cried out her name. He had more control than that. He was a trained houshi.

"Sango," he began. "I want to ask you something."


"Do you have regrets? Did I hurt you?"

Absently rubbing the claw marks that had stopped bleeding, the taijiya blinked at him. "Did you what?"

"Did I hurt you? You have been avoiding me, and you seemed to welcome that fight."

"I did welcome it." Her eyes fell to the noodles uneaten in her hand. "I wanted to fight. I.. I'm confused, houshi-sama."

Miroku sighed and set his cup down, edging closer to Sango. He reached out and took her noodles, setting them on the ground as well. She didn't expect it when his arms encircled her and pulled her tight against his chest.

"Sango," he whispered in her ear. "I love you. Please, talk to me."

"Miroku," she sighed, relaxing against him. There were no more words exchanged, but after a while she turned in his arms and reached for both cups of noodles. He took his from her and they ate together.

The monk came to realize, as he swallowed more ramen, that this was what she really needed. Sango was not the type of person that liked to talk. He should have learned that by now. How often did she talk of her past? He knew practically nothing about her family, and he resolved to save Kohaku. With her entire village murdered by Naraku and her little brother under his control, he had never asked about her past because of the pain he could see in her eyes. He would do anything to see a real smile on her face.

After their meal Kirara transformed and carried them to the village. Kaede had welcomed them, adding more water and ingredients to the pot over her fire. She wisely stayed silent while observing the odd behavior of monk and taijiya. All stomachs happily filled, Sango stood and motioned for her neko.

"Let's go wash up, Kirara."

"Sango," Miroku called. He sounded apprehensive.


"May I.. That is, you may need help with your wounds still."

She could only stare at him. What did he want? There had to be some hidden meaning to his words, but Kirara's head pushing her toward the door distracted her. The feline soon switched to pushing at Miroku, like she wanted them to go together.

Why fight it? They probably should talk. She smiled lightly and caught his eye. With a small nod, she let him know it was okay to follow before she turned and walked out of the hut. She heard the mat fall over the opening and resisted the urge to make sure the monk was following her.

It was well past dark, but that did not bother either of the two as they walked into the trees. They had a decent walk to the hot springs, and silence hung on their shoulders just as it had on their flight to Kaede's. When they were at the water's edge, each turned to the other and wondered who would talk first. Sango was actually the first to look away. She gave herself the excuse of looking for Kirara. Not surprisingly, she was not around and must have stayed with the elderly miko.

"Koibito, tell me what is bothering you."

Sango took her usual course of action and said nothing. It's what she was used to. She would rather sit on a hillside alone to sort out her thoughts and feelings than vocalize them. Miroku seemed to have figured this out and again pulled her to his chest. He did not fight when she eventually pulled away. Instead he watched her, transfixed as she quietly started to undress. He wanted nothing more than to strip himself and get lost in the work of art that was her body. Wisely, he stood stock still and kept his mouth closed.

Discarding her exterminating outfit on the shore, Sango slipped into the warm water. It was so nice to have a warm bath. The wounds on her leg didn't bother her at all, really. She doubted there would be any trouble. To be safe, though, she would search Kagome's bag for some of the spray she always used on minor scratches.

She looked back to find Miroku standing where she had left him. He was even still staring at the place she had been standing when she undressed. That had not been the smartest thing to do, but she was tired. Tired of everything. It just wasn't worth it to struggle so hard. He had already seen her naked. She knew what his body felt like when it was bare against her own, meeting in the most intimate way. Had she tried to make him leave he would have just hidden in the bushes and watched anyway. She frowned. Depressing thoughts were bad for one's health, she was sure of it. Shoving all her thoughts into the darker recesses of her mind, she let the water swallow her. It was so relaxing.

On the bank, Miroku came to his senses. Yes, his taijiya really had stripped in front of him. Everything was running extra slow in his mind, fighting the fog of bewilderment. Had Hiraikotsu been brought down upon his head, he would have faired better. A laugh tugged his attention to the girl in the spring. Satin hair waved around her as she ducked back down to keep only her eyes above the surface. He swallowed hard. She was daring him to join her. He never could resist a beautiful woman. Especially Sango, and she was the only beautiful woman he would ever see from now on.

Rising up from the water, Sango arched a brow at the monk. All of his senses focused on her when she calmly observed, "A naked female beckons and the greatest lech of them all ignores her? Miroku-kun, are you sick?"

Her voice held a soft lilt as she spoke, almost like she was laughing at him. She very well could be. Then her thought about her words. Well, he thought about them as best he could with her nipples hidden just below the water's surface. She really knew how to distract him.


There it was. That smile he loved so much. She was smiling for him. The taijiya did not say anything, but the look she gave him was loud enough. His robes were shed and he was beside her in the water before he could blink.

"My lady," his voice purred. "What has brought about this change?"

"Shh," she answered.

She lead him back to the water's edge. Reaching out, she pulled her hair ribbon from under her clothes and before facing him again. Miroku wisely did not resist when she pulled his left hand out of the water. She moved to his side, entwining the fingers of her right hand with his left as she turned. When she was still once more, her hand was on the bottom and their arms lined up perfectly. Satisfied, she wrapped the ribbon around their wrists and looked to him for help in tying the ends together. He complied, though she could see the questions burning behind his gaze.

Once there was a slightly sloppy bow decorating their joined hands, Sango smiled again. Her entire body trembled with excitement. They didn't need Kagome. This was good enough for her. The idea had come while she was dunking her head. She trusted Miroku. She was willing to bear his child, and she knew he would die to protect her. Who needed a silly, proper ceremony anyway? She traveled with one of the most unlikely group of companions to exist. Looking into Miroku's eyes, she knew she would not regret her decision.

She dropped her bound arm to her side so that she could catch the monk's lips. It was awkward, but it was the best kiss yet. She wanted more. Reluctantly separated, both monk and taijiya looked to the ribbon. Sango had not thought about how she wanted to remove it. Simply untying it just didn't feel right. But what she wanted to do could not be done with their arms restrained like that. A small frown creased her face and when Miroku saw it he used his free hand to smooth the lines away.

"Here," he whispered. He lifted their wrists again and took one end of the ribbon in his right hand. Sango followed his lead, and they loosened it until their wrists could rotate. She continued to let him lead when he pulled their hands up, their hands releasing their hold of one another briefly. When their arms again matched up it was in a much more convenient position. He was able to stand in front of her, and did so. He gave her a quick kiss, then they retied the knot. They looked like a dancing couple when he looped his right arm around her waist, and she gripped his shoulder with her left hand.

He backed her against one of the large boulders that always seem to be around the edge of hot springs and raised their bound wrists above her head. She was pressed against the stone, breathlessly gazing into his desire heated eyes. He was close enough for her to feel his arousal begging for her warmth pressing against her thigh. Arching against him, she took great pleasure in his surprised gasp.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, arching against him again and smiling at the way he was struggling to breath regularly.

"I don't know how gentle I can be if you keep that up, Sa-"

Cut off by her kiss, Miroku moaned into her mouth as she thrust at him. It was a game, he realized. She had to be playing a game with him.

"Please," Sango whispered after breaking the kiss. "I need.."

She thrust her hips at him this time, and Miroku nearly collapsed against her. The sound of her voice as she pleaded for him made his ache to be inside her double. He claimed her lips and reached down to guide himself. One hard thrust had both of their needs temporarily sated. He sighed into her mouth, leaning against her for support. It just felt so right to be with her. Inside her.

The first few thrusts were slow. He pushed the wrists above her head harder against the boulder in his effort to be easy on her. When she began nibbling on his bottom lip, then his jaw, and trailing down his neck, he gave in. She met his thrusts with her own, squirming against him with her own need to be sated. She wanted more. He provided it.

As her free hand roamed his back, tugging his dragon tail loose, and played with his hair, his free hand sank lower again. It had raised to massage her breasts, but soon moved to grope her. From there his fingers danced a trail to her abdomen. His head was thrown back, eyes closed in ecstasy as she nibbled on his shoulder, mewing for more, but his hand remained on course. He knew he was near release, but he didn't want to go without taking her along. His fingers found the sensitive bundle of nerves just above her opening and he played with it as he increased his thrusts.

Sango arched against him, pressing her head to the rock at her back, no longer able to concentrate on anything but the feelings he was giving her. She continued to meet his almost frantic thrusts, her left hand searching his back for anything to keep her grounded. But she didn't want to be grounded, she wanted more. Her nails ran down Miroku's back, pulling another moan from his throat. When they reached his solid lower cheeks she instinctually grabbed on. He cried out her name, thrusting hard into her, and the combination of everything sent them both into the bliss of orgasm.

Their bodies shuddered against each other, shivering as they both used the boulder to keep upright while waves of pleasure rocked their bodies. Panting, they opened their eyes simultaneously and gazed wonderingly at one another. Miroku pulled out of her weakly, pressing his forehead to the rock beside her cheek. He wanted to say something, anything, but he could not bring himself to break the silence. Instead, he pushed himself back enough to give her a lingering kiss.

They were both surprised to find that the ribbon had come loose at some point, but neither really cared. Being able to hold Sango in his arms made Miroku happy. He lay his face against her and lost himself in her essence. This was his reason to keep fighting. He gave her tight hug before reluctantly leaving her to grab a cloth one of them had thought to grab before leaving Kaede's hut. Returning, he wet it and expertly washed her. On his third wipe down, she tugged the cloth from his hand and returned the favor.

Too soon they were back on dry land and helping each other dress. Sango regretted leaving her kimono behind. She didn't want to wash out the blood on the leg of her outfit and have to walk back with a wet thigh. Her hand lightly ran over the tear in the fabric, her mind drifting back to the fight that had put it there. How had she gone from that to naked in the hot spring with the monk, she wondered. Just as she pulled her thoughts together, Miroku's arms encircled her again. He had stepped in front of her while her mind was occupied, and found himself just wanting to touch her.

She was gently turned so that the trees were in her view instead of the curve of his neck. She wouldn't admit which one she liked better. However, the feel of him at her back, holding her and making her feel whole was wonderful. She sighed, leaning back into his embrace. She could almost forget her troubles when he held her like this.

Miroku smiled, pulling her down with him until she was sitting in his lap. He scooted them backward until his back was against a rock. After a bit of wiggling both were comfortable and happy with their positions. Miroku had let his head fall forward to rest his chin over her shoulder and Sango had let hers fall back to lean against his cheek. His heat and presence embraced her, her scent and warmth engulfed him. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep.


*glares at the OOC gremlins*

I know.. mistakes abound. They changed my story on me again. *mock pout* Miroku and Sango were naughtier than I wanted them to be. Please, don't kill me.. I didn't mean for what I think is going to happen to happen. It'll all work out. Promise. They changed things on me Monday evening.