InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ Deepest Red ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rated R by next chapter.

Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just playing.

Warnings: Poisoning, blushing, canine acts, little brothers, nude people, a bit of OOC for fun, horrid mutilation of proper A-E grammar, and various activities that may or may not involve being nude.

Miko no Youkai

~~~ Deepest Red ~~~

It was so warm and comfortable when Kagome woke, she was unwilling to move. She could feel Shippou's tail under her hand, and Inuyasha's arm protectively holding her. Just the other side of the kitsune she could almost sense Ayumi. She could definitely get used to waking up like this. Sighing, she relaxed against her hanyou's chest, giggling softly when he grunted and nuzzled her hair. He obviously enjoyed waking to these sensations, too.

Beneath her hand, Shippou squirmed closer to Ayumi's stomach. Cute whines added to the scene as his efforts tugged the sheets. Kagome hated the thought of disturbing the others, but she had this distinctly uneasy feeling something was going to happen. Something she wouldn't like.

With a defeated sigh, she shifted under her lover's arm so she could face him. He really was sweet when sleeping. A small smile graced her lips as she thought about how to wake him. His ear twitched and she felt his hold tighten momentarily as some dream fought to keep its grip on his mind. Well, she had a pretty good idea how to free him from something like that. A little more wiggling brought her lips even with his.

"Inuyasha," she sighed.

His ears twitched and the arm around her waist contracted again. His brow knitted together in an effort to pull free of his sleep-hazed mind. A light kiss upon his lips was all the encouragement he needed. Amber eyes snapped open, absorbing the sight of a grey-blue pair only millimeters away. Laughter filled the miko's eyes and spilled over her lips.

"Ohayo, Inuyasha," she giggled. Her laughter retreated to her eyes again as she stretched to whisper in his ear, "You seemed to be having a wonderful dream."

The hanyou blushed, fixing her with a glare. He really wanted to do something else entirely, but the presence of Shippou and Ayumi left him few options. There was his image to keep up, after all. Kagome, eyes shining, slid off the bed and out the room's door.

He lay there a while, listening to the sounds of the strange world his mate had grown up in. Soft, female voices chatted downstairs where he knew Kagome to be. He could recognize her happy lilt anytime.

A need to be near her was finally enough motivation to push him into activity. Muscles protesting greatly, Inuyasha rolled out of the bed and shook the sleep out of his system. Unfamiliar laughter made him look back to the bed where the other two were watching him. The kit was trying to stifle his laughs for fear of new bruises, but Kagome's friend didn't hold back. Had he known they were awake, he would not have performed such a canine act.

Souta was walking past the cracked door then, and peeked in to see what the laughing was about. Ayumi and Shippou were still on the bed, struggling to catch their breath from laughing so hard. His sister was no where he could see in the room, but Inuyasha was trying to scowl at the giggling duo over his reddened cheeks. Weighing his options, Souta opted to see if he could join in the fun just as his stomach told him how hungry it was. As if reminded of their own empty states, three other stomachs rumbled their complaints. The young boy laughed and skipped down the hall to the kitchen.

"Mama, we're all hu-" he froze, blinking. Kagome was not only awake before him, but it looked like she had been helping make breakfast. That never happened in Souta's little world.

Rolling her eyes as she guessed the reason for her little brother's mock horror, Kagome threw a breakfast roll at him and carried the rest to the table. The now grinning Souta caught the roll and immediately bit into it. After a few thoughtful chews and a careful swallow, he dropped to the floor, writhing in agony and moaning while clutching his abdomen. Mrs. Higurashi continued preparing breakfast, apparently oblivious to her son's pain. Likewise, his older sister grabbed the next large plate that held a mountain of pancakes.

He was still writhing when the other four people in the house arrived at the scene. Ji-chan simply stepped around his grandson and snatched a roll for himself before sitting down. Ayumi nearly dropped Shippou, kneeling at Souta's side. She reached out with the hand that wasn't holding the kitsune and attempted to feel the boy's forehead. It was proving to be rather hard.

Shippou peered at Inuyasha over her shoulder, trying to figure out if he smelled anything wrong. He watched the hanyou sniff a few more times, then shrug. He couldn't detect anything abnormal with Souta's scent either.

"Souta," Mrs. Higurashi began, never taking her eyes from the stove. Beside her, Kagome grinned as she started preparing something else. "You are worrying Ayumi and the boys. Besides, I baked the rolls."

A muttered "oh," and suddenly Souta was on his feet and picking the dropped roll off the floor. He tossed it out the window and claimed a fresh one from the table. Grinning, he called the others in and offered them some.

"Just don't touch anything else until we're all seated - family rule," he confided.

The three blinked at him. They had all missed something, obviously. One minute Souta was on the floor, looking like he was near death, and the next he was offering them food. It was more than confusing, and none of them were sure how to ask for an explanation. Which meant, of course, Inuyasha was the one to bring it up.

"What the- " he caught himself just in time. "What happened back there?"

He jerked his thumb in the direction the doorway where Souta had been having his fit. The boy in question looked sheepishly at his sister, who was just setting a glass bottle filled with sticky fluid on the table. She just flashed him a smile and moved to Inuyasha's side.

"Yes, Souta, please explain," she fought off a grin, and lost.

"I.. that is.."

He was saved by his mother carrying in miso soup for everyone. When she spotted her struggling son and the look on her daughter's face, she smiled. Her soft voice caught everyone's attention, "It's a sibling thing, and involves poisoning."

"Poisoning?" Inuyasha was only more confused.

Ayumi understood, and started laughing. Ji-chan made some comment about youth and their lack of respect as he bit off more of his roll. If Inuyasha wanted it further explained he would have to wait, as he soon found himself to be the only one standing. Shippou had shrugged, deciding to ask Kagome later if he remembered, and joined the others where they had gathered around the table. The young miko smiled at her confused mate and patted the chair beside her. He thought of refusing her invitation, but it seemed childish even to him.

He sniffed at the choice of foods. He didn't understand what the round, flour smelling things were. Reaching out, he delicately picked one up between his claws and inspected it from a closer perspective. Not that it helped any. Eyes narrowing, he was about to bite it when a hand on his wrist stopped him.

"Here," Kagome's soft voice caressed his ears. "Try it with syrup. It's a western breakfast."

She put two of the things on the plate sitting in front of him. Next, she spread a light, yellow cream that melted over the warm surface. After pouring some of the dark, sticky liquid over them, she used an oddly shaped piece of metal to cut small wedges.

"This is a fork," she stuck one of the wedges and lifted it off the plate. "Use it to eat these."

"You eat it first," his eyes narrowed into a glare at the fork she was offering him.

Smiling, Kagome popped the concoction into her mouth and chewed. Her eyes told him how good she thought it was, enticing him to try some. Still weary, he took the fork from her hand and stabbed a wedge. He paused to sniff it before giving in and biting, his ears flicking back and forth as he tried to settle on an oppinion. When they stayed forward and he inhaled the rest on his plate, everyone was sure what he had decided.

Kagome giggled and helped Shippou eat his breakfast. The western utensils were doubly awkward for him with his tiny hands. When all were full, the girls helped Mrs. Higurashi clean in an attempt to avoid discussing when exactly the three companions would be leaving. Inuyasha was, unsurprisingly, the one to bring the topic up. He had brought the bags they had packed the night before down and carried them out to the well.

"Oi, Kagome."

The young miko blinked at her mate's voice, already guessing what he wanted. Keeping her back to him, she stepped closer to her mother and gave the woman a hug.

"I'll miss you, Mama."

Mrs. Higurashi looked down at her daughter. It was time, then. With a sad smile, she returned the hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Her baby girl was not so innocent anymore, and fast on her way to being a woman. Still, she wanted the comfort a mother could give. Given the chance, Mrs. Higurashi wrapped her arms tighter around her little girl and memorized everything she could about the moment.

"I love you, Kagome," she whispered. "Take care of yourself and your new family."

Shippou and Souta stumbled on the scene and both ran to join the hug. Watching them, Inuyasha felt compelled to join, but swatted the feeling away. Ayumi did not hold the reservations the hanyou had, but chose to give the family privacy and left to find Ji-chan. He would want to get his farewell hug in as well.

After the old man had shuffled in and joined the big hug, the five broke apart. Mrs. Higurashi wiped away tears that had started down her cheeks and smiled at her daughter. Her son, wanting one more hug, latched onto his sister's midsection and buried his face in her stomach. Shippou hopped over to Inuyasha's shoulder and waited. He had known it was time to leave after watching the hanyou carry Kagome's things outside. It didn't make the parting any easier.

Eventually, Kagome slipped free of her brother's grasp and hunted down Ayumi for a final hug. Everyone gathered to see the trio off, even Buyo bound over to give the miko's leg a swat. She bent to kiss the feline's head, wishing she could take him with her.

"Take good care of Souta, Buyo." Smiling at her little brother, she gave a wave to modern life and sprinted into the well's shrine.

As they climbed out of the well, another chill ran down Kagome's spine. She hid her reaction, but when the bracelet and anklet of soul stealers pulsed in time with another chill she had to drop the bag she was carrying. This time both boys noticed.

"You okay, Kagome?" Shippou worried.

Not trusting her voice, the miko nodded and scooped him into her arms. When she felt she could control her muscles enough to walk, she grabbed her bag and headed for the path to the village. Inuyasha watched her take a few steps before shifting the weight of the bags he was carrying and following. He wasn't sure what was wrong, but it he wanted easy access to Tetsusaiga.

They made it to Kaede's hut without incident, and found the elderly miko stirring a cauldron of stew as she always seemed to be doing when they came. She nodded a greeting to the boys before addressing her sister's reincarnation.

"There air holds bad omens."

"Hai, Kaede-ba-chan. I have felt it, too," Kagome set Shippou and her bag down. She dared a look at what she hoped would be lunch. It looked and smelled as good as anything not medicinal they ate on their brief visits with Kaede. After they defeated Naraku they might not be forced to keep such stops in the village so brief. That made her smile, despite the uneasy feeling settled at the base of her spine. Fifty years of experience had made the woman very skilled with stew.

If Kaede had felt it, then Miroku may have, too. Unless he had been too distracted. She was about to ask where the monk and taijiya were when a new feeling came. It wasn't specific, but she knew it was from Miroku, and she knew which way to go if she wished to find him. Curious, she trotted to the hut's entrance and peered out at the trees.

As she thought, the pull was in the direction of the springs. A mischievous grin lit her eyes. She waved for her mate to follow and stealthily slinked along the path she had taken nearly as many times as the one to the well. Hanyou and kitsune weren't far behind, even if they weren't sure what she was up to.

Just before they reached hearing distance of the bathing place, Kagome whispered for Inuyasha to help her find Miroku. Her plan was to expose him while he spied on Sango and enjoy the scene to follow. What they found instead was almost as good as finding the taijiya spying on the lech.

Inuyasha showed his teeth in a feral grin, "Oi, baka bouzu!"

Laughing, the three watched as Miroku struggled to get up, only to fall hard against the rock again when Sango's weight pushed him back. The taijiya herself had also tried to bolt up, but with their legs entangled she had fallen against her lover. Taking pity, Kagome begged use of Inuyasha's fire-rat fur and draped it over her blushing friend's shoulders. She took the opportunity to separate from the three males of their party and whisper in her ear.

"You want to talk?"

Sango glared at the girl who had betrayed and embarrassed her. Okay, maybe just embarrassed. She just shook her head and was about to go back and get her armor when a firm hand on her shoulder stopped her.

She was ready to spin and demand to be let go while assuring Kagome that she didn't need to talk when she heard someone crashing through the brush. Sango reflexively dropped into her defense posture, wishing for Hiraikotsu. She didn't even have her sword. Her only comfort was that the young miko beside her only looked confused and concerned, not afraid. Almost like she knew who it was.

The answer came at the same time Kouga burst into sight. The shards in his legs would easily allow Kagome to sense him before anyone else in the group. Something was wrong, though. The proud wolf was stumbling and coated in a dark substance.

"Ka-Kagome!" Kouga sounded frantic. "Kagome! Help me!"

The miko rushed to his side, but when she reached out to support him he jerked away. Several gashes on his chest and sides were now painfully apparent, and the blood oozed down his torn skin.

"Don't touch me! Please," he whimpered. "Help me, but don't touch me."


Short, I know. Reason for it. It's PG-13 right now on Next chapter it's kicking up to R, and I didn't want to confuse people without warning them first. This was the best spot to separate the chapters, anyway. I also put a shorter notice up top.