InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ Modern Times ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kir-ar-a NOT Ki-la-la.. *grumbles about what anime dubs do to names*

Disclaimer: Oi, if I owned Inuyasha I would not be sitting here wishing I were in Japan.

A/N: To those thinking it's going fast: I think so, too. Maybe I can get it to slow down.

Arigato to Alia Lowe on ^_^ I'm keeping it Kirara, though. It's how I've seen it in the translations. (Subtitles, American version of the manga, Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi, and every character list I've found thus far - even in Italian)

~~~Modern Times~~~

Logical thinking would have taken Inuyasha back to the cave where Sango and Miroku waited, but he was not thinking with the same logic as Shippou and Kirara. Instead, he returned to where he had first found Kagome in the monk's arms. Taking off the top of his fire-rat outfit, he lay it on the ground and placed his love carefully curled on top. He paused before standing again; deciding that sitting beside her was a better idea.

Once situated, the hanyou turned to look directly at the kitsune. When he spoke, his tone made the kit realize there was no choice but to obey. "Shippou, show me what Kagome gave you."

Suppressing his nervousness, the kit stepped close and exposed his throat to Inuyasha. There, just above his collarbone, rested three locks of Kagome's hair braided into a fine chord. The black strands revealed no outward sign of power, though Inuyasha had the feeling that he would not be able to tell where it began or ended if he were to look. He did not dare touch it, though. What if the protective power he knew his mate had placed in it perceived him as a threat? No, he would study it from a safe distance. Which meant getting the answers from the kit.

"Oi, brat."

The kitsune's eyes widened as he looked up. "Hai?"

"What's that thing do?"

It took a moment for Inuyasha's question to make sense. The problem was he really had no clue. Well, stick to safe ground.

"Protect me."

The hanyou growled irritably, making Shippou send a nervous glance toward Kagome's form. He wanted to snuggle against her and listen to her breathing. He always slept better when he could sleep next to her. He would settle for just touching her right now. Placing a hand on her leg just to make sure she was really there. The closer he was to her, the safer he felt.

A sharp tap on his nose interrupted his thoughts. Eyes wider than he thought they could ever be, Shippou's gaze snapped back to the hanyou.

"Where are your eyes?" Inuyasha spoke as he would to an opponent. The kitsune felt another flash of fear. Every nerve screamed for him to run and hide. His muscles ached to obey, but he knew better. To flee Inuyasha was useless; the hanyou was faster and could hunt him down with hardly any effort.

Another, softer growl beside Shippou reminded him of the neko youkai's presence. Kirara's tails twitched in annoyance. She marched between the fighting boys and sat directly in the middle. Her tails continued to twitch even as she fixed the hanyou with her stare.

"Oi," a soft, familiar voice sighed. "Can't a girl get some rest around here?"

"Kagome!" The miko grunted when a ball of red fur connected with her abdomen and latched on.

"Keh." Inuyasha mentally berated himself for not hearing Kagome sit up behind him.

Soft fingers ran through the kitsune's loose bangs as their owner's eyes clouded over. The miko appeared to have lapsed into deep thought. Shippou drew in a deep breath before snuggling deeper into his okaa-san's lap. She smelled okay, so he didn't worry too much. His head tilted slightly, positioning his ear in a better position to listen to her heart and lungs. The rhythm of sound made him forget the brief encounter with Inuyasha and began to lull him into a peaceful sleep.


Ears twitched at the mention of his name, but the hanyou was too busy being upset and embarrassed to give any other response. He didn't trust himself to speak anyway.

"Gomen, Inuyasha. I should not make you worry like that."

"What makes you think I was worried, wench?"

Kirara's eyes narrowed and Inuyasha snorted, turning to glare through the trees. He refused to look at either female right now. The anger he had always used as a defense rising to smother the weaker emotions that troubled him. When Kagome's hand touched his back, he growled and pushed himself up. It was not enough, though. He wanted to rip something apart suddenly. Maybe because the damned weaker emotions were proving to be harder to smother. Before he realized what he was doing, the hanyou found himself hidden on a high branch of a wonderfully convenient tree.

"Baka, you think to escape me so easily?" Weariness seeped into her words as she continued, "I want to go back, Inuyasha. Mama and Souta will worry. I promised them I would return. Ji-san will be chanting at the well, I'm sure."

The edges of her lips lifted as thoughts of her ji-san doing useless rituals in an attempt to bring her home. He had not done so for a long while, but he and Mama had known her true intent when she left. She supposed her little brother had figured it out as well; he was a smart boy.

Fingers gently massaging Shippou's scalp, Kagome addressed the neko youkai, "Kirara, will you return to Sango and Miroku? Lead them back to Kaede's?"

The neko gave a quick nod and reared as she spun, leaving the miko only waving tails to watch as she loped back to her mistress.

Once Kirara was lost under the foliage, Kagome looked back to the tree she knew her hanyou was in. She absently continued playing with the kitsune's hair. After a while she considered lying down and curling around his little body, but her patience won, and she waited for Inuyasha to speak. It was too bad her bag was again with the monk and taiji-ya; she could really use something to throw at the hormonal boy.


Kagome jumped at the unexpected sound. "Decided to talk?"


"Come with me," she kept her voice low.

"Keh. Why should I?"

"Please, Inuyasha? I want you to come."

Tentatively, Kagome reached along their bond. His youki was restless, rubbing against her energy as though it wanted to be comforted. The miko's breath caught in her throat. Unable to hold Inuyasha, she hugged Shippou tighter and stood.

"We will wait at the well."

It took a while for her words to sink in. When they did, Inuyasha nearly fell off his branch. At the well? She knew it was at least two day's walk away. Curse her.

Landing gracefully on his feet, the hanyou retrieved his fire-rat haori and began to trot after his mate. He found her leaning against a nearby tree, something near a smirk tugging at her lips. She freed a hand from supporting Shippou and held it out. Inuyasha glared at her.

"Well? Get on my back," he growled out. "I don't want to wait on you."

Despite his growl, Kagome smiled as she climbed on. Even though he had crouched down for her, she had trouble finding a good position while cradling Shippou. After several tries, Inuyasha sighed in defeat.

"Let me carry the brat," the harsh edge had left, leaving a softer, almost caring lift to his voice.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Just give him here."

Smiling, Kagome dropped off and waited for him to turn and take the kitsune. When he did, she lightly kissed his cheek, whispering, "Arigato."

It seamed they were ready, but as Kagome was about to climb on she stopped. Her chocolate eyes locked on movement she caught in the sky. Shinidamachuu. A hand went to her heart as the other reached upward. She had forgotten the soul-stealing youkai; assuming that they would wander off, free to do whatever it was they had done before Kikyou enlisted their service.

Now, they looked lost. They circled above her, as though they could still sense their mistress. The miko called silently to them, coaxing the shinidamachuu to swirl around her.

Tetsusaiga was out and ready, Inuyasha holding it in one hand while still cradling Shippou with the other. He didn't like seeing Kagome surrounded, but he was trying to trust her. She looked calm and he did not detect any scent of fear. Still, his mate was surrounded by youkai that had bound her and helped an attempt to kill him before.

His entire body trembled with the effort to keep from slicing through to his love. His efforts appeared to be rewarded when the youkai separated into two groups. Holding his breath, he watched as the larger group circled Kagome's left ankle; the smaller going to her opposite wrist. Their turns grew tighter and tighter, spinning faster until he could not pick out single ones. Then it stopped.


He returned his sword to its scabbard and rushed forward, pulling her to him in a tight, one-arm hug. The miko returned his embrace and lay her head on his shoulder. She stayed here for only a brief moment, however. Unfamiliar weight and coolness against her skin made her pull back and look at her right wrist. She turned the hand over, as though doing so would give her answers.

Entwined around her wrist were several of the soul-stealing youkai. They looked to be made of pewter, but felt lighter and softer to the touch. Around her opposite ankle was a similar piece, the youkai twined around one another to form a circlet. From her ankle, her eyes followed a trail across the ground to a pair of bare feet. Upward bound, they continued, pausing briefly about mid-way - making the miko blush and order her gaze to continue. When at last her eyes stopped, she was looking into golden pools that mirrored her confusion.

She shook her head, "Worry later. I want to go home."

With that, she walked around and waited for him to crouch again. It was much easier to hold on without the kitsune in her arms, and they were soon on their way to the well.

It meant sacrificing sleep, but thanks to Inuyasha's endurance and speed, they reached the well by mid-day. Kagome slid off and reclaimed Shippou. The kitsune had awakened earlier, and eventually gone back to sleep again. Now, Kagome hugged him tightly as she studied the well. She had an idea of how to get Shippou through without the ancient thing even knowing it had let him pass. She could only hope it worked.

Her miko energy lazily uncurled as she called to it. She didn't let it fully uncurl; opting to let it wrap around her and the kit like a warm blanket. She let it flow into itself and fully surround her until she could sense no breaks. It was like a comfortable cocoon, and she regretted the thought of letting the energy return to its sleep once she succeeded. If she succeeded.

Looking to Inuyasha, she nodded once and looked back to the well. At some unperceived signal, they jumped into the well together. Kagome closed her eyes and hugged Shippou close.



"Sis? Is that you?"

"Souta! Souta, come here, I have someone you'll want to meet!"

Running to the well, Souta slid to a stop when he saw his sister holding something small and furry in her arms. Except for the color and length of the fur, he would have thought it to be Buyo. Then the ball of fur stretched and he caught sight of clothing and skin. Little hands gripped the front of Kagome's shirt that did not match the paws balancing on her arm.

"Who?" Souta stepped up the stairs to the well's shrine carefully. He reached out toward the odd creature his sister was holding and touched the little bow holding its hair back. Two things happened then: first, Shippou yelped and swung himself over Kagome's shoulder to hang on her back and peek around her hair. Souta let out his own call of surprise and jumped backward, consequently falling down the stairs to land solidly on his rump.

Suddenly, Shippou wasn't scared. He bounced up to Kagome's shoulder, then to Souta's lap so he could peer into his face. His tiny nose drew in Souta's scent and he grinned, looking over his shoulder at his Okaa-san. "He's yours!"

Kagome laughed and nodded, "Hai. Shippou, this is my brother, Souta. Souta, this is my.. son, Shippou."

"S-son?" His gaze flicked to Inuyasha, "He doesn't look like either of you."

A bright blush colored both Inuyasha's and Kagome's faces. The miko squeaked out, "I didn't say I gave birth to him, Souta!"

The kitsune broke into a fit of giggles. Dirt and died grass tangled in his hair as he tried to contain his laughter by rolling. Nothing worked, though, and he continued. That is, until Inuyasha jumped down and knocked him in the head.

"Ow! Kagome!" Shippou wailed.

"Oi, brat, you deserved that one," Inuyasha continued to glare at the kit.

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"You're mean!"

"You're loud!"



"Inuyasha! Shippou!" Kagome stepped between the two and picked Shippou up. The kit promptly stuck his tongue out at the hanyou. With a sigh, the miko spun Shippou around so she could look at face as she held him. She waited until his tongue retreated and his ears drooped in acknowledgment of his behavior before speaking.

"You two must try to behave yourselves." Inuyasha hid a cringe when she sent a glare his way before continuing, "I want Mama to know I'm happy with you two."

"Oh!" Souta piped. "You're supposed to eat and wait for ji-san and Mama in the house. But, Sis?"


"No going upstairs. Promise?"

Thinking she had some sort of surprise waiting for her in her room, Kagome nodded. "That go for all of us?"

"Aa," her little brother agreed.

"Well then, I'm starving. What's for dinner?"

Souta grinned, "Oden!"

He didn't have to say anymore. Kicked-up dust wafted over the two left standing, the youngest one grinning. His sister always did love that stuff. Grabbing the hanyou's haori sleeve, Souta led him into the house.

They found Kagome in the kitchen, bouncing in anticipation as she waited for her food to heat up. Poor Shippou was still clinging to her uniform top in shock; he had never seen his okaa-san move so fast. He never wanted to be in her arms or even near her if she ever did it again.

"Ramen over there," the miko pointed to her right, still bouncing. "Two minutes, then you eat. The oden is mine."

None argued with the miko. They had never seen her so passionate about food. Well, Souta had, but he knew many things about his sister that the kit and hanyou would never guess. Like the stash of candy she kept hidden on the shelf in her closet. Or the time she got busted for sneaking into his room and stealing all his underwear. As embarrassed as he was to wake up and find the under garments strategically hung around the shrine, he had to admit it was a good prank. After all, he had deserved some sort of pay back for freezing her bra. That was the best scream he ever got out of her.

Lucky for the boy, Kagome was too busy staring at her food to notice the huge grin splitting his face. Inuyasha noticed, however, and inched away from his mate's little brother. He was beginning to think the whole family was too strange for him to ever figure out. Maybe he should just stop trying? Nodding to himself, Inuyasha jumped at the cup of ramen when the familiar timer rang. Kagome grabbed her own food at the bell and rushed to the table. Both forgot Souta, never noticing when he slipped off to the television's room.

Once seated, Kagome took a deep breath and was suddenly calm. She set her food in front of her and produced two sets of utensils. One was much smaller than the other, and these she handed to Shippou.

"Here," she instructed, "use these. Souta and I used them when we were little. Now it's your turn, Shippou!"

The kit held them carefully. They did fit his itty-bitty hands much better.

"I don't know why I never thought of giving them to you before," Kagome shrugged. "Oh well. Eat."

There was no need to tell him twice. The kitsune kit was hungry, and wouldn't pass up a meal for anything. Once he had his fill, Kagome finished off the plate and looked up to find Inuyasha staring at her. She arched a brow and tilted her head.

The hanyou smiled and stood, walking around and taking her plate from her. She watched him play with the sink until he figured out how to the turn the water on and off. He proudly rinsed everything off and set it all beside the sink. Returning to his mate with a smirk, he held his hand out and helped Kagome stand. Shippou climbed to the miko's shoulder and nuzzled her hair.

When the phone rang, all three jumped. Kagome, naturally, recovered first and ran toward the noisy object. Her brother beat her to it, loosing a victorious laugh at his sister before greeting the person on the other end of the line.

It didn't take long for the miko to figure out it was Mama that had called. She tried to grab the phone from Souta, only to find herself swiping at air. It was another familiar game to them both, and he was always better at grabbing the phone from her. Of course, she usually played fair; he loved to tickle her and steal it when she couldn't breath well enough to protest.

Instead of fighting him, Kagome just glared and demanded, "Ask her if I can take a shower."

Holding his nose and rolling his eyes, Souta did as she asked adding, "Let her, please - she really smells!"

For that, he did get a kick. Laughing, he relayed their mother's answer. "It's okay, but you can't go into your room."

Kagome frowned, "What am I supposed to change into?"

She waited for Mama's reply while Souta relayed the question. Finally, he shifted his eyes back to her and grinned, "Her robe's in the bathroom. Use it. Mama says she'll be home around dinner. You can just deal 'til then."

Sighing, Kagome rolled her eyes and headed for the stairs. The kitsune jumped onto Inuyasha's shoulder as she passed him. He returned his attention to Souta and the odd thing he kept talking into.

"How's that work?"

His question wasn't really directed to anyone, but Inuyasha answered, "Don't worry about it. We'll never understand."

He would have added more, but Souta hung up the receiver and turned to them. The grin was still on his face as he grabbed Inuyasha's haori again and led them to the TV. The hanyou had seen the loud box before, and preferred to be up with Kagome. He left Shippou with the enthusiastic boy and slipped upstairs.

There was a small pile of Kagome's discarded clothes outside the door. His hopes raised when he saw the door was not fully closed. Cautiously, he encouraged it to open further. A pleasant shiver ran over him at the sight of his love. He didn't think he could ever get used to seeing her curves unobstructed by cloth.


The miko blinked and slid her gaze to the door. A blush warmed her cheeks prettily when she saw the heat in his eyes. He crept closer to her, stealing a kiss before she could protest. After a brief exploring of each other's mouths, she pushed him back and did her best to glare at him.

"I want my shower," she whispered.


Disbelief crawled across Kagome's face. He could not be suggesting what she thought he was. Yet, it was not like seeing her nude with water running down her would be that different than while she was dry. Shrugging, she turned her back on the hanyou and set to getting the water ready. Once satisfied, she stepped under the cascading warmth and let it massage her tired muscles.

She was so lost in the feeling that the click of door fully closing followed by the sound of bare feet padding toward the shower did not connect. Eyes that had drifted closed shot open again when the feeling of claws raking over her abdomen brought her attention to Inuyasha's presence. The scream she had automatically started to sound was trapped in by soft lips pressed hungrily to hers. She struggled to breathe as her scrambled thoughts began to piece themselves back together.

Her hands planted themselves on her hanyou's chest and she pushed him away. Her gaze dropped to her feet, bangs falling over her eyes.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

"That works better when the rest of your hair is not stuck to your back," Inuyasha smirked.

Soil colored eyes glared at the hanyou. "What are you doing?"

"This," his voice had dropped to a husky whisper as he slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her beautiful form. Claws lovingly caressed her bare skin, sending a shiver through her that pooled just below her navel.

"Souta and Shippou are downstairs," she protested as she leaned back against him.

"Quick and quiet then," he nibbled on her ear, letting his claws glide upward until his callused hands could cup her scrumptious breasts. He inhaled Kagome's heady scent as he lightly bit the back of her neck. His hands moved from her breasts to her upper arms when he felt her stiffen. Something - his youkai blood - told him she was supposed to relax when he put pressure there.


One word, spoken with enough threat behind it that the hanyou immediately loosened all of his holds. He was surprised when she spun to face him, a determined fire burning in her eyes.

"No," she repeated. She shook her head once, then let her eyes fall to his chest. Embracing him, she whispered, "I want us equal, Inuyasha. I will not submit. Not yet."

A low growl vibrated through the hanyou's every fiber. His gaze met his mate's, and she held it. A battle raged inside him, his anger at her insubordination flaring dangerously before flickering to a quick death. Confusion welled up in its place: why should he be angry with her for not submitting to him? She was not a dog. A bitch, maybe, but definitely not canine.

His eyes dropped, and he whispered, "Gomen, Kagome."

She did not speak her reply, instead placing a finger beneath his chin and ducked into his sight. Her finger was joined by its companions on the same hand, and slid to the back of his neck. The miko gave him a forgiving kiss and wrapped her other arm around his back. Pulling him closer against her, she broke the kiss to nibble on his jaw.

Her hands caressed their way down his back to rest just above his tailbone. Rocking against him, she smiled when his sharp intake of breath stirred the damp hair by her ear. It felt right; standing in the warm shower, the water beating on Inuyasha's back as she rested her head on his shoulder. As long as he was near, she felt more complete than she ever had. Something tugged at the back of her mind, a call to her that not everything was whole. She ignored the feeling. It was not urgent, and right now she only wanted Inuyasha.

"Kagome," Inuyasha's voice was hoarse as she rocked against him again. There was a sense of urgency to her motions, sparking a renewed fire of desire within him.

Trails of fire followed Kagome's hands as they ran over his back. She traced his spine and each rib while nibbling on the skin nearest her lips. Inuyasha moaned into her hair and brought his hands up to grasp her hips. He nuzzled her temple and moaned again when she rubbed seductively against his arousal.

His grip migrated slightly down and inward, preparing to lift her into a more suitable position for the activity that he had planned. The miko wiggled before understanding what he wanted, a smile lighting her face. She tilted her head back to meet his gaze before lifting her hands to grip his shoulders. After a quick peck to his cheek, she jumped and wrapped her legs around him.

The hanyou grunted as he took her slight weight. Her eyes, now only centimeters from his, sparkled mischievously. The feeling that she was challenging him resurfaced, but he brushed it away. If he didn't hurry she was likely to change her mind and kick him out so she could get the shower she seemed to want so much. That decided, he turned so that the water would continue to roll down his back while using the wall to help support Kagome.

Feeling the cooler wall against her back was a pleasant shock to the miko. Her eyes closed and she leaned her head back. She felt Inuyasha adjusted his grip until he could align himself. The heat between her legs had grown more intense with every caress she had given his body, and spiked with the familiar pressure of his manhood at her opening.

"No teasing," she pleaded. "Quick and quiet.. you promised."

"I did?" Inuyasha chuckled.

Kagome was about to say something in reply, but it came out as a strangled moan. He had thrust inside her, reveling in the tight feeling. `Quick,' he reminded himself. `Has to be quiet and quick.'

Unknowingly, both bit their lower lips to stifle their moans as the feeling of being joined again was nearly overwhelming. Inuyasha pressed his forehead to Kagome's as he increased the speed of his thrusts. He took in as much of her scent as he could in one breath before nibbling on the skin he had bitten not so long ago. He couldn't hold back all of his instincts, and consequently each thrust was more violent than the last. His mate didn't seem to mind, judging by the pleasure induced sounds that she issued.

Feeling himself nearing the edge, Inuyasha opened his golden orbs just enough to look at his love. Her eyes remained closed, head pressed against the wall, and lips parted. The sight was nearly enough to send him over, causing him to thrust harder and increase his pace again. Kagome bit her lip and tensed against him, every muscle in her body contracting. Blood from a wordless scream barely contained mixing with the scent of her release was too much for the hanyou. He struggled to keep both of them up as wave after wave washed through him.

Finally, she unwrapped her legs and he let her stand. They leaned against one another, panting and basking in the afterglow. Kagome regained composure first, pushing Inuyasha back a few steps. She turned the hot water up before stepping behind him and reaching for the extra washcloth. Staying behind him, she cleaned him off while rubbing her cheek against his wonderful hair.

She hummed as she worked, pressing against his back and enjoying the heat that radiated off it.

"Stop that," his voice was filled with need for her. "Stop, or I won't be responsible for what happens."

Kagome slowed and eventually stopped, taking a step back. She waited for him to turn and face her before she spoke.

"That was wonderful. But I want my real shower. Now, out."

Reluctant, the hanyou left after grabbing a towel to pat his hair dry. He took his place just outside the door where he could listen while he waited. Tired from so long without rest, Inuyasha let himself drift into a light sleep. Light enough that when the shower's rhythmic sounds stopped, his eyes snapped open. He heard her using the towel, followed by the familiar crackling of hair being brushed. Then, unexpectedly, the sound stopped and he only heard her breathing. As if she were inspecting something she found out of place.


Ears laid back, the hanyou peered sheepishly at the door. What had he done this time? Taking a deep breath, he answered, "Hai?"

He cringed when the bathroom door was shoved open to reveal a very angry Kagome pointing to the bite on her neck. "When did this happen!?"



"Uh.. our first."

This time Kagome blushed before whispering, "Our first?"



She quietly turned and went back to brushing her hair. Apparently she had forgotten her lack of clothing, giving the hanyou full view of her body. It was amazing how he had already memorized every inch, yet it still looked so new to him. Not to mention inviting.


Gomen, minna. I'm not as happy with this lemon as I was with Miroku and Sango's, but these two are more.. violent and intense.

A few words of advice: When taking stuff for an infection, be careful what other sorts of pills you take. Even if they are herbal. Interesting reactions happen.