InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Confrontations ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: How many times am I going to have to say it before it's knocked into people's heads? I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA AND COMPANY. They are merely my play toys in this fic. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Warnings: Rating- NC-17, swearing, occasional violence, explicit dancing, drinking, future lemons, some limey moments, much marshmallow fluff, and quite a bit of ooc-ness from many characters. (If you haven't guessed the chars who are ooc, then you'll soon know.)

Pairings: Sess/Kag (future), Inu/Kik, Mir/San, possible Rin/Shippo, and mention of past Kik/Kag (Yes, it's true. Question my sanity if you like.)


Kes: Yay to all of my readers!! You are the reason I keep writing!
Inu: Feh. You keep writing to avoid getting beaten.
Kes: Shut up, baka hanyou!
Sess: My thoughts exactly.
Kes: SESSHOUMARU-SAMA! O_O -huggles Sesshy- Inuyasha's being mean!
Inu: Shut up, wench!
Sess: I suggest you keep your mouth shut, little brother.
Inu: And what will you do if I don't?
Sess: It's not what I'll do. It's what our lovely authoress will do. Or, should I say won't do.
Inu: -raises eyebrow and looks at Kes- Just what are you planning?
Kes: Nothing anymore. I was going to give you a lovely lemon with Kikyou. But, I don't think I will now.
Kik: Did I hear my name and `lemon' in the same sentence?
Inu: Yeah. But Kes won't give us a lemon.
Kes: It's only because Inu-chan doesn't know that he should be nice to the author.
Kik: Yash, behave yourself.
Inu: Is the whole fucking world against me this chapter?!
Sess: The whole world is against you all the time, so stop whining.
Kes: Ok, ok…Chill out. I'll think about giving you a lemon. If not in this chapter, then the next one. -glares at Yash- I make no promises to you, hanyou.
Inu: Like you're any better than me, ningen.
Kes: Ningen? Last time I checked I was kitsune! -waves tail in his face-
Inu: Get that fucking thing out of my face, bitch! -chases Kes-
Kes: -runs and hides by Sesshoumaru- Now, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

Last Chapter:

"I hope you know that she's staying here. I won't let her go back to that bastard."

Inuyasha nodded his head. "I'll go over there tomorrow with her to get some more of her things."

After their discussion, the two went back up to bed, worrying about what would happen when the sun rose.

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Kouga awoke slowly to the grandfather clock next to him chiming. He tried standing, only to be hit by a wave of dizziness. He rubbed the back of his head, feeling a large lump that was barely hidden by his long hair. He made his way to the couch, and carefully rose, leaning on the arm.

He tried to remember what had happened to him last night. "Fuck…" he mumbled as it all came back to him. Him yelling at Kagome, hitting her, and she fighting back. He plopped down on the couch, certain that he had screwed things up.

He sat there for several minutes, then stood and walked to the bedroom. Looking around, he could see that Kagome had packed a few things. Knowing where she would have gone, he grew angry and growled loudly. He grabbed his keys from the dresser and ran out the door to his car. After starting the car, he broke nearly every speed limit on the way to the hanyou's house.

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Kagome opened her eyes slowly, wishing she could keep reality back for a while longer. She laid in bed for a moment before sitting up and looking around the all-too-familiar room. Sighing heavily, she walked back to the living room and grabbed her bag.

Once back in the room she had been designated, she took a long, hot shower and put on clean clothes. After she resembled a normal human being, she walked down to the kitchen. She smiled to see that Inuyasha and Kikyou were already awake and drinking coffee.

"Good morning, Kagome," Kikyou said politely, "Did you sleep well?"

Kagome nodded her head. "I don't think that it could be called sleeping, though," she replied roughly, "Most sleep is supposed to be enjoyable and wanted. What I had is known as unconsciousness." She poured herself a cup of the strong liquid and looked at Kikyou apologetically. "Forgive me. I'm just not myself today."

"Kags, ya don't need to worry about it," Inuyasha piped, "After last night, it's only to be expected." He took a drink of his coffee. "Kikyou and I have decided that you're gonna stay here for a while. I'm takin' ya to your place so that you can pick up some more things." He smiled when she nodded in agreement. "I'm also gonna talk to Hiten and Manten tonight about keeping that mangy wolf outta the club."

"That's a good idea. Thanks, Yash."

"You don't need to thank me. And in case he pushes his way through, I think we should tell the others that we don't want him there. They don't hafta know why, they should just know that you don't want him there."

Kagome nodded her head again.

The doorbell rang just then, and Kagome jumped slightly. The couple looked between each other confusedly. "Who in the Hell is that?" Inuyasha asked out loud, "Everyone knows that we don't want people over `til after noon."

Kikyou shrugged her shoulders and walked away to answer the door. She looked through the peephole and winced. "Inuyasha! It's Kouga!" she yelled out.

Inuyasha was at the door in a matter of seconds. "Go by Kagome. Don't let her over here." He opened the door as Kikyou made it back to the kitchen. "What the fuck do you want, wolf?"

Kouga glared at him. "I want to speak to Kagome," he stated simply, "I know she's here. She wouldn't go anywhere else, her car's here, and I can smell her, so don't bother telling me that she ain't here."

Inuyasha stepped outside and closed the door behind him. "Kagome doesn't want to have anything to do with you right now. So just leave before I beat your sorry ass!"

Kouga stepped forward so that he was right up in Inuyasha's face. "Like you could ever beat me, mutt face."

"After what you did to Kagome, I'll do more than beat your ass. I'll kill you and feed you to the damned birds!" He stepped back to the door. "Get out of here. I know for a fact Kagome wouldn't like it very much if I killed you before she had her chance." He walked back into the house, shut the door and locked it behind him.

When he reached the kitchen, he found Kikyou holding a crying Kagome tightly. "Sshh…It's going to be ok, Kagome," she said softly.

Inuyasha walked to Kagome, wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head. "Don't cry, Kags," he whispered, "You know I can't stand it when you cry." He rubbed small circles over her back. He pulled back slightly when she managed a shaky breath. "Better for now?"

She nodded her head and sniffled. "Thank you. Both of you," she said between breaths.

Kikyou grabbed her hands and smiled at her. "I know what to do to make you feel a little better," she voiced happily, "Let's call Sango, and go to the mall before you have to be at the club. While we're gone, Inuyasha and Miroku can stop at the apartment and pick up your things. How does that sound?" She looked up at Inuyasha and smiled to see him nod his head.

Kagome nodded her head and managed a small smile. "I don't see why not. It's better than moping around here for hours."

"Great! I'll call Sango's, Yash, you call Miroku's. Kagome, you head up to your room and get dressed."

Kikyou grabbed her cell phone and quickly dialed Sango's number, knowing full well that the young woman would be asleep, and upset at the wake-up call.

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Sango yawned tiredly and turned over in bed, oblivious to the body next to hers. Suddenly, her eyes popped open when the annoying ring of her cell phone went off. She reached out blindly, mentally cursed whoever would dare call her before her shower, and answered the phone groggily.

"You had better have a fucking good reason to be calling me so early on a Saturday," she ground out.

"Good to hear you too, Sango-chan," Kikyou piped, "Get up, get dressed, and kick Miroku in the shower with you. Kags and I are coming to pick you up for shopping, and Yash is picking Miroku up to pick up some of Kags things."

Sango yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Why are they picking up Kagome's thing?"

"I'll let Kags tell you if she wants to. Just make sure that you and that man in your bed with you are ready in half an hour."

"We will be don't…Wait, what?? How in the Hell did you know Miroku was here?"

"I didn't. You just told me!"

Sango groaned then hung up the phone. She turned to Miroku and nudged him several times. Come on, time to take a shower."

Miroku mumbled something incoherent, earning him a slap on the ass. "Mmm…Do that again, baby," he murmured.

Sango pushed him out of the bed. "Get up now or I won't join you in the shower."

He immediately jumped up and took her over his shoulder, carrying her to the bathroom. He adjusted the temperature and carefully set her in before climbing in himself. "That was incentive enough for me," he grinned. He grabbed the soap and lathered it over Sango's back.

"Damn you, Miroku! You didn't give me a chance to fight back."

"You have to be faster then. Maybe you should wake up earlier." He brought the soap around and began washing her breasts and stomach. His smile widened as a small moan escaped her mouth. His hands slowly slid downward, moving closer to his goal.

Sango quickly grabbed his hands and stopped him. "We don't have time for this." She grabbed the soap from him and washed his body before grabbing the shampoo. She poured a small amount into her hand then began washing her own hair.

"Sango! I wanted to do that for you!" He grabbed the shampoo and worked on himself.

"Houshi, if you had done this for me, we'd be in this shower all day." She stepped under the water and rinsed out her hair. After she was finished, she stepped out of the shower and grabbed a large fluffy towel, wrapping it around her torso. "Hurry up. They'll be here soon."

Miroku finished up and stepped out of the shower. "Why are you in such a hurry? And who was that on the phone?" He wrapped a towel around his waist and followed her into the bedroom.

"That was Kikyou. She's coming over with Kagome and we're going shopping. Yash is coming to pick you up so that you can grab some of Kags' things from her apartment." She quickly got dressed in a fuscia tank and black jeans.

Miroku grabbed his white tee and blue jeans. "Want to tell me why Yash and I have to pick up Kagome-chan's things?"

She opened the door and the two of them walked to the kitchen. "I don't know. Kikyou said that Kags would tell me if she wanted to. You might want to find out from Yash `cuz I'm sure he knows what's going on."

-knock, knock, knock-

Sango turned and saw Kikyou in the window. She walked over and opened it. "You are just very lucky that you're my best friends. If you were anyone else, I'd skin you alive for waking me up so early."

Kikyou gave out a short laugh. "No, you wouldn't," she retorted, "If you did, you wouldn't work at the club and you'd be separated from your sex slave."

She straightened out her khaki skirt and red tank and walked in. Inuyasha walked in behind her wearing a black wife beater and black jeans, the look on his face a combination of anger and annoyance. Kagome came in last wearing a purple tee and blue bell-bottoms.

Sango took one look at her face and saw the bruise that she didn't quite manage to hide. "Oh my God, Kagome!" she exclaimed and walked to her friend, "What the fuck happened to you?"

Kagome hung behind Kikyou and Inuyasha. "It…it was Kouga," she explained softly, "He…hit me…"

Sango ran forward and held her close. "I'm sorry, girl." She felt Kagome settle her arms loosely around her. "That's why Yash and Miroku are going to the apartment."

Kagome nodded her head. "I'll be staying with Yash and Kikyou for a while." She sniffled once before letting go. "Well, come on. Those stores in the mall aren't going to stay open forever. Let's get going."

The three women went out to Sango's car, leaving the two men in the house. "Are we taking your car or mine?" Miroku asked, "I know Kouga will recognize yours, he probably doesn't know mine. Or do you want to let him know that it's us?"

"Oh, if he's there, I want him to know who it is," Inuyasha growled, "I told that damned ookami (1) that I wouldn't touch him before Kags had her chance. But if he tries anything stupid, then I won't stop myself from killin' him."

They walked out of the house and jumped into Inuyasha's car. "Let's just make this as quick as possible," Miroku sighed, "As much as I believe in your abilities and your strength, I don't trust Kouga as far as I can throw him. And he knows that someone will be going there to get Kags' things, and that just makes it that much worse."

"Feh. I'll pound him into the ground if he tries anything."

The two drove through town to Kagome's apartment in silence. After Inuyasha parked by the curb, he looked quickly for Kouga's truck. "Good, he's not here," he said as he jumped out, "That means he won't bother us while we're getting the stuff."

Miroku looked around as well. "It's a good thing you know what his truck looks like," he mused as they walked to the door.

"Yeah. You can't even call it a truck. It looks like an over-sized box on four wheels." He searched through his keys until he came to a silver-colored one. "Let's do this fast and get back to my place." He slipped the key in and opened the door.

"Mind if I ask why you have a key to Kagome's apartment?"

"She gave it to me a while back, just after she opened the club. When it first opened, she'd be dead tired and I'd drive her back. Instead of her giving me her chain, she made a duplicate key for whenever she needed me or Kikyou to take her in."

The two walked down the hall and went to a door on the left. Inuyasha began pulling clothes out of the dresser and placed them in a large suitcase. Miroku walked to the closet and pulled out a few different outfits that were on hangers.

After Inuyasha had a better part of Kagome's dresser empty, he began to pack make-up and what jewelry she had. After placing them in a plastic bag, he put it in the suitcase.

"Houshi," he called, "You got most of her stuff?"

Miroku nodded his head and placed the last article of clothing in the suitcase and zipped it up. "You realize that Kouga isn't going to be the happiest person when he notices that Kags' things are gone," he pointed out, "Chances are, he'll drive to your place and bang down the door to take her back."

"Just another reason for me to kill him."

They walked out of the house, locked the door and placed the suitcase in the back trunk of the car. Inuyasha started the car and drove back to his house.

Miroku let out a short laugh. "You know, that was rather easy. Why did you need me again?"

Inuyasha shook his head slowly. "Yeah, it was fucking easy. It shouldn't have been, and that's got me worried. Let's just hope that things are going good with the girls."

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Sango, Kikyou, and Kagome walked happily through the large mall. Having stopped at several stores, their arms were heavy with large bags of clothes and various accessories. They quickly walked to the car to drop off the bags they had, then went to the food court to have something to eat.

When they sat down and started eating, Sango decided to find out what had happened to Kagome.

"Kags," she started hesitantly, "What exactly happened last night between you and Kouga? I saw some of what happened at `Paradise', but I don't understand why he would do such a thing to you if he claims to love you so much."

Kagome closed her eyes and sighed. "Well, you should know what happened," she replied softly, "And it will be good for you to know why he is being banned from `Paradise'." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "At the club, he once again decided to prove to everyone there that I am `his woman.' I told him that I was tired of it and that it needs to stop. He got rough and caused this." She showed them the deep purple bruise on her left wrist. "I reacted and hit him with a small amount of energy, and that pissed him off. At home, he told me that I wasn't to do it anymore. He said that I'm not supposed to use my powers against him. He…he started getting really violent, and caused these." She lifted the sleeve of her shirt to reveal a horribly bruised arm, then pointed to her face. "I've also got a couple of bruises on my shoulders that are healing quickly."

Sango closed her eyes in anger while Kikyou wrapped her arms around her best friend and cousin. "I hope you at least fought back," Sango bit out, "If I get my hands on him I'll…"

"You'll do what, Taijiya?" growled an all too familiar voice. The girls turned their heads quickly and saw Kouga glaring at them, or mainly Sango. "Please, tell me what you're going to do, I'd love to know." He shook his head at her silence and looked at Kagome. "Hey, Kags. How…how are you feeling?"

Kagome stared at him and gripped Kikyou's arm as her breath came in quick shallow breaths. "Wha…what do you want, Kouga?" she whispered.

"I just want to talk to you. I want to apologize for what happened last night. You know that I didn't mean to hurt you."

Kikyou narrowed her eyes at him and stood in front of Kagome, protecting her. "You can leave now," she ground out, "Leave her alone and get away from us before we do something about it."

He eyed Kikyou angrily. "And just what can you three do to me? Tell me, Kikyou, what can two plain humans and a miko who can't control her powers do to me?"

Sango walked over and stood next to Kikyou. "I suggest you leave Kagome alone, Kouga. We're not plain humans, and you should know that by now. But, then again, you wouldn't. You're too damned thick-headed to know much of anything, aren't you?"

Kikyou smiled sweetly and threw a small bolt of energy at Kouga's feet. She started laughing when he jumped back. "You see, Kouga, I am also miko. And a well fucking trained one at that. And Sango here is a professional youkai exterminator who gets rid of pieces of shit like you for a living. Now, leave before we change our minds about letting you go unharmed."

Kouga glared at them as he tried to calm down. "Don't think that me leaving means anything. I just don't think Kagome would like me very much if I hurt her two friends."

"I don't like you anyway, Kouga!" Kagome yelled out. She stood up and walked between her body guards. She kept moving until she was in his face, her aura a blazing red. "You will leave me alone from now on. You will not come into MY club ever again, and believe me. I will make sure that Hiten and Manten know to keep your sorry ass from getting in." She paused for a moment to take a breath. I will be leaving the apartment today, knowing that Inuyasha and Miroku are there, if they haven't left already. My things will be moved out.

"And if you so much as cross paths with me and look at me in a way that I don't like, I will not hesitate to fry your ass and feed it to the rats! And I will tell Inuyasha that I have no problem with him having the pleasure of killing you with his bare hands! Do you understand that, Kouga? We are through." She turned and grabbed Kikyou's and Sango's arms and walked away without looking back.

Kouga stood in the same spot, dumbfounded. No, Kagome. We are not through. I'll just have to try harder to get you to listen to me. He smiled evilly at the thoughts flowing in his mind.

Kikyou and Sango tried desperately to hold back their laughter, but failed miserably. "Did you see the look on his face?" Sango laughed, "How I wish I had my digicam so I could have taken a picture of that and set it on-line."

Kikyou nodded her head and wrapped her arm around Kagome again. "Way to go, Kags," she said softly, "That's a good way to stand up for yourself. Now, if he knows what's good for him, he'll back off."

Kagome shook her head slowly and leaned against Kikyou for support. "No, he won't, and we both know that," she replied sadly, "He'll try just as hard, if not hard to get me back."

The girls walked out to the car and drove back to Kikyou's. "You know that Yash and I will always be there for you, Kags. I know that Sango-chan and Miroku-kun will be there as well. You have all of us on your side whenever you need us. And it's a plus since we're all at the club all the time."

Sango nodded her head. "And I'm sure that Rin will help out if you want her to."

Kagome shook her head at the thought of bringing Rin into her life. "I don't want to get Rin involved with this. She doesn't need to worry about me as well."

"Yeah, but Kags, she's Sesshoumaru-sama's daughter. I'm sure he'd protect you after giving Rin the job."

Kagome gave a loud, short, dry laugh. "Yash would love that. `Oh, please, Sesshoumaru-sama, protect me from my psycho ex-boyfriend because I gave your daughter a job and now you owe me for that.' I don't think so, Sango."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt. Ask Rin to help keep an eye out for Kouga, tell her why, she'll tell Sesshoumaru, and he'll want to keep his daughter's place of employment safe, as well as the owner of said place, and it'll all be good."

Kikyou glanced at her while driving. "And you just came up with all of that just now? Girl, you are really strange."

"Actually, I've been thinking about it since Kouga showed up at the mall. I for one think it's a really good idea and that you should go for it, Kags."

Kagome sighed heavily. "I'll think about it. But I'm not making any promises."

Sango nodded her head once. The rest of the drive was silent as the girls became lost in their own thoughts.

A/N: (1) ookami- wolf