InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Are You Serious?? ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own `Inuyasha'. It is owned by the great Rumiko Takahashi. I do, however, own a computer, a TV, a phone, several VHS cassettes, pictures, and stuffed animals. You know, I think I even have a giant white dog…

Reviews: As of right now, I have no new reviews, but I would like to thank everyone how has had the time to stop and read my story. It does mean a lot to me to see all the readers I've had. Reviews are appreciated, though. I would like to know how I'm doing, if your bored with it, or if you have any ideas for me. Please, be kind. I love constructive criticism, but no flames. I'm very sensitive and don't wish to get burned.


Kes: *cries* I'm so sorry, everyone for being a terrible writer and not updating more often!
Kags: Don't cry, Kes. I know you're trying.
Kes: But trying isn't good enough.
Kags: But you're always working so hard...especially for the preschool...and all other aspects of your life...
Kes: But I have to do better!!!
Sess: Stop your weeping, woman, and get on with the chapter.
Kes: Yes, you're right. Must write more...must not cry...

Last Chapter:

As the song ended, Kagome slipped away from Kikyou and Inuyasha quickly, letting them finish the dance alone. She nearly ran back to the bar to escape the offers of dancing with various young people from the crowd. When she arrived, she was greeted by the shocked faces of Sango and Rin. Miroku stood behind the bar, giving her a look saying, `I can't believe that you two would still do that.' Kagome smiled sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders before going back to work.

As she put together a number of drinks that were being ordered, Rin came and stood next to her. “So, tell me why you were dancing like that with Kikyou,” she said off-handedly, “I mean, she's your cousin, isn't she?”

Kagome looked at Rin and blushed deeply. “Well…uh…you see…”

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Are You Serious??

Rin grabbed onto Kagome's hand and jumped up and down. “Oh, come on, Kagome!” she pleaded enthusiastically, “You can tell me! It's not like I'll be shocked or anything.”

Kagome bit her bottom lip lightly. “Ok, fine, I'll tell you,” she said softly, “Kikyou and I were together for a while back in high school. This was before she was with Yash and before Miroku tried getting with me.”

Rin's jaw dropped in shock. “You and Kikyou? But you're cousins.”

“Not at the time. We were best friends and decided to try a relationship. It didn't last very long, but it was fun for both of us.”

Rin started making more drinks. “I never would have guessed that about you on first glance. Kikyou, I can kind of see it. Not you. You look too nice and pure to try anything like that.”

Kagome laughed out-loud. “I may be many things, Rin. I'm as pure as I allow myself to be.”

“You must be quite pure if you're still such a powerful miko.”

Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru and shrugged her shoulders. “Let's get off the subject of my purity, shall we?” She quickly got back to work and left Rin and Sesshoumaru to talk.

Rin watched as Sesshoumaru kept his eyes on Kagome. “I knew bringing you here was a good idea.”

He turned to her and kept his face expressionless. “What are you talking about, Rin?” he asked as he took a drink from his glass.

Rin smiled and poured a few more drinks. “It's simple,” she replied softly. “You've finally found someone you're interested in.”

“I do not know what you are talking about.”

Rin rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're attracted to her. I can see it. You don't know why you are; you just met her, she's a miko, and she's ningen.”

Sesshoumaru remained silent as he drank his Coke, making sure that Kagome was always in sight. He set his glass down on the bar and sighed. Suppose that Rin is right. Am I attracted to this miko, Kagome? He shook his head slightly. No, it is not possible. She is not the type of woman I would be interested in.

He turned his head and saw Kagome laughing with a young man. He was drawn in by the smile and suddenly had a fierce urge to hear that laughter always.

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Inuyasha and Kikyou finished dancing and ignored the loud applause around them. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her off the dance floor and to the bar.

“Just what the fuck did you think you were doing?” he asked her harshly. “Do you want every youkai in the place to go after you?”

Kikyou smiled and folded her arms across her chest. “I don't know what you're so upset about, Yash,” she replied coolly, “WE, as in Kagome and I, knew what we were doing. And as for wanting youkai, I only want a certain hanyou. You don't need to be so fucking protective.”

He growled and pulled her tight against him. “I do need to be protective. In case you've forgotten, you're a beautiful and powerful miko. Plenty of youkai would want to go after you. Even if you are already mated.” He nuzzled the mating mark on her neck. “And I'll be damned if someone is going to take you away from me.”

Kikyou closed her eyes and smiled. “Don't worry, Inu-chan. I can protect myself if I need to. And if ever I can't, I know that someone is always with me. Whether it be you or Kags, Sango or Miroku. I'm well protected.”

Inuyasha pulled away and nodded his head a few times. “I know that. But dammit, Kikyou, you are my mate. I won't let anyone else have you.”

“That is so touching…I am ready to be sick.” The two turned to see Sango returning a stack of empty glasses to the bar. “Honestly, that is so sweet it makes me sick. How can you two be like that with each other?”
Kikyou leaned against Inuyasha and smiled at her. “Can you honestly tell me that you and Miroku don't feel as we do?” she asked.

Sango glanced at Miroku, who was talking with a few girls, who happened to be openly flirting with him. “I can honestly say that we don't have that same kind of love.” She sighed as she placed the glasses in the small dishwasher. “While we do love each other dearly, it's quite a bit different. He loves my body and the sex. I love all of him. Until he can stop flirting like that with everyone, we'll never have that kind of love.” She walked away to bus tables and get drinks.

Kikyou shook her head. “I think you should talk to him.”

Inuyasha looked at her, eyes wide. “Why should I talk to him?” he nearly shouted, “It's not my fault he's lecherous.”

Kikyou raised her eyebrow at him. “Oh really? If I remember the stories right, you two were pretty famous for breaking hearts back in junior high. Both of you are responsible for his ways.”

Inuyasha sighed and rested his forehead on her shoulder. “I'll see what I can do about him. But I ain't making any promises.”

Kikyou scratched behind his ear lightly. “That's all I ask of you.” Kikyou leaned her head back and smiled. “So, how did you enjoy the little show Kags and I did for everyone?”

Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her waist possessively. “If you ever do anything like that again, make sure that it's not here, but at home.”

“And what about Kagome?”

“I can't stop her from doing it, but if she knows what's good for her, she won't do it ever again.” He paused and grinned widely. “How in the Hell did you get her to agree to do that again?”

”It was easy. All I had to do was convince her that it would help keep Kouga off her mind.”

Inuyasha laughed out-loud. “Yeah, that would get Kagome to do something like that.” Inuyasha glanced at his best friend and grew angry. “I'm still gonna wring his neck for what he did to her.”

“I, for one, won't stop you from doing what you want to him. And neither will Sango and Miroku. Kags, on the other hand, will do all that she can to stop you. We all know how she gets when it comes to people getting hurt and suffering.” She watched as Kagome smiled and chatted with the patrons. “It's nice to know that she can come here and not worry about Kouga coming in and trying something.”

Inuyasha nodded his head and stood up. “Speaking of which, I'm going to talk to Hiten and Manten. I want to know if anything's been going on.”

He kissed Kikyou's lips softly, and then walked toward Manten, who was standing at the entrance.

Manten looked up as Inuyasha approached him. He nodded his head in greeting. “Inuyasha,” he said quietly and simply.

Inuyasha stopped next to him and looked out at the line of people waiting to get in. “Manten,” he replied, “How are things going?”

Manten shrugged his shoulders once. “As well as they can be. No sign of Kouga, if that's what you mean.” He looked back in at Kagome, a confused look on his face. “Why would she want to keep him out anyway? Those two are practically mated.”

Inuyasha growled at Manten. “Number one; they are not mated. They never will be mated. And number two; don't worry about why we're keeping him out. If Kags wants you to know the reasons, she'll tell you. I won't.”

“Jesus, Inuyasha, calm down. I was just curious.”

Inuyasha turned away from Manten, ready to head over to Hiten. “Don't let your curiosity get the better of you. Just let me know if Kouga shows up.”

Manten nodded his head slowly. “Will do, Inuyasha,” he replied as the inu-hanyou walked to the rear entrance.

Inuyasha saw Hiten and one of the other bouncers holding back an angry looking Kouga. “What the Hell is going on here?” Inuyasha shouted, glaring at Kouga.

Hiten kept his hold on Kouga as Inuyasha approached. “It's about time you get here,” he nearly growled. “Didn't Shippou find you? I sent that kid to get you nearly 20 minutes ago!”

Inuyasha shook his head. “Kouga, what the Hell are you doing here?” he demanded angrily.

Kouga ceased struggling against the bouncers for a moment. “I'm here to talk to Kagome,” he explained heatedly, “I have to apologize to her.”

“Kagome doesn't want to have anything to do with you right now, mangy wolf, so just get lost and save us all a headache.”

Kouga started struggling again and lunged forward. “DAMMIT! LET ME SEE KAGOME!!!”

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Kagome lifted her head quickly and shot her gaze to the rear entrance. She immediately cursed herself for not picking up on Kouga's aura and ran over. She glared at the sight before her and sent out a warning signal in her aura to all present. When the youkai and hanyou turned to her, they were met with a very upset miko.

“It's about time you all settled down,” she explained with a deathly calm, “If you want to continue fighting, do it somewhere else. You will not fight in here.” She glared at each of them in turn.

Inuyasha stepped back and signaled to Hiten to let go of Kouga. Once released, Kouga shook his shoulders in effort to put his clothing back in order. He then looked at Kagome and took a step closer to her. “Kagome, please, listen to me…” he said softly.

Kagome raised her hand and cut him off. “I don't want to hear it, Kouga,” she replied in the same calm voice, “I want you out of my face and out of my club. If I see you near here again, you will lose your reason for being a man.”

Everyone flinched noticeably. “Kagome, baby, you don't mean that. Let's leave this place to the others, go back home, and talk this over…”

Kagome shot out again and hit Kouga with a stream of her miko energy. “We're not going to do anything. You are going to leave Kouga. If you come back again, I'll purify you so fast that your head will spin.”

Kouga flinched again at the pain running through his arm. “Kagome…”

“NO!” she shouted and lashed out yet again, scaring several of the patrons. “You will LEAVE, Kouga. NOW!!” Kagome's aura flashed bright red and everyone moved away from her. “I'm tired of you bossing me around. I am not your mate. I do not want you. You stay away from my friends, you stay away from my bar, and you stay away from me. I am not going to tell you again.”

As moments passed, Kagome grew angrier and the air around the young miko began to crackle with the amount of energy surrounding her. The youkai in the bar started making their way quickly to the other exit and started to leave. The only ones not trying to leave were the bouncers, the workers, and the ones involved in the argument.

A hand settled on Kagome's shoulder and she jumped as another aura started to wrap itself around her. She spun around, ready to purify whoever it was but paused when she was met with a broad chest. She slowly moved her gaze up to golden eyes and glared at the owner of those eyes.

“Step back, Taiyoukai,” she ground out, “This does not concern you.”

Sesshoumaru calmly looked down at the miko, his aura reaching out to hers. “I beg to differ, Miko,” he replied, “You will calm down before you lose control even more than you have and you end up purifying every youkai here.” He turned his gaze to Kouga who was still standing there. “You will leave, Ookami. Kagome has told you what will happen to you if you don't. And if I must explain further, you will have me to deal with as well.”

Kouga glared at everyone before turning his back on them. “This isn't over. I will have what's mine, and Kagome, you are mine,” he spat out as he walked out of the bar.

The bouncers at the rear entrance closed the door and locked it, apologizing to the ones standing in line. They then moved to the front, leaving behind Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru.

“What the fuck was that, Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha screamed at his older brother, “You didn't need to stick your nose in this.”

“I beg to differ, little brother,” Sesshoumaru replied, “Unless you wanted everyone in here to become a pile of dust, it was necessary that I interfere.” His aura started to draw back from around Kagome. He was surprised to feel her aura following his tentatively.

Kagome's gaze softened and she bowed her head to look at the floor. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she whispered, “I shouldn't have lost control like that. Not with the amount of training I have.”

“Thanks are not required. I told you that I would assist if the need arose. The wolf should know when he's not welcome.”

Suddenly Kagome started wobbling on her feet and fell backwards. Sesshoumaru's arms reached out and stopped her from hitting the floor. He picked her up and looked at Inuyasha who seemed like he was ready to kill the taiyoukai. “I believe it would be best to close the bar for the remainder of the evening.”

Inuyasha glared for a moment before nodding his head. “I'll tell the Sango and Miroku to lock up. I have to get Kagome back to my place.” He walked off to the bar to inform his two friends of what was going on.

Sesshoumaru followed behind Inuyasha, carrying Kagome in his arms. “We're closing the place for the rest of the night,” Inuyasha explained to the 3 employees. “With all that's gone on tonight, we might even close for a couple of days and let things calm down.”

Sango shook her head slowly and sighed. “Let's just close this place up. We can come over tomorrow and discuss what happened and what Kagome wants to do. It is her place after all and we can't go making decisions without her.”

Inuyasha nodded his head. “Give me Kagome and I'll take her back home with us. You guys come over later in the afternoon and we'll go from there.” He took Kagome from Sesshoumaru and turned to leave. “You guys lock up. I have to get Kagome to bed. Come on Kikyou.” The two left the others behind and left for home.

Rin watched them before turning to Sango and Miroku. “Will she be ok?” she asked worriedly, “Why did she pass out like that?”

Miroku nodded his head. “Kagome will be just fine after some rest,” he assured her, “It happens to her when she's under a lot of stress and contains her energy. She's supposed to train to release excess energy, but I guess she hasn't been doing that.”

Sango started to clean up and put things away. “Let's get this place cleaned. Kagome wouldn't like it if she came back and the place was a mess.”

The three started cleaning up the bar, leaving Sesshoumaru to sit at the bar and think about a certain young miko…

A/N: Yeah, I know, really sucky. My muse finally came back from the bar for a few days before the Super Bowl. I'm really trying. *Inu in the background* NO SHE ISN'T! SHE'S TOO BUSY CHEATIN' ON SESSHOUMARU WITH HER NEW MAN! *Kes hits Inu and knocks him out* I'm not with Sesshoumaru. Kagome is. But, yes, I have been occupied with my fiancé. Thank you for being patient!!