InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko vs. Miko ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miko vs. Miko
By: Neo Staff
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters. (Though I can dream that I do)
Summery: Kikyo has finally had enough of Kagome, and Kagome enough of Kikyo. So now they are going to have their one and only battle, and it will determine who will live…and who will not. Inuyasha, of course, is pissed off…but still…why? No one will be able to help the two Mikos in any way so they are on their own. So what happens in the battle when Kagome realizes that if Kikyo dies, then Inuyasha will never get over it? Will she give up everything to put Kikyo back into flesh, just for Inuyasha sake?
It was night and quiet. Nothing stirred. Well, nothing except one person. He jumped from one tree to another, silently, following a scent he knew. He had been woken in the middle of the night by one of her soul catchers and knew that she was near. Jumping out of the hut, he had run off into the trees, not knowing that he had been being watch by a pair of brown eyes.
`Inuyasha…' the girl with chocolate eyes thought. `Why? She is dead…why follow her?'
But, as this was only thought, Inuyasha never heard. Still running through the trees, though, he did know that Kagome, the chocolate eyed girl, would be hurt in the morning when she found him gone. But at the moment, that thought was not very prominent in his mind. Only Kikyo, the undead women that he was again searching for, was on his mind.
`She has to be close,' he thought, looking around in the trees as he jumped past them. `Her scent is stronger here…so where is she?'
“Kikyo!” Inuyasha called out as he entered a clearing. “Kikyo?” he called softer.
“Here, Inuyasha.” She said softly, appearing in a tree in front of him. “I knew that you would follow.”
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha said again, stepping closer to her. “Why did you bring me here?” he asked.
“To take you to hell of course.” She answered, also stepping closer and, unknown to Inuyasha, starting to rip a hole in the earth, providing a passage to hell. “It is time that you fulfill you promise to me and follow me to hell.”
Inuyasha stood motionless, wondering what to do. The last time this had happened, Kikyo had put a spell on him to keep him from leaving, and Kagome had been there to stop the whole thing. This time, though, Kikyo left him spelless…and Kagome was far away, asleep in her sleeping bag…or so they both thought.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha said again, not moving this time. “Why now? We haven't defeated Naraku yet. Can't this wait till then?”
Kikyo laughed, a cold, mirthless laugh that sent a chill down Inuyasha, and another's, backs.
“No, Inuyasha, it cannot.” Kikyo said, again stepping closer to him. “You are getting to close to that Kagome child and I do not like that. What do you see in her, Inuyasha? She looks like me in almost every way, she is not as powerful as me, yet, but she could have been. If only you were not going to hell with me, she would have grown strong as she stayed by your side. But, as it is, that is not the case. She will wither and die, with no one to protect her!” and with that Kikyo closed the space between her and Inuyasha, opening the rift as she did.
“NO!” the cry broke through the air, just as the arrow did through Kikyo's sleeve. “You won't touch him!” came the voice again.
“And what are you to do, Kagome? Your aim is poor, you shall never strike me. And your powers? They are useless.” Kikyo again laughed, this time softly though.
“So?” Kagome shot back, stepping out of the trees. “I may not be able to now, but I will soon! All I need is training.”
Kikyo, who had grown silent, smiled now and stepped toward Kagome.
“Don't…” Inuyasha began, also turning. But he was stopped and silenced by Kikyo.
“You,” she said. “Will not interfere.”
Kagome glared at Kikyo, knowing she could do the same to her if she wanted to. Once Kikyo was only a few feet away from Kagome, she stopped.
“What makes you think,” she started. “That even with all of the training you could get, that you would ever be able to beat me?”
Kagome, who was by now more angry then she was scared, retorted, “Because, I am not an undead Miko who relies on the souls of the dead to live! And, unlike you, I…” she glanced at Inuyasha and blushed. “I love him more then you do.” She said and paused, letting out a small breath before she continued. “And I can still grow in power. You are stuck with what power you had before you died.”
Kikyo frowned. How had this…this…this…girl…know that? Kikyo had only thought that she and Naraku knew this. But another?
`She must be guessing…' Kikyo reasoned, and then she saw Kagome glance her over. `Yes, she is guessing. She doesn't know that she is right.'
“And what would you know?” Kikyo said. “You did not even know that you were a Miko until you were told. Your powers have been dormant for so long, they are still new even now.”
Kagome, who was, by now, absolutely confused, said, “Well it's not my fault that they were like that! It's not like I was the one to make that go that way!”
Kikyo laughed, again, and said, “No, but you are the one who did not awaken them. Or, should I say, that you did not mean to awaken them. You had to be put into a near death situation before they surfaced.”
Kagome knew that Kikyo was only going off topic to distract her. But from what? Then, as if on cue, Kikyo's Shikigammi came up behind Kagome and wrapped themselves around her.
“You think that you are better then me? Fine, we shall see.” Kikyo turned and started to walk away, soon becoming hidden in the trees once more.
“I shall come back,” came her voice. “In one year. It is on this day, in one year, that we shall duel. The victor shall live…and the looser shall lose their soul!”
Kagome's blood ran cold, and Inuyasha was ripped in two. Either he lost Kikyo, the women he use to love…or he lost Kagome…the one he loved now…
`What am I talking about?' he thought. `What…what does this mean?'
But he was cut off from his thoughts as Kikyo released the spell she had cast over him and Kagome from her Shikigammi. As Kagome had been lifted up, higher and higher off the ground with every of Kikyo's words, she expected to fall hard to earth. But, no, she felt herself land on a something soft.
“Kirara!” Kagome said, hugging the neko around the next. “Thanks for saving me.” She whispered.
Kirara mewed and looked over at Inuyasha, who, though released from the spell, still did not move.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said, sliding from Kirara's back.. “Can…can we please go back now?”
Inuyasha looked over at her, a strange emotion in his eyes.
“Yeah,” he said. “Sure. Let's…let's go. Kirara?”
Kirara took off back to the camp, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha alone in the clearing. But once again, Inuyasha didn't move.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said again, walking towards him. “Please, let's get back to the others…then…to the village…and…Kaede.”
Inuyasha winced at the name, knowing why Kagome wanted to get to her. She needed to start her training…to either kill Kikyo…or to be killed.
Inuyasha just nodded and Kagome climbed onto his back. After another moment of hesitation, he jumped back into the trees, heading back the way he had come.
A/N: RandR please! First off, thanks to all of you who have reviewed so far! I hope you like this fic to, and I hope you can read my other ones! Thanks again! Oh, and sorry about the other stories where I said I needed 7 reviews before I updated…I also have them on, so…w/e. Anyways, if you don't like, that's ok, some do and some don't. ^_- kk, once again, I hope you like these fanfics!
Love ya alls!
Nene-Chan (Neo Staff on