InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MIKO, YOUKAI, AND FATE ❯ Black Wolf ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anime/Manga » Inuyasha »

Author: Faerieschyld

Fiction Rated: M- English- - Kag/Kog & all the rest of the Inu gang

This story is coming off of ideas I had from Warrior Shrine Priestess, which I am not happy with in the way in which it is going right now and I am definitely going to reedit or combine into this story as I do want to keep all the ideas I have about Kagome. I'm a little tired of her being portrayed as so wimpy in the manga/anime sometimes. So remember those thoughts earlier were mine! :)

If anyone's wondering about Kagome’s outfit, if any of you had ever played FF 12, (not X-2), I got the idea from Princess Ashe’s clothing. I really got tired of her wandering off without any weapons, so that's why I came up with her 3 hidden blades. Geez, if Sango can have one why not. I went on-line and researched hidden weapons, and hence came up with her knife on her wrist. I even drew my son's bow to see if there was any way it could be possible, although unrealistic. It wouldn't get caught on the string of the bow. (Hopefully)! When she presses the button on her "hidden knife/blade" just think of how Spidey's hand looks when he shoots out his web.

I do not own Inuyasha as that story is completly RUMIKO TAKAHASHI'S, (lucky her). If I had my way, the well would always stay open,and Kouga could travel through it too, and since this is my story it probably will.

So enough of that and on we go.


The wolf ran swiftly and almost madly through the thickly wooded forest, his black fur and tail swept back in the wind, his tongue hanging out as it gasped for breath and spittle dripping from his open muzzle. It knew it was in it's own territory, so he was trying not to let his terror overcome him and get him lost. In his wolf mind he wondered why these youkai chasing him even dared be in the Ookami tribe lands, when they had such a strong leader that had made everything for miles around, deathly afraid of him.

As he thought of his leader, he was overcome with shame and guilt for being in this situation in the first place. His leader knew he loved to explore and had informed him time and time again, that as a young wolf he must be careful and travel with at least two or three others of his kind, and most importantly one wolf brethren must be older and wiser than he. But Oh! How he loved exploring and scenting out new sights and smells and sounds, and today he had strayed too far from the caves in which he had been born and raised, in search of the strange new scent he had detected earlier. Suddenly he was stopped short with a jerk as he was entangled in some strange human device, and with a short howl was thrown to the forest floor. Almost immediately the small, inferior, youkai were almost upon him.


The girl, who had been dozing lightly under the tree in the small camp she had set up snapped awake. Since she had been begun traveling on her own, her senses had become more aware of her surroundings, although that meant she never truly felt rested. She grabbed her bow and quiver which had been set right down by her side, and scrambled to her feet setting off at a run towards the source of the sound.

"Damn it," she thought "I wanted to catch a rabbit, not a wolf." She wondered in the back of her mind as her slim muscular legs propelled her towards the place where she had set up her snare, how a wolf could get caught in it as they had such a great sense of smell. She had learned this information in school and from recent experience. "Wait a minute, was there a presence of youkai also?" she thought. She picked up speed, her long raven colored, braided hair streaming behind her, her sword swung at her side, bow in hand as she quickly reached up behind her to grab an arrow readied to be fired.

She skidded into the clearing where she had set up the snare along the game trail she had spotted earlier almost at it's edge, her soft tan leather boots grabbing in the dirt and stopped as she took in the sight of the furry black exhausted wolf, caught in her snare and the youkai that were attacking it and felt guilty. After all it was her fault it was ensnared so. Therefore, she without any hesitation whatsoever, raised her bow and notched an arrow to defend the wolf, her arms moving freely in the sleeveless tan leather vest she wore, even when she knew wolves were vicious and had been known to attack many a village, she, a miko fired.


As the wolf was desperately snapping and biting at the lowly youkai that dared attacked a wolf of the great Ookami youkai tribe, he suddenly scented a human female. The same scent he had been following in fact, and watched in amazement as she fired an arrow at the youkai that was trying to end his life. Not just an ordinary arrow either, an arrow that had an aura of purification about it. The arrow hit the youkai cleanly and the young girl immediately fired another and another at the rest of the youkai in the clearing.

Unfortunately she failed to see the snake youkai behind her and it suddenly reached out and struck at her twice, once in the right shoulder and then the side of her leg where her knee high boots and upper thigh armour did not protect her. With a cry she fell forward, but she quickly rolled to her side and jumped to her feet, fired one last arrow and dispatched the snake. She then fell to the ground bleeding profusely from both wounds. For some unknown reason the wolf lifted his head and howled in misery for her.


She lay there for a minute in a haze of pain, then as she remembered the trapped wolf and heard his howl, she slowly crawled on her hands and knees toward him, the hair around her face clinging to her with sweat. As she got closer to him, she pulled one of her daggers from inside her left boot. As the snake had attacked her right leg, that made it much too painful to go and reach for her right boots hidden dagger. She didn't want to bump it anymore than necessary. She was about to attempt to free him from the snare, when it snarled menacingly and looked as if it was going to go for her throat.

She stopped and spoke softly, "Hey, if you want me to free you, I have to use this to cut through that snare." For some reason, the look on her face and in her big brown eyes and her soft voice convinced the wolf to become calmer, although he was still extremely wary of her approach with the sharp dagger.

When the girl was sure that the wolf wouldn't attack, she swiftly released him and then propped herself upright in a sitting position against the boulder near where the snare had been set and closed her eyes letting the sun dance upon her face. The wolf looked at her and then to his own surprise lay down by her side and began licking it's wounds.


"Oh man, I guess I'm really in trouble this time. My wounds feel pretty bad and I don't have the energy to crawl over and get my bow, and on top of that my bag is back at my camp with all it's bandages and stuff. Note to self, never ever leave without weapons or bag." She giggled silently in her head and felt the gentle breeze blow over her body, that combined with the warm sunlight was almost enough to put her to sleep, which would be very dangerous for her she knew. She shook her head a bit in an effort to stay awake.

She cracked open an eye and saw to her surprise that instead of running off the wolf hadn't left, but instead was lying by her and cleaning his wounds. She could see now that he was a beautiful black male wolf with gray eyes and although she could tell he was youkai, somehow she just didn't care at that point.

"Hey boy, I didn't go through all that trouble just to have both of us die here you know.", she said with a groan of pain. "Or are you just waiting to eat me?" With that said she slipped into a pain laced slumber as the wolf just ignored her words. Suddenly the black wolf saw his leader walk over and leaped up joyfully in a wolfy greeting, albeit a bit shamefully, and wondered what his leader thought of him being in the company of a wounded miko.


Kouga had been standing at the entrance to the den just enjoying the fresh pine, scented summer day, letting the warm breeze caress his tanned muscular body, when Ginta and Hakkaku ran up and informed him that Tioru was missing again. At that same instant the wind brought the smell of Tioru's blood, youkai, and, a human female's blood? What mess had Tioru gotten himself into now?

Growling furiously he jumped down the mountain side where the tribe lived, speed increasing with every leap, until he reached the forest floor and with the help of his shard enhanced legs, ran as only Kouga, Prince of the Ookami youkai tribe could run, in the direction of his pack member who was in trouble. Again. Ginta and Hakkaku were as close on his heels as they could be considering, as they were always ready and willing to go with him and protect their beloved friend and leader.

Kouga had just reached the edge of the clearing and what he saw completely stopped him and his whirlwind in his tracks. He saw his wolf caught in something, but there was a human girl defending him with bow and arrows, quite handily too. As he watched, he realized that there was a power radiating from her that could only mean she was a miko, a strong one at that. She had just taken care of the last youkai, when the snake youkai attacked her from behind. He had been so intent on watching her defend Tioru that even his keen nose hadn't detected it, but he saw how much of a fighter she was as she rolled and sprang to her feet, fired one more purifying arrow then collapsed from her two wounds.

He was about to step into the clearing then, when her next movements caused him to growl threateningly. His bluest of blue eyes sparking, he began to crouch in preparation to spring into the clearing, even though in her weakened state she was no longer capable of hurting his wolf with him around. But when he heard her soft words to Tioru he stopped again in amazement. He decided to wait and see what would happen next and watched as she freed Tioru and collapsed against the boulder, dagger still clutched in her small sturdy hand.

Her next words caused him to chuckle and then grin wolfishly, and as she fainted from her wounds, he suddenly made up his mind.


As Tioru looked up a bit fearfully at Kouga, tail down, no longer wagging in greeting, he looked on in surprise as Kouga reached down and gently picked up the young miko. Kouga looked over his shoulder at Tioru and said in wolf tongue, "You will have a lot of explaining to do later youngster.", although his face wasn't nearly as stern as it should of been.

Ginta and Hakkaku ran panting and heaving breathlessly into the clearing, and were about to ask what the hell had happened as they looked at the injured Tioru, when they ended up just standing and staring with their mouths hanging open. They watched in disbelief, as their leader who had no qualms whatsoever about sending the pack in to attack human villages, was gently, (gently, human, Kouga?) picking up a dark haired human female in his strong arms, and turned to them with her body limply hanging down in his grip.

"Grab that bow, and help Tioru back to the den." As they started to open their mouths he snarled, "No questions, right now!", and turned and sped back towards the wolves home. He looked down at the unconscious miko in his arms and wondered what on earth he was doing bringing her back to the caves, but he couldn't get the fact out of his mind that she had defended his wolf courageously and gotten injured in the process.

"I guess in gratitude I should at least patch her up before sending her on her way.", he thought musingly. "She sure is dressed strangely for a miko though. Her leather top is weird enough, but her short leather skirt leaves her legs bared a lot more than most human females." Even though her boots and armour covered them up fairly well, he could still tell that they were shapely, and even though Kouga was a wolf youkai, he was a male wolf youkai and could appreciate the sight and feel of them in his arms. Of most of the human women he had even bothered sparing a glance at in the villages his pack had attacked, almost all of them kept their bodies mostly covered, especially the miko that defended the villages.

So, just why did this miko defend his wolf anyway? There's a story there, and as Kouga was curious and it had happened on his lands where he was Prince and got his own way, he decided he would make her tell him why. With that he turned his mind back to racing onward to the den.

Ginta and Hakkaku had looked at each other in shock as Kouga ran off with the girl, and then at Tioru who was ignoring their questions. Tioru was whining and yipping and howling, letting them know that he wanted to leave now! At first they thought he wanted his wounds treated, but when they caught his feelings and words of worry for the human, they just decided to give up and get him back to the den. All Tioru knew was that he was in debt to the girl, and felt concern for her, and wanted to make sure she was safe and that Kouga wouldn't hurt her. Although he hadn't sensed any anger in his leader towards her, his young wolfy heart still felt compelled to make sure for himself! He turned and began limping his way back home, his fellow wolf brethren at his side.


Kouga gave a howl of greeting to his pack letting them know that everything was alright with Tioru. They responded with excited yips, howls, and whines of their own even as they looked hungrily at the girl in his arms. Kouga shook his midnight bangs in order to get them out of his eyes, and growled threateningly at them all, "This one is not for food, so stay away. I'll kill anyone who tries to eat her."

The tribe couldn't believe what they were hearing as Kouga began calling for the healers as he took her to the back towards his own private den. Some of the human shaped wolves tried to follow in hopes he might change his mind about eating her, but he snarled at them so ferociously that they ran back nervously to do any job or chore that they could think of.

When Kouga reached his quarters, he walked over to his bed of furs and carefully laid down the hurt miko, removing her quiver first, then sighed as he thought again just what in all the kami's names he was doing with her. He looked down and as his sharp, piercing blue eyes took in her punctured shoulder and the blood still trickling from it and the wound in her leg, for no reasons he could of put into words, he began to feel pity for her. His eyes softened as he ran his hands through his hair causing his brown fur headband to come off in the process.

As he ran his gaze over her, he realized that her face was beautiful. Black eyebrows, long eyelashes, slightly pink cheeks and full lips, although a bit pale from blood loss, with black shiny hair that softly curled around her face while the rest was braided almost to the middle of her back. His eyes strolled from there to her upper frame where her full, rounded chest was rising up and down softly inside her strange top, to that short skirt again, down past the brass armour covering her upper thighs, all the way down to her strange footwear. "I wonder what color her eyes are?" he wondered surprising himself, the great Kouga, Prince of the powerful Eastern Ookami youkai tribe. She even smells kind of, well, good. "I think I've even scented this smell before."

He shook these thoughts off with a quick swing of his long pony tail, and then for further emphathis a sweep of his own wolf tail. He noticed that she was still clutching tightly to her dagger and plucked it from her left hand and set it aside. He also took away her sword, and from there he looked at her leg armour and decided that it didn't look too hard to remove as it buckled on like his own chest armour. He removed the armour from her uninjured leg first, but when he took off the other one from her injured leg, the blood began to flow freely again.

"The pressure from it being kept on must of helped to suppress the bleeding," he thought. He applied more pressure to the wound with a cloth he found, careful not to injure her further with his own claws, and as it had looked deeper than he had originally thought, growled loudly again for the healers to get their asses in there now! He could hear running feet and paws and smiled to himself as his pack ran to do his bidding, even if they couldn't understand it. He looked up from his inspection of the miko's wounds to see the healers, Ginta, Hakkaku, and Tioru. One of his black brows lifted in surprise as Tioru limped up to the young miko and then looking up at his leader with determination and slight defiance in his eyes, made sure she was still O.K. with a few careful sniffs, before lying his own body down close by her head.

Kouga could tell that unless he wanted to injure Tioru even more by removing him from the miko's side, Tioru was not leaving without a fight. As the healers took over he looked at Tioru who was watching anxiously, and quirked a small grin as he thought, "Tioru, you're just damn lucky that you happen to be one of my favorites of the younger ones." Even though he tried very hard to keep this from him and the rest of the pack, because the whole tribe was his family and he loved them all deeply.

Tioru looked up at Kouga, and as he saw that he wasn't to be removed from his miko's side, whined slightly in his throat and calmed down considerably while continuing to watch her with his worried gray eyes.

A/N please let me know what you think, all comments are appreciated as long as they're not too mean! :)
