InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MIKO, YOUKAI, AND FATE ❯ Getting to know them ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anime/Manga » Inuyasha »

Author: Faerieschyld

Fiction Rated: M- English- - Kag/Kog & all the rest of the Inu gang

This story is coming off of ideas I had from Warrior Shrine Priestess, (I pulled that story) which I am not happy with in the way in which it is going right now and I am definitely going to re-edit or combine into this story as I do want to keep all the ideas I have about Kagome. I'm a little tired of her being portrayed as so wimpy sometimes in the manga/anime. So remember those thoughts earlier were mine! :)

I do not own Inuyasha as that story is completely RUMIKO TAKAHASHI'S, (lucky her). If I had my way, the well would always stay open, and Kouga could travel through it, and since this is my story it probably will.

So enough of that and on we go.


When Kouga had told her that he would send some of his men for her backpack, she knew she had to give in. She just wasn’t healthy enough to go on her own yet. After telling him the direction her campsite was from the clearing, Kagome tried to think how best to put into words, a way to ask to have the scent powder sprinkled in the clearing were she had fought so it would hide her scent. She really didn’t want to answer too many questions just yet. Finally she just decided to ask. “Um, Kouga? In my bag is some powder that conceals my scent. Could you please have you’re men sprinkle some in the clearing?” Kagome really hoped he wouldn’t ask her just why she wanted this done. To her surprise Kouga merely looked at her with inscrutable blue eyes, then without comment nodded his head yes. She hoped it would still work as she had been bleeding. She wasn’t sure if it could cover up the strong scent of blood. She sighed and shifted a bit on the fur covered bed.

Kouga believed she wanted her scent concealed because it concerned the bastard who had hurt her, and didn’t want to question her about it and cause her anymore pain just yet, so he said nothing. He was wondering as Kagome was if it would work to cover up the scent of her blood. “You were bleeding pretty bad. Will it still work to cover the scent of that much blood?” Kouga watched as she just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. A grimace of pain came over her face as she did. “Hey, don’t forget you’re right shoulder is still injured. You shouldn’t move it much just yet.” Kouga said this with concern in his voice for his mate. He had decided to let her get used to the idea that she was going to be his mate, so he wouldn’t say anymore about it yet. “I’ll have the healers come in and change you’re bandages and we’ll find you something to eat. Do you have a preference?” he asked.

“A preference?” Kagome asked surprised. “Yes.” Kouga said, “What would you like to eat?” Kagome thought a moment. “Well, I really haven’t had any fruits or vegetables in a long time. Do, do you have anything like that? I mean do wolf youkai eat stuff like that?” At his look of mirth, she quickly said, “Or just some cooked meat is fine to.”

“We’re not entirely uncivilized despite what you might of heard about the ookami youkai, so I think I can round up some fruits and vegetables for you, and a little meat. You need to get you’re strength back.” Kouga’s eyes were twinkling as he smiled, expressing amusement at her lack of knowledge of him and his tribe, although that would soon change.

Kagome looked down embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”, she said with a slight blush. Kouga placed one clawed finger under her chin and raised her face up to look at him. Kami, she was beautiful! “You have no reason to apologize, you’re not the only human to think that and some of the other demons make the same mistake. It’s OK. Later, when you’re feeling better I’ll show you around and you’ll see what I mean.

“I don’t think I’ll be staying that long. As soon as I’m better I really need to get going. There’s something that I need to finish doing.” At Kouga’s slight questioning frown, Kagome shook her head. “Could you not ask me right now please, about what that is? I’m kind of tired and hungry. Also do you think you could find me something to wear? I’d really appreciate it.” As Kagome looked up at him with her big brown eyes, pleading, he knew he couldn’t ignore her wishes.

“Alright, I won’t ask you anything for now, but don’t think I won’t later when you’re feeling better. As far as clothes go, I can have one of the female wolves find you something suitable. Right now you’re leather clothes are having the blood cleaned off, and you’re leg armour is being cleaned and polished also. For now I’ll leave you while I have the healers attend to you and you get some food in you. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you’re bag or what you asked me.” With that and a roguish grin on his handsome face he left her, his brown tail swinging slightly behind him.


Kagome sat up, with a few twinges of pain in her right side and the fur wrapped around her and thought, “If he thinks I’m staying here, he’s got another thing coming. I can’t stay in one place too long and I need to finish the Shikon No Tama.” She fingered the jewel shards she had found so far on the necklace around her neck, and wondered if Inuyasha and Kikyou had collected some more and how she’d get them away from the two. Especially as Kikyou had stolen and then given, Naraku the shards Kagome had found earlier. “Plus, I don’t want to see either one of them, especially if I have to fight them together.” She thought she could take on Kikyou alone, or maybe Inuyasha but she wasn’t sure if she could battle the two together.

She sighed again, and wondered if she’d be up to taking a bath after eating. She looked around Kouga’s room and saw Tioru sitting close by. She reached out her hand and started petting him and then snuggled her face into his soft fur. He didn’t smell bad at all. Sort of like the outdoors and springtime earth. Kagome carefully put both arms around him and laid her head on Tioru. “Hey boy. How about after I get my bandages changed and I eat, and get some clothes, you and I sneak out and find a place outside where I can take a bath? I don’t think anything can hurt me with you around right?” Kagome had a big smile as she spoke to Tioru. It had been so long since she had someone to talk to as a friend, and although maybe he couldn’t talk back, Kagome was beginning to realize from the way he had stayed by her side, this beautiful black wolf enjoyed her company. “His cocky master was something else though!” She thought shaking her head. “He’s hopeless.” She gave Tioru one last squeeze as a healer came in and a strange female wolf demon, who had to her delight food and clothes.

Tioru was in seventh heaven as Kagome hugged and petted him. He had started to understand her words, although he didn’t know why. Most ookami youkai shaped wolves could only understand their own kind. Maybe it was because of the bond they had formed as she fought for him. When she asked him if he’d like to go with her so she could find a place to bathe, and he could guard her, he felt so proud that she trusted him that much. He was wagging his tail happily as the other wolf demons came in, and had made up his mind that he’d protect her with his life, he already loved her that much. Hopefully his leader wouldn’t be too mad if they snuck out. Besides Tioru was known for sneaking off to explore, so maybe he could convince his leader it was all his fault if they were caught. Thinking this he moved out of the way so Kagome could be taken care of. The sooner she was healed, the better!

Kouga had been leaning against the outside wall of his den listening to Kagome talk to and hug Tioru, wishing it was him. He had already sent Ginta off to fulfill his requests for his mate. Ginta, who had been guarding the cave, already knew along with the rest of the tribe, of his intentions to have Kagome as his mate. Although he and Hakkaku were shocked at first, Ginta after listening to Kouga’s reasons and most importantly the story of how she had saved Tioru, had shrugged his shoulders and thought, “Well if that’s what his leader and friend wants it’s OK by him." Besides, he’d never heard of any human saving a wolf youkai before, so there must be something special about her. She was very pretty too. Hakkaku and he were very happy for Kouga since he had begun looking for a mate, but no one seemed to catch his eye, and the rest of the pack wasn’t to upset, as they had wanted their leader to find a mate. A human hadn’t been exactly in their minds though. But Kouga was the leader after all, and he had explained all the many qualities Kagome had. Then he said if anyone didn't like his decision, he could kill them if they still didn't agree.

As the healer and the female youkai, Misaki, entered Kouga’s private den and prepared to change her bandages and feed and clothe Kagome, Kouga thought to himself there is no way in hell she is going to bathe by herself. I’ll let her think she is, but I’ll be going along behind to keep an eye on those two. Tioru is full grown, but he’s still young and I’m not sure if I’m ready to let just him protect my mate. After listening a bit to make sure Kagome was getting her needs met, Kouga left to take care of his regular duties as leader, satisfied she was getting the care she needed and also at the possibility of seeing her bathe.


While Kagome was getting her bandages changed, the female wolf youkai introduced herself as Misaki. She was very beautiful, with wide green eyes, long dark brown hair that was almost black, which was braided in two braids that fell over her shoulders, and a tail of the same color. She was dressed in a green kimono and was barefoot. Kagome wondered why Kouga’s tail wasn’t the same color as his hair, like Misaki's. Well, right now it didn’t matter. She was hungry! It didn’t even occur to her that she was actually thinking of having a conversation with Kouga later on. Misaki smiled at her and said, “I understand you’re name is Kagome? I have some apples and grapes here, also some cucumbers and carrots. I cooked some deer meat for you as well since red meat will help you regain strength for the blood you lost." Kagome’s mouth watered at the sight of the food, and tried not to eat to quickly. “Thank you very much .” she told Misaki and the healer. The healer, who’s name she didn’t know, told her that her wounds were healing nicely, and wondered if it was due to her miko powers. “It could be.” Kagome said, “I’ve always healed faster since I’ve been here.” They both looked at her. “Been here?” Misaki asked looking a bit confused.

Kagome groaned inwardly. How to explain this one? “I mean since I’ve been traveling and away from my village, my powers have grown.” The healer nodded as if that explained everything as she left, and Kagome hoped she looked like she was telling the truth. It was sort of the truth, just very hard to explain. Misaki sniffed the air as if scenting for a lie, but patted her shoulder reassuringly. “Kouga has told all of us how you were on your own, so it’s no wonder that you’re powers are so strong. Our leader is very proud of his mate.” Misaki smiled warmly. Kagome didn’t know what to say, Misaki looked so happy for Kouga. “I’m sorry, but I’m not Kouga’s mate. There’s been a misunderstanding on his part.” Misaki just laughed and patted her shoulder again. “Don’t worry, you will be. When Kouga sets his mind on something there’s just no stopping him. He’s like the blowing wind. You can’t stop the wind and you can’t stop Kouga either. That’s why he makes such a strong leader. Don’t worry, I know my cousin. He’s very kind and loving, he’ll make you a fine mate.” Kagome almost choked on her meat. “Were all wolf demons so oblivious?” she wondered.

Hoping to change the subject she swallowed and said how wonderful the food tasted, and thanked her again for the food. “Do you farm here besides just hunting?” Kagome asked because she really was curious. Misaki laughed kindly and said “I suppose it does seem strange to a human that wolf demons would farm, but we do and we grow medicinal herbs for wounds and sicknesses.” At this Kagome perked up. “Really? Medicinal herbs? I really need to stock up on some. Do you think later you could take me to look at the gardens?” Misaki told her when Kouga said she was well enough, as Misaki couldn’t go against Kouga’s orders to keep Kagome in bed until she healed. Kagome frowned at this, she really hated being told what she could and could not do. “Well can I at least take a bath, that’s healthy?” she asked. Again Misaki shook her head no. “This is ridiculous.” Kagome thought. “I will get a bath no matter what, and Tioru will help."

She and Misaki chatted some more while Kagome finished eating, and Kagome began to think she could learn to like this friendly female wolf youkai. When Kagome was done eating, Misaki held up the clothes she had brought her. "Oh thank you, it's beautiful." said Kagome. She hadn't worn anything this nice since she was back home. It was a thin blue yukata with white flowers scattered all over it. The colors looked very good on Kagome enhancing her beauty, and the thinness was perfect for the end of summer weather. Misaki had also brought a kind of loin cloth to replace her underwear, and a band of cloth for her breasts. “Well,” Kagome thought “The underwear stuff is better than nothing until I can wash my own.” She smiled her thanks at Misaki and slowly got up and went to the corner to get dressed. She was relieved to see that she wasn’t dizzy anymore and the pain was diminishing. Tioru had come to her side, and nudged her gently, so she put a hand on his head to help steady her just in case. She looked down to see he had his wolfy grin again and smiled. “Thank you Tioru, you’re a big help.” When she said this his tail began to wag happily.

Misaki, who had been watching them to make sure Kagome wouldn’t fall, smiled again and was pleased at how comfortable she was with Tioru. Most humans would be terrified of him, and if she felt at ease with him, Misaki was sure Kagome would be OK around the other wolf youkai. The leader’s mate couldn’t be seen scared of the pack she’d soon be ruling over. As Kagome was getting dressed, Hakkaku came in with her bag. She held up the yukata to her and yelled, “Get out! I’m not dressed yet. Out!” Misaki realized that most female humans were shy about their bodies around the opposite sex, and she quickly grabbed the bag and shooed Hakkaku out. Poor Hakkaku really wasn’t sure just what he had done to be yelled at by his leader’s mate, and ran as fast as he could to the main cave. Kagome looked at Misaki apologetically and expressed her thanks, and tried to finish dressing quickly before Kouga tried to come in. It was his den after all. She really needed a different place to sleep!

Luckily for Kagome she was dressed right before Kouga came, although he did ask outside the fur that covered the entrance if it was OK to come in. “He must have run into Hakkaku.” Kagome thought. Misaki and Kagome said goodbye to each other, and Kagome sat back on the bed, and Tioru immediately came and put his head on her lap. She stroked his head and Kouga smiled at the sight. He looked her over carefully and saw how the blue yukata looked on her and grinned a feral smile, showing a bit of fang. “You look very nice, and you’re color’s a lot better too. I see the food helped a lot. Was it what you were wanting?” He sat down next to her as he said this. Kagome blushed at his compliment, and realized she couldn’t move any further off the bed without falling from it, and Tioru’s heavy head lay on her lap also. Kouga told her that his men had scraped dirt over her blood stains back at the clearing before spreading some of the powder around, and they felt sure that this method had worked. Kagome agreed and thanked Kouga for the food, healers and clothes, and sending his men out to help her. Kouga sat with his legs crossed and his back against the wall, his soft brown tail curled around him just touching Kagome’s leg. “So, now that you’re feeling a bit better, why don’t you tell me just why you feel the need to hide yourself from demons?” He turned to look at her and his blue eyes had a look of intensity to them, that told her he wasn’t going to let her dodge any of his questions this time.


Kagome really wished his tail wasn’t touching her. For some reason it felt almost like he had a hand on her leg. She heaved a great sigh as he gazed at her, and tried to think what to say without giving away too much. First she tried to get away with telling him that since she had been traveling alone, of course she’d want to hide her scent from demons. He just raised an eyebrow and said, “That doesn’t explain why you’d need to hide you’re scent now since you’re surrounded by ookami youkai. Nothing will attack you when you’re with us.” Kagome continued stroking Tioru’s head while thinking. “Damn, he’s a little to smart. I guess he would be since he’s a wolf prince.” Out loud she said, “You’re not going to give up are you?” Kouga just shook his head no. “Well, maybe I should tell him some of it. It might actually be a relief. I haven’t exactly been able to talk all this over with Sango.” At the thought of her, Kagome’s heart constricted with pain. She had tried not to think of her, Shippo and Miroku for so long, that doing so both hurt and brought a sense of happiness. She realized that she was wrong to try and forget about her best friends, as it had started to stunt her heart. Kagome looked up to see that Kouga was still waiting patiently, for him, staring at her with his deep blue eyes, arms crossed over his chest armour.

“OK, I guess it won’t hurt to tell you, but it’s a long story.” Kagome started with how she had released the hanyou, Inuyasha from the sacred tree, who had been sealed to it fifty years ago by a miko he loved, and how the same miko who had died that day, had been guarding the sacred jewel. Kagome tried to explain how she was supposed to be the reincarnation of the miko. She left out the part about her being 500 hundred years from the future though, but did tell Kouga about how somehow the jewel had been inside her body, even though it had been burned with Kikyou, the dead miko's body, and how it was bitten out of her side by Mistress Centipede. She even pulled open the yukata a bit to show him the scar where the Shikon No Tama had been in her body. When he carefully ran a claw over the scar, her face was bright red as she pushed his hand away and pulled shut the yukata. She cleared her throat and continued. She told how it was believed that since she was Kikyou’s reincarnation that was why she was able to free Inuyasha, although he had been a pain at first. Kagome then went on to explain how a short time later, she had inadvertently shattered the Shikon No Tama with a sacred arrow when a crow demon had swallowed it. Kouga had raised a black eyebrow again at this, as he remembered how the three jewel shards had come flying at him one day and embedded themselves in his arm and legs.

She told him how guilty she had felt about shattering the jewel and that she and Inuyasha had decided to find the shards together, how they had defied his youkai brother Sesshoumaru, who had been trying to steal Inuyasha’s inheritance, the Tetsusaiga and how the two of them won out in the end. Kagome then went on to tell him how they met Shippo, the little orphaned kitsune, and after they battled the Thunder Brothers for him, he had joined them in their search. At this point Kagome’s voice began to shake a little as she talked about her little adopted son. She didn’t even notice when Kouga put an arm around her. She tried to explain the terror when Kikyou had been resurrected, and how she had tried to take back her soul from her, and the hatred she had expressed to Inuyasha, thinking he had betrayed her fifty years ago by stealing the sacred jewel and killing her in the process. They had all tried to explain to Kikyou many times since, that they had discovered the truth from the evil hanyou called Naraku himself, how he had tricked both her and Inuyasha into betraying each other, by changing his appearance to look like the other. He had once been a bandit named Onigumo, whom Kikyou had once taken care of when he was so injured that he would never recover, and he ended up falling into a twisted kind of love for her, and so he called many hundreds of demons into his body in order to be able to move and became Naraku.

So now Kagome, Inuyasha, and Shippo didn’t have to worry about just finding the rest of the Shikon No Tama, they also had to worry about Naraku and Kikyou. Naraku hated Inuyasha because Kikyou chose to follow Inuyasha in death, and have the sacred jewel burned with her body instead of choosing to use it to live, thus he was unable to get his hands on a tainted jewel. Kagome said "He sure is trying to now. As fast as we're collecting the shards, so is he." Kikyou had once tried to kill Kagome, (Kouga growled at this), and wanted to take Inuyasha to hell, and she had also stolen all the jewel shards they had found up to that point from Kagome. Kagome had tried so many times to tell Inuyasha that she couldn’t be trusted, but he wouldn’t listen. Kagome was trying very hard not to cry, and Kouga pulled her even closer as Tioru climbed further in her lap. She told how they met the houshi, Miroku, who's family was cursed by Naraku with a wind tunnel in each generations hand. The wind tunnel would eventually swallow Miroku as it did his father and grandfather, unless Naraku was destroyed, and he joined in their quest. Then they met Sango, who also joined them, a beautiful taijiya whose whole family and fellow demon slayers had been tricked and slaughtered by Nararku. On top of that her only brother and remaining relative was being kept alive and controlled by Naraku through a shard implanted in his back. At one time Naraku had tried to use Kohaku against Sango and get her to kill him, but it hadn't worked. “Naraku never gets his own hands dirty, it’s always some plot carried out by others, or he’ll somehow have you do it unknowingly.” Kagome said bitterly.

She went on to tell how their little group traveled together looking for sacred jewel shards and a way to defeat Naraku, and how close they had all become. At this tears began to fall down Kagome’s face from her big dark brown eyes, turning them into limpid pools of soft brown. Kouga began softly stroking her hair with his other hand, trying to give her his strength. He had been listening quietly and felt bad now that he had forced her to tell him her story. But he sensed she couldn’t stop now, that she had a need to get it all out. She explained how Inuyasha had transformed into a full demon and how scared they all had been for him, but they stayed by his side, and how they were all so relieved when they found the answer to stop his transformations, was that he always needed to have the Tetsusaiga with him.

When Kagome got to the night when Inuyasha had accused her of trying to kill Kikyou, and how he refused to believe her even after all they had been through, she began crying in earnest. She just knew it was a plot of Naraku’s, but he wouldn’t listen and he had attacked her and told her to leave before he ended up killing her. She had ran back to their campsite and was trying to tell her three friends she didn’t do it, while grabbing her stuff and leaving them all. “Since then, for the past three months I’ve been traveling on my own, still looking for the jewel shards and trying to hide from Inuyasha and Kikyou. I don’t know if they’re looking for me and I don’t have the courage to face my friends. I don't want them getting hurt either by Inuyasha, and I don't think they believe I tried to kill Kikyou. So I’ve been traveling at night and sleeping during the day. I’ve also tried to cross rivers as much as possible, as well as use the scent concealing powder, in the hopes Inuyasha wouldn’t scent me out with his sensitive hanyou nose. He is part dog." With that Kagome was sobbing her heart out, letting all the grief and loneliness she had not allowed herself to feel for the last three months come out. She realized vaguely that she was clinging to Kouga as if her life depended on it, but right now it felt so good to be comforted.


Kouga held her while she cried, still stroking her hair and hugging her tight to him, letting her tears roll down his neck and armour. He thought while holding her of the story she had told him, and realized who it was who had hurt her so badly. He knew his name now. It was Inuyasha, and if possible he hated him even more. For forcing her from her friends and making her travel on her own. She might be a powerful miko and a good fighter, but it was still dangerous for one person to be on their own. She had done it for so long and been so smart about it. He felt both sorrow for what had happened to her and blessed that it had brought her to him, his mate Kagome.


Geez, still no bath for Kagome. Don't worry she'll get one!