InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mile In Each Other's Shoes ❯ Who Is Who? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, its characters or any quotes I may use.
A/N: Okay…just to keep it clear this is how it's gonna go. At the beginning of each chapter I will put who is who. So remember in the story if Rin says something, it's really Sango. Jaken speaks it's really Miroku, etc. Make since? I hope so. I was getting confused just trying to write this out! Any questions, please ask me and I will do my best to explain.
On with the story.
Everyone stared at Rin in shocked then looked at each other and chaos broke out. Finally Rin tired to get some order, but no one gave her a second glance.
Miroku was running around waving his hands frantically screaming, “I'M GONNA DIE!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“SHUT UP!!!!!!”
A cricket chirped in the distance and Rin put her hands on her hips, “Okay. Let's everyone just calm down and we'll try to work this out.”
“How?!” InuYasha whined.
“Sit down, shut up and I'll tell you!” Rin barked back.
InuYasha cowered behind Sesshomaru.
“When I call out your name, raise your hand, got it?”
Everyone mumbled and nodded.
“Okay. Kagome!”
Sango's body raised a hand.
Kagome peeked out from behind Sesshomaru and raised her hand.
No one answered.
`Sango' reached down and lifted up Shippo, “I think it's clear from his previous words this is InuYasha.”
Shippo bared his teeth at `Sango' and Rin nodded in agreement, “True. Next…Shippo!”
`Miroku' raised his left hand, the right one was held tightly to his body.
Jaken whimpered and raised a hand. `Rin' stifled a laugh and cleared her throat, “Ah…yes….and lastly Jaken!”
“I'm right here you stupid human!” `InuYasha' snarled.
“Obviously” `Rin' remarked dryly.
“How did this happen?” Kagome said softly. Her arms were wrapped around Sesshomaru's leg and it was clear he was in distress about what to do. The body was not the body of his child, but it was her soul. What could he do?
Meanwhile Shippo was growling fiercely at Sesshomaru and Kagome's close proximity. Rin had her hand on her chin as she thought and InuYasha started rummaging through the rubble, muttering to himself. Jaken seemed to finally come out of his stupor was and inching his was over to Rin, his hand slowly rising. But at Sesshomaru's deep snarl he leaped back and scurried to stand behind Sango. Sango was holding Shippo in her arms and both were watching InuYasha leap around. Finally he shouted and held up a sword, “I found it my lord!”
“That's MINE!” Shippo yelled in outrage and scrambled out of Sango's arms.
“Don't be stupid! You're in a demon's body and you change wield Tetsusaiga anymore!”
“I rather break it in two then have it in your grubby little hands” Shippo snapped as he and InuYasha circled each other.
“As much as I dislike this change, I think it will be a great advantage to keep this body.”
InuYasha ran over to Sesshomaru, “Here my lord! It is the-”
Suddenly Shippo leaped on InuYasha's back snarling, “Give me back my body and my sword!”
InuYasha shrieked and batted Shippo off then ran hide behind Sesshomaru.
“Coward” Shippo hissed as Sango picked him back up.
“InuYasha” Sango whispered, “Please stop.”
“What the-” Shippo stopped when he looked up and saw tears in Sango's eyes, “Aww…Kagome don't cry.”
“I can't help it!”
“We'll get this fixed. Don't worry.”
“And if we can't?”
Shippo made a face, “We better. I really don't feel like going through a childhood again!”
He turned and stuck his tongue out at InuYasha.
Sesshomaru approached Rin, “Ri-Sango.”
Rin looked up in surprised, “Yes?”
“I believe it would be best for us to leave this place. Find a camp for the night. Once we are all rested it will be easier to find the answer to this problem.”
Rin nodded, “You're right.”
She stepped past him, “Alright everyone. Let's go!”
There were a few grumbles but soon everyone gathered their weapons and headed back into the forest. Kagome raced ahead to walk beside Sesshomaru, the bow and arrows strapped to her back. Rin held Kirara and Shippo while Sango carried the Hiraikotsu. InuYasha was leaping through the trees laughing insanely and Miroku and Jaken took up the back, Jaken being carried in Miroku's arms due to the group's fast pace.
Night soon fell and they all stopped to make camp, everyone still getting used to their new bodies and names. Soon after they were all settled in Shippo started reeking havoc and driving everyone nuts.
Finally by habit Sango screamed out “SIT!” which resulting in InuYasha slamming into the ground.
Shippo suddenly appeared at InuYasha's side and started poking him with a stick, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that you stupid toad!”
Rin and Sango exchanged glances: It was going to be a long night.
A/N: Poor Miroku…cute monk to creepy toad. Doesn't get much worse then that! Lol….