InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ The affects of the Domino Effect ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Changed the title!!

I have a poll: How many people think I should let something nice happen to Hojo at the end?

And do you think:

1) Kikyo should hook up with Naraku.

2) Kikyo should fall into the lake.

3) Kikyo should be happy

4) Kikyo should get Inuyasha.

5) Or all of the above, except 4 and 3.

Pick as many as you want, it doesn't matter!

Ch.6: The Affects of the Domino Effect

Saturday had come and gone pretty fast, and other than Inuyasha getting in touch with his feminine side, it was pretty much uneventful. (Read this in that weird nature video-ish voice) It is now Sunday, approximately 5:30 in the morning. We approach the sleeping girlus-tiredus. They appear to be in a peaceful slumber inside their wooden shelter.

"Wake up little children!!!" The girlus-tiredus wake up at the voice of the drunkus-councilus, or Sakura.

"Time to go SHOPPING!!" She squealed.

"What time is it?" Kagome grumbled from under her pillow.

"It is early for me to be awake." Sango grumbled back.

"Nope! You're wrong! It's time to go shopping!!" Sakura yelled...again.

"Someone took their perky pills this morning." Kirara said through a yawn.

"Hey! How do you know what pills I've been taking!?! You're not secretly a cop are you?" Sakura's eyed the girls suspiciously. And the girls just eyed Sakura with dots for eyes and a sweat drop forming on their heads.

"Uhhhh.... no." Rin said from her bed. Sakura immediately brightened.

"Oh, OK then. So lets go shopping!" Once again a stare and sweat drop moment.

"Do you think she noticed that she's just wearing her pajamas?" Kirara muttered to Rin.

"I highly doubt it."

About two hours and eight fights for the shower later, the people of group one and two emerged from their cabins. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Miroku, oh yeah, Hojo was there too, had to force themselves not to drool when they saw the girls.

Kagome was wearing a black and gray "innocent little catholic school girl" skirt that had a zipper coming down the front of the skirt. Her hair was put into a messy high ponytail. She had knee high black boots, and a black tank top. And to top it all off she had a.... LOLLY POP!!

Sango was going more toward the "sophisticated, but sexy" look. She wore a tight black shirt with elbow length sleeves. The neck was low, but not to low, there was a teardrop shaped design hole in the middle of her chest, showing a little cleavage. She wore a black mini skirt in the business-ish design (you know with the light white stripes) and it had a bead of pearls and a punkish chain going across the front. She had her hair in a bun, and wore black heels.

Rin was going for the completely innocent look. She had her hair in pigtails and was wearing blue shorts and a blue tank top with an army turtle on it. And she had on blue sandals.

Kirara was going punk-ish. She wore a black mini skirt that had red lace over it, with a black silk ribbon going across the front, with a bow on the side. She wore a red tank top with a black spiked choker. And black heels.

Saku and Sakura (Who were just wearing jeans and tank tops that had half of a yin-yang on one, and the other half on the other's shirt) were looking between them, bored.

"Do you have a cheese doodle?" Sakura whispered to her sister.

"No, why?"

"Cuz I wanna see if I can throw a cheese doodle into the guys' mouth." (I did that to a guy on the train. People should so not go to sleep with their mouths open. The dude choked and I ran. Good times.) Saku stared at her sister and sweat dropped.

"You are a losoric loser, you know."

"OK, for the last time, losoric, not a word. Neither is stupider, and especially not unstupider."

"They should be." Saku answered and stuck out her tongue. Sakura muttered "two-year-old" and went to break up the 'stare and drool' thing, going on. But someone else's voice broke them out of their trance.

"You know, if you don't close your mouths a bird might fly in. And they tend to poop everywhere." The smooth male voice said. Everyone turned to look at the person who interrupted the drooling.

There was a young man about 21. He was wearing a black wife beater, black baggy jeans with the punkish chains on it, he had a black spiked bracelet And black shades. He had jet black spiked hair and a black lip ring. (Hmm, wonder what his favorite color is?) And his body was perfectly muscled, like perfect, completely totally perfect. Like drool, like I need to stop rambling about someone who won't exist. He also had a black tail and unnaturally green eyes, and claws, fangs etc.

"SY!!!!!!!!" Sakura squealed as she ran past everybody and jumped into his arms. Literally jumped, like she had he legs wrapped around his waist and he arms around his neck, and his hands were planted on her ass. And they were seriously making out.

"Lucky guy." Miroku muttered, he never learns. SMACK. Sango stood next to him with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh god, not even the Jaws of Life can separate those two when they go at it." Saku muttered looking anywhere but at the highly disturbing scene in front of her.

A while later they parted and a beat red Sakura said.

"Everyone this is Sy."

"Oh yeah, we definitely didn't get that when you ran and squealed SY!!" Saku said, her voice laced with sarcasm. She only got the finger from her sister.

"Anyway, Sy this is Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kagome, Kirara, and Hobo."

"It's Hojo."

"OK Holo." Sakura smiled at him and turned back to her boyfriend, who was still holding her up.

"Honey? Can you put me down now?" She asked sweetly.

"Well, my hands are rather comfortable right now, maybe later. So why'd you call me at 3:30 in the morning? You know I only got like half an hour of sleep, right?"

"Oh god, you drama queen. You know shopping comes before anything else, in the world! Oh and baby, you better enjoy yourself because I swear on all things unholy that if you don't put me down now it'll be the last time you'll be able to touch me. FOR A MONTH!" Sakura was back on the ground in a second.

"So now that that's over. Sesshomaru, Rin, Kagome, Inuyasha and Hono, follow me." Saku said dragging the teens to the parking lot.

"And you three are with me." Sakura said pulling Miroku, Sango, and Kirara into the parking lot.

"OK, some rules before we let you touch our babies. You do not eat in these cars, you do not drink in these cars. You do not mess up these cars with your claws. If you see anything that will make you go 'oooooo' don't touch it. Any hurting of their leather interiors will end in the hurting of your exterior. Now we do have some papers for you to sign...but we do trust you guys...a little." Sakura said as everyone else (except Saku) sweat dropped.

They were lead to the back of the parking lot, to two cars with car covers over them.

"TADA!!" Sakura yelled pulling off the cover, revealing a silver 2004 Aston Martin DB9 Volante. (There'll be a link to see it at the end of the story.)

"This is my baby, leather interior, top speed of 180, 0-60 in 4.9 seconds. And best of all, it's a convertible!!" Sakura was starry and practically drooling.

"A Ferrari is better babe." Sy said from his position next to his girlfriend. Stars turned to flames as Sakura turned to glare at him. His last thought: 'I am so not getting any for a year.'

"Oh crap." He muttered right as Sakura exploded.

"You think your car is better!?!"


"YOU'RE ALL LIKE 'look at me I've got a pretty little Ferrari. My Spyder is the best car ever!' YOU ARE ABOUT A HAIRS WIDTH AWAY FROM SAYING HELLO TO CELIBACY!!"



"Um...everyone else just follow me, and ignore the crazy people, who I am unfortunately related to." Saku said, pulling off the second cover, to show a silver Aston Martin V12 Vanquish.

"This is my baby, and it's so much faster than my sisters. Top speed 190, 0-100 in 10.3 seconds. And best part the skid from 60-0 is 130 feet. And you have no idea how much extra I had to pay to get it specialized with back seats, but daddy's rich, so I don't care. So anyway I'm taking Kagome, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Rin. Oh right, and Hono too. Hono you're up front with me. The rest of you in the back. Oh and by the way, only two people can sit back there, so sorry girls, but you're gonna have to sit on their laps. Really I am so sorry." Saku was trying to hide her evil smile behind her 'I'm-so-sorry' face. But it slipped through, for a second, practically screaming 'I've planned this all along, HAHAHAHAHAHA'

"Don't get any ideas, pervert." Kagome grumbled to Inuyasha, as she sat on his lap.

"No promises there, Kagome." He whispered into her ear, making her shiver involuntarily...again. 'How is it that I've ended up in Inuyasha's lap 3 times in not even a week. Not that I'm complaining or anything.' Kagome mentally slapped herself. 'I can't believe I thought that. Bad brain, BAD!!' (therapy anyone)

'I look like I can signal a planes landing' Rin thought as she tried to make her beet red blush go away. Key word tried, not succeeded.

'I have a hot girl in my lap, and I can't do shit. At least the ride won't be so long.' Sesshomaru thought, his face emotionless.

"OK peoples. The nearest town is about 3 hours from here. That's why the put this camp here, virtually impossible for the kids to run away. But anyway, with my driving, we should be there in about 2 hours. So yeah." Saku said. (Hey, what was that sound. Hmmm... sounded like the crashing of Sesshomaru's hope.)


Now to Hojo's thoughts: 'why can't Kagome sit in my lap. And why can't anyone get my name right.'


"NEUTERED CAT BOY!!" They were pilling into the car and Sakura's never ending cursing rant, was still going on. (Did I say that Sy was a cat demon, cuz he is, well more like a panther, but whatever.)

"I said I was sorry, it's just a car babe." And Sy was still pleading.

"Just get in the car! Oh, and by the way, one of you girls are going to have to sit on Miroku's lap."

And they're off! (Corny racing thingy announcer voice) Sango's in the lead, closely followed by Kirara. It looks like Sango's gonna make it, but, ooh Kirara grabs the hair. That's gotta hurt Bob. Yes it does Bill. Sango jumps for Kirara but misses and is left in the dust while Kirara claims the seat. (Crowd cheer) (Everyone say thanks to Bob and Bill the announcers.)

"CRAP!!" Sango yelled as she was forced to sit in Miroku's lap. Miroku, on the other hand, had a huge smile on his face. SMACK

"I didn't even do anything this time." Miroku whined.

"You were thinking it." Sango glared at him as he put his arms around her waist.

"Remove your hands unless you would like my shoe to become a permanent decoration in your ass." Sango ground out in an 'I-swear-on-all-things-holy-I-will-kill-this-lecher-if-he-even-so-much-as-t hinks-of-touching-me-in-any-way voice. (Try saying that five times fast :P)

A loud smack echoed from the car once again. Except this time it was Sy left with the hand print.



"So those two are the happy loving couple?" Kagome asked Saku as they flew down the deserted street.

"Can't find anyone happier. Always arguing but in love. In disgusting love." Saku said going onto 80 mph.

"If they're in love then why do they keep arguing." Rin said from her spot on Sesshomaru's lap.

"The joys of make up sex darling." Saku shifted her rear view mirror to the two couples in the back seats. A small smile appeared on her face.

Sesshomaru's hands were wrapped around Rin's thin waist. And Rin's head was rested on his shoulder, with his chin rested on top her head.

Inuyasha and Kagome were in a similar position. His hands wrapped around her waist, while her head was resting on the car window. While he was nuzzling her neck.

'Muhahahahahaha, my plan is working perfectly!! I want a boyfriend too.' Saku turned and looked over at Hojo. 'There isn't enough Vodka in the Northern Hemisphere.' Just then a silver Volante zoomed by, going at at least 90.

"Oh sister dear, is that a challenge." She caught up to the car in no time. Her first thought: 'Ewwww, I guess they made up.' Sy was currently nipping on Sakura's neck, and she was enjoying herself.

"Eww, I think my breakfast is coming back up."


About an hour and a half-later two cars came to a stop in a huge parking lot.

"Ha, I beat you!!" Sakura said to her sister hopping out of her car.

"Only because you two were sucking face and your car kept swerving into mine!!"

"So, you should learn how to drive in any condition. And I still beat you!!"

"Whatever, lets just go."

"Yes the sooner we get there the sooner we can leave." Sy said as he jumped out of the car (convertible remember) Sakura made a move to hit him, but a very loud:

"AWWWWWWWWWWW!! They look so cute!!" distracted her. Saku was looking into both cars and Sakura and Sy joined her. Sakura "Aww"ed too, and Sy though: 'She's my mate I have to deal with her...damn'. But the scene inside both cars were so kawaii.

Inuyasha and Kagome (and everyone else in both cars) were sound asleep. She had shifted in her sleep so her legs were going across his. His arms were wrapped around her waist and her arms around his. Her head was rested on his shoulder, and his face was in her hair.

Rin was cuddled into Sesshomaru, who had his arms wrapped around her waist. His tail was wrapped around her lithe frame. Her head was rested on his chest and every once in a while she would snuggle into him and sigh.

Even Sango and Miroku were in a semi-romantic position. Sango's arms somehow wrapped themselves around his neck and his arms were around her waist. And their faces were really close. Like move up a millimeter and they would be kissing. This would be fun to see what happens when they wake up. (I want to end it here but I won't for 2 reasons. 1. This would e a short and boring chapter. 2. I'm terrified of Danielle)

"OoOoOo can I wake 'em? PLEASE!?!?!?!?! I'll be your best friend." Sakura gave her sister her best puppy dog look.

"But I wanna wake them." Saku whined.

"OK, rock, paper, scissors."

"Cool." While the girls were doing that Sy picked the perfect time to sneeze, which started the ever wonderful.... DOMINO EFFECT!!

The sneeze woke the light sleeper, Kirara, who yawned and stretched hitting Sango's leg. Waking Sango, and the first thing she saw was MIROKU! Approximately 2 millimeters away from her face. First instinct, scream and hit.

"AHHHH!! YOU HENTAI!!" The scream woke Miroku (no shit), and I'm sure the slaps did help with the waking process. The scream also woke our ever vigilant hanyou, Inuyasha. Who saw Kagome in his lap as soon as he woke up, and doing the only thing he could, he pushed her off his lap.

Kagome's first instinct was to grab onto the nearest thing. Which just happened to be... Sesshomaru's tail!! Making Sesshomaru wake up with a yelp, and pulling back his tail. Waking Rin by taking away her warmth. And Rin upon realizing the seating situation jumped and yelped. Accidentally kicking the seat in front of her where Hojo slept, sending Hojo's head flying into the dashboard (I don't know about you guys but for me that was a happy ending to the domino effect.)


Thus concluding our lesson on the domino effect.

End products of the effect: A semi-conscious Miroku.
An I'm-gonna-massacre-him Sango.
An I-can't-hold-back-Sango-anymore Kirara.
An If-I-glare-at-him-long-enough-will-he-drop-dead Kagome.
An "It was an accident, really." Inuyasha.
A my-tail-hurts-like-hell Sesshomaru.
A was-that-a-plane-coming-this-way Rin. (think about it.... Now go ooooooohhhhhhh yeah)
And an unconscious Hojo. (Oh my god, Miroku is more conscious than someone else. Sign of the apocalypse.)

"HA! PAPER! I WIN!!!" Sakura yelled.

Oh yeah lets not forget: A holy-shit-Sakura's-gonna-kill-me-for-waking-them Sy.

The group walked happily into the mall. And that I mean the girls walked happily into the mall, dragging some very unhappy boys behind them. And then they saw it. The girls stopped dead in their tracks. There was collective gasp from all the girls, followed by a collective groan from all the guys. Collective squeal and then the collective thought of 'WHY ME!?!'

There in front of them, right in the middle of the five-story mall, was a looming ominous presence, that made even the bravest man cringe in fear. There stood every man's worse nightmare. There stood (dun dun dun)................. Forever 21 (Insert horror movie chick scream here).

"Well my fellow men." Sy said turning to his "fellow men"

"This may be the end. Most men go out with honor and dignity, but we are not most men, so there is only one thing we can do... RUN!!!!" And run they did, faster than you would think. But the girls lunged for them, catching Miroku. Inuyasha turned to help his friend, but was stopped by Miroku's voice.

"Just go!!! Leave me here!! SAVE YOURSELF!! RUN!!!!" Miroku yelled as he was pulled into the girly abyss of Forever 21.

"MIROKUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled, as he was about to "rescue" his friend. But Sy stopped him.

"There is nothing we can do for him now. He is gone." The guys kept running until they thought they were safe. How wrong they were.

Out of nowhere the girls attacked and dragged them back to the store that smelled strongly of perfume. (I love this store. I dunno if I have to write a disclaimer for it. But I obviously don't own it. I do own a couple of their shirts and some pants, but I don't own the store.)

"You guys are such babies." Kagome said as they met up with Saku and Kirara, who were holding onto their hostage. (Miroku.)

"OK, best way to shop, we divide and conquer. Meet back here in 3 hours." Saku said earning a "WHAT!?!" from the guys.

"After that can we go to Victoria's Secret?" Kirara begged.

"Yeah please, please, please!?!" Miroku begged too. Earning another slap from Sango.

" anyway. Kagome, with Inuyasha. Rin with Sesshomaru, Sango with Miroku. Kirara with Saku, Sy with me. And Hojo...uh.... have fun." Sakura grabbed her mate and headed for a rack of jeans while everybody else scattered.


"And this too!! And this! I must have this!! And this of course!! Kami-sama this is soo cute!!!" Kagome squealed as she ran around the store, from rack to shelf, to rack get the idea. And Inuyasha was running behind her trying to catch all the clothes she was throwing at him.

"Oi!! Woman!! What the hell do I look like!?! A fucking human hanger or something!?!"

"No, you look more like a cute fluffy puppy. With fuzzy white ears, and pretty golden eyes and the nicest silver hair ever. And did I mention the cutest ears in the world." She reached up to rub his ears, making Inuyasha purr.

"Oi! Stop that wench!!" Kagome shrugged and went back to her rampage through the store.

Inuyasha turned to look at the girl who was throwing clothes behind her. His only thought was: 'She thinks my ears are cute.'


Move your hand, if you would like to see the light of another day." Sango gritted out through clenched teeth. Her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides.

"But Sango, your body is to beautiful and irresistible for any man not to touch." Did you know that when a fist connect with someone's head it makes the funniest sound. And when a body connects with the floor that makes a pretty funny noise too.

But Miroku would never be down for long.

"Sango, will you do me the honor of bearing my child?" He asked her again.

"Touch me again and I'll make sure that you will never be able to carry on another generation." She snapped.

"Ah, but my dearest Sango, you are the only one I would like to carry on another generation with." He sent one of his drop dead gorgeous smiles at her. Sango turned and stomped away. Half because she didn't want to kill him...yet. And half because she didn't want him to see her bright red blush.

Her last thought: 'Damn that smile'


"Oooooo. So pretty." Rin squealed with starry eyes, holding up a shirt with a cute little kitty on it that said "good kitty" on the front, and "gone bad" on the back.

"What do you think Fluffy?" she asked showing it to Sesshomaru, who had o his normal bored expression.

"It suits you. And do you have to call me that." He glared at the overly happy girl before him.

" suits you." She giggled at him and gave him the shirt to hold, adding onto the already enormous pile of clothes in his arms.

"C'mon Fluffy, hurry up." She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the next rack. A small smile spread across Sesshomaru's face. his last thought: 'What a strange, but cute, girl. Inuyasha would die of laughter if he heard her call me that.'


They met back at the back at the front of the store after everyone paid, in 3 hours, as promised.

"Hey, where's Sakura and Sy?" Kagome asked looking around for the missing pair.

"They snuck out of here about half an hour ago. All I have to say is that if you wanna use a bathroom around here, knock, cuz they couldn't have gone out to the car. Sakura's got her convertible today." Saku said, cue the sweat drops.

"Onward children to the food court!" Saku announced, marching the "children" to the food court! After they all ate and Inuyasha had about 20 pounds of Ramen, which the girls stared at.

"Well, you know what they say, 'Boys will be pigs.'" Kagome muttered to he friends.

"Uh huh." They muttered back. They were about to leave when an extremely loud high pitched screeching noise, or Kikyo's voice, stopped them.

"Oh Inuyasha!" Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!!!!!" Everyone at the food court went temporarily deft for a second. Inuyasha cringed and Kagome rolled her eyes, everyone else just looked clueless.

"Kikyo, it's're here." Inuyasha said.

"Unfortunately." Kagome muttered from behind his back.

"What did you say copy!?!" Kikyo said, well more like screeched.

"Nothing, whore." Kagome replied sweetly. Well I wouldn't blame her, Kikyo was wearing a really, really really short black mini skirt that had pink polka-dots and a pink see through sleeveless shirt, and had one a pink headband, with black 3 inch knee high boots. (Again thanks to my sis for letting me go through your closet.)

"Are you implying that I, Kikyo, am impure." And again with the screeching.

"I'm not implying anything." Kikyo looked at Kagome with a 'that's-what-I-though' look.

"I'm saying it." Kagome ended with a smirk.

"You bitch! I am pure, unlike you!" About all of the demons within sniffing range snorted. And about all the people within a five-mile radius laughed.

"Oh God Kikyo. Please shut up! Your screeching is making me go deft, and your insults are horrible. And you, a virgin, is that a pig flying by?"

"You stupid whore!"

"Think up some better insults, Kikyo, and came back to me. 'Til then see ya. Hopefully not" Kagome turned and left with the rest of the gang behind her.

"Just you wait Kagome. I will get Inuyasha. I always get what I want. Always."


After a few more hours of shopping. And after a few hundred hits on Miroku's part. (He just learned that Victoria likes to keep her secret, secret) They were on their way home. They ran into Sy and Sakura coming out of one of the boys bathrooms when they were leaving Victoria's Secret. They saw a cop on their way out. Saku and Sakura's first instinct: duck and run.

"Excuse me but do one of you own this car." He asked the teens.

"That would be me. Sakura Misake. Drug free since '83, well '93."

"Try 10:03" Saku muttered from behind her sister. (OK, totally got that from 'Just Shoot Me'. LOVE THAT SHOW!!)

"'am you really shouldn't leave the top down on your car. Especially one as nice as this."

"Errrr... Thank you officer." After that everyone loaded into the cars, a little squished since the girls collectively had approximately over 250 bags.

"I can't help feeling like I've forgotten something." Saku said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

~_~_~_~At the Mall~_~_~

Hojo stepped out into the empty parking lot "Guys? Hello!! Anybody."

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Next chapter: Pms comes in 5's

I hope I got everyone! And thank you Chibi genius for allowing me to use your pictures, This is sorta what Inuyasha and Kagome would look like:

And here are the cars: The vanquish:

the ferrari:

and the DB9 Volante:

And that's about it