InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium ❯ Casualty ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
A foul air of demonic scents blew through the opening; Harry coughed...he knew what was coming. It took a matter of three seconds afterwards before the demons rushed through the darkness of the broken gate; hundreds and hundreds of them, every shape and size, poured out of hell, intent on killing anything that stood between them and the sweet, succulent taste of human flesh.
Harry scrambled to his feet and fumbled for his cell phone. Before he was able to push the speed dial for Inuyasha a demon had already flown ahead of the charging mass, shooting out at an unimaginable speed, right into Harry. The phone flew out of his reach, landing some twenty feet away. Growling, Harry took its head off with one swipe of his claws. He had almost no time to react as the mass of demons rained down upon him.
Harry immediately began jumping and kicking and twisting and slicing—anything to stop the onslaught. It wasn't long before he had enough nicks and scratches on himself to sufficiently use some blood magic.
Everbero!” He cried out, throwing both reddened palms forward. A sonic, ruby-tinged blast sent all the demons within ten feet of him flying backwards, slamming them hard into the walls. It hardly left a dent in the assault.
Laedo! Attero! Blades of Blood!” Whips of blood sliced through demons, flames from his fingertips incinerated dozens, crimson blades tore through the mass; his hands were moving so fast they were a blur, but still they came. Slowly, Harry was being pushed backwards.
It was the most Harry could manage to keep them at bay. Human blood was all good and fine for ridding large amounts of demons at once, but demon blood was far too tainted and diverse. The results could often be disastrous. The most he could do was minor spells such as slicing, whipping or burning while using the demon blood as well as his own sparingly.
Using his claws to puncture his wrists, he raised the blood with fast motions into a complex design in the air in front of him.
A white, purifying light washed over the entirety of the gate chamber. The screams of the demons reached a pitch high enough to shatter glass. When the light faded, all that was left was a pile of ashes and the foul stench of decay. Already, Harry could see the faint outline of the second group of demons rushing towards him through the rubble.
But the spell had bought him some time. Harry jumped over to his fallen cell—which had been miraculously unharmed. The moment he pressed the speed dial the demons were upon him once more.
“Inuyasha, I need some help here!” Harry managed to scream into the receiver over the riot of the demons. He almost dropped his phone as he dodged a pair of poisoned claws. He emptied a round of bullets into the mass, causing a few bodies to drop to the floor.
“Look kid...” he heard the hanyou say in a ragged breath. It sounded as if Inuyasha was as tied up as he was, “Can't help you now...same problem here...All the gates are down...We gotta do this on our own. Just use your potions and try to—ow! Damn it!—try to erect a barrier on the gate as best you can—”
There was a loud bang and some roaring and the line went dead. Harry didn't have time to think on it because a spiked tail whipped down in his arm, breaking his ulna. He cried out, grabbed the tail with his good arm, and swung the dinosaur-like demon into the crowd.
“See! I told you we'd be fine!” Alaina told her sister smugly as the two of them walked up the pathway to their home the next morning.
“Yeah right—I think I'm missing a toe. I am so telling dad on you,” Bridget grumbled, getting the key under the doormat and letting herself in.
Alaina toed off her shoes, glaring at her sister, “Shut up. You're not splinched and I'm great at apparating. And dad should be thanking me for taking you home; you know how uncle Sess gets when people outstay their welcome. Where the hell is he anyway? You don't think he actually went out and got laid or something did you? He wouldn't have left without telling us. And by now he would have at least called or something! I have a feeling something is really wrong.”
Bridget cracked her neck and grimaced.
“Something is very wrong. If both dad and Harry disappear for long periods of time...well...something has to be wrong.”
Alaina gave Bridget a dry look.
“Thank you for your input.”
“You're welcome,” Bridget said haughtily, pushing past her sister and marching up to her room. Alaina watched her leave and bit her lip worriedly. Something was wrong.
Day three and Harry still found himself struggling to hold back the demons that continued to spill forth. The piles of bodies had grown high, many already starting to decay, and the current of opponents had lessoned somewhat. Despite this, Harry had grown weary from blood loss and fatigue. His moves were becoming sluggish and he was hard pressed to catch his breath. The only thing keeping him standing was the energizing potion and the blood replenishing potions that he had kept on him at all times under Inuyasha's advice. But even those were running out fast.
Over the last forty eight hours the guardian had managed to slowly erect a weak barrier, which was most likely the cause of the decline of demons escaping through. The barrier was somewhat like a loose net of blood that had diminished the flow of demons to almost a trickle of what it used to be; but it still wasn't enough to stop them.
A branch-like tentacle shot out from the moving mass and, with Harry being far too exhausted to move in time, pierced through him, pinning him against the wall. Harry leaned forwards over the branch and gurgled, blood spilling from his mouth. He let his eyes slip shut as the pain took over. He no longer had any adrenaline left in his body to block it off.
This was it, he simply couldn't fight anymore. A part of his mind shouted at him for giving up, urging him to fight until he had no more strength left.
But he didn't have any strength left. As much as he tried to move his body, it just wouldn't respond. Harry managed to shift his weight a bit but it only served to spread the hole in his stomach. The demi-demon moaned, dropping his head back onto the wooden appendage.
He couldn't die yet...Inuyasha would be disappointed...Bridget would be sad...
Harry managed to crane his neck so he could see what was happening. The hall was once again filled with demons; demons that were closing in on him, probably ready to get a taste of his flesh before they made it to the earth's surface.
Harry felt anger flare up inside of him at the thought of that. All that work fighting—and for what? To be struck down by some dumb ass plant-like demon? Hell no. He felt his magic respond to his anger. Not his blood magic...his magic.
Gritting his teeth, Harry let out an animalistic yell and clutched both sides of the appendage that had him impaled into the wall. Electricity flew through his hands, shooting up the branch and into the demon...then into any demon that demon was in contact with. Every breathing creature with the exception of Harry screamed in agony as they were charred from the inside out. Twenty four seconds of bright lights, screams and blood passed and all that was left was hundreds of steaming piles of charred flesh.
Finally freed and barely taking time to breath, Harry spit a mouthful of blood into his hands and staggered forward, thrusting his hands outward to quickly finish the barrier that was started. He could see the next bit of demons emerge from the darkness and he worked with more fervor. The demons didn't slow down, determined to escape their hellish confinement. They reached the ruin of the gate a second too late. With a loud ping the reddish barrier shimmered and they were sent back into the abyss, hissing and screaming.
Harry sighed relieved and fell to his knees, leaning over and holding his bleeding stomach. His shoulders sagged and he took deep gulps of breaths.
It was over.
He let a goofy smile grace his lips. It took all of his strengths not to pass out. He had managed to fit a loose netting of blood to hold back the demons, but it would only buy him a few minutes at the most.
When Harry finally caught his breath, he pushed himself to his feet and downed the rest of his blood replenishing potion. He then spent the next thirty minutes re-erecting the true barrier as well as patching his bond with the gate before promptly passing out.
Inuyasha sat down and leaned against the icy cave wall of the Alaskan den he had spent the last few days in fighting to salvage his gate. The gate itself could be fixed, and he still maintained the bond, however weak it was at the moment. But how had Harry fared?
Inuyasha groaned as he pushed himself back to his feet and began slowly moving through the piles of bodies, his own body protesting under the movement. Inuyasha was about three yards from the exit when a blast went off strait through the weakened gate, shattering his temporary barrier and sending him strait into a frosted column. Giant icicles fell, shattering on the ground around him—one missing his left leg by inches.
Inuyasha gasped from the sudden impact and lifted a hand to hold the back of his head, which had hit the ice harder than he would have liked. The smoke from the blast began to settle and he could make out a shady figure stalking towards him. No wait...there were two...
Inuyasha growled and began struggling to lift his damaged body. He let out a soft whine as the scar on his back seared with pain. Knowing that could only mean one thing, Inuyasha doubled his efforts. He had hardly managed a crouch when the first form moved its arm and whispered something. A red light cut through the dense smoke and suddenly there were searing knifes stabbing him everywhere, in and out of his body repeatedly, turning his insides to fire. He didn't remember crying out or falling face first onto the ground; he just remembered the pain that seemed to last forever. A pain he was quite familiar with.
It ended after a few seconds, leaving Inuyasha panting on the ground, blood spattering out of his mouth with each heave of air. Shaky arms slowly pushed him back into a sitting position, ready to meet his next opponent.
The first figure approached out of the thinning smoke and Inuyasha found himself looking into the red slitted eyes of Lord Voldemort.
“Well, well, what do we have here? Potter's mentor,” Voldemort purred looking ever so pleased with himself. Inuyasha simply met his gaze, showing no emotion, “I believe you've met my associate...” Voldemort continued. He turned and gestured to the figure behind him, who had stepped forward into the hazy light.
Naraku had presented himself—still adorned in that bulky baboon pelt with his long, wavy black hair held high in a pony tail. The man grinned, his crimson eyes glittering maliciously as he drank in his sworn enemy's state.
“Inuyasha,” he said softly as if testing the name on his lips once more. “How I have waited for this moment. Now tell me, where is that delightful book of yours?”
Inuyasha continued to give them the same, emotionless stare. Voldemort raised his wand, no doubt ready to give Inuyasha another dose of the crutatious curse. Naraku stopped him by holding up his hand.
“It is pointless to torture him. He will not submit to pain. I have all the information I need anyway.”
Voldemort stared at him for a while, clearly unhappy about missing out on torturing someone, but let it go.
“Very well. Then we have no use for him.”
He raised his wand, a manic glint spreading into his eyes.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, a knowing, peaceful but sad smile played on his lips. He heard Voldemort draw in a breath in the pretense of a spell and his fist involuntarily tightened around the scrap paper in his hand.
“Avada Kedavra.”
The ill-omened green light hurled through the air, hitting him square in the chest.
And the former prince of the western lands knew no more.
*Looks around, turns tail, and runs for life*
It...had to be done... GAHHH! I'm SORRY!
The ulna is a bone in your forearm, for those of you who haven't taken anatomy.
***And for those who are wondering, Bridget is ten. She is about 9 years younger than Harry but they are not in a relationship—she would just like to think so.
****Bridget and Alaina are witches—in fact a lot of Inuyasha's children are if the mother was human because he himself is a wizard—he just can't do magic because of his demon blood...or can he?