InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Million Crimes ❯ Prologue [Bite Me] ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not and have NEVER owned InuYasha and Co. But they make for good story telling.
A/N: This story starts off kind of slow. Apologies for the short chapter, the next one will be up soon. I hope you enjoy the beginning. Read and enjoy!
Prologue [Bite Me]
Let me tell you a little something about love.
Love is a sick, hollow, artificial idea.
Think I'm being cynical?
Love sucks.
And I know what you're thinking.
This guy is a bitter, lonely, pessimistic wise ass.
Love sucks and you know it.
Don't call me crazy simply because you're in denial.
Whoever came up with the crappy, egotistical idea of `love' should be found, hanged, and torn limb from limb. Sick bastard.
I hate love.
Love sucks…
…and it can bite me.
“Say you'll always be with me, InuYasha. Only me.”
Brown orbs glistened pleadingly in the full moon light.
“I swear it.”
A gentle breeze danced amongst the towering trees of the forest, lightly rustling the leaves. Two dark silhouettes sat side by side on a high branch, overlooking the vast beauty that was before them.
InuYasha closed his eyes briefly as he deeply inhaled the most calming scent. Her scent. How had this happened? How had a lowly hanyou such as himself captured the heart of such a pure creature? He couldn't help the questions that assailed his mind as he sat there, savoring the presence of his beloved. She had become everything to him. His world, his life, his heart, his soul. Everything. What little he had would be hers if only she asked.
Her brown eyes, her satin-like hair, her soft voice, her welcoming touch, they all seemed so perfect to him. She was perfect to him. She was deep in his veins now, like liquid fire, burning him from the inside out. She was a part of him, almost second nature. He wanted her. Needed her. Only her…
If he could sleep forever, he'd only dream of her. His love. His shining miko.
“Shh.” Slender fingers pressed against the hanyou's lips. “ You don't need to say it.”
A whisper of a smile tugged at the corners of InuYasha's lips as he tightened his embrace on the only woman who ever came close to understanding him completely. He loved her with every fiber of his being but words always seemed to escape him. He was never articulate. And feelings were never something he felt the need to discuss. He had always let his razor claws do the talking for him. That's all he ever knew.
But now he had her. How many long nights he stayed up, furrowing his brows in concentration as he tried finding ways to explain his love for her. And every time he came close, his well-rehearsed speech seemed to escape him, leaving him feeling defeated, angry and helpless. He wanted her to know. Needed her to understand the impact she had on his lonely life. And this aching need only grew stronger as their time together grew longer. He had to tell her someday. And although she never pressured him, he knew she deserved to hear him say it. At least once. Some day…
`I love you, Kikyou…'
She never got to hear me tell her.
Now I'm not sayin' I didn't want to tell her. I'm just sayin'…
Whatever. Shit got complicated.
I did love her. I don't care if you believe me or not. I did.
But she died, all right? I didn't fucking know I had some sort of time limit.
Died…more like ripped away from me.
Keh! It doesn't matter now.
She's dead. I'm alive. And this whole world can go fuck itself.
So am I bitter? No.
I'm just pissed as hell.
She… didn't betray me. I betrayed her.
Yeah, so she left me alone…
I was supposed to protect her. Always.
I let her down.
And now she'll never know how important she really was…
…what the fuck do I have now?
What the fuck do I do now?