InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Part five of mind games


“ I’m pathetic…” Inuyasha thought to himself, lying awake. A shiver ran thorough him.

He tried to burry himself deeper into the protective embrace of the monk, flattening his ears.

He could feel Mirkou shift slightly, his arms around his waist.

Were was Kagome when he needed her the most, she had left him to suffer again as she always did. Running off to her own time and leaving him behind.

It ate him up form the inside, the cold sorrow and despair devouring him alive. He whimpered to the uncaring night.

A slight chill brushed over his skin as the night wore on, it was enough to rouse him form his uneasy slumber. His eyes opened slowly, tiny white snow flakes fell from the deepening sky.

Inuyasha pulled away form the embrace, his body protesting as he got to his feet. The ancient tree swayed and groaned in the sudden cold. Even he shivered slightly. He cast a single longing look at the monk, shivering slightly. They would better off with out their pet guard dog hanging around. That’s all he was to them, a guard dog to keep the other demons off of them.

Is that all I am to them, a pet. Maybe to Kagome, to the others, I’m just a guard dog. He growled softly at the thought, I’m already wearing a collar, why not add the leash.

Inuyasha turned away from the sleeping monk, knowing he would waken soon, hopefully he would be long gone.

The frost covered grass crunched under foot as he walked away, shoulders bent as if weighed down by some invisible sorrow, never once looking back.


Sango was leaning heavily against the tree, the massive demon bone boomerang was a comforting weight on her back, her eyes never leaving the wells iced over lip. Shippo had blessedly fallen asleep, curled up near the massive form of Kirira, protected from the early morning chill.

The winter was coming on harder then ever before, a massive snowstorm was making it was across the country, leaving a coating of white death over the ground.

Her mind was racing even if her body was calmed from years of training, she couldn’t stop thinking of what Mikoku had told her out of earshot of Inuyasha.

She had though she had seen the worst Naraku could do, his last attempt far surpassed anything she thought he would do. Kill the only family she had, yes. Kill or wound any of them, she could understand that. But take Inuyasha’s innocence and shatter his heart like that. It was enough to bring back the old rage that sat deep inside for the dark monster that was Naraku.

Miruko broke her chain of thought as he appeared as sudden from the shadows, all but collapsing on her, even in the cold he was heavily sweating. He leaned heavily on his staff, his breath coming in gasps.

“ Mikoku ? ”

“ In..Inuyasha is gone.”

Sango all but leapt to her feet, they had to find him before the storm reached. Half demon or not he wouldn’t last long in it. If the storm didn’t get him…she shuddered under the burden of the thought.

Demons could pick up a weakness and converge on a target, and he was a walking target for every demon in the area. The snow would cover up any trail they could follow in a short period, time as not on their side.


“ Inuyasha!” the sound was pitifully soft in the darkness, the night surrounding and silencing their voices as the wind howled, kicking up ice and snow. Miruko tired to shield himself with the edge of a sleeve as he stared into the night. He staggered in the cold, almost loosing his balance of the hundredth time, leaning heavily on his staff. The snow was already becoming heavy and the air as cold and damp as early winter could make it, the suns already weak rays were slowly shut out by an advancing army of grey clouds that promised more then snow fall.

His skin was already going numb, his lungs burned with each breath. The storm had grown in power in the short time they had been aware of their companions missing presence.

It became a thick flurry of whiteness, the cold driving ice needles though their clothing and Kirira fur. Lungs burned as the temp steadily dropped as nature showed its dominance of the feudal world. Soon even the most detrained of creatures could not go on, the snow came in thick droves forcing them to find any kind of shelter.

A hand seized his shoulder, he turned around to see Sango.

“ Come on, get inside.”

He pulled away, her voice barley heard above the winds fury.

“ Not until I find him!”

Sango had to all but drag him back to the entrance of the small caves gapping entrance, holding tightly to his robs, knowing full well eh would keep going even if he collapsed.

“ You wont be able to find him in this storm.” her words sunk in slowly as he finally went limp in her grasp. He turned his gaze back to the swirling mass of white.

Shippo and Kirira were all ready inside, huddled into the far back of its damp cold interior, well out of the snow.

His shoulders slumped as he half trudged, half stumbled back into the cave; the feeling of guilt over weighting is own safety. He was supposed to watching after Inuyasha.

He slumped down, his strength weaning as the night roared on, he could barley hear any of Sangos comforting words through the self imposed guilt that hung around him like a noose.

If Inuyasha was out in the storm, they could only pray he had found shelter as they huddled in the damp wet cave as the entrance piled high with snow.


***Modern world ***

The early morning air was laced with frost as the winter made itself known, tiny icicles hung on the edges of tree limbs, sparkling as the suns pale watery rays touched them.

The oddly silent morning was chilly to her skin as she wondered to the edge of the well; the others had to be worried about her by now. Inuyasha was mostly likely sitting by the well on the other side, sulking as usual, even in the cold.

She never realized the time had passed so quickly. Kagome often didn’t realize how much she missed civilization until she came back home. The days blurred into each other, each running into the other until two long weeks had fled and were lost to the burden of memories

Still she just couldn’t shake the sense of dread that shadowed her for the last few days, creeping closer until it all but breathed down her neck.

Something was wrong, very wrong. She hoped nothing had happened to him during her short stay away.

The wells icy edges creaked as she slipped in, leaving her world behind.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------

The wind drove the snow and ice like razors, the snow kicked up so it created a thick swirling cloud of whiteness that encompassed everything.

The temperature steadily dropped, freezing any exposed flesh. Even the suns weak watery rays were shut out by the black-blue clouds that rolled across the dark sky.

He limped heavily, his teeth clenched, as each step was agony. Broken ribs grated on each other, his once silver hair matted by ice and blood. Inuyasha wondered aimlessly in the darkened snow covered woods with only pain and the ever-present shadow of death as his only company.

The long two weeks were nothing short of a nightmare stretched thin over the days and nights, each just blending into each other in a creamy smooth symphony of pain, cold and despair. His own screams would forever blacken the walls of the hellish nightmare were he had been kept. Each slowly taking its toll on him, pulling him further and further away in to the dark void. He felt nothing but the weight on his body from the snow as it steadily sucked the heat from him.

He shivered violently under the growing mantle of snow.

The iced over surface of the well came into view. His breath came in raged gasps, the cold burning his throat and lungs.

His legs gave out as his strength fled as he collapsed near it, she had not returned the whole time, the snow and ice around the ancient stone was undisturbed by anything save the lonely wind. His breath came in ragged gasping as he clawed his way forward, any tears fell unnoticed to the snow.

He lay there, his glazed eyes slowly shut, never leaving the wells edge even as he slipped in the darkness. Snow piled up around his still form.



to all who are wondering what happned in the missing two weeks, im working on a side story to fill in the gap