InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ Darkest Before the Dawn P2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Darkest Before the Dawn part 2

Chap 7 mind games

The lightswitch clicked dully and the room remained as dark as night. The storm must have knocked all the electricity out for miles around, leaving the house dark but still warm. The heavy med kit hanging from one shoulder as she made her way back to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha graoned as she sat back next to his still form, resting a hand on his forehead, his skin cold and damp, a slight shiver running through him even under the thick quilt she had manged to find. It was hard to see the awful extent of his injuries in the darkness, part of her didn’t want to see what had happened the two weeks she had been gone, but it had to be seen about.

Carefully pulling the soaked pelt off, trying not to hurt him any more then he already was, a few whimpers broke the eerie silence as she lowered him back down. The rest of his clothing were similarly discarded into a soaking wet pile on the floor

He stiffened slightly before going limp again.

His skin was mess of deep wounds, some were old, and most were fresh and bleeding. He squirmed and groaned softly when she brushed over them.

Kagome felt sick, her hands shaking slightly, fighting to keep from breaking down. The soft cloth almost falling out of her hands as she carefully cleaned of the matt of dried and fresh blood from his skin.

She winced every time air entered or left his chest, gently mopping his cold skin with the cloth as it turned a scarlet red, and he would cry out softly, calling her name to the uncaring darkness that surrounded them both.

“ Inuyasha, can you hear me? I have to wrap your chest, it might hurt.” one ear barley moved to catch her words.

His eyes fluttered open, his golden orbs flickered slightly, clouded in silent agony before falling shut again. Gritting his teeth and summing the fast failing reserves of strength he nodded slightly as a shiver shook his body slightly.

Reaching blindly in the dark for the medical kit she had retrieved earlier, glad for its presence, feeling for the bulky roll of bandages inside.

With the greatest care she could mange she reached under him and slowly wrapped his broken ribs in a thick elastic bandage, she winced as she brushed over his chest, feeling the painfully visible ribs below his badly torn hide, a silent testimony to whatever hell he had gone through. His jaw clenched every time her hand moved against a wound in the dark.

It was difficult to squeeze her hand beneath him to get the bandage around his chest, feeling him jerk slightly every time. He shook slightly with unvoiced pain and cold, barley breathing just cling on the fine silvery edge of life with a fierce tenacity as she pulled it tight.

He lay deathly still, only the raise and fall of his chest was any sign of life, that and the constant but slight shivering.

Got to find a way to get him warmed up, with the power out it was going to be far harder to get him warmed up.

“ Hang on Inuyasha. “ he gave no indication he heard her soft words, his ears laying flat agisnt his skull. He coughed a few times, a thin trickle of crimson flee from his bruised lips.


Inuyasha graoned, his free unbroken hand griped the sheet below his body in a tight embrace as the dark rift of pain opened up and swallowed him whole, dragging him screaming into its depthes.

Tears fell from his eyes as the whimpers caught in his throat, his body going stiff as sweat dotted his skin despite the cold.

Inuyasha’s choked whimpers of pain faded away to the sound of his own thundering heart slamming into his broken ribs as he lay struggling for breath through the thick coppery crimson that threatened to drowned him.

He stirred slightly as something warm was pressed to his heaving chest, drawing the throbbing pain and cold.


The rubbery skin of the hot water bottle pressed itself into her hands, molding to her flesh like a living creature as she all but ran back to him. It was all she could find, at least it was something.

Kagome dropped to his side, pressing the heated rubber to his chest under the heavy quilt, smoothing the sweat soaked silver hair out of his face, even in the shadows she could easily see how his jaw was clenched tightly, his face twisted into pain.

“ Shhhh..Im here Inuyasha.” she tried to sooth his furious attempt to retain a fragile grip on consciousness.

“ K-Kagomoe?” he whispered harshly, his voice weak and shaky. His once vibrant golden eyes were clouded and glazed over.

“ Just rest, you’ll be all right.” trying her best not to let her voice break up.

“ I..Im cold.” was all he could mange through his chill paralyzed and bloody throat.

“ I know. Don’t talk, save your strength.” She reached out and gently stroked his anguished face, watching as he relaxed visibly. He was still shivering under her hand.

His eyes clouded over with pain as they slide shut, a meek cry escaping his lips then nothing as he went slack.

Her own breath caught as her heart felt as if it was wrenched from her chest, she clutched the half breeds still form to her own, brushing a hand over his forehead were perspiration was beginning to bead to his lips desperately, feeling where breath still stirred in his broken body.

She all but collapsed on him, letting the tears of anguish fall freely over him. The smell of blood still clinging to him like a cloud.

“ I don’t want to loose you Inuyasha. “ she whispered harshly into his ear, feeling his own chest rise slightly under hers, sharing what little warmth she could offer as the long cold night dragged on.

The wind and ice plummeting to the earth below, covering the sleeping world in a fine coat of white.
