InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ P13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
N- the re written part 13


Dis- I own nothing, no suing for you.
Kagome X Inuyasha
With a sigh of frustration he gave up trying to get the tangles out of his wet hair as it fell around his slumped shoulders. It was useless even trying with one hand; it only made it worse.

The water was filled with a thick froth of bubbles caused by a now-lost plastic bottle floating somewhere in the tub under the mess it had caused when he had knocked it in reaching for the now forgotten glass of water perched on the edge.

He squirmed slightly in the warm water as his injured leg began to throb again. It had held his weight for the short trip to the bathroom and no further, threatening to collapse as he managed to slowly ease into the warm water.

He had desperately needed a bath; he could still smell the taint of the rape and the cell clinging to his skin no matter how hard he scrubbed. He hated the stink of it and the memories it brought back, memories he had hoped to forget in the darkness of night. The faint images of snow falling and the icy cold still came when he closed his eyes, lingering far too long on the edges of his dreams and nightmares.

His body complained as he shifted, leaning on the edge of the tub, the air filled with steam dancing in the cool early evening air. Everything still hurt, a constant throbbing that would flare up to be pain. He clenched his jaw shut as a whimper escaped his throat.

His ears twitched as soft footsteps neared, but he didn’t open his eyes even when fingers delicately touched his wet ears. He groaned something softly before leaning into the touch, his golden eyes remaining closed.

Her hand left the soft damp triangles before brushing over his broad back, inwardly wincing, as she remembered the deep whip marks that marred his skin.

‘What happened to you, Inuyasha?’

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Inuyasha lay on the bed dressed only in a simple silky cream-colored robe that left nothing to the imagination. His injured arm was cradled against his chest, his other arm under the pillow, long tangled locks of silver spilling around it. He had rolled slightly onto his side, allowing the robe to slip up his long legs, leaving them exposed.

Kagome couldn’t help but smile slightly as she sat beside him combing her fingers through his hair. He seemed so at peace and relaxed, just barely dozing as the last rays of the sun slipped free of the heavens allowing the dark velvet of night to take over. He was beautiful in the early evening light as it filtered through tightly drawn shutters, his once matted hair damp; snow white kissed with the purest silver, she thought, as the strands ran through her fingers. He leaned into her touch, his golden eyes still closed.
Her other hand glided over his. He flinched at the touch for only a second as her hand settled on his, her slim smooth fingers feeling the slight roughness of his skin. The warmth of his body seeped into hers as she leaned over his slightly, her lips just brushing his.

“Kagome, I want you with me always. I don’t know why I couldn’t say it before. I love you.”

He silently waited for the rejection he could feel coming. His heart slammed against his ribs as he bit his lip, trying to drowned out the need to simply scream in frustration and heartache. Why would she want him now? No one ever would; he was a hanyou. Worthless, dirty and used. Maybe he should have died in the woods.

The seconds that ticked by seemed to stretch into minutes for him as he turned his head away, his dull golden eyes sliding shut.

She laid a hand to his cheek, forcing his head towards hers. The horrified and confused look in his eyes tore at her. He looked ready to bolt out of the room or nearest window, had his injures let him.

Almost guiltily she gripped his hand harder before throwing her arm around him, burying her face into his chest. No longer able to keep her tears from falling, she cried into the soft fabric of his robe.

“Inuyasha, I love you. No matter what they did to you, that won’t change the fact that I love you.”

He seemed to freeze up slightly as if unsure what to do now. So sure he had been of her rejection, he was ready to run out the window without bothering to open it.

He wrapped his arms around her, a low purr echoing in his chest as he let her cradle him. Her breasts pressed to his chest though the cloth separating their bodies, as he let her fingers run through his hair and over his ears.

She was his now, all his and no one else’s.

Kagome continued to hold onto him tightly, her heart fearing that if she let go he would run. He had been through so much, so much pain, misery and loneliness all his life. Whatever hell he had been through when he turned up after being missing those long two weeks wore on them both, yet he refused to talk about and she didn’t push it.


He slowly shook off the bits of sleep that stubbornly clung on, still feeling the exhaustion weighing heavily on him. The warm feel of Kagome’s body pressing against his drew him away from the dark realm of sleep. His eyes fluttered open. Inuyasha lifted his head enough to nuzzle the soft warm expanse of throat, his fangs nipping the skin as she shifted slightly. This was where he wanted to be.

“Kagome, koishii.”

He pulled back to reach her lips, feeling them part as his tongue delved into her mouth. The heat of their growing passion was making the air around them warmer. Her roaming hands pulled his robe open, searching fingers reaching the warm flesh of his chest. He growled softly at the feel of her cool hands over his muscles, moving up to trace the edges of his collar bone before inching back down over the planes of his chest. Her touches were light and timid; she could still feel the thinnest outline of ribs under the rippling mass of muscle that was covered by thick bandages only a day ago. Inuyasha released his hold on her enough to slip his arms free of the cloth, unable to contain the shiver that raced up his spine at the feel of her hands running lightly up his bare sides.

He barely seemed to notice her hands dipping below to his waist until he felt the only thing keeping his robe on loosen.

His heart and breath hitched for a second at the sensation.

Leaving her lips he traced a trail soft nips across her jaw, listening to the gasps they caused.

Kagome squeaked as she found herself pressed into the mattress as Inuyasha’s fingers slipped under the silky material of her robe. The tips of his claws just brushed the sensitized edges of her nipples before sliding the thin silk off her sloping shoulders. The soft silk pooled around her waist.

He nipped at her jaw and throat as he cupped her breast, marveling at how supple the skin was under his rough hand.

Kagome gasped loudly at the feeling his rough tongue made lapping a molten trail between her mounds. She dug her hand into his damp silvery hair, finding the base of an ear and stroking it gently. It had the desired effect; his entire frame underneath her shuddered, only encouraging her to make the movements slower, teasing against his ears.

The fur covering his ears was fine and soft like velvet, warm to the touch as she massaged the wide base.

A low purr rumbled in his chest, responding to the pleasant sensation. She secretly loved knowing that her simple touch in the right places could shatter his most stubborn and sometimes foul moods.

His hand clumsily fumbled at the ties to her robe, his purr turning into a slight growl of frustration when he realized he couldn’t undo the simple slick rope around her waist.

Hearing the slightest ghost of a snarl starting, Kagome took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. His frustration slipped away and the purr returned, the ties forgotten for the moment.

His mind struggled to concentrate on the wonderful things her hands were doing to him. He shuddered again as the warm pleasure shot up his spine, driving the pain and tiredness away in its hot wake.

Kagome snagged her fingers over the knot of the last thing holding her robe up and easily pulled it loose just as his lips began a slow exploration of her face and throat. She moaned softly and brought her hands up to caress his sides in encouragement.

A light blush raced across her skin as she felt the last barrier fall away from her, slipping to the floor, the cold air touching her bare skin.

He arched under slightly as her questing hand found something sensitive.

“Kagome..” was all he could get out, his dull eyes gleaming in the darkness.

“Its all right, Inuyasha.” Kagome cradled his face in her hands before letting her hands glide back down his throat.

She nearly whimpered in frustration as his mouth closed over her nipple, drawing out a soft gasp as he suckled gently, ever mindful of his fangs. His fangs just grazed the warm pebbled aureole teasingly.

Slowly Inuyasha licked his way to its twin, nibbling at the tender flesh as she arched her back to him. His silvery hair delicately brushed over her skin in feather soft touches that drew more soft gasps.

One hand trailed down the smooth swell of her hip and over a thigh. She shivered in pleasure, the smell of her musk growing stronger in his lungs.

Fighting for every ounce of control as his demon half raged in the dark depths, he slowly nipped a blazing path up her inner thigh, enjoying the moans the soft feathery touches gained. Her pleas and strangled cries drove him on. He could feel the warmth of her skin against his lips as his rough tongue teased the warm folds of flesh.

She fisted a hand in his hair, the other gripping the base of an ear and stroking it. The scent of her heat assaulted his senses as the last of his resolve shattered.

Kagome clutched the silver locks to the point she nearly ripped several strands out by the roots. She was absorbed by the sensations, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She could feel the rough tongue circling he sensitive nub, making her hips buck in his gentle but firm grip.

Kagome felt as if her every nerve was on fire, as she dug her fingers deeply into his hair, holding on as the pressure grew inside her, fiery tendrils circling around her spine.

The low rumble of a purr vibrated through his chest as Inuyasha buried his face in the soft folds, his tongue lapping her clit. He loved the sounds she was making.

He felt the hidden muscles ripple against his tongue as he forced himself to withdraw, shedding the last of his soft robe.

Kagome shivered at the soft warm skin against hers in the darkness of the room, clawed fingers gliding up her bare sides before circling her breasts.

He pinned her to the mattress, a low vibrating purr passing though his chest as she let her own hands wander over the expanses of warm hard muscles and silky skin.

She could feel the hardness of his straining member pressing into her lower abdomen. She shifted her hips slightly, sliding her hands over his smooth back.

“I want you, Inuyasha..”

A low half growl, half purr emanated from his chest as he claimed her lips in a crushing embrace. Her hands tangled in the long silver locks, pulling him down even more.

His demon half chanted in the back of his mind to simply flip her over and have his way with the female. To sink his claws into her hips... He shook it off. He wanted to see her face, to see the pain and the pleasure over her features in the dim light. No more dreaming of this moment.

Supporting himself on his good arm, the still healing one held on her hip, Inuyasha rocked forward, sheathing himself deeply in her in one single moment. Kagome’s eyes flew open as a strangled gasp left her throat, feeling herself stretch to accommodate his thick member. Sharp pain flew up her spine as her grip tightened on his arms. A few salty tears trickled down her face.

Inuyasha fought the need to move, concerned about hurting her as his clawed hand came to rest on her cheek. She didn’t flinch away at the touch of his claws as so many had. He could feel her inner muscles tighten around him as she raised her hips slightly to his, silently urging him to move.

He dropped his head so his lips were only inches from hers, strong arms encircling her shoulders possessively. He let his lips brush over hers before pressing them together as he withdrew before thrusting back in. A soft moan reached his ears with each gentle rocking thrust as he slid his tongue over hers.

His breath came in ragged gasping pants as his grip shifted from her shoulders to her hips, a thin film of perspiration glistening on their skin.

All she could do was cling tightly to the silver locks under her hands, lost in the flood of sensations, drowning all rational thought.

Inuyasha could feel her body arch under his as he thrust into her damp slick folds, stroking her very core as his movements became rough, a low growl leaving his lips as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. He nuzzled the soft sweat slicked skin there, lapping as his fangs grazed it before breaking the flesh and sinking in. Kagome was so lost in her own pleasure that she didn’t even feel it. His tongue lapped at the small trickle of crimson.

Agonizing pleasure filled every thought as he felt a warm wetness around his cock with each thrust.
He let go of her hips, embracing her tightly in his arms as his own release sent him flying off the edge. Her body tensed, arching into him as silken muscles clamped down hard on his aching shaft. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she screamed his name to the primal night.

He nearly collapsed on her as his weakened arm gave out, his strength rapidly failing, although he managed to roll onto his side, his chest still heaving in exertion. Kagome wrapped her arms around his heaving chest, nuzzling his neck.

Inuyasha’s weary eyes slowly slid shut as he snuggled up against her, his breathing slowly evening out as he drifted off to a nightmare free sleep for the first time since his capture. His ears lay flat against his skull as the dark nothingness claimed him in the frail hours of dawn.

Kagome, despite her tiredness, lay awake, her eyes watching his pain free face. What had happened to him?

It kept eating away at her, making the guilt hang as heavy as a dead man’s noose. She gently pushed some stray strands of silver off his forehead. He grumbled something in his sleep that sounded like a soft plea and buried his face into the pillow.

She withdrew slightly. He had never flinched from her touch before. Her heart sank deep into her chest; it only confirmed her worst fears. His back had borne many a deep thin wound that could have only have been caused by a whip.

Tears misted in her eyes. How could anyone want to hurt him like that? She snuggled besides him, her fingers smoothing his damp hair as his ears twitched in some dark dream.

‘My beautiful Inuyasha.’


Outside the skies twisted in darkness as the snow fell again in soft white drifts covering the night world with thick sheets of ice and snow, burying the things that lurked below the surface in a sheet of icy white and soothing cold.