InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Three: A Battle of Will... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Here’s a small legend in case anyone needs it
Beast’s Thoughts

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Disclaimer: Let’s see...*looks at a list of items, objects and names* nope...I guess I don’t own Inuyasha or Sesshomaru.
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Scroll 3 - A Battle Of Will...

A few more hours passed in silence before Kagome could hear the first noise since be capture, other then the voice of Naraku and Rin. Now she could only hope it was Inuyasha and that he would be able to find the two young girls, wherever the were being lock away. Kagome strained to hear the noise but couldn’t hear anything other then a crash here or there. Soon all was quiet again and Kagome lost hope once more.

“Inuyasha, why are you taking so long? Do you hate me that much?” Kagome couldn’t help where her thoughts were wandering to. She shook her head, a nasty habit she had to try and rid her mind of the unwanted thoughts. It had appeared that Naraku’s words from her first day still plagued her mind. Maybe she was becoming tainted.

Another shake reminded her she had more important matters to attend to. “Rin please, please, wake up little one.” Kagome wiped her forehead once more with the cloth. The cold of the room kept the water cold and she was slightly grateful for that. But she wished she could have something to keep herself warm. It wouldn’t do if Kagome got sick too. The infection on her side was already enough to deal with. “Come on Rin, you need to wake up. Just for a little while, please.”

“What is the matter with her?”

The new voice of an unseen stranger scared her so she did the only thing she could do. Kagome screamed. Her arms wrapped around the young child and she pulled a barrier around the two of them. But Kagome strength was failing so the barrier was weak and not a threat at all to the newcomer.

“Quiet wench.” the voice hissed.

Kagome could make out the outline a few feet away and she watched in horror as he move forward. “Leave us alone.” She shivered trying with all her might not to show her fear. This was in vain though. Any person could see both girls were in a hopeless predicament.

“My ward needs help. She will not be left in a place such as this.”

“Sesshomaru,” Kagome was shocked. He had come after all. Rin’s faith in her Lord was not in vain. “Please, I can help her I just need out. I can find the things that will save her. Let me help her.”

At first there was no movement, nor sound. If it were not for the shadow standing in front of her she would have assumed he was gone. Little did she know that Sesshomaru was pondering her request. One the one side she was trained and knew of these illnesses that he never had to worry about himself. He was a demon and all knew that demon did not before sick with human illnesses. However, the girl that travelled with his half brother was also ill as well as injured. It was possible that in her condition she would not be able to cure his ward. Then there was the chance that Rin would not make it to the next human village he came across. Moreover, the young Miko looked determined.

Kagome felt the weight leave her wrist and soft material fall around her shoulders.

“This Sesshomaru will carry her. Be warned, if she dies you will too.”

“I understand.”

Kagome stood up for the first time in days. Her body protested but she fought the urge to sway and fall. She tested her steps taking small ones at first before she become confident enough to move forward at a quicker pace. Her hands reached for the smooth fabric around her shoulders and she pulled it close and tight to her body. She had forgotten that she wore no clothes and was grateful for the gesture.

“I need to find a forest that where I can get the things to save her.”

“Follow me.” Something fluffy grazed one of her hands. She held onto it wondering what it was. As Sesshomaru moved, the fluffy thing pulled to move her forward. She then remembered the mokomoko that was part of Sesshomaru attire. She loosened her grip slightly incase this was indeed what she was holding onto. Kagome didn’t need to upset the Great Lord of the West. She also didn’t want to die anytime soon either.

“Close your eyes.”

“What?” Kagome was confused at the request. What was he planning on doing? Was he going to take off with Rin and leave her behind? “Why?”

“Your eyes, they are sensitive from being in the dark for so long.”

“Oh,” Kagome closed her eyes. The fluff pulled her forward once more and she could feel the heat of the sun for the first time in more then a week. Behind her eyelids she could see pink as the sun hit her eyes. This alone pained her.

“Keep them close until we get to the forest. You will have too get accustom to the daylight little by little or you will ruin the eyesight you have.”

Kagome nodded but didn’t know if he would see this since his back was turned, “Arigatou Sesshomaru-sama.”

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Within moments Kagome was told to open her eyes. She found herself in a lush wooded area. The trees overhead cast enough shadow to keep the sun out of her now oversensitive eyes. Opening her eyes at first was hard. Even the small amount of light found in the forest was too much. But Kagome force herself to get over the pain in her eyes s she could look for the things she needed.

Kagome let go of the mokomoko in her hands. She had been right in assuming that the fluffy thing she was holding was the pelt that decorated Sesshomaru’s attire. After releasing the pelt she looked to the forest floor. The area would be great to camp but Kagome was going to need a lot of water.

“Um, can you hear any water nearby?”

Sesshomaru started to walk to his left and Kagome tried to follow as fast as possible. She had no doubt that Sesshomaru knew she was injury for he walk slowly even though their time was short. Kagome’s footing faltered many times but she soon found herself beside a small stream. This place would do nicely. Kagome had seen a few things she would need on her way and had grabbed them but she still needed a few other plants for later.

“I have to gather some wood I’ll be right back.” Kagome turned but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

Sesshomaru pointed to Rin and then walked off into the forest.

“Okay?” Kagome took his gesture as a cue to start caring for Rin. The young girl was still burning up with a fever leaving Kagome no choice but to soak her. Kagome untied Rin’s outer kimono to find a lighter, thinner liner underneath. She took this off to and soaked it only to place it once more on Rin. The ice cold water would held keep down the fever. As Kagome finished her first task she heard Sesshomaru return and begin starting a fire.

“What else do you need?”

“Just a few basic plants really I have most of them here. I also need something to boil water in.”

“Hn. I will fetch my retainer and the utensils you will need. What are the name of these plants you speak of?” Kagome told him of three specific ones she would need. “Stay here. Don’t move,” his voice commanded obedience and, if it were not for the fact that she was worried about Rin, Kagome would have voiced her opinion about the Tai-Youkai telling her what to do.

Kagome took the time to break down a few of the plants she needed. She put a few in her mouth to chew them before forcing Rin to eat them. After going through this ordeal twice Kagome decided to soak Rin once more. Half an hour later Sesshomaru reappeared. He walked over to the stream and filled the small pot in his hands, then placed the pot on the fire. Minutes later Kagome found the water warm enough to mix the other plants and berries that Sesshomaru had gathered for her. Kagome proceeded with pouring a little of the mixer on her wrist to check the temperature. Sesshomaru raise a perfect eyebrow at the motion and this, surprisingly, did not go unnoticed by Kagome.

“I have to ensure that the mixture is not going to burn her mouth and throat.”

Sesshomaru didn’t reply but kept an eye on the two humans sitting on the opposite side of the fire. He would never tell them he was worried on the inside for his human ward. However, he could not deny any longer that the small child did matter to him and if anything happened to her it would be his fault. Sesshomaru had made an unspoken promise long ago to the little girl he saved. He would always be there to save her when she needed help. He now found himself useless. There was nothing he could do for her now. Rin’s life laid in the hands of the wounded Miko and the Kami’s above. Thankfully, the young woman looked determined and for this he rested a little easier. But the life of the Miko was also at risk and he wondered how long she would be able to hold out.

Shortly after the moon’s zenith, and many soaking later, Rin’s fever broke and Kagome breathed a sighed of relief. Rin was getting better and she had this idea in her head that having Sesshomaru’s presence around helped Rin just that much more. By this time Jaken had made his way to the camp site. His voice could just barely be heard but every once in a while Kagome could make out a ‘filthy human’ insult of some sort. Kagome had heard enough and if Sesshomaru did do something about it soon she would deal with it herself. There was no way that she would listen to this all night long. Her patience was at it peak as her own health began to fail her. Thankfully the silk haori belonging to Sesshomaru could keep the chill of the night air off of her. She had notice when Sesshomaru had returned he was wearing a haori slightly different from his usual one. The one he wore now was the same in design but with black instead of red. She was going to ask about this but then remember the incident earlier. Sure enough, when she had looked down she saw the red pattern haori of his usual dress.

Rin’s breathing had grown softer and Kagome didn’t feel the wheezing that she had in the dark dungeon. It appear that Rin had a strong will to live and she would make it through this ordeal. Now the small child just need rest and plenty of food and water.

“She’s doing much better but she shouldn’t travel too much for the next few days.”


“Foolish little girl how dare you tell Sesshomaru-sama what to do. You will pay for that with your life.” Jaken began squawking yet again and after a while of his insults Kagome decided she would deal with him now.

“You ungrateful little toad. I have heard enough of you nonsense. If you really want Rin to die then by all mean need my miserable life now. I care not for what you think of me but the minute you insult one that I care dearly of you will pay. Mark my words toad.” Kagome wasn’t finished but the small rant was taking a toll on her. Sesshomaru noticed this so sent Jaken to find more firewood.

“But, Milord...”

“Now, Jaken.”

“Right away, Sesshomaru-sama.”

“You will remember to show respect to my ward and retainer.” Sesshomaru didn’t even look to Kagome as he spoke.

“I will show respect to those who earn it.” Kagome hissed.

By morning Kagome’s energy was drained but Rin looked much better. Her skin was back to a normal tint and her temperature was also back to normal. Her breathing was easier and she no long shivered or moaned in pain. Kagome was proud of herself for being able to help the little girl. But it was time for Kagome to go and she knew this.

Sesshomaru hadn’t slept at all that night either. He had stayed up and watched while the older human tended to the younger one. Uneasy thoughts filled his mind but he pushed them away. He was happy about hearing Rin would pull through but now he was indebt to the Miko known as Kagome. This did not sit well with Sesshomaru. In the eyes of a Tai-Youkai you always paid back you debts. You were also expected to respect those you are indebt to but who had every heard about any Tai-Youkai owing a human. It was unheard of. But this human had helped him. She care and cured Rin in her time of need and seeing that Rin was his ward it was his responsibility to see Kagome was paid in full.

“Sesshomaru-sama, remember what I said about Rin travelling.” Kagome stood swaying a little but trying to hide it. “Oh, make sure she has plenty to drink throughout the day. She will except water even if she sleeps. When she wakes up she has to eat but only things that are light on her stomach.” Kagome was about to take a few steps forward but Sesshomaru stopped her by standing in her way.

“You will stay here and continue to care for Rin.”

“Sesshomaru-sama, she will be fine there is nothing more that I can do.”

“This Sesshomaru will not allow you to leave.”

“But I can’t stay here,” Kagome fidgeted a little in her spot. “I have to go. There are things I need to... attend to.”


“You can just tell me no. You are not the boss of me. I am a free person. I can do what I want, when I want to do it. Get out of my way Sesshomaru-sama, I have to leave now.”

“Why are you so keen on leaving Miko?”

“I too am injured. I won’t last long, I know this,” Kagome lowered her head to stare at her feet. “If I were to die here... I would hurt Rin. She doesn’t want to see anymore people get hurt or die. She told me so in the dungeon.” Tear slowly made a path down Kagome’s cheek. “Please Sesshomaru-sama, I have to go, before Rin wakes up.”

“Listen here little Miko, for this Sesshomaru does not repeat anything for anyone. You will not leave here until I give you permission to leave. Until then you will travel in my group under my protection.” Sesshomaru turned his back to her in order to go back to his previous position by the fire. However, he quickly turn back around in order to catch the falling miko who had fainted. Her heart beat was steadily decreasing and Sesshomaru realized too late that she was dying. The foolish girl had care for Rin but neglected her own injury. Sesshomaru carried her closer to the stream before pulling her down to the ground.

“Jaken, retrieve the pot of water from the fire and bring it here. Then collect more fire wood.” Jaken, never the one to disobey his lord, quickly obliged.

Sesshomaru pulled his haori on the girl back enough to see where she was wounded. Finding a towel tied to her side, Sesshomaru pulled it off. He was shocked. The towel was caked with old blood and a green slime like substance that was turning black with age. She was very strong to have stayed awake for as long as she had. Her wound had a foul smell coming from it and Sesshomaru had never seen anything like it. The original injury itself was small and harmless but the infect had spread from the wound outwards eating away at her skin.

Sesshomaru had secretly found new wonderment for the woman. For her to ignore her own pain and health for his ward was admirable in his eyes. In order to pay the human back for her kindness he promptly decided to aid the Miko in her healings. This took care of his debt and any guilt for not being able to do anything for his ward. But her the infection would not be able to be cure here. She needed supplies that could not be found in this region. His situation was becoming dire. The Miko would not last long even with a strong will and Rin was unable to travel.

Jaken returned and placed more wood on the fire. “Anything else Sesshomaru-sama?”

Sesshomaru ignore him and ran over his options. He did not want the woman in his arms to die. He reasoning was simple. He owe her and Rin would become depressed if he allowed this to happen. However, he would not risk Rin’s health so they were caught in the middle of nowhere.

Sesshomaru pour tea into the Miko’s mouth and she swallowed the concoction, coughing lightly at the end. He proceeded to rinse the wound with the cold water while thinking about what he could do.

“Jaken take Ah-Un to the Northern Lord and ask for the Eifle plant. You will take no breaks or rest in any form until you come back here. Is that understood?”

“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.”

Jaken left with the two headed dragon. Sesshomaru knew he had a long day ahead of them. It seemed everything was against him. First Rin was taken and when he rescued her she was ill. Now he had a debt to pay and the person that was suppose to care for his ward is ill. He now had to personally care for two humans. But at least Naraku was kind enough to hide his castle on Sesshomaru’s lands closer to the Northern border. Not that he had done this with that intention in mind but it would only take Jaken a day and a half at most to return back to their camp.

The only option available to the Western Lord was Tenseiga, should anything happen to Kagome, he could bring her back with the fang his father had left him. But he had learnt just a short time ago that Rin could not be brought back twice. Once you are save once by the life giving blade you can not be saved a second time. If he let her die and brought her back he would not have the option of bringing her back in the battles to come. He had a feeling the Miko planed a major part in the battle against the evil hanyou. He wanted to leave this option open for a later time should he need to.

Rin appeared fine compare to Kagome’s current condition. To the Tai-Youkai’s ears he was able to hear Rin’s breathing was back to normal. In fact, Rin was only resting now, Sesshomaru could hear her sleep like breathing. It was only a matter of time before she awoke back to her normal, hyper-energetic, self.

Kagome’s breathing was laboured and it sounded like she was having difficulties. Listening to Kagome’s earlier advice he force-fed both Rin and Kagome the tea he had watched Kagome make many times the night before. He was glad that he paid attention even though it didn’t appear that he was. He clean Kagome’s wound again then left to the forest for a leaf he commonly saw used on lesser demon wounds. He found it and brought it back to the camp where the girls laid side by side.
The leaves were thick and very heavy. They were as wide as two hands, so one would easy cover the entire area of infection. With his claws he easily cut the tough outer layer of one leaf and flipped it over before placing the leaf on Kagome’s wounded side. This allowed the juice of the leaf to slowly seep into the wound and try to hold of the infection before it spread any further. It was meant for demon and would be too strong for any average or minor injuries that human obtained, but the infection that Kagome had led Sesshomaru to believe that this would work for her. She was strong willed and any side effects she had would probably be easily beaten by her.

§ ‡ § † § ‡ §

Night fell once more and Sesshomaru cared for both humans. He watched as his young ward became better but the young girl in his arms became worse. Kagome’s midnight black hair was damp from the sweat cause by her fever. Her sun tanned skin from walking under the sun was clammy, pale, white. She looked like a corpse and the lost of weight from not eating was not helping the situation.

Sesshomaru was out of options. He had stopped the infection from spreading with the leaf but it did not stop the effect the infection was having on her immune system from the lack of proper care. This left him with no other choice. Sesshomaru used his claw to cut a neat shallow gash along the palm of his hand. This whole day prove to be a little difficult for Sesshomaru since he only had his one had to depend on. But he managed only cursing his younger half brother a dozen and a half times that day. Blood seeped through the open wound pooling in his palm. It let it pool for a few seconds then move hand over to the wound of the Miko. He turned his hand over letting his blood flow over her still open wound. She was going to be tired for a long time after this but he was not going to let her die. For Rin sake he had to save her. He watched and waited hoping that her body and blood would except the little amount of blood he gave her. Within, moments he noticed a slight change in her skin colour. It appeared that his blood was accepted and was fighting back the infection.

This would solve the problem though since he only risk giving her a little of his blood. A human under normal circumstance would die from the poison in his blood. However, the poison in his blood was not poisoning the girl but poisoning the infection that was killing the girl. There was only one other way a human would live after consuming his blood. There was no way this was possible thought. Soul mates meant love and love was an emotion no demon could ever feel. It was also a weakness and the great Sesshomaru would not allow himself to fall for such a weak. His father, had said that love made him strong. It gave him someone to protect. Sesshomaru knew better. Love gave yo a weakness. Someone that another would think to destroy in order to get to you. Sesshomaru was not weak with these emotions or any other emotions. His mother made sure of that too.

Sesshomaru’s growled lowly. His thoughts were getting away from him again. This was not a time to reminisce about the past and his former self. In fact, Sesshomaru was one to think what was done is done so you have no needed to think back about past actions. But lately he found himself thinking back more and more about the words his father had spoken to him. He growled again before looking to the sleeping girl in his lap.

~Since when have I sunk so low as to offer my lap to a sick weakling such as this human?~

You have done many new and strange things since you receive that fang from your father.

~I do not believe I was talking to you.~

So you would rather talk to yourself then the one who share your exsistence?

~I do not answer to you. Go back to your space.~

No, I have not had freedom in a while. Besides I like the beauty you carry in your lap at the moment.

~Leave. Or I will make you.~

I will be back.

Sesshomaru growled as his beast settled back down into the deep parts of his mind. Things were not good. He needed the Miko the heal and heal fast so she could then leave. The only thing that kept her there now was the silly Tai-Youkai tradition that Sesshomaru dare not break. That and Rin’s feelings. He was not going to admit that he would have help the girl anyway, out of respect for how strong willed and strong minded she was. There was absolutely no way Sesshomaru would give that satisfaction to his beast for he knew if his beast was given the chance then he would grow attached to this human too. But one was enough for him. Had he known that taking care of a human child was so bothersome he would have left the girl for dead. Of course, right now he was lying to himself. Sesshomaru had grown fond of the young child before his beast had. Now he found her presence and her actions highly amusing. Especially when Rin had both flowers and Jaken involved.

~Jaken. Where is that toad? If he does not return soon he will find himself a new job within the castle as a permanent vase for Rin.~

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Ja ne
angelic memories
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