InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Now and Always ❯ Mine Now and Always Chap.3 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, Now and Always

Chapter 3

By SilverDragon

A/N Hi all…thanks for the reviews… you asked for any up day...but I was at work until with out further delay….

"Show him in" Inuyoukai instructed the servant "and tell my sons to join me"

The servant leaving no time to waste ran out the door to do his masters bidding.

"So it has begun my lord?" asks the lady of the manor as they walk to there throne chairs.

"It's sooner then I thought...but have no worried my love, Shesshomaru and Inuyasha can handle it" Inuyoukai told his wife in a comforting tone

Smiling at her husband, she studies him with love and admiration…my mate, my partner in this world and the next…will peace ever find its way to our land?

"Of course my dear…I'm not worried about our sons…after all, you the greatest of all, trained them"

Before the great demon could answer the doors opened and a youkie with red hair and a big bushy tail walked in and bowed respectively in front of them.

"My lord and My lady, I bring forth information on Naraku and his bitch Kikyo" the messenger gasps as he realizes he just swore in front of the lady of the western lands "for. Forgive me my Lady, I forgot myself" the messenger if possible bowed even further then possible. The lady just smiled and nodded to the young fox.

"And how is that a young fox has any information on this" asks Inuyoukai

The fox demon looks slowly at the him and answers with a voice filled with emotion

"He...He attacked my village, my home….killed everyone…I was the only on who survived" he whispers as a tear runs down his face unnoticed

"What village is this? What is your name" Inuyoukai asks in a tight voice. His mate lightly puts a hand on his arm and whispers so that only he can hear "be kind, he is only a child"

"My name is Shippo, my father leader of our pack of foxes, was named Kasha. (Sorry I don't know his really name in the story). He was once part of your army. My village is just south of here" Shippo tells the Dog demon and his mate "the reason I come to you is because it is what my father would have wanted. For me to avenge my father and my family."

"Shippo, I knew your father well. He was a brave man, which was loyal to all that he considered a friend. I am glad to have known him" Inuyoukai said as he walked towards the young Shippo, kneeling in front of him, he places a hand on his shoulders "tell me what you know"

Taking a deep breath, he tells the Lord and Lady all that he knows "They attacked us, with what seems like hundreds, Narako and Kikyo did not attack, they stayed in the distance, watching." Looking straight into the eyes if Inuyoukia " My father fought with honor, He was out numbered, my brother and I tried to help, but I was knocked out, and when I came to I saw ..I saw" unstoppable tears ran down his face as he tried to get his emotions in order "I saw them killed, all of them…dead, then Kikyo came over to me and said that I was to live and tell the you, what had happened and that this was only the beginning."

Inuyoukia looked over at his mate and shook his head, sighing, he looked over to Shippo

"Rise Shippo, you have done your duty. Even though you are young, you showed bravery in the eyes of war, and for that you may stay here. You will train with my men and become as your father once was. So rise young Shippo for today you are a man." Inuyoukia rising with Shippo so started when the young fox hugged him.

"Thank you…oh thanks you" realizing he just hugged the Lord of the Western land so horrified beyond believes "I'm sorry" slowly bowing away from him.

"It is alright…go my servant will show you were you are to stay"

Bowing one last time, Shippo left the room

Inuyoukia walked slowly to his chair besides his mate and sat down once again

"So the bastard wants a war does he? Banishment was not enough for that traitor" hitting the arm of his chair when saying this. His mate startled by his sudden show of anger looked up at him with a sad look in her face, for she only saw that face once. Only once

"You know that he would not simply walk away. You, you said that he was evil and lord…surely..." the lady was cut off when her sons walked into the room

Shesshomaru and Inuyasha slowly walked towards their mother and father. What made them hesitate was the look of anger and tiredness in there beloved fathers face, never seen any kind of emotion before, it was nerve racking.

"Mother, Father, you summoned us" both of them said at the same time, bowing then kneeling before them.

Sighing, Inuyoukia looked at his sons with pride and sadness, for he was about to tell them of the past best forgotten and what the future might bring

"Shesshomaru, Inu yasha, I summoned you here today, so that I can tell you what as always played heavily on my heart." Looking at his wife with a sad smile he continued "Many years ago, before you where born, I had an advisor, someone who was to guide and comfort me when I was in need. He was what I thought at the time, my friend. Because of this I was blind to his true nature." Getting up and walking over to the window, he stared out as if looking into the past "I was young, foolish, naive, a young pup to know any better "smiling softly " Anyway, as the years past, my advisor got tired of his role and wanted to rule the land, but to do that he had to kill me" he stopped when he heard and gasp coming from his children "but he failed on all this tries, I never know that it was him, for he never attacked me himself, as time went by and the incident seemed to stop and at this point I was mated with your mother." Looking out the window one last time he looked back at them and continued "it wasn't until we had you, Shesshomaro that the traitor was found out. His name was Onigumo."

"Onigumo?" they both asked. Sheeshomaro was in deep thought, trying to remember if he ever heard that name or anything to do with it. Inu Yasha on the other hand just looked bored.

"Feh, what does this have to do with me" He asked out load

His father just ignored him and continued on "As I was saying, Onigumo was just a human, a weakling at that. But he was smart and we thought proved to be an honest man. But the power of being the advisor to a great lord was too much for him and he became consumed with jealousy with everything that I had. Including your mother" saying this while clasping his life long mates hand "He was banished from this land for his deeds, and was never heard from again…until rumors of a man, consumed with evil was taken over by thousands of lower demons to become more powerful. As you know lower demons are always trying to find an easy way to become stronger, faster, powerful… and this man was the means to become it. Because of these rumors, I sent out my best men to find and search all things they could on this." Inuyoukai paused and looked at his sons "what I found was more disturbing then I thought, the man I once trusted has become our enemy…Naraku"

Both his sons stared at their father with worried, and grim faces for they both new what and who Naraku is.

"My Lord, Lady…trouble, terrible trouble…the Lady Kagome is being attacked…by by.." the servant trying to catch her breath after running to the throne room " Naraku's forces"

"WHAT!!, I'll kill them if they hurt my mate-to-be" Inu Yasha said running out of the room with his trusted sword Tetsuagia

A/U Sorry guys for the long delay with the up dates..but I've been sick with the flu…please let me know what you think….I'm working on the next part..but you might have to wait,. I have to make up for the days of work I missed…oi..