InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Now and Always ❯ Mine, Now and Always Chapter 6 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, Now and Always

By SilverDragon

It's been three day since he kissed me thought Kagome, three very confusing days. With a sigh she looked up at the clouds above remembering that kiss he gave her. It was wonderful; I can still remember the feel of his soft, yet, strong lips on mine. With that thought she brought her hand to her lips and smiled at the wonderful feeling that the memory brought her. But why hasn't he made any move towards me? Did I do something wrong? Why am I so confused about this with these thoughts a small frown appeared on her face I just don' know what to make of this.

"Excuse me? Are you Lady Kagome" said a voice from above her

Kagome startled by the voice dropped the needle work she was trying to work on and looked up. What she saw took her breath way, there in front of her was a beautiful woman wearing a soft pink kimono with red flower pattern. But what really took her breath away was the soft smile and friendly eyes of the older woman.

"Y-yes I am, forgive me for sounding rude, but who are you?" asked Kagome in a soft voice

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, he he Sesshoumaru always says that I forget to do that. I'm Lady Rin, your future sister-in-law I believe." Lady Rin replied "Umm do you mind if I sit with you. I'm very tired I'm afraid."

"Oh of course, Please" Kagome said moving her things around making room for her by the huge willow tree (Are there willow trees in ancient Japan?) "It's nice to meet you Lady Rin, how are you today?"

"Oh I'm fine, just expecting. But tell that to my other half is impossible. I'm so glad I at least have a moment to spare" laughed Lady Rin "But never mind that, I'm sorry about your journey here. Naraku is a bastard that's for sure, the nerve of that thing to attack you. Oh it makes me so mad that there are people out there like him" Rin said crossly looking at Kagome "Of forgive me, I've shocked you, didn't I? I must learn to hold my tongue at times"

"Oh no, I agree with you fully on this, he is a bastard" Kagome said just as passionately and then looked at Lady Rin and bust out laughing at her own shocked expression.

On the other side of the Castle (training rooms)

"So, runt? What do you think of your lady? Are you still nervous about the up-coming mating ritual?" Asked Sesshoumaru as he attacked his brother with a sword

"Who are you calling a runt? Bastard!" Inuyasha yelled as he side-stepped his brothers straight on attack "What are you talking about, I was never nervous" he said while swing at his brother

"AH, you were as nervous as a new born, admit it…runt"

The two brothers swinging their swords, both equal to each other in the ways of the sword. Gave a good show to the soldiers training in the same area. Soon all the training had stopped and they all watched the brothers' train. Both dancing in perfect harmony one step-forward one step- backwards. The sound of metal clashing could be heard through out the room with idle insults between each swing.

One of the soldiers just stared at the brothers in awe and turned to the person next to them without taking his eyes of them

"Are they always like this?" the young soldier asked

"No, their normally worse" the man replied

"Oh" the young soldier said turning back to the fight

The man looked over at the young soldier and noticed that he was a youkai, a fox youkai and a young one at that.

"So what's your name young one? I haven't seen you around before" The man said to the boy

The soldier blinked and realized he was asked a question turned to the man and said with a smile "I'm Shippou, a fox youkia from the south. I was told to come here and look for the captain. Umm I think his name was ummm let me think, oh yeah, Captain Miroku." Shippou looked down slightly embarrassed at his forgetfulness

"Why are you looking for him?" asked the man

"Well, you see, my village was attacked and I came here to see the Lord and to tell him about it. He said I could join his army. Do you happen to know where I could find him?"

"Yup, you're looking at him" the man said with a smile "I'm Miroku, and if you want to join the army that's fine with me. You can start to train over there with the rest of soldiers. Ask for Ejji, for armor and a weapon. He'll set you up with something for your height and age"

Shippou looked at Miroku in embarrassment for mistaking him for a regular soldier, when you can tell he was more. Shippou slowly looked over the man in front and took in his appearance. He was tall about 5'7 5'8, brown hair (slightly misplaced) wearing a purple robe of a monk a monk? Could he be a warrior monk? Shippou thought while looking at the staff the man was holding. It was almost as tall as the man solid in gold and looked deadly. Shippou realizing he was just staring at the man, quickly bowed and turned to leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he looked over and saw that it was Miroku.

"Yes, sir?"

"I just wanted to say welcome to the fold, and I'm sorry to hear about your village"

"Thank you, sir" and with that he ran off to find Ejji

Miroku just smiled and turned back to the fight between the brothers, realizing it was over.

"Ahh, so you both finally finished eh?" Miroku said walking towards the heavily panting brothers "So, who won?"

"Neither of us did" they both said at the same time and turn to glare at each other before laughing.

"So, Inu Have you talked to Lady Kagome since you got here? Or have you been ignoring her?" Asked Sesshoumaru as a servant brought over a towel for them. Nodding to the servant he turned to his brother.

"Not that it's any of your business, brother dear. But now I haven't" Inuyasha said glaring at the towel as if it did something evil to him.

"I always knew you where a baka, Just never this big of one" Miroku said hitting Inuyasha over the head with a towel "How do you expect the fair lady to fall for you if you ignore the girl, I mean really Inu, Think about it. The first day she meets you it's not in the most romantic setting and you just leave her alone? You really are a Baka" hitting Inu over the head again with the towel as he said this.

"Will you stop doing that?" Inuyasha growled out at Miroku "I'm not like you guys; I have no idea how to act around a female, much less a human one. What do I know what to say to her. Knowing me I would insult her" looking up at his brother and friend expecting advice just saw knowing smirks and being hit on the head by both of them with a towel.

"OUCH!! Stop that" Inuyasha yelled at them

"Baka, just go and talk to her let her do most of the talking, just listen to her and agree with everything she says" the both say at the same time

Inuyasha just stood there with a blank look on his face

Sesshoumaru and Miroku just smiled at each other grabbed Inuyasha and pushed him out the door and said before closing the door and a still confused dog demon "She's in the garden baka"

Meanwhile, back at the gardens

"Oh Lady Kagome, I don't remember the last time I laughed this hard" said Lady Rin drying her face with her sleeves "by the way, weren't you companied with a young lady? I haven't seen her around" Rin said to Kagome while looking around

"Oh you mean Sango? She was injured during the fight and is with the healers right now" Kagome answered in a small voice "I would be with her now, but I was kicked out of the room"

"Kicked out? But why?" Rin asked looking at Kagome

"The Healers said I was getting underfoot and that I wasn't helping. I didn't mean to trip the healer honest" Kagome said looking at the Rin with a pleading look for understanding, but Lady Rin was too busy laughing to notice.

"You tripped the healer? Oh I would have loved to have seen that, oh yes I would" Still laughing for a few more minutes stopped when she saw the tears in Kagome's eyes "Oh don't worry dear, I know you didn't mean it. Is your friend alright"

"Oh yes, she'll be fine in a day or two…in time for the…"Kagome stopped when she noticed that Inuyasha was standing behind Lady Rin.

"Hello, Lady Rin, Lady Kagome. How are you today" Inuyasha asked looking down at the girls

"Oh Inu, is that you? Oh good, you can keep Kagome company. I must find my mate" Lady Rin said getting up with Inuyasha's help. With a little wave to Kagome she was gone.

"Hello Lord Inuyasha" Kagome said with a small blush.

"Oh, Hello Lady Kagome. But please call me Inuyasha or Inu"

"Alright, if you would call me Kagome-Lady Kagome makes me sound old" they both laughed at the small joke when she noticed that Inuyasha looked very nervous.

"Is something wrong Inuyahsa? Did you want something?" Kagome asked

"huh, ummm no, I mean-I was ,umm wondering…umm that is if you not too busy…if you would like a tour of the gardens or something" Inuyasha asked shifting from one foot to the other.

"I'd love to" She replied rising from the ground.

AN: Okay people, now that there together (kind of) I need to work on the next two chapters, I should have them done soon. (I hope) thanks again for the review. See ya soon