InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine to protect ❯ What a darling child! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

THIS ONE IS TEEN!!!!! NO LEMONS!!!!1!(at least not for awhile!)

And now…….ON WITH THE NEW STORY!!!!!!

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The sky took on the appearance of twilight this summer evening in Kyoto. The air was light and warm. Flowers of every color blossomed and flourished. The sun grand, orange and vast set the beginning of what was promised to be a magnificent night.

On this night, a grand celebration was to be held, a celebration of a new life. Men in stylish tuxedos, Women in stunning gowns that shimmered and sparkled when they moved, little children in their best clothes, Altough the celebration was predominately human, even the youkai came to pay their respects to the newly born. But what made this human family so special is that they were the infamous Higarushis. The most influential and powerful humans this world had to offer. Not only did they own the largest and most beautiful shrine in Japan, or have in their family possession…hundreds of thousands antiques and artifacts not to mention demonic weapons that date as far back as the Sengoku Jidai…….

But their newest member to the family was bestowed the sacred powers of the shikon Jewel. The jewel of legend, the jewel that promised great power to anyone who possessed it, the jewel that many men and demons alike have pursued but have failed to get. This jewel alone could decide the fate of the world and who would hold it in their hands…….

And this was the reason for the grand celebration, the balloons, the music, the fine foods, the champaign toasting……Demons and humans alike celebrate in joy and excitement…..the humans celebrate a new life and a new smiling face, But the demons celebrate a new chance to seize the world for youkai, to gain this power…..To become supreme ruler. The chilld that they see before them holds that key.

The powerful Mr. Higurashi stood a the top of his grand staricase, tapping his champagne flute to gain everyone’s attention. “Ladies, gentlemen demons and demonesses, your presence is most appreciated here this evening. Tonight we set aside out differences to take part in a celebration, a celebration that births a new power, a hope and a new life. And now my honored guests, may I present to you……..”

The crowd tensed. They would get to view the babe. The child’s first appearance in public! Demons, and humans waited with bated breath.

“My beautiful baby girl, Kagome Higurashi.”

The women and demonesses ooed and aahed and cooed at the little angel. Never had they (demons included) seen such a beautiful human pup!

She already had a curly lock of midnight black hair nestled on top of her head. Her little cheeks were sweet and rosy and she opened her eyes, which were a piercing sapphire crystal, they sparkled in the moonlight. She blinked her long eyelashes once at all the people who had come to watch her and she giggled! As if she knew that they were all here to see her. She laughed and smiled to reveal little dimples in those rosy little cheeks of hers which made the crowd another reason to go ‘awwwwwwww’

“Ha ha ha ha ha! She already knows how to greet her guests! And now, my friends…enjoy the entertainment and music! Darling kagome will be located in the solarium for those who would like to get a closer glimpse at my pride and joy!” Most of the female members of the party squealed and rushed downstairs to the indoor solarium to coo and play with the gorgeous babe. The others decided to wait until the first crowd had died down.

The children, demon and human were all in the outside gardens playing tag, and hide and seek and whatnot games between the trees and around the fountains. Except for one that is….

“Father, what is the point of this party? Cant we kill anyone? Gosh I’m bored.” complained a young demon lord who was excessively tired with the light hearted party, sick of the laughter and dancing.

“We are one of the most powerful lines of demons this world has left. We have a duty to fulfill by being here. You should be grateful Katsuro, you rarely get to leave the mountains…..I thought that you would be glad to leave the mountains for a more favorable climate…”

“The mountains are much better than here…..all these damn flowers are giving me a headache….”

“Heh, a true arctic wolf you are lad. Can’t stand the spring summer or fall….and you’re not the only one with a headache….” The older demon chuckled to himself. He ruffled his son’s light blue hair.

“Father stop this at once! I may be but a pup, but I don’t like being touched! Especially on the head!” the younger demon almost lashed out at his father. This was met with a crashing punch on the top of his head that would have knocked out any regular human boy.

“AHHHHH! Father! What is the meaning of this?” Katsuro bellowed at his father

“Never again will you talk to me in that manner again! Do you mistake me for one of those scrawny toad demon servants? I am your father and I am still the alpha male of this pack! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME WHELP?”

Many demons who passed by the scene nodded in approval at the high demon lord disciplining his young son. That’s what should happen to a pup that misbehaves. “They’re a terror when their in their 50’s. Good luck with that one….” a rather old owl demon commented as he made his way to gaze upon the baby.

“Yes father. That is understood…..” The pissed demon prince muttered under his breath.

“Come come now Katsuro, when you are supreme ruler of this land of the rising sun there will be plenty of people and times to be the boss of everyone…..heh, you already have the ruling spirit….you shall make a fine demon king. Come now, let us take a walk son.”

“Yes father.” Katsuro grumbled.

They passed laughing guests and playing children and Katsuro scoffed in their direction. The two strolled in the less inhabited portion of the mansion. The great Wolf lord’s own bluish-white hair that reached to his lower back, his silver irises piercing through the darkness

“Father, Where are we going? Is it worthwhile?” the younger wolf demon inquired in a melancholy tone. This pointless stroll was...well…pointless!

“You shall see.”

They soon neared the entrance of the solarium much to Katsuro’s horror. ‘what are we doing here? Why do I have to actually go near the thing?’


“Quiet, unless your head desires a meeting with my fist.” The Demon lord silenced his pup. “Speak when spoken to. Understood?”

“Yes Father.” the pup sneered.

The solarium was almost like an indoor rainforest, every plant, flower and shrub known to the earth resided here. The moonlight beamed in through the glass walls setting off the bright glowing of the candles that were around the bassinette that Baby kagome took her resting spot.

‘they have four gardens around this godforsaken castle, why the hell do they need this room?’ his thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard the booming loud voice of lord Higurashi

“Kituomaru-sama! Welcome! I thought I might not get to speak with you this evening!” Lord Higurashi greeted, glad to see his old ally and friend.

The taiyoukai let a small smile bare his lips “It is an honor to be here, Higurashi-sama. You are quite skilled at making your guests feel taken care of.” the lord gave a small bow.

Higurashi smiled and nodded. “My thanks, Sachicko wouldn’t have allowed me to do any less. I am glad you find everything satisfactory.”

Kituomaru’s smile barely widened. “My apologies, I did not mean to bring up the matter of your deceased mate….er…..wife.”

“No harm done. She is here with me and kagome in spirit. It has been a few years since Lady Naoki has passed onto this world. It must be hard,for you and your family, yet you look in better health than I have ever seen you!”

“Yes, I believe that both of them are here….in spirit…..”

Katsuro merely rolled his eyes at all of this idiocy, ‘in spirit, hah! What’s the use of a mother anyway? It’s not like I’m some stupid helpless girl.’

“Speaking of spirits, I believe you remember this evil one, My son Katsuro. Katsuro, show Higurashi-sama your manners and say hello.” The demon lord pushed katsuro in front.

‘sigh, just like I practiced….’ “Good evening Higurashi-sama. I hope you are well.” Katsuro repeated in a monotone voice.

“Very well thank you! Tell me Katsuro, would you like to see Kagome?” The human lord asked, expecting the young boy to say no.

Katsuro could have pucked on the spot, but instead, he sucked it up and replied in a more sarcastic voice

“Oh very much so.”

“Well here she is! Kituomaru, would you also like to see?” the human lord chirped, oblivious to the sarcasm that laced the boy’s tone

“Very much so.” the lord replied. Sending his son a disapproving glare

The father and son looked inside the blue and gold decorated bassinette to find the babe sleeping. ‘well, this is boring,’ katsuro thought, his boredom beginning to sink back in. Just as he was about to turn his head he heard the baby stir and wake up.

“What a smart child. She must have felt out presense.” kituomaru marveled. ‘that is a product of the shikon that is inside of her….’

Kagome was now wide awake and staring at her new visitors her large sapphires taking in her new handsome visitors. She looked back and forth between the two youkai and smiled. Kagome giggled and gurgled, talking to her visitors in her own little language.

“ Quite sociable, I see,” the demon lord noted, his small smile never leaving his face.

“Oh yes! She went on a rambiling spree when she met Inichiru-sama!”

“Ah yes, That owl demon is also fond of chatter.”

Katsuro absentmindedly kept his hand on the side of the bassinette, staring at something other than those rosy cheeks or those big eyes, ‘huh, all babies have that……why the hell is she so special? She’s just a human wench,’ but once again katsuro was once again knocked out of his thoughts as a powerful jolt racked through his whole body. It stopped all of his normal thought and mind. His father and Lord Higurashi quickly ended their conversation to turn their attention to The now twitching Katsuro. ‘aaah! What is this?!!’

The surge shot through his arm and spread through his whole body like wild fire. It was amasing! Like nothing he had ever felt before. This babe’s touch sent such a feeling of….raw and untamed POWER. It was almost too much for the young demon to bear! The sensation manifested in his veins, intertwining with his blood, rushing to everywhere. His vision was clouded with visions, visions of the future. They shot off in his head like gunshots, There he was, grown up, and stronger than ever, he saw his father passing the royal swords sown to him indicating that he was now king, He saw himself lead many a fierce war, and he being the victor…..he saw himself as the next Absolute taiyoukai, and greater than his father ever was…..

Then, all of the sudden, the sensations turned to pain, white hot pain! It began so scorch and sear at his skin, the pain was worse than when he had fallen 7 feet off of weapon shed, It felt as if his whole body was being split down the middle and being shot with a thousand arrows “AAAAAAAAAAAH! WHAT IS THIS! IT BURNS!!!!” he shouted wanting this agony to end, He had to let go of the babe’s hand! But…. Something inside told him not to part with the hand, this was an unfamiliar conscience in Katsuro’s mind and he didn’t know whether or not to trust it….Then, the voice spoke to him:

“You want to become strong….”


“You want power, young wolf demon,”

‘Yes…I desire power.’

“So young, and already have ambitions…I expect nothing less from myself.”

“Yes, I am your inner youkai, the part of you that will ensure your greatness…”

‘and how will you do that?’

You feel this power, this sensation, do you not?

Katsuro paused and realized that the pain vanished and was replaced by the same fleeting bliss that was the shikon jewel.

“This jewel has the power to make you the strongest youkai that ever lived. This girl is no ordinary human, she is the guardian, and the key to your success…..”

‘Her? But how?’

“I do not know, perhaps you will find out. Time is running out, but remember, me. If you ever want to feel this power again, it is only through her you will receive it.”

And with that last word, the deep voice vanished into thin air, the pain and the pleasure going along with it.

Like lightning, he returned to the world in a flash, to meet the horrified gaze of Lord Higurashi. He barely heard his constant babbiling of ‘are you all right and I’m terribly sorry’ the ever persistent giggling of Kagome continued, she was unaffected from the whole thing…

But what he concentrated on the most was the look in his father’s eye. Never in his young life had he seen such emotion in his father’s eye. Triumph, Pride, joy, and…malice. He would never know what went thorugh his father’s head that night.

“Are you all right son,” The demon lord was having a hard time hiding his joy. He looked almost hysterical, his face contorting with something between a smirk and an all out grin.

“Y..Yes father. I am unharmed.” Katsuro replied, the first time his young face was unmarred by a scowl or a frown. He was just shocked and confused. ‘What was that?’

“The visit has been wonderful Higurashi-sama. But Young katsuro and I must depart for home. He has had a rather trying night.”

“Yes of course! I shall send my horsemen…..”

“That will not be necessary thank you.”

“All right, If you insist, Katsuro, child I am deeply sorry for what has transpired tonight..”

“Don’t be. The little angel over there was just showing us what she’s capable of. What truly lies in her dear little heart. The power of the shikon is a wonderous thing. To think, such power lives in such a tiny and precious being. She shall make a fine princess. And now, friend, Katsuro and I shall take our leave.”

And with that, the two were gone from the palace in an instant. Traveling by cloud (much like sesshomaru) Both males were deep in thought,

‘I have to feel that again, I need that power, That will make me great! That will make me invincible! Father would be proud…..And I would finally be better than he ever could have been….heh, I still don’t like girls, but I am going to be forced to think otherwise. Besides, father always says that great changes and sacrifices must be made to be the greatest……and someday I will be invincible.’
Meanwhile, Katsuro’s father was In his own thinking zone.

“I Knew my son had to be one of the chosen ones, I knew that he had exceptional potential from his birth! He has no idea what I must do to him to prepare him for this new power, hehehheheheh, the world will see…we’re going to be much better and far more powerful than those dammed inuyoukai. Show them who’s going to bring the land of the rising sun down to it’s knees before us…The Arctic wolves of the north..

And it is my duty as a father to help my son reach the goals that have been given to him, no matter what I have to do or who I have to kill….The shikon shall be his!’

The malevolence his smile held could frighten even naraku to the pits of hell. He remembered the jolt that his son received and how the lust for power and greatness brimmed beneath his silver eyes……Yes, a born ruler he was. A born ruler.

“Little kagome, you’re going to make a fine daughter in law.”

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