InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine to protect ❯ Paternal meetings...and the solution ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
16 here again! Here Is the next chappie! Please oh please tell me if you like this intresting idea!!!

I NEED FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On with the fic!!!!!

Since this is an AU fic, it takes place NOW! (in this time of 2006) demons and humans live together (somewhat peacefully)

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And she made a fine princess indeed!

There wasn’t a soul in Japan who didn’t know of the Higurashi child! People came from miles just to gaze upon her young, beautiful face. All remembered the blue-eyed baby who made her first appearance at 6months. Now, she was an equally gorgeous little human girl. She was always in the gardens, playing with the only friends she had…the flowers that bloomed in the gardens. When she ran, her thick, raven locks twirled and danced behind her, her skin was the loveliest color of peach that seemed unmarred from blemishes and bruises. Smiling to herself and singing, her dimples were large and becoming to her ever rosy cheeks. But one thing that never changed was the warmth and sparkle her sky blue irises held for everyone that she met. Little kagome could often be seen running up and down the halls of her palace, making cookies with the cook, helping the gardener, and staring off into the distance on her balcony.

She was well known and loved by ningen and youkai and was the pride and joy of Yazuo Higurashi’s heart.

“Daddy! Daddy!” little kagome shrieked in excitement. She busted open the doors of her father’s massive study and quickly climbed aboard his lap. Now normally this wouldn’t be a problem….but he was right in the middle of a meeting with an important youkai client.

“Look daddy! I made cookies! All by myself! Mio just helped me put them in the oven though, but everything else I DID!!!” she happily exclaimed.

“KAGOME! Dear, what did daddy tell you to do before you come in the door?” Mr. Higurashi said firmly, but not unkind. Kagome’s eyes widened in remembrance.

“OH! No! I’m sorry I forgot to knock! Gomen daddy, And gomen nasai sir! It won’t happen again!” Kagome quickly scrambled off her father’s lap and ran out the door cookies in hand.

“Gomen, Gomen, Hiromaru-sama! Please excuse my daughter! She is a bit hyper when guests are here..”

“Nonsense, that is perfectly fine. She is a child. Why, When I was a pup, I climbed to the top of my father’s castle, spread my arms far and wi….”


There was silence in the study.

“Daddy, it’s me kagome!”

“Hello kagome, is there anything that you need?” Higurashi called from the door, silently hoping that Hiromaru would overlook this small interruption.

“may I come in?”

“not right now honey, daddy is..”

“NONSENSE!” the old rabbit demon bellowed. “LET THE CHILD IN!”

Higurashi looked at hiromaru as if to say are you sure, when he got a nod of approval from the elderly demon he came and said.

“Yes sweetie, you may come in.”

“There was a ‘YAY!’ heard from the other side as little kagome timidly walked through the door, still clutching her cookie tray. Slowly she walked over to the sitting area and faced both her father and The old rabbit demon.

“ *Ahem* Well, I was downstairs making cookies when Mio the cook said ’it’s better to make cookies if you have someone to share them with,’ so I asked her if she wanted one and she said no thank you. Then she suggested that I try around the castle. So I asked, Midori the garedner, Myoga the butler, Jaken the washer and all of my other friends around the house. But they all either said that They are too busy or that they just wanted one. There are so many people here to share with but no one wants to take! So…this was the last place to go… would you like a cookie? Please?” begged little kagome, her big blue eyes gazing pleadingly to her father and lord Hiromaru.

“Why I believe I shall try this miniture creation! What did you call it….er….”


“Yes….yes….I’ll try one dear child………..”

The rabbit demon swiftly seized one of the cookies and happily munched on it while her father selected one of the cookies on the plate.

“Why, Kagome! This is the best batch that you have ever made sweetheart!” her father complimented

“Ho ho! What a delightful little snack! You are quite talented young lady! Maybe you also have a talent in selecting weapons!”

“My lord…you mean…you will go through with the deal?”

“OF COURSE! With such a little luck charm running about the place all the weapons that you have here must be first class! Show the way to your collection Higurashi!” The rabbit demon bellowed in a happy voice. He stood up and waited to be lead downstairs to the weapon room. With little kagome leading the way.

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Somewhere, In the icy, depopulated area of Hokkaido, A castle of Blue marble and Ice hides away in the snow covered mountains. The sky is white, a ghostly silver that resembles the silver eyes of the Ice lord who waits in a throne room of pitch black. The only light in sight coming from the hundreds of candles that emit blue flames……He waits for his son…. A wolf demon of about 12, human years. His son arrives….It is time to check his progress…….

“Katsuro…come forth.”

“Yes father.”

“How has your training been coming along son?”


“Satisfacto ry? Why not outstanding? What is holding you BACK?”

“Practice, skill and mastery take time and patience father. One cannot hope to succed without blood, sweat and tears, The blood and tears coming from your enemies of course.”

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well Quoted from your old father. And here I thought you didn’t listen to me. Yes. To listen. That is also a great quality of a powerful lord. You must always listen to whoever talks or confronts you. Then afterwards, It is all the more entertaining when you choose to completely disreguard what they said.”

The son’s lips upturned in a smirk. “Heh, right you are. Thank you for the tip.

“Anytime. So. How many have you killed in training this month son?”

“20 opponents, 15 servants, 28 tundra animals.” katsuro replied, his smirk widening as he recalled all of his victims for this particular month.

“You never cease to amaze me son. Every day I grow a little bit prouder of you, Knowing that one day, You shall raise up here, a Far greater lord than I ever was in my prime.”

‘you’re damn right about that..’ Katsuro thought

“Now go son, I shall see you next month. Remember…11 more human years until you can receive your “ultimate weapon” 11 years for you to grow strong and fierce. 11 years to raise that demon that lives within your blood. Now go. You are dismissed.”

“Thank you father. I shall take my leave.”

Katsuro turns to leave. His barefeet make the dullest echo on the marble floors when all of the sudder, he stops and whizzes around he shouts:


“Yes, my son?”

“Have you found him yet?”

“Found who?”


The older demon sighed. “We have had no luck. The prophecy gives us the clues, but we cannot think of anyone who meets the description. My scholars are trying. PATIENCE katsuro. Didn’t you just say so yourself? You are dismissed.”

“Yes. Goodbye. Father.

And in the flicker of an icy flame, he was gone.

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“Kagome, Kagome?”

It was the end of a most successful day at the Higurashi mansion, and a certain father was in search of his only daughter. After hearing her sad little rant while dealing with a client, Lord Higurashi felt so sorry for his little angel. True, she had many friends here at the mansion, the cook, the stable master, the maids…..but she has never had contact with children her own age. Even he could remember playing with the little boys over at the shrine, before the beautiful mansion and the money and fame. As he made his way up to kagome’s room he couldn’t help but feel guilty. He opened the large, French doors to see his little kagome standing on her vast balcony, leaning against the post, staring beyond the gardens….into the north. With the enhanced power of the shikon she sensed her father’s life force entering her room

She turned around and lit up her face with a rather sad smile. “Oh, Hello father!” she chirped in what was supposed to be a cheerful voice.

“Kagome, dear, we need to have a talk.” Her father said, a note of sadness noting his voice.

“What about?”

“Come and sit down here.” Her father sat on her large, comfy bed with light blue and lavendar, her two favorite colors. Obediently, she crawled next to her father, waiting for what he had to say.

“Kagome, are you happy?” asked her father. His voice straight.

Kagome’s face brightened. “OH YES! I love being here in the mansion! There’s always someone who needs my help, or someone to talk to! My favorite place to be is in the solarium though! Midori always has something I can water or plant! So yes daddy! I AM SOOOOOO happy here! Why did you ask?” kagome brightly declared, her 1000 watt smile brightening up the room.

Her father sighed. This was not going as he planned. He decided to take another approach.

“Kagome,” he started, pulling the little girl into his lap “ I know that you are a brave little girl and that you would put up a good fight before anyone tried to harm you…” Kagome giggled at this. “Yeah! I socked that bad guy right in the knee when he tried to kidnap me! Do you remember daddy?”

“Yes. I remember quite vividly. I also remember the other occasion when a group of men tried to abduct you when we went to the Cherry blossom festival in Nara. And the time when this deranged youkai insect demon threatened to kill you if I didn’t fill a specific order of weaponry for him. I remember all the times your life has been in danger kagome, and as a father, I cannot stand by and let these ….these…..Bastar…er evil men come and try to take my daughter away from me!” Her father finished, his voice slightly elevated and he was shaking violently, clutching to his daughter as if the villains would come at once to take his baby away. Kagome’s face fell.

“Oh daddy, I AM scared! I’m so scared sometimes daddy! Scared that one day I’ll never see you again! I don’t want to ever be apart from you! You and Midori, and Jaken and Myoga, everyone here is my friend! You’re all the friends I have. *sniff* I….I….I”

“Kagome, I know that you’re scared sweetie.”

“Oh daddy! I wish I Wish so hard that I cold have mey my mommy! I wish I could have seen her! Just once! I try to be happy daddy, Because I think that’s what mommy would have wanted, but it’s so hard! I don’t like being sad! *sniff sniff* B…being sad is …just….sad!” The tears began to leak out of those beautiful sapphire orbs.

Meanwhile, her father sat there, holding his grief stricken daughter shocked at all that he was hearing. That his angel, his princess, had such deep dark emotions hidden beneath those soulful eyes He heard the sniffs of kagome slowly grow into sobs, now that her little heart was being poured out to him.

“I wanna go…*sniff* outside again daddy. As much as I love home, I just wanna go out and maybe….”Her face looked straight into her father’s eyes “ *sniff* maybe, I could play with children my own age?”

“I…I…don’t know sweetheart. You know that I have to keep you safe sweetie. Safe because of what the prophecy says.” Her father said hesitantly.

“Well, please please tell me what the prophecy says! I don’t know!”

“No. Not yet. You do not need to know yet Kagome dear. When you are old enough. Trust your daddy.”

Lord Higurashi looked down upon his daughter lovingly and stroked her midnight black hair. The rays of the sun setting brought an unearthly glow from the crown of her head, making her hair shine with molten orange. He looked down at his sleeping daughter, who was now dropping asleep, her crying taking all remaining energy from her.

“I’ll find a way sweetheart. Something shall happen. I don’t know what, But I can assure you that Daddy will make it all better.” He whispered to her, knowing that she would be soon asleep.

“Promise? *yawn*”

“Yes, I promise. Now sweet dreams angel.”

“Gnight daddy….”

Slowly, He stood up, lifting kagome with him, only to put her down on her bed, lifting the covers over her, fixing her pillows and making sure she was comfortable. Silently, he walked across the room, to her impressive stuffed animal shelf, looking at pink bears, and yellow elephants, until he had come across her favorite one, A large arctic wolf plushie. He didn’t really know why this one, but she had loved it ever since she had gotten it as a gift from the arctic wolf youkai for her 2nd birthday. Come to think of it, they had always sent her gifts for Christmas, and birthdays too. But now was not the time to think about that.
As he dimmed the lights and closed the door, He knew what he had to do now.

“Myoga.” he called through the intercom system.

“Yes milord?” Myoga, a large flea demon appeared as soon as he was called.

“tell one of the maids to watch over kagome. I have some late night business to take care of.

“Of course my lord it will be done. Shall I call the chauffer?”

“That will not be necessary. I shall take my benz. Thank you.”

“Pleasant business milord.”

“Good night myouga.”

Lord Higurashi sped off into the deep city of Tokyo. Yes, it was night time, and the journey would take him a few hours, but this matter of business was urgent. He drove past the ginza, (main shopping district of Tokyowhere the big bright lights are) He drove on little back roads, passing 24 hour pubs and strip clubs, until he came to his final destination, A small, insignificant black shack with the words “ havoc and hostility” brandished as the name of the place. He parked his flashy benz behind a dumpster as to not get noticed. Pulling a long black cloak above his head, he pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside.

There was no one in sight as he walked in, but he knew better. Someone would be here shortly to assist him.

Sure enough, the floor violently trembled, and out of nowhere, popped a scrawny looking human, dirty from head to toe, one eye gone, several teeth missing, He also wore a cloak, but of a rusty brown. He eyed his customer and smiled a wide toothy grin.

“AH…heheheheh, Lord Higurashi! So glad that you could do businessssssss with usssss. Heheheheheh, I see that you are going to take up your claim! Wonderful! I will lead you right this wayyyyyy, hehehehheheheh,”

The short little man motioned for Lord Higurashi to follow. He lead him through another door only to be met with a large safe door. The man merely pushed the lock inward and the heavy door swung open to reveal…….

A prison. Or something like it. The closest thing to it. Lord Higurashi walked behind the ugly little man and as he took in his surroundings. There were about 50 different cells with the heaviest bars on the doors. Behind these bars, were the evilest, most violent human and youkai alike. Some big Some Gigantic, some as small as a mouse. All equally vicious.

“Hehhehehehehe, taking in the rest of the invvvvventory are ya? EHHEHEHEHEHEHE! Do ya want another bodyguard?” The man asked halfway joking.

“No. I am here just for the one we discussed over the phone.” He answered firmly. Abruptly, the other man stopped, not in front of a jail cell, but in front of a steel door.

“HEHEHEHEHEHE, now, Let me do the talking. I’ll tell youuuuuuuuu whether it’s okay to speak or not. Wouldn’t want for you to lose an eye nowwww, hehehehehehehehehe,”


R 20;Goodddddddd. The man took out a rather enormous key chain and fished for a key. “AH! Hereeeeeesssss the one! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH” The key went in the lock, the lock turned, the door creaked open. The two men stepped inside.

When lord Higurashi first walked into the room, he saw nothing but pitch black. He began to wonder if this was a setup, but after a beat, He sould see two strange things move in unison. As if they were twitching. He looked harder to find what I was. The only light that was provided was a tiny barred window that offered the light of the full moon. It became easier to make out the shape of what had just moved. They were triangulat in shape, and when Higurashi saw them twitch again. He could have sworn that they were dog ears. His eyes traveled down ward to make out the form of a slouched torso, and even lover to find crossed legs. The figure itself was not very large.

“Inuyashaaaaaa…..listeen and listen goodddd…heheheheheheheh…” the old geezer wheezed into the pitch black nothingness. Slowly, the top of the figure, which had to be the head, slowly moved up to reveal piercing saffron eyes. Their shape suggested that the figure named inuyasha was frowning and scowling. He spoke, his voice cracked and…young. Like the person talking was a kid.

“And just what the hell do you want?” he said slowly and venomously.

“Er, How old Is he?” the wary Lord Higurashi questioned, eyeing the “boy” that was seated on the ground.

“Wellllll, in demon years, he’s about 70. Hey…hey…don’t worry there, stop gapin’. In human years, he’s about 10. Well, come on dog boy! Stand up for your new master. Let him have a look at youuuuuu. Hehehehehheheheheheheh,”

Obediantly, the “dog boy” stood up, his small frame complimenting his 4’9 height. Pretty tall for a 9 year old.

“Well step into the light! Let him see ya too ya stupid!”

Not a word was said as the boy stepped into the light from the jail master’s candlebra. The light revealed….A skinny boy of 9 years, with unusual amber colored eyes. Lord Higurashi looked even closer to see long silver hair that trailed down the boy’s back. But where his eyes were eager to travel were to the top of the boy’s head where….he guessed it. Two snow white dog ears sat perched atop his head.

“Heheheheheheheheheh, Lord Higurashi, this..isssss Inuyasha. He is an inu hanyou as you might have guessed frommmm the ears,heheheh, Heee has a shitload of special attacks and powers and his strength beats even that of some of those big guys that were in the other room over there. Immmmmm sure that he shall satisfy all of your tasks you give him with flying colors! Hehheheheheh, he’s the besssst that I have to offer you.” The hunchbacked man ended. “I’ll give you a minute to gettttttt acqu…acuq…..akcut….”

“Acquainted? 221; Finished Lord Higurashi

“Yessss! That’s the one! Heheheheheheheh!” And the man slinked back to the doorway, leaving his candle bra so there was light to see each other. Lord Higurashi spotted a table and two chairs and motioned for inuyasha to sit down. He did so, his long bangs covering his eyes, as he looked down.

“Hello Inuyasha. I am Lord..”

“I know who you are. You are my master.”

“Well, yes…in a way….”

“So that means you are going to buy me?” Inuyasha asked, the slightest bit of hope in that low, croaked voice of his.

“Yes. I am going to buy you.”

“Then I am your slave.”

This made Lord Higurashi’s voice take an irritated tone. “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I can assure you that none of my employees are slaves. They all have their own rooms, with meals, and all bills and medical expenses paid. They all live very comfortably and are free to leave at any time. I am not a cruel heartless man Inuyasha and before you step out of this room, I want your word that you don’t believe that I am so.”

“Inuyasha was taken aback. Never before had someone stood up to him before! Especially when the person was proclaiming that he was a good person! He didn’t understand this man…

Higurashi’s voice dropped to more civil tone. “All of that goes for you too. If you agree to take on the task that I have appointed you to do.”

“So what should I do?” a now curious inuyasha questioned, although his voice stayed the same.

“You have heard of my daughter…..I’m sure. With all of the gossip that I imagine travels around places like these.”

Inuyasha nodded. Plenty of talk did travel through, and the “little shikon” of japan was among it. She was supposed to be the guardian of the Shikon no tama, and anyone who seeked it’s power would go to her. But most of the talk that he had heard were plans to kidnap her, kill her for the jewel or other ungodly things that could happen to her. But he didn’t tell him all of that.

“Good. As you can imagine, because she holds such a blessing, she has to be under high security. I can’t risk anything happening to her! She’s already had four unsuccessful attacks on her this year alone! I fear that fate shall not be so kind to her again. So in order to solve this problem, I came here. Because it was rumored that an inu hanyou boy was kept here, very strong and more vicious than the strongest man. In other words, you’re perfect for this task.”

“Well…..What is it…….taaaaaaa?! Inuyasha whined, impatient and grumpy. He dragged his words, wuch like a 9 year old should.

Higurashi began “ You inuyasha are to become the guardian and bodyguard of my daughter. At all times you shall accompany and escort her wherever she goes. If danger should ever befall her, it is your job to take care of the danger and take her immediately to her home or safe place. This is a lifetime job and as long as you protect her, you will be fully taken care of financially and healthwise. You shall reside in the mansion with us, and the rest of the staff. I also put my full trust in you and you anser to no one but myself. Is that understood? Now inuyasha, do you take on this responsibility? Will you protect My daughter?”

Something deep inside inuyasha told him to answer, told him to take the challenge, to protect this girl. So without a second thought, he automatically answered..

“Yes, Milord, I accept and I will take on the job.” inuyasha answered obediently.

Lord Higurashi smiled in relief, They both rose to stand up they walked through the door……

“Thank you inuyasha. Something tells me that you’ll make me very happy with your work.”

“Yes, Milord.”

And with that, they walked through the main door, and were gone.

That night was the last night Inuyasha had ever seen that dismal place and stayed in that dark confinement.
He was free! Well, sort of. He was bought and was somewhat free. He climbed into his new master’s benz and shuddered when he felt the crème leather brush against his skin. He was leaving that solitary life and was heading for something, something big…although he didn’t know what it was. But he felt that same little voice tell him that it was for the better.

“Heh, it’s your destiny.” it whispered into his conscious mind.

And who was he to question fate?

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