InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine to protect ❯ The meeting ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



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Little Kagome awoke to the morning sunlight, bathing her in a light yellow and pink glow. She stirred and rose up from the comforting sheets of her soft bed. She looked down in her arms….. ‘Luna? How did you get down here? Tee hee hee, she must have missed me in the night and crawled down here to keep me company.’ *sigh* time to get up!’

Kagome leapt out of bed, her nightgown twirling behind her. She was just about to call for kaede the maid to help her take a bath, when she suddenly stopped and ran out to her balcony.

“Oh no! I forgot to pray last night! I better do it now! Sorry god!” she exclaimed before she went outside and kneeled down. She started her prayer….

“Good morning lord….I’m sorry that I didn’t get to pray last night lord but I want to bless my daddy, midori, jaken, kaede, and all of my other friends here at home. I also want to say hi to my mommy. Can you please tell her that I love her, even though I have never seen nor met her. I wish that I could have. Lord, I love you with all my heart and soul and you’ve made me the happiest girl alive! You’ve really blessed me. But lord, all I really ever wanted was a friend, I mean a real friend lord. Someone who will always play with me, and be my friend too. It gets really lonely here lord, and I would be so much more inclined to be good and nice if I had one. Please answer my prayer lord. I love you, amen.”

(A.N: wasn’t that just ADORABLE?!!)

Just as she finished, the doors to her room burst open to reveal the maid, Kaede. An old woman of 78 years, but she was the most efficient worker at the Mansion. She smiled and greeted the child, who sprang toward her and grabbed her in a big hug.

“G’mornin Kaede-obaa chan!” kagome giggled into kaede’s large bosom.

“Morining to you child! Today is a special day for you! I suggest that we get cleaned up nice and good! Your father has a surprise for you! So, you must look your best dear!” kaede chided. She smiled as she saw kagome’s eyes widen in surprise

“A SURPRISE? FOR ME?! Oh! I wonder what it could be?” she shouted, truly excited.

“Well, let’s hurry, so you can see what your father has for you!”Kaede answered, her stiff bones ushering the young girl into the bathroom to prepare.

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It was the first time in a long time that the hanyou had been in a place other than that dark room in a very long time. From every day in his life, he remembers that damp, dark confinement cell and the onlt source of light was that barred window. But now, he was taking in so much light that it made his senses spin! Before Mr. Higurashi briefed him in on his task, he was offered a chance to take a warm bath, and have clean clothes. Which, he did not refuse. The feeling of soothing bath water and the feel of new clothes on his body was a new experience. The clothes were a comfortable t-shirt and some blue jeans, far from tight, but not too baggy. And now, he sat in his new boss’s office. Waiting for instructions.

After awhile, Lord Higurashi walked in the room, a small smile on his face.

“Well, it’s time for you to meet my kagome….” he greeted as he motioned for inuyasha to stand. Inuyasha did do and followed his boss to the grand hall.

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“*Sigh,* does that boy ever quit?”

“He’s like a DEMON!”

“Midoko, he IS a demon.”

“Oh, Right.”

“Well, anyway, he never takes a break! Always sparring or fighting, or lifting weights. Every day, without a rest…”

“His father, The Wolf..”

“ARCTIC wolf…Midoko!”

“Oh! Right, sorry…the Arctic wolf lord will never allow it.”

Two elderly maids sipped peppermint tea in the only warm place to be found here, in the ice castle. For their entertainment, they watched the young Heir to the arctic wolf throne spar with fellow servant men who were hired, just for that purpose. They looked at him through the small window next to their little table, there, In the cold.

“It’s a miracle that he doesn’t freeze to death out there!” The servant called midoko drawled as she took a laborious sip of her tea.

“The arctic wolves are known for withstanding extreme cold weather….can’t stand being in any other season you know.” A tall thin elderly badger demon pointed out rather pompously.

“How do you think the old boss is fairing, Nioh?”

“He’s just always in his office, finding ways to make his son even more powerful than he is…that’s all that he ever does. Why! That boy has known how to handle a sword at the human age of two!”

Midoko sighed, she nibbled at her bread and cheese still staring at the exhausted prince. She could see the tiring of his muscles and the long laborious intakes of air that he took in. And despite how much that he appeared to be tired, he assumed position and began to spar with a new opponent,

“Sometimes, I feel sorry for the boy,” she exclaimed, her wrinkly forehead working into a sorrowful frown.

Nioh just shrieked with laughter. “HA! You? Feel sorry for him? It’s laughable! To think, you feel sorry for him when you should be feeling sorry for yourself! That boy was never a regular boy from the day of his birth. He was brought into this world for one purpose and one purpose only….to be the next supreme taiyoukai ruler. Every day since he was six, human years, he has trained 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. When he grows up, he’s gonna get anything he wants an if he doesent, he’ll kill anything and anyone to get it. If we disobey him, even in the slightest, we are as good as dead! He’s a goddamn powerhouse and the wordd is practically his for the taking! So please midoko, spare the sympathy! Now come on! Break’s over!”

With that last command, Nioh rose up and cleared away her cup, leaving the other lady to think.

“That’s just the problem. He’s never known the other side to life, the one that cant be forced , and the kind of life that is lived day by day, and not scheduled or designed. That poor little boy. He’ll never really grow up.” and she too cleared her cup until she heard a deafening scream and turned around to see the young demon prince stick his sword straight through his opponent’s torso. She grimaced as she watched that sickening smirk come across his face when he was sure that the victim had taken it’s last breath.

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“There we are! Don’t you look darling?”

Little kagome had just finished getting dressed and she smiled in anticipation as kaede finished tying her yellow ribbon in her hair. The ribbon complimented the saffron sash that wrapped around the torso of her crème, sleeveless summer dress. She slipped on her crème shoes to match and twirled around to parade in front of Lady kaede.

“I love this dress! Do you think daddy will like it?” Kagome asked innocently.

“Well, you should ask him for yourself,”

Kagome spun around to find her father in the doorway of her room. She smiled and leapt toward him. She smiled as he heard her cries of happiness and lifed her into his arms.


“Good morning princess! I hope you slept well, are you ready for your surprise?”

“Am I ever!”

“Then let’s go down to the grand hall darling!”

“Okay!” Kagome beamed at her father and lady kaede and let her father lead her downstairs. Little did she know that her prayer was about to be answered…….

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Inuyasha sat. Waiting for his assignment. Taking care of a girl didn’t seem so hard to him. How hard was it to stand next to a girl and knock out anyone who came up to her? Hah! Easy! He was busy thinking of how many guys he was gonna beat to a nasty pulp….when a most heavenly aroma assaulted his nose, followed by … a sight too unbelievable for mortal eyes.

There, on the top of the staricase, holding the hand of Lord Higurahi was what had to be the cutest girl he had ever seen in his life. She stared back at him with soulful eyes of a sky blue tint, her ebony locks cascading down her back in long curly tendrils, a few unruly wisps escaping the hold of her sunny ribbon.

She stared at him and as soon as she registered his face into her mind, she broke out into her trademark beam. She turned to her father, who began to explain.

“Kagome, This is inuyasha. From now on, every day, he is going to be by your side. He is going to protect you when daddy can’t be here to do it. In other words, he is your bodyguard.”

Kagome’s eyes widened. They looked from her father to the spellbound inuyasha. ‘so, this boy is going to protect me?’ With a small giggle, she ran down the stairs, her curly ponytail bouncing behind her. She didn’t stop until she came directly in front of her new friend.

“HI! I’m Kagome! Your name’s inuyasha? COOL NAME! Hey! Do you wanna see my room? Hey! I’ll show you around the castle!” Kagome said excitedly. She was just about to grab his hand when her father’s voice rang out:

“Kagome, dear, You go on ahead. I’ll send inuyasha along in a short while. I need to discuss a few things with him. Okay?”

“Kagome replied” Sure daddy!” Her smile never wavering. So she skipped along, humming a tune that lady kaede taught her. As she went away, her gentle scent of Japanese cherry blossoms dwindled away as well.


Lord Higurashi’s voice pulled him back down to earth. Back to what was really going on.

“Yes Boss,”

“My daughter means the world to me. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do to make her happy. She is all that really matters to me. Now, If something, anything bad were to happen to my angel while I wasn’t here, Well, I don’t know what I’d do! HA! I’d suppose that I’d go crasy! Now, I need to know that I can trust you inuyasha. Will you do everything in your power to potect and watch out for Kagome? Do you swear?

Without hesitation, as if something were controlling his words, Inuyasha automatically ejected “Yes. I do. I promise boss.”

“Lord Higurasha smiled, Relief etched out into his usually tired out features. “Good. I’m glad that we under stand each other. You may join kagome now. He turned to leave.

Inuyasha obediently turned to leave also, but one last remark by Lord Higurashi stopped him.

“As of now Inuyasha. Kagome is Yours to protect. Protect her as if losing her meant your death.”

After those words were spoken, Inuyasha felt an urge, a jolt rack through his body. An unfamiliar presence began to manifest inside of inuyasha’s soul and mind.

‘Mine to protect.’ it echoed through his mind. ‘mine. Mine…..


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IIIIIIIII updated! And what did you think of that huh? Well, I think it was okay….but it doesent matter what I think… it matters what YOU think! So please….Review!

P.s (I like lengthy reviews! They encourage/ praise/criticize/ evaulate the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Sachichan16< br>