InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine to Take ❯ The Bloody Thorn ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
moments between the "x's" are flashbacks.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading this and my double thanks for your reviews. Druidica
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"Rin, go find yourself food.” Sesshomaru looked at the human girl building a small fire in the center of the modest camp.
The girl quickly rose, but she was no longer the little mortal girl he had brought back to life with the Tenseiga ten years before. She faced Sesshomaru with a smile that never left her face and answered her Lord the same happy voice she had always used when addressing him, “Yes, Lord Sesshomaru.”
The Demon Lord watched her with veiled indifference as she ran quickly to the forest to search for food. The scent of wildflowers that perpetually covered Rin hung in the air like a haunting memory that could never be erased. Foolish human, to continue to follow a demon, he thought. She will die like all mortals soon enough and she will be forgotten by me the same day. He expected the thought to bring more joy than it did, but curiously, it left him hallow.
“Strange,” he stated, his voice hovering above a whisper.
“What’s strange, Lord Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru lowered his glance to Jaken and then walked past him with out a word. Unwrapping his fur from his shoulder, the demon placed it on the ground in front of the fire. He sat amongst the pelt and stared at the small flames licking the cool twilight air. “Jaken, go watch over Rin.”
“Surely the human can handle gathering food on her own-”
Sesshomaru’s eyes glared at Jaken from the corners silencing the demon.
“Yes, Lord Sesshomaru! Right away!”
Jaken quickly ran towards the forest where Rin was foraging for food.
“And Jaken,” the little green demon stopped at the edge of the wood and turn his head back expectantly, “bring more firewood.”
Jaken’s jaws opened in retort, but he quickly swallowed his comment and ran after Rin’s trail.
Sesshomaru stared at the flames his thoughts materializing in their blue and orange depths. His fur was saturated with the scent of wildflowers. Rin has been moving her pallet closer at nights again. It was not something he was unaware of, however it did not seem a great enough transgression to remedy the situation. A fleeting hint of warmth went up his neck. Sesshomaru closed his eyes and mentally squashed the stimulation. He was a great demon; great demons do not succumb to matters of the flesh. He breathed in deep and his eyes snapped open.
Blood. Rin’s blood. Jaken is worthless in his task. Sesshomaru transported himself into the forest near Rin’s presence. Sesshomaru glanced slowly in every direction but he could sense no demonic aura or the pungent odors of other humans. He walked forward and spotted Rin kneeling low on the ground, clutching her hand. He glimpsed at the mushrooms on the ground and watched Rin’s blood drip onto them. Her favorite.
“Rin, what has happened?”
Rin jumped and hid her hand behind her back.
Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed slightly at the futility of mortal’s action. Foolish human.
“Answer me, Rin.”
“Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru I-” In a blink Sesshomaru was kneeling before Rin and wrenching her hand from behind her back. Stunned, Rin opened her hand to let him see. A large thorn was embedded into the palm of her hand, blood streaming over the sides of her palm. “I’m sorry.”
“You were careless, Rin.”
Rin’s eyes widened in shock and then quickly lowered in shame, tears threatening to well up and spill. A sharp pain coursed up her arm and she tried to yank her hand out of Sesshomaru’s but his grip was too strong. Rin looked up and saw the thorn in her Lord’s mouth clenched between his fangs. He spat it out and resumed his indifferent repose.
“You are fortunate. These thorns are not mature enough to be fully poisonous. If they had been, you would be dead.”
Rin met Sesshomaru’s eyes. Her eyes quivered slightly under his steely gaze, turning into a liquid pool of unfathomable depth. He fell into her gaze, flashes of fires, dead bodies and demons reflected out from her eyes and then another image was lodged deep in their depths, a faint intoxicating scent enveloping him as his chest constricted. I do not wish to see such things, his mind yelled out in fury.
“L-lord Sesshomaru?” Jaken piped.
Sesshomaru dropped Rin’s hand and stood. Whatever he had witnessed in Rin’s eyes slowly fading.
“Jaken, you failed me.” Sesshomaru stated flatly.
“Lord Sesshomaru, I assure you I would never-”
“Silence! Gather herbs for Rin’s wound and food for her.” The demon shifted his eyes to the woman-child. “Rin, go back to the camp and await me there.”
Rin nodded and ran back towards the clearing. Lowering his eyes to Jaken, the little green demon leapt up and scurried around to do Sesshomaru’s bidding. The wind picked up between the trees and Sesshomaru lifted his head towards the breeze. He could still smell her blood and the warmth once again tingled at his neck.
“Strange.” He stated blandly and he slowly walked back to camp. When he came into the clearing, he saw Rin curled into his fur fast asleep. These must have been the premature effects of the thorn’s poison, he thought. She must have sought warmth and succumbed to sleep. He started to turn away, when a slight quiver caught his eyes. She is cold.
Jaken ran out from the woods with his hands filled with fruit and herbs. He saw Rin sleeping in Lord Sesshomaru's pelt and dropped the food. “Stupid girl, leave Lord Sesshomaru’s fur at once!”
“I told you to bring more firewood.”
Jaken gasped at his Lord’s insipid statement and ran back into the forest; Lord Sesshomaru would let the human sleep in his fur?
Sesshomaru walked over to where Rin lay and gazed down at her blandly. She needs warmth, he thought. Rin’s shivering increased. I should let her die. Even as he thought the statement, he lowered himself beside the human woman and leaned against his fur. Rin seeking warmth in her sleep, saddled up close to Sesshomaru. The demon did not flinch, but stared straight into the flames.
“Weak human,” he muttered to no one. Her hands gripped tightly onto his arm and her legs touched his. Sesshomaru glanced down at Rin. Why has she never feared me?
“Lord Sesshomaru,” she whispered in her sleep.
She is dreaming
. Why would she dream of me? He lifted his eyes to stare at the fire once more. He felt a nudge under his arm and found Rin had pushed herself under his appendage and rested her face on his chest while his arm draped over her back. His first instinct was to disengage her from him and walk away, but for some reason he did not move. Unconsciously, his hand slowly glided up and down her back. Her breathing settled into a calm rhythm and Sesshomaru felt his eyes drooping. Her steady breaths lulling him to sleep.
“Strange,” He whispered again. Closing his eyes, he sniffed the air.
“She’s in heat again.” Then he drifted off to sleep his arm still wrapped around the feverish girl.
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“Rin! How dare you-”
“Silence, Jaken.” Sesshomaru lazily opened his eyes and glared at his servant. Jaken’s mouth was agape in horror at the spectacle before him. “Patrol the area against male demons. Do not return for five days.”
“But, Lord Sesshomaru!”
“Go.” Jaken stared at his master then begrudgingly walked back into the forest.
Sesshomaru glanced down at the girl nuzzled into his side. Her body was still hot from fever, but she slept soundly. Jaken’s outburst did not even rouse her slightly. He tried to disengage himself from her but she held on tightly her knee coming across his leg, latching on. Hmm, she will not let go. Sesshomaru sniffed the air and was confident there were no demons near by. It is of no matter then. He relaxed against his fur. Rin’s scent was potent now and highly intoxicating. Thankfully, her cycle was irregular and only came every six months. It is difficult for male demons to resist the scent of a woman in heat, but he was stronger than most demons. Her knee gently rubbed his thigh when she adjusted positions and his breath caught in his throat.
Sesshomaru willed his demonic desire in check, affirming within himself that it was only her scent that was causing these physical sensations. Soon it will all be over and my body will be immune to her again. He shifted slightly and Rin snuggled in more tightly.
“Sesshomaru…” she whispered in her sleep.
His eyes quickly looked down at her at the sound of his name, his informal name. She is dreaming of me again. A light breeze washed over them and he inhaled deeply. His mind started to become hazy; the rich aroma of her body’s longing enveloped him. He could feel his blood heating through his veins. Somewhere from the dark recesses of his true Inu nature, the compelling urge to stake his claim surged within his body. His arm gripped the sleeping woman at his side tighter to him. I must have her, he thought vehemently. A low growl was issuing from his throat. He brushed Rin’s hair to the side exposing her neck. Other demons will try to take my prey away from me, this one is mine. His eyes turned red as his demon blood consumed him. His stoic persona discarded in the wake of his demon self.
The Demon Lord could feel her pulse in her neck. He could hear the steady thumping of her heart. He rolled on top of Rin, holding himself up on his one arm. The spot on her neck called to him, his mouth opened and his fangs stood out ready to strike. Rin still lay there deep asleep with the fever.