InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine, Tonight And Forever ❯ Pups?!?!?! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Pups?!?!?
He smiled looking down at her and ran his hand threw her hair and kissed her forehead softly whispering.
“I love you too Rin, and our pup.”
It took a few minutes for Rin to catch what he had said since she was half asleep. She look up into his eyes and tilted her head a bit. She moved to sit up as she looked into his eyes deeper as she tried to figure out what he meant. ”Pup??” She asked questioningly as she reached for her kimono.
He smirked and kissed her cheek as he sat up. “I wanted to tell you Rin I thought now was a good time to tell you, your sent changed a month and a half ago.” He sat up and grabbed his kimono top pulling it on slowly and looked back at Rin. The look on her face was in confusion and shock.
Sesshomaru pulled his pants on and looked over at her, her face still looking vary confused. Her mouth was hanging open slightly and he smirked. he moved over to her and puts his hand on her cheek looking into her eyes then kissed her softly laying her back down on the ground and moving her kimono away from her and out of her hand then started to kiss slowly down her chest stopping at her stomach.
Rin watched him still a but stunned and she shook it off for a moment and moved a bit. “You mean….I'm pregnant?” She looked down at him as he put a ear to her stomach confirming her question without words. She started to think and her face changed to one of sadness. He looked up at her with a smile which soon faded away “What's wrong Rin?”
She looked down at him and sighed and spoke softly ”If I'm pregnant then the baby will be a Hanyou….and you hate Hanyous more then you do humans.” She looked away after she finished talking not really sure if she should have said that. She sigh then jumped a bit as she felt Sesshomaru kiss her stomach then slowly up to her neck.
He whispered in her ear softly after kissing it. “I don't hate Hanyous anymore Rin, and you helped me with that, before I met you I would have killed anything in my path without a thought, but not now Rin.” He pulled her close and rubber her back to calm her down kissing along her neck stopping at her mark.
Rin had started to cry a bit as she held tightly to Sesshomaru, she never expected him to say anything like that to her. Sure they had talked but not much Hanyous and humans, when the subject was brought up it was usually about his brother but now it just never came up. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes then moved and kissed him deeply putting her hand behind his head and pulling him closer.
He kissed her back and slowly broke the kiss and put a hand on her cheek and rubbed her cheek softly and pulled her kimono over and handed it to her. “Get dressed Rin, I don't want you to catch cold.” She smiles and started to get dressed with his help.
~2 months later~
Rin was sitting on a log looking up at the sky, she had gone to talk to Kagome a few weeks ago and gotten a few things from her and a strange bag to carry the stuff in it. She heard a noise coming from the woods and turned to see Sesshomaru walking out with some food. It looked like a few rabbits and some vegetables, stuff to make a stew.
She smiles and got up and walked over to him and stands on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek the steps back looking down at the stuff in his hands. “So are we making stew for dinner Sesshomaru?” She looked up at him and reaches for the rabbits and vegetables.
He pulled them back out of her reach and smiles a bit “No I'm going to cook tonight Rin, just sit and rest.” He rubbed her back with his other hand and kissed her forehead. She smiles a bit and sit down near the fire pit and sighed, she wasn't use to this yet, she normally did the cooking and other daily chores but now Sesshomaru was doing them somehow it just felt odd but she shook her head a bit and forgot about it watching him get dinner ready.
Sesshomaru glanced up at Rin as he was cutting up the meat and putting in the pot that Kagome gave them when Rin had gone to talk to her only a few months before had. He didn't mind using it, it actually made things easier to cook, not only for Rin but for him self as well.
Rin moved a bit away from the fire pit and laid down placing her hands on her stomach. She was already starting to show and it was a bit odd but when she asked Sesshomaru he told her because t was part demon it would grow faster and she would most likely only be pregnant for about 7 months if that. He also said there was a possibility that there were more then just one pup, she had ask how many and he said up to three and she almost fainted.
Sesshomaru glanced up at Rin again and smirked a bit looking at her stomach seeing the small bump. He knew exactly how many pups she was carrying he could smell the difference between her and the pups. He finished with the meat then started to cut the vegetables straight into the pot then looked around listening for the closest stream then grabbed a smaller pot and went to fill it up.
Rin watched as he walked by her carrying a pot and smiles as she sat up and went to her bag to grab some of the spices Kagome gave her to add to the stew setting them near the pot for Sesshomaru to use when he got back as she laid back down and looked up at the sky. She giggles at what some of the clouds looked like, there was one that looked like a duck and another that looked like a cat playing with a ball.
Sesshomaru walked back a few moments later holding a half filled pot which he poured into the other pot glancing at the spices then up at Rin then back to the spices and decided to use a few. He put in some salt, pepper and a little bit of parsley. The other spices were to strong for his nose to handle so he just left them alone.
Rin had started to fall asleep on the grass and Sesshomaru smiled looking at her, sometimes she still seemed like the little girl that found him in the woods after the fight with InuYasha. She was still vary innocent, even after they had mated many times she still blushed looking at him or when he touched her. He thought it was vary cute and hoped it would never change, but knowing that it wouldn't which brought a smile to his face once again.
He decided to let her sleep since she looked so peaceful. He lit the fire and put the stew pot on top of it then moved over to Rin and laid beside her pulling her close to him to keep her warm as she slept quietly in his arms. He rubber her side a bit slowly moving his hand to her stomach and resting his hand there as he smiled and kissed her mark softly before getting up and wrapping his boa around her to keep her warm as he cooked to stew.
A few hours later woke up and looked around slowly and noticed that Sesshomaru's boa was around her and she pulled it close and sat up looking at the fire and seeing Sesshomaru sitting on the other side string the stew. She smiled and got up walking over to him and sits in his lap snuggling close to him.
“Why did you let me sleep love?” She looked up into his eyes as he kissed her softly on the lips.
“Because you should get as much sleep as you can Rin, plus you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you.” He smiled at her and wrapped one arm around her as the other continued to stir the stew.
Rin smiled and sighed softly waiting for the stew to finish cooking. When it was done she got up and walked over to her bag and pulled out two bowls and some spoons from Kagome's time and walked back to Sesshomaru sitting beside him and handing him the bowls letting him fill them with the stew.
After they finished their dinner Sesshomaru took the dishes to the stream to wash them and Rin laid out some fur pelts on the ground away form the fire a bit and laid down waiting for Sesshomaru to get back. The stars were starting to come out and she smiled watching them in the sky.
Sesshomaru came back and laid beside her and ran his hand threw her hair lightly while looking into her eyes. “Have you thought of any names for the pup Rin?” He kisses her forehead after he asked the question.
She looked up at him and smiles slightly “Honestly I have no idea what to pick for a name love, for a boy or a girl.” She looked away slightly not sure of what else to say. He kissed her forehead again and smiled “We will think of something Rin, don't worry we still have about 4 months to think of a name.” He smiled and kissed her on the lips softly and pulled her close rubbing her back.
Rin sighed and leaned into him closing her eyes and slowly drifting into a light sleep as Sesshomaru whispered into her ear. “I love you my Rin, and the pups we are going to have now rest peacefully I'll always protect you.”
~Authors notes~
I'm sorry I didn't update sooner I was in a car accident and I couldn't sit and think for a long period of time so I wrote this in little bits at a time, and sorry for any spelling mistakes I keep forgetting things thanks to hitting my head in the accident but its done now hope you like it.
Ok everyone I really don't know what to name the kid I have some ideas but they don't seem right for their kid's names and no I'm not going to tell anyone how many pups there will be ~Evil laugh~
lovestruck1990 - I hate them too but there fun to write ^.^
lovely123 - yes I can be vary evil and I'm glad you like it.
Ru-Doragon - not quite ^.^
Mikey - oh really well this one isn't as steamy, sorry they all cant be like that.
A.D. Grey - ^.^ I'm glad
ArizonaBay - I know I like cute and Sessh is turning out to be really sweet^.^
And to all those who didn't review I hope you like it and please R&R