InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine, Tonight And Forever ❯ Getting Closer ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Authors note~
Ok just to let everyone know Sesshomaru has two arms in this story, people have made comments about it so just to clarify and later on in the manga Sesshomaru gets his arm back, along with a new sword. That's how I'm writing it and if you don't like it don't read my story. A side from that I hope you like my story and I'm still looking for name suggestions for the pup(s) and no I'm not going to revile how many pup(s) their will be lol I'm just evil ^.^
Last time…
She looked up at him and smiles slightly “Honestly I have no idea what to pick for a name love, for a boy or a girl.” She looked away slightly not sure of what else to say. He kissed her forehead again and smiled “We will think of something Rin, don't worry we still have about 4 months to think of a name.” He smiled and kissed her on the lips softly and pulled her close rubbing her back.
Rin sighed and leaned into him closing her eyes and slowly drifting into a light sleep as Sesshomaru whispered into her ear. “I love you my Rin, and the pups we are going to have now rest peacefully I'll always protect you.”
Chapter 4: Getting Close!
Another month had passed and Rin's stomach was growing a bit more quickly and Sesshomaru hardly let her out of his sight. It was early morning and Sesshomaru sat near a small fire and watched Rin sleep with a small smile on his face. He could smell the pups more clearly now but he still kept that detail from Rin, but that was not the only thing he was keeping from her.
He moved closer to her and ran his hand threw her hair slowly and carefully not to wake her. He slowly moved his hand to her stomach and closed his eyes. He would have to tell her vary soon.. he pulled the paper out of his shirt and read it over again. Myoga gave it to him about three months ago, it basically said that Rin would have to become a Hanyou to stay alive as well as the pups.
He still wasn't sure how to tell her though. He had thought about this for a long time, and he still could not find an answer. He sat back and looked at the rising sun and made his dissension, he would tell her tonight after dinner. He looked back at her face and she was still sleeping soundly under the fur's. They were heading back to his castle although Rin didn't know that, he had never taken her there before, he hadn't been there in years him self. He was hoping it was still in good condition and the staff were still working there.
He got up after a few moments and headed into the woods to get something to make for breakfast and glanced at Jaken who was still sleeping near Ah-Un who was awake and watching Sesshomaru as he moved away from Rin then his eyes slipped to Rin watching over her. The two headed dragon had been watching over her since she was young, he liked her because she took care of him and treated him better then Jaken did.
Rin started to wake up just as Sesshomaru walked back with a few rabbits, some vegetables and a pot of water and sat down near the fire starting to make a simple stew for breakfast. His eyes shifted over to Rin as he skinned the rabbits and smiled softly at her as her eyes open and search for him in the bed before noticing him at the fire and she smiled back. He finished with the rabbits and cut up the meat putting it in the pot and started with the vegetables looking away from her slowly as she pulled the fur's closer to her. It was starting to get cold that's why he was heading to the castle so Rin wouldn't get sick from the cold.
After breakfast he moved to the bag and pulled out a wrapped package and handed it to Rin. “The women said it would fit you nicely” He smiled and waited for her to open it. It was a nice red kimono with a simple pattern made with a heavier fabric for winter time. She smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek and looked at the kimono. “Its wonderful Sesshomaru, thank you.” With some help from Sesshomaru, Rin put the new kimono on and smiled turning around to show off the kimono to Sesshomaru.
He smiles and gets up. “It looks wonderful on you my love, its time to leave now though so lets back up and get on our way.” He packed up the bag and put it on his shoulder and looked at Jaken still sleeping and he threw a rock at him, hitting him in the head just under that stupid hat he wears. He did a half smirk when the toad jumped up screaming and he walked over and out the bag on Ah-Un's back and looked at the sky slowly then over to Rin as she smiled brightly at him.
Rin walked over and took Sesshomaru's hand and stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek before they started to walk. Rin smiled as they passed all the wild life and what flowers were left. They were getting close to the castle and that relived Sesshomaru a bit, they would be there in a day or two if they keep the pace they were at now. Rin was having a good time, she was as happy as ever if not more, and it was rubbing off on him now. If he were to talk to his father now he probably would not even know it was his own son.
~Later that night~
Rin was watching the sunset after dinner and Sesshomaru was cleaning up the bowls. He looked over at her then got up and lied down beside her pulling her close. He kissed down her neck moving the kimono a bit to kiss her mark making her moan softly and he smirked as she blushed deeply. He kept kissing her neck and rubbed her sides and stomach. Rin smiled and closed her eyes before snuggling into Sesshomaru's warm body.
He kissed up her neck to her ear and smiled a bit hearing her soft moans. He sighed softly closing his eyes he had to tell her now. He moves her in his arm so she was facing him and he kissed her eye lids softly and watched her eyes flutter open. He looked into her chocolate orbs and smiled softly. “Rin, there is something we need to talk to you about.” She smiled at him “You don't need to be so serious about picking names.” He shook his head.
“That's not what I want to talk about Rin, you're a human and I'm a demon. That means you are carrying a Hanyou, and before you ask no that's not a problem you know I love you and the pups. But because you are a human there is a possibility that you will not be able to carry the pups and stay alive….” He paused and looked at her rubbing her cheek to keep the tears from falling “…I only found out about this recently love and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but there is a way to make it safe for you and the pups. I was told that if you were turned into a Hanyou you and the pups would be safe.” He finished talking and just looked at Rin, her eyes were watery but she was smiling a bit.
“Are you saying that I can have our pups, but I have to change so me and the pups will be safe? And not because you want me to change?” She looked into his deep amber pools and bit her lip softly. “Rin you know I would never change you for anything, I love you more then anything. I don't want you to change for me, I want to keep you and the pups safe nothing more.” He kissed her softly pulling her close rubbing her back. Rin snuggled into him and wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly.
Sesshomaru rested his nose in the crook of her neck and took a deep breath closing his eyes and whispered into her ear. “Rin, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.” She nodded a bit and pulled him closer and dried her eyes on his kimono and took a deep breath calming down. Rin pulled back slowly and looked at Sesshomaru while his eyes were still closed and she rubbed his cheek seeing a single tear on his cheek. She moved a bit and kissed the tear away and runs a hand threw his hair.
Rin looked at the sky watching a shooting star go by. “If I become a Hanyou, does that mean I will be able to live longer with you?” She asked softly as she ran her hand threw his hair again still watching the sky. She was so deep in thought she didn't notice Sesshomaru open is eyes looking at her. He rubbed her back and kissed her neck softly and kissed her ear whispering his voice somewhat horse but only lightly “Yes it does, and you would be able to mark me as well” he kissed her ear again softly, holding her close.
Rin smiled a bit as he kissed he neck and ear still watching the sky. Rin jumped up and pointed at the sky. `A shooting star, make a wish.' She giggled before closing her eyes and making a wish herself and wiped one tear from her eyes before looking back at Sesshomaru who was smiling. She rapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately pulling her close as he deepened the kiss and laid her down on the pelts letting out a soft growl of approval before pulling back and looking down at her.
`I'll do it Sesshomaru.' She smiled softly and rubbed his cheek. `I'll become a Hanyou for you and our pups.' She let few tears slip still looking up into his deep amber pools. `…Anything to be with you longer…' He watched her and smiled a bit wiping the tears away from her cheeks. `You have no idea how much that means to me, of how much I love you' he let another tear slip before he kissed her deeply running his hands down her body slowly stopping at he breasts for a moment then moving down and rest at her hips.
Rin kissed back and ran her hands down his back slowly stopping at his waist. He could smell her arousal and he growled softly again licking at her lips asking for entrance. She parted her lips for him right away and moved a bit on the pelts getting comfortable. She licked at his lips teasingly and smirked a bit as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She nipped at his tongue a bit before sucking lightly on it. He moved his tongue around in her mouth slowly growling softly at her taste as he ran his tongue along hers slowly.
H smiled as he broke the kiss and kissed along her neck slowly then up to her ear and licked along the edge whispering. `Do you want me to stop or keep going?' He moved his hand down to her obi waiting for a response. She just smiled and moved a bit under him pulling him a bit closer to her body feeling him against her thigh. She blushed a bit but pushed her leg against it more earning a groan from Sesshomaru as he nipped at her mark.
His fingers make shot work of her obi and he slowly removed her clothing slowly to the side starting to expose her warm flesh to the cold night air. She shivered as he kissed down her neck and over her shoulder then down to her left breast and licked at the nipple softly making her gasp and arch a bit more before he took it into his mouth and sucked on it lightly until it was hard then kissed his way between her breasts and over to her other one letting the cold at her nipple which made her shiver.
He smirked as he heard her moan softly as he sucked and nipped on the other nipple. His hand sliding down her side pushing the kimono away as it went and he lightly ran his hand over the bump in her stomach before moving it down to push the rest of the kimono away. He moved away from her nipple and watched her face as the cold hit her wet nipple and she groaned and arches her back a bit her eyes closed.
He started to kiss down between her breasts and over her stomach slowly making his way down to her pussy. He spread her legs a bit and licked at her wet pussy softly growling lightly sending a slight vibration threw her clit causing her to moan and buck her hips slightly. He smirked and licked her a bit more still growling softly before he pulled back a bit having already undone his obi as he started to remove the top of his kimono. Rin slowly opened her eyes and watched him as he untied the sash on his pants nothing the large bulge in his pants just under his hands.
She moved slowly cupping the bottom of the bulge in one hand rubbing it lightly still blushing deeply. Sesshomaru groaned and moved a bit pressing a bit harder against her hand as he groaned again before backing up a bit and letting his pants drop exposing his hard cock to her eyes which made her blush even more. He smiled and moved down on top of her and kissed her neck. `I love how you still act so innocent my love.'
Rin smiles a bit and moved her leg brushing against his hard member and she pulled him closer and kissed along his neck slowly, running her nails up his spine softly as he nipped at her mark lightly making her moan softly. He moved a bit spreading her legs a bit more rubbing the head of his erection against her wet entrance and groaned fighting the urge to thrust in fast and hard. For now he just started to tease her lips with the tip of his cock before slowly pushing the head into her.
She moaned softly and moved her hips up to met his slowly. He thrust in slowly until he was completely inside her holding there for a few minutes until she moved her hips up against him a bit letting him know to keep going. He kissed her softly and started to thrust into her slowly at first then started to speed up a little bit breaking the kiss to hear her moan out in pleasure and he groaned softly and bit into her mark slowly making her bell which made her moan louder.
Rin moaned out his name as he started thrusting faster into her as she brought her hips up to met his thrusts. He bit his tongue and let the blood mix growling a bit sending a vibration threw her mark making her arch her back. She moved her legs a bit letting him go deeper moaning loudly as he did tossing her head back a bit making his fangs cut her mark a bit more making the blood mix a bit better.
He smirked a bit to himself and started to thrust harder and deeper feeling her getting tighter around him. He moaned against her neck moving a bit letting one hand slip up and kneed her breast as he thrust faster feeling her getting close. He pulled back when the blood had mixed enough and looked down at her face as he massaged both of her breasts hard and thrust into her faster and harder also feeling himself getting close.
He started to go faster one hand slipping down to her hip holding them down firmly as he pushed in deeper and harder as she got tightened and growled a bit tilting his head back as she moaned his name out loudly as she came hard. He growled out loudly as he started to cum inside her with each thrust slowing down a bit and stopping after the last of his cum flowed out of him. He leaned down over her his arms a bit shaky as he panted hard his eyes shut tight.
Rin pulled him on top of her carefully panting as well and kissed his neck lightly rubbing his back a bit. He smiled and kissed her neck back and slowly her breath became slow and steady. He smiled a bit as she was fast asleep as he kissed her ear and whispered softly, `Good night Rin, my love,…my Hanyou love, I love you.' He slowly moved onto his side pulling her close pulling a pelt over them as he fell asleep running his hand threw her hair.
~Authors note~
Ok every I thought I let you guys wait long enough, and I wanted to post this before my CAT scan tomorrow, well I hope you guys all like it, please R&R TY and again sorry if there is any spelling errors or grammar errors.
Your author/friend