InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Sometimes profanity is the only way... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING!! Like the other chapters so far, language, adult themes, sexual content and violence.

Disclaimer: I still only own my immagination v.v

Chapter Three: Sometimes profanity is the only way...

She pushed herself away from both of them, took a deep breath and screamed. “Fuck both of you! I'm going home!” Kagome whirled away from both of them and ran back to the well returning to her own time and leaving them both gaping by the lake.

* * *

Back at the lake two yokai stood facing each other with twin looks of shock, while off in the cover of the trees, the others gaped after the fleeing girl. Almost in unison the five of them thought silently. 'Fuck both of you? Did Kagome just swear?! What's going on?'

* * *

On her own side of the well, Kagome hurried up to her room without saying anything to her family. She locked the door and window and curled up on her bed to cry herself to sleep.

* * * Dream Sequence

Climbing out of the well into the feudal era, Kagome smiled when Inuyasha raced to her side with a bright smile.

Kagome, you came back to me.” He took her into his arms and rumbled happily as he just held her.

Well yeah, of course I did...” She laughed as she kissed his cheek. “I love you Inuyasha.”

* * * End Of Dream

Sitting bolt upright in bed, Kagome looked around dully. 'Even after what happened... I can't stay away from Inuyasha. I'm such a fool! How can I still love him when he didn't even ask if that was what I wanted?!'Her mind replayed the conversation that led into the incident. 'He could smell that I, on some level, wanted him. And obviously he had lost control of his yokai blood... But was it me or Kikyo he was thinking of?'With a muffled groan of frustration, she headed into the bathroom and ran a hot bath. She sank into the soothing water and washed herself several times with different scented soaps. After her bath, Kagome returned to her room and blinked in surprise at the hanyou sitting on the floor by her bed. “Inu...yasha...?”

“Kagome...” He groaned as his ears drooped at her wary expression. “I didn't mean to hurt you... When I found you at that party with all those stupid human boys, and what that boy was going to do to you...”

She walked over to cautiously sit next to him with her knees drawn up to her chin and finished for him. “You lost control of your yokai blood.”

Nodding slowly, Inuyasha continued. “I never meant to take you like that...”

Kagome's eyes widened. 'Like that? Meaning he did mean to.. to..'She stared at him in thoughtful silence before she rose to her feet. The miko crossed her room and began filling her back pack with jeans and shirts and other miscellaneous things. After packing she turned back to him. “Lets go back to Kaede's. We'll just try to put the whole thing behind us, you know start over like we were before...”

Surprised, his ears perked up and he walked over to her. Tilting her face up to his, he brushed a light kiss across her forehead. “Alright. We'll start over and I'll give you some time.” Settling her on his back he grabbed her bag he raced back through the well to Kaede's. 'She isn't refusing me! I just have to give her a little time before she'll accept me as her mate!'When he remembered the kitsune's reaction to her, his eye twitched. 'I'll have to have a talk with the runt and make sure he doesn't upset her again..'Once inside the hut he let the miko slide from his back, relishing the feel of her, before he grabbed the sleeping kit by the tail and took off into the forest.

“Gah!” Shippo wailed. “What'd I do? I want to go back to Kagome!”

Thumping the yokai child soundly, Inuyasha growled. “You'll shut up and listen to me first runt! I don't want you saying anything to Kagome or the others about what you smell... I mean it Shippo. Kagome is going to stay with me, and all I have to do is wait a little while until she can forgive me for losing control like that. So from now on no one sleeps with Kagome unless it's me! You got that?!”

Shippo blinked in surprise and nodded slowly. 'That's what you think Inuyasha.. I know Kagome will still let me sleep with her in her sleeping bag. And she wont let you be mean to me, so HA!' kit the hanyou and raced back to the hut. “Kagome! You came back! I was afraid you were mad at me and wouldn't ever come back!”

She felt guilty for having worried the kit, so she scooped him up and cuddled him in her arms. “It's alright Shippo-chan. I was just having an.. argument with Inuyasha. You know I could never be mad at you. Come on lets get some sleep.” She tucked Shippo into her sleeping bag with her, then looked up when Inuyasha walked in. The glare he directed at the yokai child earned him a glare from her. “Inuyasha... he's just a child.”

“Keh.” He crossed the room and settled himself on the floor by her head and absently stroked her hair until finally her heartbeat returned to normal and she drifted off to sleep.

From across the room he caught Sango staring at him curiously and growled soft in warning. “Inuyasha?” The exterminator questioned quietly, ignoring the growl.

his gaze fixed on the sleeping miko, he ignored the other girl's searching eyes.

* * *

With a stretch and a yawn, Kagome opened her eyes and found herself sleeping half in Inuyasha's lap. Giving a startled shriek, she pushed herself away from him before she noticed the curious stares of Sango, Miroku and Kaede. “Anou..”

“What are all of you looking at?” Inuyasha barked rudely as he moved protectively in front of the miko.

“Calm yourself Inuyasha.” Kaede said firmly. “You know we will not harm her, so there is no need for your barking.”

'What's gotten into you Inuyasha? You're acting so strange...' The young miko wondered as she laid a tentative hand on his arm. “Knock it off baka, they're our friends... remember?”


'Inuyasha is acting more possessive than usual...' Sango mused to herself. 'And what was Shippo's problem right before she took off? Something is going on and I wish I knew what it was...'She glanced sideways at Miroku and decided to ask him for his thoughts on the matter later.

* * *

Kagome waved to Kaede and the other villagers and stayed close to Sango as they walked, wishing she could talk to her friend about what had happened. 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire...'

Sango continually looked from the miko to the hanyou trying to figure out what the problem was and her mind kept going back to the only thing her demon slayer training knew to explain Inuyasha's strange behavior and Kagome's silence. Beside her the young miko suddenly went very still and looked to the east in concentration. “Kagome-chan, what is it? What's wrong?”

“I can sense a jewel shard!” She said. “It's very faint but it's coming from that direction.”

Without a word, Inuyasha tossed her onto his back and leaped off into the forest, headed east.

Behind them Sango and Miroku followed at a distance to speak amongst themselves. “Miroku have you noticed how strangely they have both been acting since the other night?”

“Hai.” The monk answered. “Inuyasha is growling at any perceived threat to Kagome-sama and she is being uncharacteristically quiet of late. What do you think it could be Sango?”

Reluctantly the exterminator answered. “If I go by my demon slayer training on inu yokai behavior I would have to say that he has claimed her as his mate. When a male claims a mate, he becomes unreasonably protective and possessive usually until after a litter is born. But Inuyasha couldn't have done that! Kagome is a good girl, she wouldn't agree to something like that. Her mind is like ours, human, and humans don't claim mates.”

With a nod, the monk added. “As humans males woo the woman they desire. And if they succeed, when they ask for the woman's hand she consents. How does such work for demons?”

Sango blushed and said tightly. “They decide who they want and they pursue them. If they can take them then they get to mate them, if not the female usually runs away or kills the potential suitor. Much like their animal counterparts.”

Miroku glanced down at the kitsune suspiciously for his silence and demanded. “Shippo... the other night you reacted to something you smelled on Kagome...”

The kitsune looked around innocently and said. “I don't know what you're talking about...”

The monk's suspicions reflect her own, and her concern for Kagome grew. Sango demanded harshly. “Shippo, if you don't tell us what we need to know then Kagome-chan could end up getting seriously hurt!” Silently, she added to herself. 'If she hasn't been already...'

The kit scoffed at that. “Inuyasha would never hurt Kagome! Trust me when I say you're probably best off leaving it alone...” When remembered his impromptu conversation with Inuyasha the previous night Shippo shuddered. 'Why do they have to bring me into this? I'm just a kid...'

They caught up with the pair in question just as a blast of energy slammed into Inuyasha and flung Kagome from his back, Kirara swooped down and Miroku grabbed her hand, he pulled the dazed miko in front of him. “Are you alright Kagome-sama?”

“I think so,” She answered shakily. “Thanks Miroku.”

Getting to his feet, Inuyasha looked around frantically before he spotted Kagome sitting before Miroku. Both relieved that she was safe and annoyed at the monks proximity to her, he turned and snarled at the panther demon before him. “You're just lucky you didn't hurt Kagome you bastard!” Launching himself at the yokai, he drew the Tetsusaiga and swung it at him.

The panther demon dodged the attack with blinding speed and hurled another blast of his demonic energy at Inuyasha. “You will be foolish enough to challenge me over some worthless human bitch? I must say, you half breeds do seem to have no common sense.” He drew a sword of his own and moved in a blur towards the hanyou and thrust the sword through his arm. “After I kill you I will take the women. And trust me when I say they will be put to good use before I devour them!”

* * *

A/N: Let it be said that I in no way condone what Inu did in the previous chapter, however, in this story his actions can be understood in the context of the characters. As for Kagome and her dream sequence, she was made to realize that even though Inu did not ask for her consent (nor did he listen to her protests, which is not a good or moral action in real life) that her own feelings regarding him before the incident (as well as how she still feels about him after) wont allow her to tell herself that he actually raped her. Thier friends are concerned about the changes in both that they can see starting, and they tend to be maybe a bit more nosy than Kag would like while she's trying to work out for herself how to feel about what has happened to her. Please R&R. ^.^